morningstarsprincess · 4 months
It made Charlie blush out of embarrassment but her warriness held, "Oh! Uriel is a familiar name! You're still talking about it up there?" If anything it surprised her. "Then, I mean if you'd like to see it, feel free to come in, I'll answer any questions you have!" She saw it as an opertunity to recieve help from the source if anything but she didn't have high hopes at this point. After Adam and the others she could only hope he was like Emily. "Come in." She moved over, looking up the grand staircase to see Vaggie watching from the shadows as always. "As the princess I see it as my duty to search out the best for my people. Wouldn't you?"
[For Charlie , From @the-constellation-trio]
Charlie never expected to see an angel appear in hell so soon, especially right after the failed extermination day.
But lo and behold, after opening the doors to a bunch of very isinstent knocks, there stood an angel. An angel with long blonde hair, green eyes, and wearing a black dress. She looked more like a "normal" angel, like the ones she saw in heaven, rather than exorcists like lute.
' ' Ah, hello there! Are you Charlie Morningstar? ' '
The Angel asks, excitedly.
It had interrupted a slow day so it brought Charlie great joy to open the door only to be abruptly put on edge. Of course this didn't look like someone who might murder her, no it was more someone who might follow Emily or the Seraph. Pink neon lights lit up their blonde hair, emerald eyes alight both with angelic hospitality and the sins of hell. She dug her nails into the side of the door facing away from the angel, keeping her smile up the best she could. Though the rest of the residence would inevitably betray her facade. "Oh!" Was all she could manage at first, "Yes that would be me! And you are?" She inquired just as bright as she would anyone else. Why would an angel be in hell, AGAIN?
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
[For Charlie , From @the-constellation-trio]
Charlie never expected to see an angel appear in hell so soon, especially right after the failed extermination day.
But lo and behold, after opening the doors to a bunch of very isinstent knocks, there stood an angel. An angel with long blonde hair, green eyes, and wearing a black dress. She looked more like a "normal" angel, like the ones she saw in heaven, rather than exorcists like lute.
' ' Ah, hello there! Are you Charlie Morningstar? ' '
The Angel asks, excitedly.
It had interrupted a slow day so it brought Charlie great joy to open the door only to be abruptly put on edge. Of course this didn't look like someone who might murder her, no it was more someone who might follow Emily or the Seraph. Pink neon lights lit up their blonde hair, emerald eyes alight both with angelic hospitality and the sins of hell. She dug her nails into the side of the door facing away from the angel, keeping her smile up the best she could. Though the rest of the residence would inevitably betray her facade. "Oh!" Was all she could manage at first, "Yes that would be me! And you are?" She inquired just as bright as she would anyone else. Why would an angel be in hell, AGAIN?
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
"It's..." Did she really want to explain this to him? Well it wasn't like she wanted to lie to him, she just wanted him to know she could handle herself. "Adam, he showed up at the Hotel." She practically made the words become one as if she was telling some dirty little secret. "I know I'm not supposed to have personal feelings mix but he... wants to be redeemed or try?" She elaborated.
🍎FISH! (Aquarium bonding time)
-lucifer 🐍( @hells-ringleader )
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@hells-ringleader It’s not every day Charlie finds a day when she has time with her dad, but after the hotel renovations things have been going well, busy but getting better! This day was going to be special, she was sure of it, reminding herself of the time she didn’t get to spend with her father. Not being the little princess anymore made it even harder, having to survive on her own, talking to her father only every couple of months, she had no idea what he did in his free time. What was so much more important than her? She supposed this was the time for her to figure it out now.  Pulling her hair back into a ponytail she grabbed her camera that Alastor had procured for her and slung her bag over her shoulder. “Snacks, check, phone, check, notes, check, flash cards, check!” She listed off everything she needed and wanted to take, Angel slipping a few items in her bag as she passed by; Fish food, Fat Nuggets, which Vaggie promptly removed the pig from her bag. Swiftly turning to the angel Charlie placed her hands on her shoulders, “You’ve got this!” She reminded her, after the long conversation about how she would take control. 
“Do not worry dear girl, we'll be fine!” The shadow man spoke, patting her head and ushered her out the door. Good graces currently or not he was eager to see this place fall apart and Charlie leaving was the start. Being shoved out the door Keekee followed and jumped into the bag, looking up at the princess she got one final pet before disappearing into the bag. The door slammed and a sigh left her lips, texting her father one last time, ‘I’ll be there in just a second, love you.’ The fire portal opened up just beneath her feet and she fell through only to rise in front of the large aquarium. 
Not often did she feel the need to use her powers but to match her fathers pace she had to; And not often did she see aquariums, some photos from Earth sure, she really liked jellyfish, they were soft and fierce, she enjoyed them as well the one time she was in heaven. Standing out front she slowly made her way through the line, shrinking into herself, playing with her suspenders. Looking in through the large windows she could see the demonic sharks, the seven eyes looking her way, head butting the glass making her jump slightly. “TICKET PLEASE.” The man at the front of the line called and Charlie began searching her pockets. “Yes! Right!” She panicked, shit it was the one thing she forgot! Dad had to swoop in and save the day again, or she’d have to take it out of the snack budget… again. 
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
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"I'll rule, someday I'll come into my throne. For now, I will gladly spread my word and help those in need. Are you coming with me?"
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
My friend recently introduced me to the idea that Alastor could be the guard dog of Lilith who willingly fell alongside Lucifer. It would change his duties when Lilith went back up to heaven so now he guards Charlie on Lucifer's behalf. I'm fully aware the two don't get along but in the biblical sense Alastor also ends up getting the credit for everything bad AND GOOD that Lucifer ever did. Leaving Lucifer with nothing. With him so close to Charlie I can see it being a huge issue to him if he were to take Charlie along with every other good thing he ever did for heaven and hell. (Shush I ship it. I know he's aro/ace just like me, I enjoy the fantasy of it all!! I enjoy the ship!)
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no context just saps
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
It had been her dream to have him here with her, so to hear he'd stay was practically a miracle! Her smile went from ear to ear and she wiggled a little, happily as though she was wagging her tail. If it was out it sure would be! "Really dad?! You promise!?" Ever since he'd come back into her life she was afraid she'd lose him so this made her heart race. She really was going to get to learn who her dad was and she learn of him! Though it would bring a plethora of new challenges they already fought a great battle together and it would give her time to improve with a mentour. Not to overshadow Alastor but... he more wanted to watch this place fail, laugh at them, even if he did help her dad was brimming with support. "Is there... anything you want me to improve on first?" She inquired tentatively. "I know you said the railings needed work but," Turning she gestured up to the beautiful hotel he created, "You fixed it." Charlie's voice was filled with hope and adoration, he'd really put his magic into this, her dream, and she could see the hopeful future again. 'If only mom could see this' she thought.
@morningstarsprincess Father and daughter duo
He hadn't felt this alive and this hopeful in such a long time. All thanks to his beloved daughter and her unbroken spirit. She truly reminded him of his own naive self back during his time in heaven, but other than him, she actually did bring the change she was promising. As a father, he couldn't be prouder.
With new motivation, he helped Charlie to rebuild her Hotel after the big fight against Adam and his army of exorcists. With it, he had something special in mind.
“I will stay at the hotel.”, he announced in the new lobby to his daughter. “That way I will be easier to reach when you need me. I promise, I won't get in the way of your business. It's still you running this show. I am just here to support you.”, he made his point clear, but actually, he also just wanted to be a bit overly protective.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
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Valentines day might have passed but I'm hoping everyone had a great day, if you didn't I'll gladly host you at the hotel to have a friendsday! We can bake cookies and Husker can make drinks and we can have bonding time!
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
❛  i know we only just met but i already feel like i’ve known you my whole life.  ❜
Thank you I'm glad we can be friendly with each other!
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
It surprised her a second but she chuckled looking at him. She hadn't seen him in casual-ware in... had she ever seen him casual? Regardless she felt her cheeks warm, "Oh I..." pausing she reached aeround again trying to find the ticket she wished she could find it. "I lost my ticket, I thought I'd brought it but I could have dropped it in my room, I can't picture where it is, I'm sorry." Her voice was forlorne. Just another task for him to take care of. "I promise I'm not like this all the time!" Why she had to justify herself she didn't know but that had been a big part of who she was for almost seven years now.
🍎FISH! (Aquarium bonding time)
-lucifer 🐍( @hells-ringleader )
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@hells-ringleader It’s not every day Charlie finds a day when she has time with her dad, but after the hotel renovations things have been going well, busy but getting better! This day was going to be special, she was sure of it, reminding herself of the time she didn’t get to spend with her father. Not being the little princess anymore made it even harder, having to survive on her own, talking to her father only every couple of months, she had no idea what he did in his free time. What was so much more important than her? She supposed this was the time for her to figure it out now.  Pulling her hair back into a ponytail she grabbed her camera that Alastor had procured for her and slung her bag over her shoulder. “Snacks, check, phone, check, notes, check, flash cards, check!” She listed off everything she needed and wanted to take, Angel slipping a few items in her bag as she passed by; Fish food, Fat Nuggets, which Vaggie promptly removed the pig from her bag. Swiftly turning to the angel Charlie placed her hands on her shoulders, “You’ve got this!” She reminded her, after the long conversation about how she would take control. 
“Do not worry dear girl, we'll be fine!” The shadow man spoke, patting her head and ushered her out the door. Good graces currently or not he was eager to see this place fall apart and Charlie leaving was the start. Being shoved out the door Keekee followed and jumped into the bag, looking up at the princess she got one final pet before disappearing into the bag. The door slammed and a sigh left her lips, texting her father one last time, ‘I’ll be there in just a second, love you.’ The fire portal opened up just beneath her feet and she fell through only to rise in front of the large aquarium. 
Not often did she feel the need to use her powers but to match her fathers pace she had to; And not often did she see aquariums, some photos from Earth sure, she really liked jellyfish, they were soft and fierce, she enjoyed them as well the one time she was in heaven. Standing out front she slowly made her way through the line, shrinking into herself, playing with her suspenders. Looking in through the large windows she could see the demonic sharks, the seven eyes looking her way, head butting the glass making her jump slightly. “TICKET PLEASE.” The man at the front of the line called and Charlie began searching her pockets. “Yes! Right!” She panicked, shit it was the one thing she forgot! Dad had to swoop in and save the day again, or she’d have to take it out of the snack budget… again. 
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
It had been a long time since someone had said this place had promise, it made her heart leap with joy. Especially to hear it from someone linked to her past so intimately. "Th-thank you! I really can see these rooms filling out! I would love to have more therapy in here, more room for people to have fun! I don't want them to think I'm trying to crush everything, I want to give them more skills for redemption but..." her excitement paused, she had to find the words but she knew her dreams were lofty, "We'll get there someday!" Charlie changed the whole direction of the sentence instead.
"I think having you here performing will be grand! Even if you don't want your contracts gone I think you'll atract many sinners that would want a better afterlife!" She grinned going to hug the other tightly.
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The shadow overlord appeared from the shadows.
"AH princess Morningstar, a pleasure to see you again"
Evelyn had worked for both Lilith and Lucifer as their assistant. She also took care of Charlie when she was growing up when the two rulers of hell were busy.
Charlie grinned turning to her, once babysitter and now almost partner in crime. "Evelyn you can just call me Charlie! Please." She offered nudging her slightly. "What have you been up to? Are you still working with dad?" Ever since her mother had disappeared she'd been more concentrated on Evelyn since she showed her face more often.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
OOC: I will absolutely dive into this no matter how flustered Charlie might feel right now. Go ahead and ask, but who asks might change how truthful the answer is so bee careful!
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑼𝑨𝑳 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑪𝑨𝑵𝑶𝑵 𝑨𝑳𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑩𝑬𝑻.  (  send one or more to learn a little more about my muse and their sex life. note that these questions are only suggestions, you can go wild with the headcanon prompts.  )
[ aftercare ] ― what are they like after sex? any specific routine they have for themselves or their partner that they like to do? [ body part ] ― what is their favorite body part? what kind of body / parts would they like their partner to have ( e.g. big boobs, long cock, etc. )? [ cum ] ― what does it take to make them come? can they come multiple times in one sitting or do they need longer breaks? [ desires ] ― what turns them on? what do they like to have done to them most? what do they like to do to their partner most? [ experience ] ― how experienced are they? how many different partners did they have? [ first time ] ― what was their first time like? when did it happen? did they enjoy it? [ grooming ] ― do they shave? do they have a preference for their partners when it comes to body hair? [ horny ] ― how high is their sex drive? do they have a lot of sex or is it a more occasional thing? is sex, in general, important to them? [ intimacy ] ― how are they during sex? do they prefer a more intimate / romantic approach or a more casual one? [ joker ] ― tell one random headcanon that wouldn't fit anywhere else on the list. [ kinks ] ― what is their biggest kink? are there any kinks they haven't tried but want to? are there any kinks they have tried but learned are not for them? [ locations ] ― what are their favorite locations to have sex? are they a risk taker where people could walk in on them, or do they prefer to keep it private? [ masturbation ] ― do they masturbate? if so, how often? [ no go ] ― what wouldn't they do? what turns them off? [ oral ] ― do they prefer to give or receive oral? anything specific they enjoy / don't enjoy when it comes to oral? [ positions ] ― what are their favorite sex positions? is there something they typically default to? a special position they've always wanted to try? [ quickies ] ― do they have one-night stands? if so, how often? [ rounds ] ― how many rounds can they go before having to take a break? how good is their stamina? [ secrets ] ― do they have any dirty secrets? if so, what are they? [ toys ] ― do they on toys? do they use toys on themselves or like to use them on their partners? [ underwear ] ― what type of underwear do they typically wear? do they own lingerie? is there something specific they like their partner to wear? [ volume ] ― how loud do they get during sex? do they prefer a partner that's louder or one that's quieter? [ watch ] ― do they like to watch their partner masturbating or having sex with someone else? do they like to be watched? [ xxx ] ― do they watch porn? if so, how often? anything specific they like to watch? [ yearning ] ― what do they typically do to get people to have sex with them? do they let it happen naturally or are there things they like to do to turn their partners on? [ zzz ] ― how quickly after sex do they fall asleep? are they usually tired after or full of energy?
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
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I have the highest of standards because he never let me shoot for anything less than the stars. May I bring honor to the throne when the time is right and in the meantime maybe I'll finally understand his duck obsession. Understand him. What it means to be yourself and what it means, more than anything, to love your wishes and those around you, more than anything.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
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"She's filled with potential that I could guide." I often associate this not just with my little ship but with him getting her to commit unspeakable acts thinking she's doing it for her father. I associate it with her killing Lilith (under the assumption that she is Eve), and now she doesn't know who she is anymore. Not sure what path to take. Does she still love him? Does her father still love her? And who did she truly kill? Eve? or Lilith? Just RP opertunity I would like to explore.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
Charlie looked between them for a second, she'd seen Husker act like this before but only with Alastor. Maybe it was an Overlord thing? She could see being unfriendly to those who sought to take your territory but she saw no reason Husk should be worried. A nervous laugh escaped her but as their arms looped she looked up to Evelyn. "Right of course!" She finally decided keeping it open as she began to go around. Not opening anyone's personal quarters but coming to introduce her to everyone around the hotel. At least anyone who showed their face first, saving those hiding for last so she could find them on her own.
The shadow overlord appeared from the shadows.
"AH princess Morningstar, a pleasure to see you again"
Evelyn had worked for both Lilith and Lucifer as their assistant. She also took care of Charlie when she was growing up when the two rulers of hell were busy.
Charlie grinned turning to her, once babysitter and now almost partner in crime. "Evelyn you can just call me Charlie! Please." She offered nudging her slightly. "What have you been up to? Are you still working with dad?" Ever since her mother had disappeared she'd been more concentrated on Evelyn since she showed her face more often.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
OOC: I would actively rewrite this scene so that she gets so angry that through her sobbing she kills Val and just takes Angel with her. I know she wants the best for Angel, and that she respects him so I don't have a problem with the fact that she left. I just know she has the potential to protect Angel and want to see her be a mama bear.
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Charlie saving Angel Dust or if she was more demonic ahahah
its kinda trash
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
It affected something inside her, a sort of 'eagerness to pout'. Evelyn had always been over her, and maybe it made her feel small again, like she was to bend to her whim, but she shrugged it off as soon as it came. Yet another over lord to sort out. Another puzzle to put together. "Alright keep your secrets." She agreed, "But we all must make friends here!" She grinned as she sat by the bar with Husker who nodded to Evelyn.
Husker wasn't about to glare, sure she didn't own him but he was sick of fighting battles for the time being. He could ignore her just as easily. "Sure." He offered but was eager to cut the conversation short. "You gettin' a fuckin' drink or can you continue showing yourself around?" He asked arching a brow at both the girls, more at Evelyn than Charlie. He knew the kid meant no harm but anyone above her was someone he didn't want to interact with. Though Lucifer had proven to be a decent guy.
The shadow overlord appeared from the shadows.
"AH princess Morningstar, a pleasure to see you again"
Evelyn had worked for both Lilith and Lucifer as their assistant. She also took care of Charlie when she was growing up when the two rulers of hell were busy.
Charlie grinned turning to her, once babysitter and now almost partner in crime. "Evelyn you can just call me Charlie! Please." She offered nudging her slightly. "What have you been up to? Are you still working with dad?" Ever since her mother had disappeared she'd been more concentrated on Evelyn since she showed her face more often.
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morningstarsprincess · 4 months
"Alastor did sell it well, as uncomfortable as it may have been I appreciate his enthusiasm! Maybe he can show me more places!"
why is no one talking about how adorable alastor was introducing cannibal town to charlie
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