moon-pph · 8 years
#52: The Purity Arrival
This power hour covers episodes 103 (”Destiny’s Arrival”) and 104 (”The Purity Chalice”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
Spooky Scary Stream 3: The Curse
As a quick reminder, Ben and Doba are hosting the third annual Spooky Scary Stream tomorrow! It doesn’t have anything to do with Sailor Moon, but it’s one of the most fun streams we do every year (in my opinion). It’s gonna be complete with games, live riffs, and even some guests.
Here’s a link to the schedule.
Hope to see you there!
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moon-pph · 9 years
That Time I Made a Stupid Hat and Shirt
I meant to post this yesterday as a “Throwback Thursday” thing but I’m late so we’ll call this “Flashback Friday” or whatever, I don’t care.
Allow me to take you back to the year of 2013, Moon Prism had just recently begun! So I, in my infinite wisdom, decided it was time for some home made advertising, and what better place to do that but the upcoming Youmacon 2013 in good ol’ Detroit, MI?
So... I took an undershirt, and drew on it with a sharpie. Then I took the top part off of an old Darth Vader voice changer I got when I was a kid, grabbed some tape, some construction paper, and some yarn, and then...
Well. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
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Quite proud of this ugly monstrosity, I must say. Nobody commented on it ever which disappoints me, but whatever. I found the shirt the other day but the helmet was given to somebody else when it couldn’t fit back in my suitcase.
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moon-pph · 9 years
So What’s Up With Them Dang MPPH Kids?
Hi, Doba (Neptune) here! I’m making this post cause I feel there’s a couple of things I feel like need to be addressed that haven’t been. I kinda need more than the 140 characters Twitter gives me to talk through all this stuff, so let’s do this!
I’d call this a FAQ but the truth is nobody really asks us these questions frequently enough for the term FAQ to really work. Instead, this is just stuff that’s been on my mind that I feel like you all need answers to. Let’s do it!
So why’d the SMYN Network shut down?
Show Me Your News, the original founding podcast that eventually brought the Network into being, had been going for eight years (July 2007-September 2015). In those eight years the host and generally our boss, Youko, went through 3-4 different formats and 7 different cohosts (including myself and Ben) before deciding that it was starting to get stale and didn’t seem to be going anywhere. 
For awhile Ben and I had felt the same about our show Read the Manual that had been going on for 4 1/2 years (December 2010-July 2015), and decided to end it as well. Our other shows (RTM Radio, The List) were also just not fun for us anymore, so we decided to call it quits before it started feeling like a chore. We decided, however, to keep Moon Prism Power Hour rolling (obviously).
Why keep Moon Prism and not the other shows?
Two reasons, actually. When the shutdown was being discussed initially our joke was that we had “come too far to stop now” and while that was mostly a joke, there’s an air of truth to it. We’re in S, the third season of Sailor Moon and the second to last season originally dubbed and brought over to America. 3/4 seasons is too damn far in to just stop cold turkey, damnit!
But the other reason played an even bigger part in our decision to keep going: It’s just too damn fun to do. If you remember in the section above I talked about how we just weren’t enjoying our other shows anymore, and Moon Prism never really seemed to have that problem. It’s still got that charm to it that comes with just sitting down and watching a TV show with some friends, which is all we really do to be honest.
Nah, we’re seeing this damn show to the end even if we have to drag ourselves kicking and screaming, it’s just too good of a time.
What happened to the weekly releases?
Alright, so this is the thing I most feel like needs to be explained even though nobody’s actually asked me yet. See, when we started Moon Prism episodes came out sporadically. Just sorta when we had one recorded and edited, there was no real schedule to it. This was back when I was editing the show, and I don’t think I cut up the highlights quite as well as Dark does. I’m more of a “just show the jokes” editor while Dark actually provides context for scenes so you can still tell what’s going on. I provided the meat, but Dark provides the potatoes.
... Shut up I know how metaphors work.
So when Dark joined in as the editor (mainly by telling me “oh my god let me do it please I have so many ideas”) we decided we’d try to do a more consistent release schedule. Eventually this schedule turned into every week on Thursday, and for awhile we were able to keep to that schedule! Recordings happened on Sundays, Dark edited on Wednesdays, and the episode went up on Thursday. It was great!
Unfortunately a few things on Dark’s end threw that schedule for a loop and ended even the possibility of it happening again any time soon. Dark’s job had him overworked to the point where editing an episode every week became unimaginable, when he got rid of that job his computer started to have technical problems out the wazoo. Now with both of those problems basically taken care of, Dark has a new problem. This semester Dark has found himself in a required writing intensive course, and apparently has a new paper due every week. For this reason, sometimes he can’t really find the time to edit an episode.
It’s probably very hard to believe, but it takes close to 4-5 hours to edit a single episode of Moon Prism and that’s not even counting the time it takes to render and upload it. Twice. He has to upload it to me via Dropbox, I have to download it, and then I have to upload it to my Drive. It’s a mess of a system but it works for us, for the most part. While Dark does have an alright amount of free time, asking him to force himself to use all of his freetime on this show doesn’t really seem fair, because we can’t really pay him for his work. We don’t make any money off this show and probably never will, which is fine with us honestly. I know I personally would not feel comfortable making a profit off of this show, because the only one of us that really does any work on the episodes themselves is Dark.
... So yeah, we’ve given up on the idea of weekly releases for now. We’ll get them out as often as possible but just remember that.
Speaking of Darkurai, is there a Meet the Cast post for him?
There is! Buuuut as explained above, Dark’s really busy and hasn’t really had time to finish filling it out. It’ll come out one day so you can feel closer to our favorite editor. Much closer.
So what is in the cards for the future of Moon Prism Power Hour?
Unfortunately our big in-progress project is a secret, and probably won’t materialize until the very end of the show. But the gears are very slowly turning on it, believe you me! If you enjoyed our... “cover” of Moon Revenge during Movie R then this’ll be right up your alley.
Another development, this one for the near future, is that in a couple months all of our episode links are gonna need to be changed. The Google Drive that the episodes are currently hosted on has 1TB of space, graciously provided because Ben and I have Google Fiber internet. Unfortunately after January, Ben and I will no longer be tenants in this apartment. Meaning no more Google Fiber. Meaning no more 1TB Drive space. Either Ben or myself will be paying for a new TB but most likely this means episodes will go down and back up around that time. Why do we need so much space? Well uh...
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That’s why. Each power hour is roughly a 1.5-2GB file, and we’ve done over 50 of them.
Alright so episodes 6 and 8 are... sorta in our posession? Basically, they’re still on YouTube but set to private. Since those are the two episodes that got a copyright strike when we were on YouTube we can’t download an MP4 straight from the video manager. We can still watch them ourselves, though, so our method will be taking our streaming program of choice and just... recording the episode. Why haven’t we done this yet? It’d require us to basically have our computers be useless for 45 minutes or so, because while that episode is running nothing else can be doing ANYTHING.
We’ll get to them, I promise, it’s just... hard to find time to do it.
As for 20... we don’t actually know what happened. Everything’s gone. The entire episode is gone, all the original recordings are gone, everything. There’s no way to retrieve it, no way to re-edit it, nothing. That episode’s just... lost to time, really. Super mad about it, too. Of all the episodes we could have lost, really sucks that it ended up being the season finale.
What are these bumpers Ben’s making?
Ben likes Adult Swim bumpers, so he’s making some in that style. Just trying to have SOMETHING for you guys when we don’t have an episode, no matter how small.
So that’s... really all I can think of right now? If you have anything else, please please lemme know. Don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll try and answer anything.
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moon-pph · 9 years
Meet the Cast: FangzV
What is your name and who is your sailor representative?
I am FangzV and I am represented by Sailor Earth! The one, the only, the man, the myth, the legend: Tuxedo Mask.
Why did you pick that representative?
Because Jupiter was taken and Tuxedo Mask is funnier than Venus or Chibimoon.
Before this show, what was your experience with Sailor Moon?
I was a little girl in the 90s. That pretty much tells you everything.  I was actually pretty big into when I was little. My cousin was especially into it, and I borrowed a lot of her tapes and stuff. I had Sailor Moon dolls. I don’t think I have them anymore, but I do still have Jupiter’s wand from her doll.  I didn’t really recall that much about it or keep up with it as I grew older (hence getting rid of the dolls, to my despair) and it wasn’t until one random day that we were on Skype and decided to watch Sailor Moon’s dub for funsies. I knew very little about Sailor Moon after I grew up, but I knew the dub was notoriously bad. So me, Varshol, and a few others I don’t remember watched the first like 2 episodes. I don’t know if that was before or after the idea of Moon Prism was concocted, but it happened a little bit before it. That was my most recent experience before the show started. Then as a result of the show my friends were getting into Sailor Moon again so I kind of absorbed some things and looked into it more until I got dragged in.
How did you get involved with Moon Prism Power Hour?
I guest starred on a few early episodes and I was a part of the B-Team. I was just an accessible person and I’m like the funniest person any of us know. (I think) Then for one GOTY they needed help coming up with a Moon Prism bit and I got invited into the chat to help them come up with something and I did a good thing and came up with the idea. Then after that they just didn’t remove me from the Skype chat so we decided to keep me for when they need someone to cover for someone else.
Who’s your favorite character in the show and why?
Definitely Jupiter without a doubt. I loved Jupiter a lot as a kid (probably because she looked the most like me), and when I got back into the show when I was older I found myself relating to her character a lot. So she’s actually pretty near and dear to my heart. But Tuxedo Mask is pretty funny. I think Venus is my runner-up as far as Sailors go. However, when I was watching Crystal I grew a deep appreciation for Pluto even though I didn’t like Crystal very much.
What other anime or cartoons do you enjoy?
I tend to lean toward funny stuff and stupid shojo stuff. One of my favorite anime of all time is Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) and I really love Arina Tanemura’s manga. I had a variety of shows I like, and you can see the ones I’ve highlighted as my favorites and what I’m currently watching on my Hummingbird (https://hummingbird.me/users/FangzV). I think Actually, I Am sums up my tastes pretty well: funny and stupid while also pretty in-depth and fantastical. Also, as far as cartoons go, I’m big into Steven Universe right now and also Star Vs. the Forces of Evil.
What kind of video games do you play?
Mostly things that involve stat-raising, whether it’s a strategy game like Fire Emblem or an otome like Princess Maker 2. These are the ones that really keep my attention. I’m big into the Shin Megami Tensei games, too. I also like Sims a whole ton because I like to remake my OCs because I’m like that. Basically, anything that’s not rhythm or shooters. I have nothing against those genres, I’m just really really bad at them.
What is your day job/school situation?
I’m in college for Computer Science and I expect to graduate in 2018. I’m a little bit behind but eh whatever. I wonder what I’m gonna minor in! I have a job at school where I work in the Circulation department of our library. I check books in and out and I put them back on the shelf. I highly advocate going to your local library and browsing because holy shit books are weird.
Any other hobbies in your spare time?
I fancy myself a writer, which I’ve primarily channeled through roleplaying with a good friend over the years. I spend a ton of time just world-building and character building though. I participate in the theatre program at my school and I’ve been in some productions as an actor. This year (as of writing this) I’m actually a theatre officer and my job is basically to clean shit up and let people into the deathtrap that is our prop house. I enjoy making spreadsheets. [DOBA’S NOTE: Oh boy does she]
Who are your favorite internet content producers? Who are your biggest inspirations?
I haven’t really been following anyone in a while and I have no clear cut inspirations. I follow internet groups like I follow musical artists: I really don’t unless I absolutely love the stuff they make. Otherwise I’m just stumbling on different individual products with little consideration of who made them. I guess I watch JonTron and cr1tikal, but other than them the only people I really follow are music cover artists like Katerinu2 and Sapphire, and the mashup artist oneboredjeu. However, I have no real musical ability so they don’t inspire me much. Is Yandere Dev considered an internet content producer?
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moon-pph · 9 years
#51: Everything’s Coming Back
In today’s episode Serena totally doesn’t get drunk, but she totally does. Like... what else could it be? Anybody? Nobody has any other suggestion? Didn’t think so. Let’s all learn French I guess, who knows, who cares, JUST WATCH. This power hour covers episodes 101 (”Everything’s Coming Up Rosey”) and 102 (”No Turning Back”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
Meet the Cast: ToonLucas
What is your name and who is your sailor representative?
Well, heLLO. I am... a lot of things but people 'round here call me Luca these days. My sailor representative is the best, Sailor Mars.
Why did you pick that representative?
I picked Sailor Mars because honestly I've always had a thing for black haired anime characters and stuff. She is also really strong... when her stuff works out... and I can relate with her whole spiritual side as a character, er, thing.
Before this show, what was your experience with Sailor Moon?
HMM... before MPPH, I had only watched it a few times here and there as a kid. My cousin owned a few VHS tapes of the show- along with Hamtaro and we watched those quite a bit. At the time, I didn't really understand what anime was and I was just very impressed by the pretty colors.
How did you get involved with Moon Prism Power Hour?
I ACTUALLY DON'T REMEMBER MUCH OF THAT EVENT... I'm sure Doba approached me about it and I said yes because I always love being in things with cool people like him. Plus... I wanted to finally sit down and watch an entire series of something that was longer than 24 episodes.
Who’s your favorite character in the show and why?
My favorite character? Do I have to only pick one? Well, in that case the clear winner is Rei but only by a little bit does Mina fall behind her. Rei is my favorite because she is so unlikable it seems and I don't get that at all. Plus...shesprettycutecomeonguysletsberREALHONESTTHERE.
What other anime or cartoons do you enjoy?
Some other anime I like? Well, as a kid I didn't quite understand what anime was and so let's jump back to around 2007 when I started having an internet life. I hear about this one series called Lucky Star. At the time, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I watched the entire series on YouTube on an old phone of mine in crystal clear 240p broken in to 10 minute parts each DUBBED. After that fateful week I've forever been into the slice of life types of anime. I haven't really watched much "action" or "super muscle beef cake" type shows because they just don't appeal to me much. I like cute girls doing cute things. A few that I've really enjoyed over time has been Love Live! School Idol Project, Kiniro Mosaic, Toradora, Working, and my absolute all-time favorite, K-ON! I'm pretty sure I'm the queen of slice of life around these parts. I just really... really... like cute things. For cartoons.. hahaha, nothing these days. But as a kid I was really into Spongebob and things mostly on Nick.
What kind of video games do you play?
I play rhythm games for the most part these days but those are very pick up and play. My favorite genre of game probably has to be a nice JRPG like Pokemon or Persona. Pokemon Black and White 2 are my favorite games of all time period. Of course, I have a soft side for fighting games as well with Smash being my favorite one. I've been a Nintendo fangirl most of my life so I've played a lot of those games. I love Mario and 3D Zelda when it comes to Nintendo series that aren't Pokemon. OH YEAH AND STYLE SAVVY. I PLAYED THE SHIT OUT THAT SERIES.  I only recently gotten back into liking Sony stuff again since I bought myself a Vita and Persona 4 Golden. which would most likely be on my top 5 favorite video games list.
What is your day job/school situation?
Currently I'm a full time college student here in California and a part-time food service worker at -SECRET THEME PARK WITH FLAGS AS A MAIN THING-. As for what I want to do in life? I really want to be a storyteller or a solo performance artist as I am currently an awesome theater major.
Any other hobbies in your spare time?
Other hobbies of mine would include writing for fun, to entertain, to disgust, and to just leave feeling happy. It's no secret to the fine people here that I've done a lot of online role play in my life and it really just cemented by love for creating characters that really have part of me in them. It honestly all branches out to Solo Performance because I really like talking about myself. Solo performance is a type of theater show in which you are preforming alone to people. It could be an improv situation or a really detailed story about your life, and boy is it exciting to watch.
Who are your favorite internet content producers? Who are your biggest inspirations?
My favorite online content creators other than myself would have to be the people over at That One Video Gamer. The Dex, The Completionist, and Super Beard Bros really entertain me a lot. Other than that, ProJared, PBG, and Brutalmoose are also up there as top dogs for me. Some of my biggest inspirations in life are my friends. It's just as simple as that. My friends make me want to be a better person and goddamn it, I LIKE MYSELF.
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moon-pph · 9 years
Wowie zowie I love our shooooow music used: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/617557
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moon-pph · 9 years
Meet the Cast: Gymleaderben
What is your name and who is your sailor representative?
It’s ya boy GLB and I’m Sailor Jupiter.
Why did you pick that representative?
I used to research astronomy a TON in 5th grade and Jupiter was always my favorite planet. I mean come on, it’s objectively the best.
Before this show, what was your experience with Sailor Moon?
It used to be on at 6am every weekday morning before Pokemon and I’d try to get up early before grade school to watch it. A few years later a friend who knew more about it and the Sailor V books came up with something called the Solar Scouts. Which were the boy versions. We were like 12 and I remember really liking it cause I could be Solar Jupiter. I think he was Venus, I dont recall if anyone else in our friend group was in on it.
How did you get involved with Moon Prism Power Hour?
Doba was telling me how he and Zero were planning to do the show and I pretty much shoved my ugly mug in the door before it could be closed. I then started like spearheading stuff that no one asked me to and I’m making everyone mad and having a good time™.
Who’s your favorite character in the show and why?
Jupiter is brave and strong and tall and pretty and I love her so much that it’s not healthy. Venus and Mercury are pretty cool too. I imagine Saturn will join this little list in the future.
What other anime or cartoons do you enjoy?
For the last few years I’ve been getting really into old cruddy mech shows from like the 70s and what not. Some of my favorite stuff would be Bakuman, Ano Hana, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Tatami Galaxy, Gunbuster, and a few others.
What kind of video games do you play?
A lot of PC games, mostly JRPGs that I don’t finish. OH RIGHT, Heroes of the Storm, a lot lately. It’s that new fangled moba HERO BRAWLER the kids like a lot these days.
What is your day job/school situation?
I am a desk monkey at an office. School’s for nerds.
Any other hobbies in your spare time?
Nothing big enough to name. I just sit in this room all day.
Who are your favorite internet content producers? Who are your biggest inspirations?
Wolfgore Show, David Lynch, Tim & Eric, Brian Lee, Cate Wurtz, GGDG, Hayden Meyers, Drewtoothpaste. Basically people that are famous for making folks feel uncomfortable. I like that. I like making people uncomfortable with the things I make.
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moon-pph · 9 years
Meet the Cast: ZeroRanma
What is your name and who is your sailor representative?
I am ZeroRanma and I am Sailor Pluto/Kamen Rider Kabuto.
Why did you pick that representative?
Time hax. I need to have all of the time hax.
Before this show, what was your experience with Sailor Moon?
I actually read the manga a long time ago and I watched some of the anime. Hence my knowledge of certain major story events. Anime-centric filler though, I’m blind.
How did you get involved with Moon Prism Power Hour?
Doba pitched the idea to myself and ToonLucas a while ago and who’d have thunk we’d actually go through with it. Not I. But here we are.
Who’s your favorite character in the show and why?
Hotaru. Hands down. Not sure if I should spoil later things but let's just say she’s the best. (SPOILERS Shy girl who turns out to be a death star in a miniskirt why the hell wouldn’t I like her? SPOILERS)
What other anime or cartoons do you enjoy?
I’m a huge fan of anime, mecha series in particular like Gundam. I also enjoy series such as Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Fate/Stay Night. My library of anime I’ve actually seen is obnoxiously huge. Oh, and if you couldn’t tell I enjoy Kamen Rider even though that’s a tokusatsu series.
What kind of video games do you play?
I am basically the JRPG guy. Things like level grinding are something I enjoy. Standard RPGs like Final Fantasy or Tales of games are among my favorites. I also enjoy others no one has really heard of like Neptunia or Disgaea. Hell strategy games like Fire Emblem and Super Robot Wars are a lot of fun for me as well.
What is your day job/school situation?
I’ve graduated with an electrical engineering degree but due to the employment situation I find myself working retail at Target. Go fucking figure.
Any other hobbies in your spare time?
I build Gundam model kits whenever I can find them for a decent price.
Who are your favorite internet content producers? Who are your biggest inspirations?
I have been a big fan of RoosterTeeth and Jontron for a while now. I don’t necessarily have any inspirations to be honest.
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moon-pph · 9 years
Meet the Cast: thedobaga
What is your name and who is your sailor representative?
I am thedobaga and I am represented by Sailor Neptune.
Why did you pick that representative?
Neptune is actually my favorite planet. It’s cool and blue and named after the coolest god of the sea, so obviously I picked Sailor Neptune despite knowing nothing about Sailor Neptune at the time.
Before this show, what was your experience with Sailor Moon?
Very minimal, actually. When I was a kid I was a very stereotypical “EW GIRL STUFF” boy. I think I knew deep down that I enjoyed stuff like Powerpuff Girls but I would never admit it. Sailor Moon happened to be on Toonami at that time and it also happened to come on right before Dragonball, which I did watch. A lot of days after school I would go over to my great grandma’s house and turn on Toonami to watch Dragonball, but Sailor Moon would still be on. I’m sure I enjoyed it to some degree and just didn’t want to admit it, but I also remember nothing about it. I remembered the transformations (of course I did) since I was a soon to be teenage boy at the time but that’s about it.
How did you get involved with Moon Prism Power Hour?
I’m actually the guy who came up with the idea. I’d always kinda wanted to get into Sailor Moon but somehow saw the potential for a show in it. Ben and I have always had fun riffing things on live stream in the past (from Pokemon movies to the Halloweentown films), so we figured this was the next logical step.
Who’s your favorite character in the show and why?
Mina/Sailor Venus. And I don’t mean the doofy, clumsy, Serena Mk II Venus we ended up getting… well, not completely anyways (I still love her). I’m talking the Sailor V we THOUGHT we’d get before she had to be made less badass to make way for the least badass human being on the planet.
What other anime or cartoons do you enjoy?
I have a weird mix of anime I enjoy. My favorite anime of all time is Love Hina, as well as it being my favorite manga. Dragonball and Dragonball Z are both very close to my heart and I’m a big Cowboy Bebop fan when it comes to action. I also love shows like Hell Girl and Ano Hana. It’s kinda hard to describe my very wide net of tastes here I guess. As for cartoons, I grew up on Cartoon Network so I love stuff like Ed Edd ‘n’ Eddy and Teen Titans. I’m also a fan of the Avatar cartoons.
What kind of video games do you play?
I love games with a good story or a good platformer. I’m not great at games so I tend to stick with the easier stuff or playing games on the easier difficulties. My favorite game of all time is Kingdom Hearts II which I’ve beaten a million times at this point, with close runner ups being stuff like Ace Attorney 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Persona… 3… A lot of 3s there I’m suddenly noticing…
What is your day job/school situation?
I went to community college to try and learn game development before having to drop out and go to a technical school to learn about website development. Despite the success of that school, I still haven’t been able to find a job in my field and I’ll be starting a new job at a GameStop in a couple weeks. I’m looking into going back to school soon, though! For audio and video production this time!
Any other hobbies in your spare time?
I write a little bit (though I don’t think I’m very good at it) and I also do a lot of cross stitching. In fact I have a whole twitter account dedicated to my cross stitching hobby right here.
Who are your favorite internet content producers? Who are your biggest inspirations?
I really enjoy the internet channels JonTron, PeanutButterGamer, and Super Bunnyhop the most recently. When it comes to the kind of stuff that brought Moon Prism together it was my love for comedy with a group dynamic, mostly reactionary humor (obviously). Stuff like Game Grumps and Super Best Friends Play has been a big inspiration for me. Outside of that my “celebrity” idols are people like Shigeru Miyamoto and Walt Disney for the stuff they’ve done for their industries.
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moon-pph · 9 years
Jupiter's making bumpers and other little things for all you out there
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moon-pph · 9 years
#50: Related By Appreciation
Can we just talk about how Dr. Tomoe is the villain we’ve all wanted for so long? He’s amazing, and weird, and funny, and we love him. Also, side note: We have officially watched 100 episodes of this dub. How we’re still alive? Science doesn’t know. How we’re still sane? We’re not. It’s also our first episode outside of the SMYN Network, so let’s see how this pans out shall we? This power hour covers episodes 99 (”Related By Destiny”) and 100 (”Art Appreciation”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
#49: People Need Tea
I don’t have words for this one. I’ve tried, guys, I have. I have nothing. Good luck. This power hour covers episodes 97 (”Tainted Tea Party”) and 98 (”People Who Need People”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
#48: Mini Moon, Part Two
WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE RID OF YOU. We all knew in our hearts (and in our brains because we knew it was a thing) that Rini was gonna come back but that doesn’t mean I’m ready, okay? Man, this is the worst. I wish a drank more... At least her voice got better! This power hour covers episodes 95 (”Birthday Blues, Part Two”) and 96 (”Hello, Sailor Mini Moon”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
#47: Individual, Part One
VOLLEYBALL BOOBS! Look man, I’m trying to write literally anything else here but it’s escaping me because of these volleyball boobs! I give up! That’s all I’ve got! Oh my GOD! This power hour covers episodes 93 (”Individual Happiness”) and 94 (”Birthday Blues, Part One”).
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moon-pph · 9 years
#46: Friendly Emotions
They thought they would take her wheels! But in the end, it was her wheels that took her... cousin! Hold on, no, let me rewrite that joke. Just give me a second. Stop posting it. STOP POSTING I-This power hour covers episodes 91 (”Friendly Foes”) and 92 (”Mixed Emotions”).
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