monstermyheart · 6 years
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monstermyheart · 6 years
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Angela, the tiny giant octopus girl.
She used to live in the canals with Meg until one fateful day when everything changed. She’s bitter after having lost all she had. She refuses to speak and she harbors a burning hatred for the Master of the castle. 
Meg misses her, even-though their past relationship was somewhat strained by predator’s rivalry. She’s too small to return to the canals (as Meg would eat her instantly) so she’s kept in a cramped aquarium in the Master’s throne room.
Marble is the only one she seems to tolerate.
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monstermyheart · 7 years
It's funny, I think something in humans recognizes what we are without them knowing it. Something old in them sees the wild in us. They usually to come to the right conclusions with wrong reasoning. They'll pinpoint the ones who did it all right but say it's mutilation or they're psychopaths or something. But still the mob coming for us same as back when they had some idea of what we were. We're always around humans, but apart from them. Even the ones we're friendly with. You can never really get too close to a human. You can be friends, sure, maybe even a romance, but it's the sort of summer-romance infatuation that you know the whole time has an expiration date.You can have fun, but they can never be a mate. First of all kids just don't work. We're different species - it just doesn't go. And humans- how to put this. A human can love you with all they've got - and then someday just... not love you anymore. Just stop. Or love someone or something else more. It doesnt make sense, but its true. They just don't have the same kind of life in them that wolves do. They don't Hunt. They outsource their killing, but even the ones that do hunt, there's no honor in it. It's not sacred. The Hunt for us - it's more than worship. It is why we are. Every full moon, we have to change. We have to run. We have to hunt. We have to kill. And we have to eat. Something wild, cause like I said, have you ever tried to hunt a cow? There's nothing sacred in that. Back home, the Hunt is huge. It's the whole clan, and there are all sorts of unwritten rules and etiquette. I mean, I see why - I ran with the whole clan once, when we went back to Germany last time - there were like forty of us. And we have to make sure to all avoid the humans and all run together and everybody get their muzzle wet at the end and just. It's a lot. It was hard because I've never learned any of that. It's just not necessary when there's a half dozen of us running and mom and I are making all the calls. She really tries to include me in leading the pack, in the Hunt and at home. She's trying to prepare me to take over the family someday. When I was little, I used to dream about when I'd take over the pack and I'd move us to Quebec or Lousiana, where there were others of our kind. But now I'm older, I get the idea that mom kept us here for a reason. We could have gone back to Germany with the rest of the clan, but, even though we go visit them, we always come back here.
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monstermyheart · 7 years
It's just me, my mom, dad, brother, grandpa, and uncle. That's my pack. It's pretty unusual for my people, normally there's a whole clan, cousins, second cousins, great aunts, all that. But it's just the half dozen of us. Way back when, long time before I was born, my people - my clan - lived in Berlin. Wolves have always been drawn to the fringes, to places of unrest, of two worlds. There were wolves who traveled with Rromani people, wolves in Dublin, in shtetls in Russia, in the ghettos of Warsaw. And in Berlin. My mother and grandmother agreed, mom would take my father and her brother and grandfather and they would go to America and make us a home. Grandma would stay with the rest of the clan, make them ready, and they would come later. But later came too late. The wall went up, with my grandmother and my aunt (My uncle's wife), and the whole rest of my family on the other side. We had no contact for over 30 years. I guess it bears mentioning that wolves live a good bit longer than humans. My grandfather says it has to do with the Hunt, that God sees our devotion and rewards us with greater vitality. Humans don't hunt, and they deteriorate quickly, they wither and die before some wolves even bear children. I think it has to do with our biology, our healing. You have to put a hole in a wolf before they'll scar. Like, something you can see daylight through, take off half an arm. But humans are so fragile - they can scar from a cut. I think humans just don't regenerate from the normal wear and tear like wolves do. These beliefs aren't mutually exclusive, mind you. My mother was seventy when I was born, and I was her first. It's a little on the older side, but nothing out of the ordinary. Dad was almost sixty. That's pretty normal too, for a male to mate an older bitch - he wants someone who can take care of him, who has the life experience to lead his family. I met the rest of my clan once. The wall came down before I was born, and almost immediately my family made the trip back to see the clan. My uncle found out his wife had died, and his children had taken mates. He doesn't talk about it really, but sometimes he gets drunk. Most of the time he says it was a cow, or sometimes a pig. Once it was a goat. He was yelling, "-over a goddamned goat, a goat!" before my mother put away the whiskey and took him aside. From what I've been able to piece together, our family was starving. It was my aunt's job to provide, to get them through until they could get out. They never stopped believing they could get out. She did something we almost never do: she went after a domesticated animal. She was bringing up the rear after the kill, protecting the rest of the pack, when I guess a human caught up with her. The rest of the party got the kill back, the family got the meat and the children lived. A wolf can heal from a lot of things, but that human got off a damn lucky shot. Right through her left eye. Even a wolf can't heal from a bullet in her brain. She knew it was dangerous, but it was her responsibility to feed them. It was an act of desperation, going after a farm animal. To say that it isn't done is putting it lightly, but it's not quite taboo. It's happened in the past, usually young ones having fun. I don't really see how much fun it can be hunting a cow... They're in a fence and too big to really move. But I guess it also has to do with being angry. You almost never see older ones doing it - older ones know better, they know how to handle that fire in the blood. Not always with the young ones. But even so, it's rare, probably because it causes so much trouble, like pitchforks and torches and get out of town before they burn us kind of trouble. Even nowadays.
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monstermyheart · 7 years
Why can I not make this text post wtf is it mobile why
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monstermyheart · 7 years
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Instagram: MandasJournal
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monstermyheart · 7 years
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I look good today 🌌
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monstermyheart · 7 years
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monstermyheart · 7 years
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She looks like a Greek goddess | Barbie Ferreira
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monstermyheart · 7 years
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monstermyheart · 8 years
MH setting ideas
Catholic school Bible camp Soccer camp
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monstermyheart · 8 years
“I wipe my tears and pull out my phone angstily. Oh wait, it’s dead. Just like my best friend.”
(via lethargyspecialist)
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monstermyheart · 8 years
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monstermyheart · 8 years
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monstermyheart · 8 years
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Ky Lee performing at Euphoria 2012.
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monstermyheart · 8 years
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I love Avatar SO much ლ(́ಠ益ಠლ)
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monstermyheart · 8 years
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[old rose from titanic voice] it’s been 84 years…………..anyway here’s PART TWO OF THE DANCEBENDING ANIMATIONS featuring a breakdancing move, a bit of jazz dance, and some ukrainian hopak because 1) i couldn’t decide and 2) they look cool
[DO NOT repost, DO NOT take the watermark off, DO NOT delete the caption, do not do any of these things or i WILL find you]
(part one: katara)
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