moveme4nt · 5 months
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
jeno came back for new years. my heart broke a little when i saw how excited he was to see me when i walked out of my common room this morning but i kept a neutral face and tried to walk past him. he grabbed my arm though.
“hey are you ok? you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls what’s going on?” i sigh as i slowly remove his hand from my arm and look up at him.
“do you actually like me? or is this all part of some plan evalynn put you up to? cuz if so ill double whatever shes giving you to leave me the hell alone!” i cross my arms over my chest as confusion washes over his face.
“wha- no! what are you even on about of course i like you?” still not buying it.
“oh please evalynn already told me she only set us up so she can get to jaemin drop the act!” he looks at me like ive just killed his family dog.
“WHAT ACT??? i’m genuinely so confused as to what the fuck you’re talking about right now! ive had a crush on you since first year! i know hes not exactly on your good side but you can even ask mark!”
i stare deep into his eyes. looking for something, ANYTHING, that would give away his lie. but i find nothing.
“you’re not lying to me?”
“i would never. i promise”
“and you actually do like me?”
“more than you can imagine.” he chuckles and i smile right back at him.
“okay good because i actually did REALLY miss you!” i giggled and threw my arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around my waist to lift me and spin us around. when he stops he sets me down and rests his forehead against mine.
“so,,, did you like my gift?” i gasp.
“well no,,, but only because i was upset! just give me a second to go get it and i can open it with you!” i quickly solved the riddle and nearly tripped going up the stairs to my room as quickly as possible. when i got back to jeno i was completely out of breath.
“ok,,, i,,,,, i got it!” he laughed at me and grabbed my hand.
“cool! lets go to the main quad to open it.” and he yanked us in the right direction, happy as can be
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8 notes · View notes
moveme4nt · 11 months
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i think abt this part toooo much
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moveme4nt · 1 year
damn ao’nung is serious fa yawl,,,, i get it
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5 notes · View notes
moveme4nt · 1 year
dayum this doin numbas but ennyways i wanted to add to it:
reader realizes they’re treating him the same way nete did them one day while nungie is around n yknow just wanting to be in their presence and reader starts tearing up n ao’nung panics cuz he thinks it’s his fault but reader assures him that they were just reminded of their lost lover and hugs are shared yada yada awwwweeee
naur because what abt human reader who nete was indifferent to in the beginning before they got together and then after the war when hes gone ao’nung is a bit “friendlier” and reader is indifferent to him at first before noticing the similarity like,,,, you start gettin scared
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67 notes · View notes
moveme4nt · 1 year
naur because what abt human reader who nete was indifferent to in the beginning before they got together and then after the war when hes gone ao’nung is a bit “friendlier” and reader is indifferent to him at first before noticing the similarity like,,,, you start gettin scared
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67 notes · View notes
moveme4nt · 1 year
aight see yall laytuh
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0 notes
moveme4nt · 1 year
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i remember it like it was yesterday
(none of the characters belong to me except lars!)
LARAMIE DU LAC [daniella perkins]
bree’s cousin
part pixie
“y creawdwr”
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BREE MATTHEWS [reile downs]
lars’ cousin
hidden scion of arthur
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NICK DAVIS [owen joyner]
bree’s bf
assumed scion of arthur
hidden scion of lancelot
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SELWYN KANE [tenzing trainor]
nick’s kingsmage
lars’ ex
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0 notes
moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
2 months later
things have been going so well with jeno and i! he takes me on cute dates and i go to his games and practices as much as i can, even as far as wearing one of his gryffindor sweaters he gave me for games where they don’t play against ravenclaw.
evalynn has gotten a little distant though which is weird. she says shes just behind on studying and it’s stressing her out but even haechan and renjun have noticed a shift. i always see her at the quidditch practices but shes all the way on the opposite side of where we usually sit and wont even acknowledge when i wave to her.
we still hang out sometimes and both of us pretend there’s nothing going on but somethings clearly different.
today we’re in our shared room, classes just ended for the holidays and we’re just chatting and “modeling” each others clothes, giggling our heads off at how ridiculous we look. everyone else has gone home to their families but ev and i promised that this year we’d spend christmas together at hogwarts.
i pull a nice summer-y dress from her clothes and hold it up to my shoulders, checking myself out in the mirror.
“soooo, how’re things with jeno?” she smiles through the mirror. i blush and look down.
“good,,, great actually. hes so sweet, and thoughtful. he’s constantly buying me flowers or other small things, always telling me im the prettiest thing to walk the earth.” i roll my eyes and she chuckles.
“sounds like i was right all along you guys are PERFECT for each other.” i laugh and throw the dress at her.
“mhm suuuure.” we haven’t genuinely had fun together like this in a while. it feels nice.
“ugh im so glad classes are over for a while! i swear if i had to even look at a pencil for another second i was gonna scream my head off.” she dramatically falls back onto her bed. i sigh.
“i knoooow! divination was so exhausting the last couple of days, thank god trelawny decided to pair us all up for the rest of the semester.” she shoots up.
“oh yeah! i heard you were paired with jaemin ouuuuuu.” she wiggles her brows, but there’s something slightly off abt her voice. i ignore it.
“no ouuuuu ya weirdo i dont even like him anymore i have jeno remember? he is very nice though but i guess thats just the standard hufflepuff idk.” she goes silent for a moment as i return to rummaging her closet.
“hm maybe you could put in a good word for me then? get me a quidditch boyfriend too.” i freeze as i watch her lay back down from the mirror, arms behind her head and a smug look on her face. is that,,,,
“is that why you’ve been so weird lately?” i stare at her through the mirror and watch as her eyes shoot open. “have you wanted jaemin this whole time? is that why you threw jeno at me?” she sits up and looks at me, trying to hide her nervousness. i turn to look directly at her, no more mirror.
“what no- lena i-“ her eyes never stop shifting. im angered, my body rising in heat by the second.
“what if jeno didn’t stick? what if he never came up to me at all? did you pay him or something? yall have some sort of deal? did he actually ever like me to begin with?” im breathing so heavily right now. “what if i decided to pursue jaemin? would you have still been my friend?” her eyes shift to the window. wow.
“the rest of that stuff no! he genuinely did like you from the start, you can even ask chenle and jisung for yourself. but yes, i did- do like jaemin and thought using what i knew about jeno liking you would make it easier if,,,,” i take a deep inhale and close my eyes to try and calm myself.
“if i were distracted.” i open my eyes again and she nods before looking down at her hands.
“im sorry lena i know it was a shitty move but-“
“A SHITTY MOVE??? YOU BASICALLY STOPPED TALKING TO ME- now that i think about it,,, you did start being nice again around the time jaemin and i got paired,,, you’re despicable, like honestly.” i move to my side of the room and grab my phone. she stands up, watching me walk to the door.
“mags wait thats not-“ i pause, my hand on the door knob.
“its the fact that i can’t even believe a word you say now. how do i know whats true and what isn’t?” she tries to get closer but i glare at her and she stops.
“like i said you can ask chenle and jisung theyre the ones who tol-“ i scoff.
“the two boys who are your friends? how am i supposed to know they aren’t in on it too? do you think im that gullible?” she stays silent. “wow, just,,,, wow” and i walk out to go clear my head in the common room.
we don’t speak to each other the rest of break.
i ignore the thousands of texts from jeno.
i don’t even look at the present he left me.
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six /
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moveme4nt · 1 year
its been a while damn
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moveme4nt · 1 year
its been a while damn
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
jeno and i went through the rest of the day just fine. i must say i honestly had a great time, hes kind of fun to be around. its a shame he has to be associated with that vile house. sigh. we’re currently sitting outside the shrieking shack, laughing at some joke he told when he says something and i almost think he’s reading my mind.
“we’re not all that bad you know.” i tilt my head, absolutely confused by the change of subject. “gryffindor, i mean.”
“hmmm i wouldn’t exactly change my stance on the matter but i also cannot lie and say i didn’t enjoy today,, with you.” i blush and kick a rock on the ground. “and im not completely opposed to being proved wrong, i like a bit of challenge.” he smiles.
“im glad i could make this date enjoyable! and if that’s so then maybe,,,, we could go on another one? only if you’d like! yknow so i can keep proving you wrong and all that.” he finishes with a smirk. i roll my eyes but smile at the idea of another date.
“well when ya put it that way,” i chuckle. “ id love to.”
it was getting kind of late so he walked me back to hogwarts and to my common room where we stopped and looked at each other awkwardly.
“so.” he then clears his throat.
“i heard you like quidditch! would you uhm,,, would you like to come and watch my teams practice tomorrow?” he blushes and scratches the back of his neck.
“oh absolutely that would be so cool!” i say with maybe a little too much excitement but who cares.
“great! uhm ill see you tomorrow after classes then!” he goes to hug me but decides against it before turning and rushing off down the hall. i giggle at his disappearing figure.
“what a dork.” i smile softly before solving the riddle and entering my house common room.
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cinq / sept
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moveme4nt · 1 year
awight thats all for today yerrrrr
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
“HAECHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” i rush over and pull him off of mark.
“teaching him not to call my girl a bitch! and what are you even doing here?” he struggles to get out of my grasp. i use all my strength to pull him down to sit on the ground.
“dude stop!” i turn to look at mark, with a bloody nose and jeno in front of him defensively in case haechan tries going for him again. he looks at me confused.
“am i missing something?” i look at him puzzled for a second before realizing what he meant.
“oh he just says that sometimes! we’re just-“
“yeah you got a lot more competition than you think lee!” i turn to glare at him.
“will you shut up!! no jeno you don’t he’s just-“
“oh he doesn’t? please you despise gryffindors!and what about-“
“LEE DONGHYUCK THATS ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!” it gets quiet and a sudden hot wind blows by. he immediately cowers.
“sorry lena i- sorry.” he apologizes and i give evalynn a look telling her to take him elsewhere. to which her and renjun help him off the ground and walk off. i turn back to mark and jeno to see some other quidditch boys came to help. jeno walks up to me.
“are we still on for that date or did you want to go see what’s up with your friend?” he questions with an adorable concerned look on his face.
“oh no he’ll be fine he just needs time to cool off uhm,,, is mark ok?” i look over jenos shoulder to see the other players cleaning the blood from his nose.
“yeah the guys got him hes cool.” he sighs. “that haechan guy was right though he kinda did deserve it for how he spoke to you yesterday.” i scoff.
“yeah that,,, oh well lets get this show on the road i guess.” he immediately smiles.
“ok shall we start with honeydukes then?”
“ugh please i am in desperate need of a chocolate frog right now.” i groan and he laughs.
“alright then you first m’lady!” he opens the door dramatically.
“why thank you kind sir!” i curtsy and walk in to the smell of fresh sweets. we both bust out laughing.
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quatre / six
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
“lena wait!” i ignore him and continue walking to my common room.
“magdalena please!” he catches up and grabs my arm but i don’t look at him.
“im sorry i didn’t mean for that to happen mark was completely out of line!” he says out of breath.
“oh ya think so? ive never spoken a word to the guy but he thinks he has a right to call me a bitch? because i said no to your little date? please.” i yank my arm from his grasp and try to continue my walk. but he grabs me again.
“let me make it up to you! please.” i slowly pull my arm from him again and turn to face him. stopping directly in front of him and looking up into his eyes.
“and, before i say no, how do you suppose you’d do that exactly?” he looks at me surprised.
“uhm- i- we could go to hogsmeade and i could,,,,, i could buy you a butterbeer down at the three broomsticks! maybe some candy at honeydukes? oh we could go see the shr-“ i put a hand up to stop him and sigh.
“ok fine! ill go with you to hogsmeade. but up that butterbeer to two and we’re even.” i roll my eyes and go back in the direction of the ravenclaw common room.
hogsmeade day
im walking through hogsmeade making my way to honeydukes to meet jeno like he asked me to earlier this morning. looking at all the buildings and scenery that never really changed, remembering how much fun me and the others had the first time we were allowed to come here. smiling in nostalgic comfort. then as i got closer i heard a commotion coming from that direction.
oh. my. god.
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trois / cinq
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
hogsmeade weekend is tomorrow and everyone has been talking about it allllll day. i personally am not a fan. nothing new or different really happens so ive stopped going and the others just bring me back some candy or souvenirs they say “remind them of me” which is very sweet. and they tell me all that they did while there.
“you suuuurrre you dont wanna come this time lenny?” haechan begs like he does almost every weekend.
“as sure as i was the last 3 times i didn’t go channie.” i say as i turn a page in my book on faeries and their now lost villages. “you guys have fun though!” i smile at my 3 best friends
“but it’ll be more fun if you’re there!” he pouts.
“sure it will but im sorry buddy im just not interested in going.” i chuckle.
“awe so sad just like every other weekend! ok come one haechan we gotta get to the library, didn’t you say you needed help with the divination homework?” renjun grabs him by the back of his robe and drags him out. me and evalynn bust out laughing.
“have fun with that!” we yell after them.
“ok but seriously you haven’t been in a while why don’t you just come this once?” evalynn asks.
“i know but nothing’s really changed so there’s nothing to be excited about. ive done it once or twice, had a great time, and that was enough for me.” i smile softly. but that immediately changes when i see her eyes widen at something behind me.
“and here i was thinking i had a perfect shot.” i heard a chuckle. i whip my head around and look up to see jeno and his cousin mark right behind him. my face drops.
“shot at what exactly?” i ask with a stone face, brow raised. he continues looking at me with a smile so friendly it could break the toughest of slytherin.
“asking if you would like to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow.” evalynn shoves me and i send a glare her way.
“like on a date?” she blurts. and i push her.
“only if they’re up for it.” he answers her.
“well im sorry but i don’t find interest in going to hogsmeade anymore and even if i did i would still have to decline as i prefer having fun with my friends.” i turn back to my book.
“well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine!” mark laughs. throwing his arm over jenos shoulders.
“mark do-“
“oh perhaps ive struck a nerve?” not losing focus or looking at him for a even a second.
“not really but now i can stop wondering why ive never seen you with anybody. you’re a completely unlikable bitch!” i freeze. he scoffs as jeno throws his arm off.
“dude what the hell!” he shoves him. i close my book and turn to eva.
“but im supposed to like them right?” i stand and walk out of the quad.
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deux / quatre
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
im in the great hall finishing up some potions homework when suddenly a book is slammed down next to me and i jump.
“good morning beautiful!” haechan plops down in the seat on my right. renjun quietly following suit on my left. “miss me?” he puts his head on my shoulder and smiles brightly.
“over the nice peace and quiet i had seconds ago? not a chance darling.” i chuckle and push him off. “i did miss you though renjun how have you been? i feel like we haven’t spoken in ages!” haechan groans and lays his head on the table.
“yeahhhhh. ive just been in and out of the library, trying to get a little bit ahead yknow?” i hum in agreement.
“bro you’re so ahead at this point you’ve made it to graduation!” renjun sighs as his tired smile fades.
“yeah well its better than falling behind. which you are doing oh so miserably.” he then faces forward and opens a book. haechan scoffs.
“am not! by the way d’ya think you could tutor me in potions please mags??” he puts on his best puppy dog face but im not phased in the slightest and push his face away.
“lee donghyuck! you’re seriously failing potions?” i look at him fake shocked before returning to my near finished paper. he rolls his eyes at that.
“first of all ew don’t call me that, and second not yet! but im getting close to it and you know my parents will have my head mounted over our fireplace if i do so pleeeaaaassee lenakins?” he whines.
“ugh fine. every monday at lunchtime sound good?” i suggest as i finally finish my work. his face lights up.
“perfect! and i’ll buy you your favorite snacks as compensation.” i smile back at him.
“awe you don’t have to! but it will be much appreciated.” i say as i pack my stuff back into my bag.
“OH MARY MAGDALENNNNNE!” evalynn comes skipping into the hall, a smile plastered on her face. all 3 of us groan.
“i told you to stop calling me that ev.” i sigh as she takes a seat beside haechan.
“oh who cares i just heard the best thing ever!” i raise a brow at her.
“and that would be?” she looks around before leaning in close.
“a fourth year girl confessed to jeno.” her smile grows bigger. me and haechan look at each other confused.
“and?” we both question.
“aaaand, he rejected her because he, and i quote, “has his eye on someone else” ah!!” she kicks her feet. i roll my eyes and groan.
“oh god ev not this again!” she squeals. renjun and haechan look at us confused.
“not what again? what’s happening?” renjun asks.
“oh come on mags! he’s already said he likes you! AND he just rejected an upper classmen for you!” pure disgust washes over my face.
“ok where did you even get that information?” i question, very annoyed.
“chenle and jisung.” she shrugs and i groan louder.
“oh please why would i believe anything some first years i don’t know say?” she immediately gets offended.
“again, SECOND YEARS, and because they’re close friends with jeno so i think they’re very trustworthy!” i scoff.
“they’re literally slytherins ev-“
“woah woah woah! since when do you like jeno i thought you hated gryffindors? what happened to jaemin?” haechan interrupts.
“nothing happened to him, i still hate them, and i don’t. like. jeno. end of conversation!” evalynn opens her mouth to speak. i point a finger at her. “i mean it!” i stand and grab my things, leaving the great hall.
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un / trois
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moveme4nt · 1 year
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falling in love with the quidditch player from the house you despise oh so much
˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧ ♡˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧♡ ˚✧
“for someone who loves quidditch so much you’d think you’d be dating one of the players by now” my best friend evalynn rolls her eyes as i focus on the practice session happening in front of us.
“oh get real its our only source of fun here- and why are you sooooo hellbent on me dating someone?” i raise an eyebrow.
“because that’ll be even more fun!!!” she throws her arms around. “flirting, going on dates,holding hands!” at this, i groan.
“don’t make me gag.” i return my focus to the pitch. evalynn sighs.
“oh c’mon you’ve had a crush on that hufflepuff dude since first year! don’t you think it’d be nice to go on a date with him and see how things go?” i blush and look around the almost empty stadium to see if anybody was listening.
“shhhhhh! leave jaemin out of this! and besides, i don’t have a “crush” on him i just think hes cute!” i huff. she giggles before continuing to tease me.
“uh huh and slytherins are nice.” she rolls her eyes with a smirk. i burst into laughter.
“heeeey don’t be mean ur friends with those first years!”
“second years!! and chenle and jisung don’t count!” we continue to laugh until we can’t take anymore and are out of breath.
“ok then how aboutttttttt, hmmmm, jeno!” my face immediately contorts in disgust.
“the gryffindor? ugh what has gotten into you?” i fake gag.
“i still don’t understand what you have against them!”
“oh please they’re just slytherins if they were less evil and more annoying.” i roll my eyes. “same level of arrogance though.”
“not jeno!! he’s super sweet, on the quidditch team, and from what i’ve heard he’s absolutely into youuuuu!” she wiggles her eyebrows.
“ugh id rather curse myself into oblivion.” i roll my eyes and grab my things, getting ready to leave the pitch as im not really paying attention to the practice sesh anymore.
“ohhhh what a stubborn bestie i have!” evalynn dramatically exclaims as we head back into the the castle.
“oh whatever!” i shove her and she chuckles.
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personnages /deux
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