moonbuncakes-blog · 3 years
Kuroo x reader fluff
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༻ A Long Day༺
You enter your house exhausted. Tiredly kicking your shoes off, not caring where they land, you dump your jacket on the ground and trudge towards your shared bedroom. You were a bit surprised to come back and see it empty, mumbling out a simple ‘oh’ before turning on your heel and heading for the bathroom. You ran the water and took off your clothes while you waited for it to fill up.
Staring into the mirror, there was exhaustion written all over your face, you almost pity yourself, but you weren’t going to dwell and loathe your appearance or yourself, so you shook off the thought and climbed into the tub. You didn’t plan on staying for so long, you didn’t even plan on knocking out, and that was exactly what you had done.
Kuroo had come home, a little alarmed at the silence that filled the house. Upon entering, he saw your shoes scattered in different directions and your jacket on the floor. At least he knew you were home, but you would never act like this, he knew something was wrong. “Baby are you alright?” He called as he checked the shared bedroom. He walked in and found no one. There was a slight ‘sploosh’ sound coming from the bathroom and he walked in only to find you passed out in the tub.
Shaking you gently, he called your name as he watched your eyelids flutter open. “Come on you can’t fall asleep here.” You hadn’t even known when you passed out and you were trying hard to remember but the sudden warm hand against your cold skin brought you back to reality. He helped you out of the tub and dried you off before taking your hand in his and leading you to the shared bedroom.
“Baby what wrong? Was it a bad day at work?” he asked as he sat you down on the bed and dressed you up before dry your hair. You didn’t know where to begin because everything seemed to get worse and worse as the day had gone for you. So you stayed quiet and stared at the ground as tears pooled in your eyes. “Babe?”
Kuroo had stopped drying your head and cupped your face with his hands. He lifted your face to see and was broken as the sight of tears streaming down your face, silently crying. You saw his face morph into a slight frown, reflecting your own sadness and that caused more tears to stream down your face while your shoulders jolted and shuddered as you let out a loud sob.
He sat down on the bed and dragged you into his lap, his chin resting on your head as you sobbed into his chest. No words were exchanged between the two of you but the tightening hug around you only made you lean further into his touch. Rubbing your back as he rocked you slightly, he praised you for how hard you work and how strong you are, trying to calm your crying down.
You brought your head up to look at his face and speak, but instead broke down in tears again. Bringing his hands to your face, he wiped your tears and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead “I know baby, it’s been a long day. You don’t have to say anything, just let me hold you ok?” You nodded, silently continuing to cry. And so the two of you sat there while he planted soft kisses on your forehead and face, wiping your tears away, and holding you.
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A/n: Hello~
So that’s concluded my first post on tumblr. I hope tk get better at writing and create more content and take future requests. I really hope you enjoyed reading. Till next time mooncakes~
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