moonpool-system · 56 minutes
Solidarity between plurals and ANY person with schizophrenia & other schizospec disorders, psychotic disorders, delusional & hallucinatory experiences or disorders, etc. The recent hate is NOT representative of the wider plural community; WE STAND WITH YOU. Neurodiversity is a spectrum and nobody should be written off or used as degrading insults. We both don't deserve that. To the sanism of the world, we're all the same and they're keen to dismiss us based on their assumptions of us. We are in this together. WE WON'T BACK DOWN TO THIS!
Extra shoutout to the people above that are ALSO plural. The intertwining of how things work is something that only the person experiencing it will understand the most, and it's okay to be separately plural or for your neurodiversities to interact with each other.
We're ALLOWED to exist. We are NOT your punchline. We are NOT your insult. We are REAL and deserve to be treated that way. Let's make sure they don't forget it.
If anyone on the spectrums above see this, please feel free to reblog and add to this, since we're only coming at it from a plural side of things and we don't know much. We want to stand with you but your voices are most important.
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moonpool-system · 11 hours
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A little out of it.
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moonpool-system · 11 hours
Tips for baby systems (forbidden/evil/weirdly specific edition):
You are allowed to, and in fact should, "romanticise" plurality as much as you desire.
Wallowing in your trauma is one of the worst ways to deal with having it. Stay away from online DID spaces oriented towards "trauma recovery"-- these spaces tend to be the most toxic, and ironically "anti-recovery", DID-oriented spaces on the internet.
You can cuddle with your sysmate using a pillow (or a stuffed animal, if you're not a coward). Imagine the pillow is that sysmate. You're welcome.
Some plurals want to become more plural. There's nothing wrong with that.
Let your child sysmates swear.
Unless they insist otherwise, stop calling your sysmates "parts". Person-based language works quite well for a great number of systems, and you should at least try it.
If you don't have a headspace, learn to lucid dream with your sysmates.
If you can hear your sysmates as voices, and you ever doubt you're plural, mentally scream something really stupid-- e.g. "WHAT'S 9 PLUS 10??". You may hear a distant "You know that '21' joke died 10 years ago, right?" Boom. You're plural. Confidence restored.
If you hear your sysmates as voices in your head, it is possible you will never be able to meditate in the traditional way. You can, however, have one sysmate guide you through one, and have them talk so much that there's not enough RAM in your brain to be distracted by the ADHD I know you have.
Leave every single plural-oriented Discord server you are in, and do not join any others. Additionally, delete your Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram accounts, and never reinstate them.
If you are a kid, do not tell your peers that you are plural, unless you are thick-skinned. Especially do not tell your family members until you are no longer dependent on them.
If you're having trouble getting one of your sysmates to pilot, there is a ~45% chance that they will only learn to do so in reaction to the silliest, dumbest, most random event on earth.
Don't say "I'm 100 rats in a trenchcoat." Say "My name is Legion, for we are many" and refuse to elaborate.
Your system name doesn't have to carry 14 layers of deep personal meaning. Assuming you picked something not totally goofy, it will gain meaning to you over time.
I mean this with utmost kindness, but please stop making posts like "is it possible / valid if my system does [X]?" Yes. Case closed.
Being posted to a cringe subreddit is a rite of passage. Be proud.
Most of the people around you are never going to clock you as plural. Even if you're the world's most overt, obvious system, 80% of people will just think you're weird. This is a good thing. Embrace other peoples' "weirdness censor" and unmask a little.
The words "quoigenic" and "praesigenic" (a.k.a. "my system origin is none of your business") are your friends. Use these as your public system origin for at least a year after realising you're plural.
In your public bio, no-one needs to know about whether you're officially diagnosed with a dissociative disorder or not, and the people who you want to be around do not care.
Plurality is crazy shit. Accept that you are "crazy" by societal standards, and that there is nothing wrong with being crazy. Be cringe. Be weird. Be mad. Be a freak. Be unpalatable. Cause chaos. It's awesome.
Date your sysmates. Kiss your sysmates. Fuck your sysmates. The world is your oyster.
No matter what, do not forget to love your sysmates.
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moonpool-system · 11 hours
It's okay to want to be plural. It's okay to love being plural! It's okay to love those in your system, it's okay to be happier working as a team. There is joy in being plural for so many people - for some, it comes from the start, and for others, they have to claw and fight for it. Either way, it's okay to be proud! It's okay to find happiness in plurality. Healthy multiplicity is real
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moonpool-system · 11 hours
The only good isekai is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
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moonpool-system · 14 hours
if u pay attention there are themes and motifs on my blog
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moonpool-system · 1 day
Traumaendo/mixed origin system here- in our experience, a lot of it seems to stem from base, irrational fear. A lot of marginalized people will feel the need to look as palletable as possible to the outside as possible in order to be treated with basic decency and respect. Sometimes this can result in lateral aggression based on the fear that if a certain group they deem "unpalletable to the outside" is seen by them, then the entire group will be delegitimized and the respect they've clawed for will be ripped away from them. You see this a lot in queer spaces with anti-xenogender or transmed ideology- you'll commonly see its members degrading these identities as childish, fake, attention-seeking in a negative fashion, and humiliating to be around, often highlighting how ridiculous they supposedly look to the outside.
A similar ideology pervades a lot of the sysmedicalist & anti-endo community; claiming endogenic systems and others that don't fit the medical model are faking, trying to ruin their reputation, etc. The fact is that a lot of systems have latched on to being a trauma survivor as their only "valid" reason for being multiple in the eyes of ableism and pluralmisia, and the existence of non-traumagenic plurality threatens that concept. Therefore, instead of radical acceptance and an attempt to deconstruct the ableism controlling the system, many crack under the pressure or otherwise give in to fear, and lash out at those they've now deemed a scapegoat and acceptable target in order to "defend themselves." The unfortunate truth of this is that the ableist eyes on the outside see us all as creepy, crazy freaks regardless, and people who pity us for being victims aren't any better than those that write us off all together. The only way forward is understanding of plurality as a spectrum and raising our voices to be heard as people rather than dehumanized patients, but it seems anti-endos simply want to stay in their box for ableists to look down on. This kind of reaction only hurts all systems/plurals more.
Sorry this got long. Wasn't sure if you wanted an actual genuine reason/response, but hope this helps.
Can someone just tell me in what way endos hurt others like.. respecting more systems doesn't disrespect the other ones??? Having a definition to not take away the definition of Traumagenic systems doesn't... Invade the Traumagenic space??? It's.. making a new space??? What is everyone on about..
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moonpool-system · 1 day
why are some syscoursers so firm on their belief that DID/OSDD can only be caused by trauma? do even they have a valid source stating that the only way a CDD can develop is through trauma? why do they act like saying that it can be caused by things other than trauma (even though trauma can still cause it) is so harmful, like its fakeclaiming everyone with a traumagenic CDD? i dont get it and they never seem to elaborate??
To be fair, there are some papers that will get cited that will say DID is understood as a post-traumatic response to childhood trauma. This at least strongly implied that DID, specifically, can't form any other way.
Of course, despite DID having a correlation with trauma of upwards of 90%, it's impossible to prove every case is from trauma. What's more is that research is pretty much non-existent when it comes to OSDD-1. There are a lot of assumptions based on looking at DID and extrapolating that OSDD-1 will function the same since they're similar, but what doesn't exist is empirical evidence.
But as for why people act like it's invalidating, I couldn't tell you... 🤷‍♀️
There are lots of other disorders that can be caused by trauma in the individual but aren't for everyone. And people tend to just accept that. Some people naturally have depression. Some people have depression caused by trauma. And both can co-exist. Same with many other mental illnesses.
There's no rational reason the existence of non-traumagenic CDDs should be anymore invalidating than those other illnesses being able to form without trauma.
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moonpool-system · 1 day
actually, i did want to ask you all - a commonly shared sentiment about character creators in games or dressup games online is there's very frequently a lack of black hairstyles.
so it made me curious - what are some black hairstyles you wish would be included more in character creators/dressup games? or ones you get really happy to see are included?
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moonpool-system · 1 day
how far are you in ISAT?
Only just passed into loop 1 haha, last I remember we were in the dungeon trying to figure out where the key we need to progress is. I think we ended up looping on one of those frozen bubble things to go back and talk to the shopkeep for the phrase, and that's the last thing we were doing, going back to that? Wait that means loop like 3 actually. I really hope it works cus if it doesn't we're stuck and we'll have to look up a vid on the first dungeon LOL... We've played so so so so many rpgmaker rpgs and jrpgs and other crawler turn based rpgs but we still can't navigate dungeons for shit hdhdjsks
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moonpool-system · 1 day
for the ask game! 🌈
Hello! Apologies this is wildly late!!
🌈- What are some common hobbies?
We have quite a few throughout the system!
As for outerworld hobbies, we do arts & crafts like drawing & painting, pagan spellwork & divination, rollerblading or longboarding when we have the spoons, and we play a menagerie of video games depending on the member! Badeline specifically is learning guitar, and Pure Vanilla is trying to get us into gardening. We used to be avid readers and writers as well, but we can't take either up again reasonably until we find a medication that works.
Innerworld hobbies are interesting too! Metaphysics is still a big focus, but there's more interest on how spirituality, magic from different canons, and Chaos Magick affect our headspace & system's function. Refining magic & metaphysical tech is a big hobby in headspace. And off of that, just obtaining knowledge/learning in general- the center of the City is a giant library. Exploring is another popular one, since headspace is pretty large and all that ground sure hasn't been covered by anyone. Like 85% of headspace is free of anything harmful/dangerous so it's pretty safe to wander. And for people that want more of a challenge, there're the various floating islands where gravity is particularly sketchy, or Celeste Mountain that forces you to face your own internal tendancies as you climb. We also have a colosseum for the fighters, it has a program set up to automatically rebuild itself when it gets inevitably destroyed by someone or another's duels. Beyblade is also pretty popular!! Some fictives brought it over and the other Croissants will custom make ones for people that get in on it. Casual fights can be in the park or one of the little bowl stadiums but serious battles needa go to the colosseum.
thanks for asking! this was fun to talk about
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moonpool-system · 1 day
disabled people who are lifelong, permanent dependents, i love you. you are my friends and my lovers and my siblings and you are me and i am you and i love you.
i'm really despondent sometimes over the ways society sees us. how conservatives see us as burdens and drains on society, yes, and also how liberals mock our lives, how the idea of being an adult dependent is seen solely as the result of poor life choices, how everyone all across the political spectrum sees things like "getting an allowance from your spouse" and "relying on one person for housing" as cause for mockery, jokes to make, nothing but a conceptual stick with which to beat people into performing well in work and school. still others see us as childish, as pitiable, perhaps not as worthy of mockery but definitely not as worthy of being treated as a social equal, never someone you could invite into your social spheres and make an effort to include--they're just not independent, no offense to them, it just makes them so childish, i can't have an adult friendship with them.
but we persist anyway. we're here. i'm lucky to love the people i'm dependent on, i'm lucky that they respect me as a person and would never leverage their power over me, i'm lucky that they're willing to constantly self-check to make sure they're not accidentally using that power. i hope to g-d you're lucky in the same ways, because i love you. and if you're not, i love you. i'm holding your hand and i'm standing with you and i'm going to try to make a better world for both of us.
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moonpool-system · 1 day
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Trying to draw HK with ULTRAKILL artstyle
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moonpool-system · 1 day
Oh, you listed Pokemon as a source, same hat!
Heyo ^^ As for fictives, games actually- even though I do have a VERY strong kintype as James/Kojiro from the original series and the sun&moon anime. Our Pokémon fictive is a noncanon trainer from the Johto region (but he remembers spending a significant amount of time in Unova, I'm pretty sure!) He favors grass and water types. His name is Silver, or the Stirling subsystem- actually we haven't seen him in a long time, he's the type that lives almost totally in headspace, so we might check on him soon because of this ^^
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moonpool-system · 1 day
Im glad you're kind to yourself....?? System?? Oh it gets pretty confusing with terms quickly. :'j
I wish you all healing and hope you'll be less affected by flashbacks and all the trauma with PTSD symptoms. It's really rough and tough to experience them 🥺🖤
But as i see, you don't shame yourself, and patient. And im proud of you.
Also, we love your system vent art, it's relatable.
This is so kind in so many ways, wow thank you 💙💙 We're happy somebody likes our art! We appreciate u taking the time to send this lovely message. We're working hard on getting better! Hope you have a fantastic day
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moonpool-system · 1 day
holy shit I'm me. I'm actually me for the first time since... september of last year, according to simplyplural??? I wasn't even sure I existed anymore. Oh my god I'm real. I'm so fucking relieved I'm still real
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moonpool-system · 2 days
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the dubious philosophy of salmon
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