mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
if being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
If I could add - referring to any AFAB person who disagrees with them as “brainwashed”, because god forbid AFAB people be complete people with autonomy and the capability to think for themselves, cause then you might have to consider that your beliefs might not automatically be right. This comes into the obvious TERF shit with the whole “trans men are just brainwashed into thinking they can escape womanhood” concept, but it’s important to recognise it as shitty when it isn’t explicitly transphobic as well. 
there’s this bizarre and specific way radfems manage to talk about even stuff that really is genuine sexist bullshit that still sends up red flags. it’s hard to directly pinpoint but a lot of it seems to center around
a super-severe tone that’s heavy on very formal-sounding adjectives for emphasis (”utterly failed” instead of just failed, for example)
referring to women as women but men as “males” (hint: given how many radfems are specifically terfs, this is a dogwhistle for their considering trans women “males” too)
really bizarre leaps to the worst possible conclusions rather than addressing smaller microaggressions (like jumping from “isn’t it shitty that body types go in and out of fashion and literally nobody can keep up with that?” to “WHY ARE WOMEN SUPPOSED TO JUST MUTILATE OURSELVES EVERY FIVE YEARS WITH PLASTIC SURGERY????”)
framing fucking everything about standard feminine presentation as hindering, expensive and borderline bodily harm/mutilation (all the way up to things like flat sandals, loose dresses and long hair) rather than just unfair things to expect everybody to want 
generally framing womanhood as a miserable horror of an existence with no upsides except being smug about not being a man (distinct from “I hate being treated like this just because I’m a woman” type stuff)
they’re not the only ones who ever use these methods (though I think there’s a kind of trickle-down dissemination of it originating there) but if I see a post that includes basically any of these I end up checking the writer’s blog and I think I’ve only ever been wrong like once or twice out of probably dozens of times.
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
LIghthouse keepers will never be memorialized like soldiers or cops because they didn’t kill anyone (as part of their job) but they’re like, heroes who saved untold lives through discipline and self-sacrifice doing an impossible lonely job and I’m worked up about  it 
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
Genuinely I enjoy criticisms of America as a nation for Obvious Reasons of Color but so many of y’all are just like “I hate Americans because they [something only white people do] [something only white people do] [something we’re forced to deal with due to our government] [something that even white Americans will mock you for doing] [something only rich people can afford to do] [movie trope] [something you would only bring up if you’re fatphobic] [something that Canada also does but hides behind the “we’re just super nice teehee” stereotype] [something that your country does but you recognize is not inherently the fault of all citizens] [literally just capitalism] [something you’ll only see in like, Maine] [something Americans complain about constantly] [movie trope] [something only white people do]”
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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why the fuck would you get a tattoo of that in the first place god i love white people
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
copied from my twitter but there’s something really bitterly funny about spn literally killing and damning its canonically queer character within the same scene but it’s considered to be really funny because of how futile it would be to dispute it now, whereas rq is picked apart for every little thing, including the things they get right
i don’t think it’s hypocrisy, i think it’s a matter of people having little to no expectations for mainstream media like spn (and spn itself decaying into a joke over the years) so they exercise more leniency whereas conscientious companies like rq are expected to “do better”, which ironically creates this vicious circle on both sides where the mainstream companies get away with it bc fandoms scrutinize them with the media equivalent of “boys will be boys!”, but smaller companies are slandered or just discouraged from creating further content
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
Celebrating the end of 2020 by remembering that ae/aer pronouns were published in a book for the first (known) time exactly 100 years ago in 1920.
Love to everyone who uses ae/aer, and all other neopronouns. Remember we have always existed, and we cannot be erased entirely.
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
no other social media platform has lore quite like tumblr’s
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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idk maybe this is not that funny but i laughed for 10 minutes
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
Okay I’m making another post.
I’m a homeless, black biracial, nb bisexual diabetic.
I just lost my job. Please help me eat and pay bills until I get another one.
venmo is @wowtings
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
i think social media spectacle brain leads to people playing down the transphobia of jk rowling because it reduces her to just somebody who is transphobic on twitter (large amounts of people are this unfortunately) and a fantasy author whose books are full of reactionary garbage and prejudice (the fantasy genre is full of authors like this, unfortunately) while ignoring the fact that she’s a billionaire celebrity using her enormous amounts of social and financial capital to actively campaign for restrictions on the human rights of trans people in a country that’s currently undergoing a massive anti-trans moral panic and which has recently seen serious rollbacks in the right of trans people to transition. she’s more than just a problematic fantasy author who is a bigoted asshole, she’s actually putting her money where her mouth is to ensure that her bigotries become actual public policy.
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
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an awful alignment triangle for y’all
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mothmanliveshere · 3 years
my favorite thing in the world is how every single human culture, together or independently, created its own version of Pancake. everyone took one look at frying pans and were like “holy shit i have the BEST idea”
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