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honestly, i think this is the first selection without syllabus doodles - though i might be delusional (probably am)
heart is an elephant :). star is a devious little man. captions [no]. circle is a partial face. square is a collection of doodles, some mouths an eyes, a whole face. triangle is a prerequisite to moriss, this lady has a full version in one of my old sketchbooks.
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most of these are from the syllabus, if you'll believe it.
heart, star, triangle, and square are from the syllubas lol. captions [hearts: NOT TODAY. star: assigned seats. triangle: i would but why would i? square: fill it all!] everything but square is reactions to first day of class things, square is my reaction to my syllabus doodles lol. circle is once again, just an eye, but its a cool one ig.
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i've run out if witty banter to start these things, other than lore for the syllabus doodles, my pen was running out of ink, hence the 'new pen' doodle and this ghost one.
heart and square are from the syllabus doodles! captions [heart: u see nothing, i'm a ghost. square: why, oh god, no]. star is a stick figure? captions [one long boi]. circle is a face, lady holding her face, i think it's supposed to be mad or intimidating i think? triangle is a... dinosaur? maybe? idk, there is also a half-assed face.
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these ones were so tiny :) itty bitty - idk why i ended up pairing so many smalls with smalls and bigs with bigs.
heart and circle are eyes (shocking). star is another caricature self-portrait thing. triangle and square are syllabus doodles! captions [triangle: maybe today i won't be murderous. i'm a bad bitch, you cant kill me! square: whrow]
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i actually remember most of these drawings lmao, guess which mental illnesses i have uvu.
heart is a portrait of a nonhuman?? not exactly sure tbh. star is, you guessed it, moriss!! circle is actually a syllabus drawing - i don't know what it means. captions [anon but straighter]. triangle is a depressive episode doodle? but lowkey - shit slaps, id wear that on a hoodie now. captions [suck it up]. square is a dragon creature!! i want her!! i want one so bad, look at the little guy!!!
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another interesting selection.
heart is something, thats for sure, its a little guy and i think red riding hood of sorts????? star is baby moriss!!!!! circle and triangle are from the syllabus! captions: [circle: i didn't sign up for dis. triangle: he said to hit the books. not the phone, u bitch. fite me. oml. no control]. square is angery moriss.
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nomofalls yippees that i have made and are which now emotes in the server! this is simon (blue) and psymon (purple) from Roblox game silly simon says
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apparently, i am only good for yippees, anyway,, here is my pfp as a yippee. i'm currently working on opening commissions, this will be one of the things i offer (a ych)
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live renditions of me finding the crayon brush and experimenting. they all have the exact same vibe and it was my exact expression on finding the brush.
if you stalk me you may notice i have sort of stopped posting -> i ran out of things in th queue and have been too busy to add more lmao
next step is posting stuff from years past, like baby mes art (because i am a hoarder.) i think i mentioned it, but i have sketchbooks dating back to 2014. i have all the pictures taken, i just need to triangulate where they fall in the timeline and lil blurbs methinks. i'm also a college student so these things take a while.
fandom stuff under the cut
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yes, this is batman, yes i have been secretly brain rotting over batman (technically dcxdp but shhhh,, let me lurk)
maybe i'll make more, idk, i've also been thinking about writing stuff for fandom but my brain is very aloof and i'm kinda intimidated to fuck up (even though cringe is fake.)
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oh yeah, so like,, i have a whole thing about how i'm gonna finish all my current projects before starting new ones? yeah, i suck at doing that lmao. at least this one is finished?
new art style just dropped again,, i found my crayon brush and now i draw like water (art just escapes my hands)
piece info
program: ibis paint x
date: april 6, 2024
time: an hour and 34 minutes
what: my friend macky's Roblox avatar :) there was someone in the nomofalls discord server asking for avatars and macky sent hers and i haven't seen her new one and i liked it a lot :))
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i like these ones, when i was 'planning' which doodles to post when i literally just put them in a pile and closed my eyes and picked random ones lol.
heart is actually the guide to read all the syllabus doodles, they were all smushed together which is why they are cut so close so i made myself a little guide. captions [write on the right! or above, or below. never to the left!] star is a happy face :) circle is the unnamed oc, she dummy thicc, i was lowkey obsessed when i first made her. triangle was an attempt at one of those comic renditions of the author,, ya know like how manga artists draw themselves like that?? square is drawn in the style of the syllabus drawings but is not actually one of them! captions [no tank].
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gonna be honest - i think some of these are fuckin ugly as hell. not gonna trash them though (i'm pretty sure there were doodles that i actually did trash :( )
i'm not to sure what heart is? i think it might be inspired by splatoon, but I've literally never interacted with the IP so i don't know how that would take root to begin with? star is sad moriss :). circle is an eye,,, in color pencil. triangle is also an eye, it might be the eye to my naga oc but it's missing the under-eye markings so i'm not sure. square is from the syllabus doodles, captioned [today is a new day]!!
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at this point, she really needs a name,, this is the first time i've drawn her in over 2 years. i really just want to draw stuff, not commit to 'big' pieces, so bare witness to my sketchess.
piece info
program: ibis paint x
date: 4/3/24
time: 57 minutes
what: a quick colored sketch of an old character of mine
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the wip has been complete! sort of! i actually just ran out of time to finish it and highkey gave up. compared to what i had planned, about 50% of it is missing lmao
i have chronic "what's a watermark" syndrome partially based in insecurity and partially from adhd. this has led me to attempt to make watermarks with (what i hope is) some sentence of a brand (with tie ins with my pfp). they are shitty, and they suck, but at least they are there 😭
piece info
program: ibis paint x
date: 3/25/24
time: ibis is a bitch ass liar, but it says 16 hours 😭
what: fairy or spring sprite/spirit
close ups under cut ♥️
holy compression batman
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i never said they would be good close ups 😔
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this is from the same sketchbook as this post, which is not unique because they sketchbook was dedicated to her anyways lmao. this was a vague comic-ish telling of her, of which i never finished 😔
in practice, these would usually be tagged as abandoned but these drawings are ones that i actually am comfortable enough to label as finished.
as a little treat, the unlined version of the second image (because i don't like the line one lmao (it's what i get for not owning a fine liner))
page 1 [there once was a time]
page 2 [when my reach touched even the stars]
page 3 [and every man feared my wrath, as it rivaled the GODS]
page 4 [i was one. at least in their eyes]
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i did not make these at the same time, the second one was made in attempts to reconcile a similar style to the first one. obviously, i wasn't very happy with the outcome of that because i ended up finishing neither - which sucks because i really liked these.
abandoned for time and because i don't know the physical location of this sketchbook lmao
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the file name for this one was litterally 'timepasser' i never had any intentions of doing anything with it - let alone finish it. one could argue that this is actually finished, but like,,, naaaah
abandoned on principle, it was a good experience and a precursor to my current art style though
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