moiraxknight · 11 months
“You and I need to come up with some strategies here, little lady.” Moira whispered to her daughter, who was now but two weeks old but already much bigger than she was at birth, her hair had grown as well and her features were more and more like her dad’s. Except for her eyes, those were getting a darker shade of blue, the same shape as Moira’s. “Abba is not a morning person, we can’t overdo it with the 5 am calls.” She added while strapping Yael to the sling and onto her chest before getting up from the couch. Much to her appreciation, Yael was a rather calm baby. A hungry one, for sure, but she would wake up two, maybe three times during the night, eat until her little belly was even looking a little too stuffed and then pass out for another few hours. Sometimes she’d wake up around midnight, then around three and then not until Moira was already up and ready, moving about the house. The last few nights, though, she’d switched to 9-2-5 crying fests and while both of her parents were exhausted, Oliver’s brain just didn’t function at 5 am, not unless he had been awake all night waiting for it, which was simply not a doable thing.  Yael had eaten plenty after that last cry and now Moira was leaving a passed out and groggy Oliver on the couch to go make some coffee. “We need a fully functioning daddy so we can function too, girl.” Moira kept her voice a gentle, soft whisper while Yael looked at her, tucked inside the sling, looking all cute in her onesie. “When you do midnight, 3 and 7, I’m half awake for the first time, but dad is awake and he can change your diapers after you eat. When you wake up the last time, I’m up and running, dad wakes up not long after and everything is smooth. Bills and Wolf are fed too, Richard is out in the sun.” She explained the home dynamics while she began gathering what she needed to make coffee.  Yael let out a soft coo and Moira nodded. “Exactly, gotta make it work for all of us, humans and pets.” She continued while measuring the coffee beans to grind them. “Especially tomorrow and Friday. We need strong and well rested daddy to knead the challah dough. Otherwise there’s no challah on shabat and we both know while you don’t eat it yet, you looove it. You’d do backflips in my tummy every Friday.” Moira smiled at the memory. Only two weeks but it felt like a lifetime ago while they watched Yael’s daily development. She was already so smart, grabbing onto things, paying attention to stimuli, interacting with the pets. 
“Promise to go back to 12-3-7?” She looked at her daughter, Yael blinking and her lips shaped in an O, hands gripping onto the sides of the sling. “Good, let me teach you how to make coffee then.” She showed the coffee beans and Yael blinked, having no idea what those were but still curious. “This is the thing you have to learn before anything else: mom and dad are coffee addicts. If there’s no coffee at home, there’s no peace.” She whispered, putting the beans in the coffee grinder. As she turned it on, Yael made a sound, squirming lightly, and Moira covered her ears until it was done. When she opened it, her little nose was moving, catching the new scent in the air. “Delicious, right?” Moira smiled, taking the ground to the machine.  She continued the process, narrating every step to her curious, observing daughter as if Yael could already understand everything. She would one day, Moira knew. Before they could even blink, she would be big enough to get the coffee going for her parents in the morning, and for herself as well. The smell filled the kitchen and the whole front of the house as it always did, and finally the animals were waking up as the sun went up, Billie trotting towards her and demanding some love. “Morning, Bills, hi.” Moira grinned, patting her chest where Yael’s little but was so Billie would go up to sniff her sister. “She’s up already, woke up before you, can you believe it?” Billie ruffed happily, then moving back to the touch where she been with Oliver, trying to wake him up.
Wolf jumped on the counter right when the coffee was fully done and Moira was grabbing the mugs. “Hi, buddy.” She greeted him, scratching his chin and then letting him sniff Yael. By now he was not only used to her presence at home, she had become his favorite thing to watch and keep track of. He made sure to know where she was, go and sniff her before he went back to his naps. He sniffed her head, her little nose and then leaned back again, satisfied with knowing her whereabouts. 
Moira heard a soft grunt coming from the living room direction and then the sound of Oliver’s feet dragging on the floor as he made his way to the kitchen and towards her, wrapping his arms around her body and dropping his head on hers. “Good morning.” She chuckled when he only responded with another grunt and Yael seemed to recognize the sound, squealing happily. Oliver’s chin was on her shoulder now and he was looking at their daughter. “Somebody made abba his coffee this morning, tell him, neshama.”
Yael cooed, recognizing that face as well and moving her arms. Oliver’s grip went tighter around her body and Moira looked at him, noticing the way his eyes were shining while he looked at the baby in the sling. “What is it, baby?” Moira whispered to him, kissing his jawline and gently rubbing his arms around her.
“Feeling lucky, that’s all.” Oliver’s voice was hoarse in the morning and it sent a shiver down Moira’s spine, one she ignored for the sake of the forty days they had promised to Naina they wouldn’t touch each other in any possible way that could make another baby too fast.
“We’re the lucky ones.” Moira grinned, moving in his embrace only to remove Yael from the sling and hold her up and closer to their faces. “Right, neshama?” Moira kissed her cheek, her little neck, holding her between her and Oliver. “We’re the real lucky ones here.” She smiled at him, her husband, her very best friend, while their daughter reached out and grabbed his nose, launching herself forward to bite onto it as well and making Moira’s laugh fill their home. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“Oh, yeah, this baby is not coming before August,” said Oliver as Ilam was already talking about prayers for the two. “Maybe prayers can start in September. October,” he offered as he glanced at Moira, smiling slightly. It was sweet that they were both so excited for them. Of course, they knew of all the things Moira had been through, and then there was Oliver who had no family growing up and it was a big deal for him to be starting his own. “We’re really excited about this.”
“We are going to be twice the zaides,” nodded Alex, still beaming at the couple. “Oh, don’t worry, we’ll just make sure the prayers are for you two to be happy and healthy to promote this new life. Doesn’t hurt to start a little earlier, you know?”
“Oh, shit, yeah, the barbecue,” said Oliver as he was quick to remember that he had that started. He smiled at Moira as she gave him a quick kiss. “Thank god, because do you know how much daycare costs?” he asked. Not that it would be a problem, given that Oliver worked from home, even if they hadn’t had babysitters, he knew he’d be the perfect position to be a stay-at-home dad one way or another. “Come on, let’s go outside,” he added to their dads as he beckoned them and moved back out where he had the grill set up.
The day was perfect. The river shimmered under the sunlight, and they had set up the back area with lights and chairs and the table so that everyone would have a place to sit and be comfortable. “Everyone else should be arriving soon,” he added. It was about that time of day and given that Naina and Ryan had already been seen in town, Oliver knew they’d be by any moment now.
As if on cue, Billie was running off, a moment later, Oliver could hear the doorbell as someone had arrived. “Probably Ryan and Naina,” he said to Moira.
“Exactly.” Ilam nodded when Alex spoke about starting the prayers earlier. “It doesn’t hurt to pray for the child to come fast either, for you two to be able to have a healthy baby.” He reasoned, looking at his friend. “It this something to be kept between us four only, for now?” He asked Moira.
“Yes, please.” She nodded, smiling lightly. “I mean, if you two are going to put our names on the prayers, you can tell the rabbi, but we just- We’d just like to make sure the baby is here and coming before we tell everyone.” Moira also knew she didn’t need to explain to either of their dads why she was wary about telling anyone. And her father nodded, a soft and understanding smile on his lips. “Now go on with Oliver, I’ll be out in a minute, just gotta finish the burgers.” She encouraged the older men to follow Oliver outside.
It had truly turned out to be the perfect day, like the weather was celebrating Oliver’s birthday as well. Maybe it was, maybe it was the universe celebrating the fact that Oliver got to have a birthday party on his actual birth date, with his father for the first time. They had set everything nicely in the back, most of what they’d need for the barbecue was already on the table, just the meat still inside so Billie and Wolf wouldn’t steal anything when nobody was looking.
“I’ll get it.” Moira smiled at Oliver and then headed for the door, Billie doing her usual sniffs while Wolf was already back on his kitchen perch, as if he knew there would be too many people to greet and they could come to him if she wanted. Moira opened the door and smiled, seeing Oliver was right. “Hi, you two!” She greeted Naina and Ryan, beckoning for them to walk in. 
Naina had the box with the cake in hand and she kissed Moira’s cheek before she was dropping her purse on the small bench by the entrance hall. “You look fabulous!” She grinned at Moira. “See? I told you I was not overdressed.” She teased Ryan. Naina had a beautiful jumpsuit on, with silky and shimmery purple and forest green arabesque-ish patterns. And heels, of course.
“You two are never overdressed, you just look gorgeous naturally.” Moira shrugged, and it was true, those two looked like they always walked from a photoshoot. “Hi, Ryan.” She gave him a warm hug, before pulling back and closing the door behind them. “Our dads are outside with Oliver, feel free to join them and find your seats, I’ll be right out.” She took the cake from Naina, mouthing a happy “thank you” and getting a wink from her friend. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver allowed himself to be led away by Moira, holding onto her hand as she took him to their room, the animals had already gone back to their naps, satisfied with their greeting at the door. Oliver could tell where Moira would take them and was confirmed when she went into their closet, standing in front of their mirror. He stood behind her, his arms gently moved by Moira to wrap around her, his hands coming to rest on her flat stomach. It would be flat for now, anyway, but he knew it was only a matter of time before she started to grow that little baby.
He let his hands move over her abdomen, his hands memorizing what it felt like now so that way he would know the moment her body started to change due to a baby. He looked back at their reflection in the mirror. He thought of the day of their wedding when they had been there, having just been married and in their respective outfits, looking their best. They would stand here plenty more times in their life, he knew, every time they hit a new milestone. Every time they simply wanted to remember the moment they were living in, just as they did now, gazing at their reflections as they were about to embark on this new journey to create a new life.
He looked at Moira’s reflection and nodded his head. “I do. Quite vividly,” he added. He remembered how tipsy they had been and yet how natural every motion they had taken that night had been. They had fallen into a pattern, at the time new, that would become intimately familiar and special. He smiled as Moira echoed the sentiment out loud, talking about how they would soon create a new life with that intimacy. Soon, they would have proof of just how powerful that love could be, growing right inside her, born and brought into this world. Oliver breathed deeply, he was going to be a father before long.
He still couldn’t believe it some days, just how far he had come. He had been an orphaned baby, grown up in foster care, being bounced from foster family to foster family until he was no longer in the system having to fend for himself and make it in this world. It hardened him, especially after Ana’s death. He’d lost all hope in those following years, never thinking he’d find love or a family. He had made peace with being alone in this world. He had to grow up alone and he would die alone, and then suddenly, that was no longer true. He not only found new love, but his family, against all odds. Oliver couldn’t even begin to imagine what he had done in his life to deserve it, but he was certainly never going to take any of it for granted.
“I’m going to show you just how much I love you, too,” he whispered now. “I can’t wait to make you the mother of my child. I can’t wait to be able to raise a baby with you, to bring a new child into this world. I never thought about having children before you and that’s because I knew I could only have a baby with you. It wouldn’t work with anyone else.” Perhaps Moira had a point when she’d talked about the concept of Jewish culture and finding that one person who would essentially be your soulmate. Life had a way of working out, and it had worked out that he and Moira would only be able to move on from the tragedies of their past together. It had worked out that once he’d found her, he’d found his family and start one of his own. It had seemed to all fall into place again once they’d met, even as Oliver had made no effort when they’d first met, the universe still insisted on throwing them together as often as possible if only to make sure they would find themselves here now. “Should we start now?” he whispered. He knew they were probably not going to make that baby today. It might take weeks, or months even. However, as Moira said, it didn’t matter how long it took, just that they took the time to make love to one another when they wanted. “Right here, in front of this mirror, just like we did on our wedding day?” he asked as he was already moving his hands to unzip the back of dress, gently easing the sleeves off her shoulders so that it fell to pool at her feet. His head bent down, lips finding the crook of her neck, kissing her there, breathing her in deeply.
Moira listened to his whispers with a smile dancing across her lips and her heart swelling in her chest. She knew Oliver would show her how much he loved her, because he always did. He always found a new way to make her feel loves, whether it was with making some extra coffee for her in the middle of the day, doing his best not to make any noise when he came to bed late at night not to wake her up, washing her hair when they showered together or just letting her rest her feet against his when they read together in bed. Moira had never doubted Oliver’s love, not even for a second. For a long time she doubted she deserved it, feared God would take it from her, but she never doubted his feelings for her, and her feelings for him. And that was one of the many reasons why she knew Oliver would be the one to grow old beside her, and the only one she could have a family with. Her bashert.
“We were made for each other, baby. Our very own rewards.” She whispered back to him, looking at their reflection in the mirror. She could swear their love was visible, like a bright aura around them, glowing even more where their bodies touched in their embrace. “God gave us the chance to love two people unconditionally and make them feel loved before their last moments on Earth.” She whispered, her eyes heavy with tears. “And we did it we all our hearts, we did. They fulfilled their mission knowing they were loved.” Moira nodded softly, pressing her body against his. “And for that, for loving them so purely and wholeheartedly until their very last breath, we were rewarded with finding our soulmates, our destined partners.” She touched his jaw with her temple, letting the tears run down her cheeks. 
His question had her smiling through her tears and she nodded, leaning forward a bit to grant Oliver the space to unzip her dress. They would love each other with every last bit of their souls, today, tomorrow and for the rest of their lives. They’d celebrate all the milestones of their love in front of that mirror, together, in each other’s arms. Soon enough she’d be there looking big and round with their baby growing in her womb. A product of their love, of their devotion to each other, their legacy. Moira gently kicked her dress to the side and stepped off of her heels, standing in his arms in her underwear, looking at her body like she was trying to memorize how it looked now before the changes that would inevitably come.
“Thank you for finding me.” Moira whispered when Oliver kissed her neck, making her shiver. “Thank you, baby. For loving me, all of me.” She still had some of the stretch marks from her first pregnancy, the scars from her surgery, marks of a happy and active childhood too. Every thing she had taken so long to love about herself, Oliver had loved in an instant. “Thank you for making me want this, this baby.” She pressed his hand onto her stomach again, closing her eyes now. “For showing me I deserve this love, this happiness, this family. Thank you for not fighting this, for not... Pulling away from me when the fear hit.” She knew it had, because it had for her, many times, but the urge to be with him had always been bigger than any worry she could have. Moira reached between them to undo her bra and let it fall off her shoulders, tossing it aside. She simply wanted to feel free in that moment, and had Oliver’s skin on hers, covering her with all that love.
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver smiled as Moira and Ilam joined them in the kitchen. He nodded at Moira’s question when she realized what he was referring to. Although he wasn’t sure about telling their entire circle of friends just yet, at least not until Moira was ready, he wanted to share this moment with their fathers. He knew what a big deal this would be for the two of them.
“Hey, thanks,” said Oliver with a smile at Ilam as he returned the hug and nodded at the gift. He would get to it after he had delivered the news.
Alex smiled at Moira and nodded. “It is a tzedakah box,” he confirmed. “Little box of bar mitzvah items. Trying to catch up on all the years I missed.” He winked at her before he then looked back at Oliver.
Oliver’s arm wrapped around Moira. “Well, we made a decision and we’re going to start trying for children,” he smiled as he looked between the two fathers. “Moira let me know she’s ready to give it another go, and timing kind of works out because she’s able to have her IUD removed in two months and so, when she does, we’re going to try for kids. She let me know that today.” He placed a quick kiss on top of her head.
“Really?” smiled Alex as he looked between the two. His eyes glistened with tears. He had never thought he’d get his son back, and now he had his son and would soon have grandchildren from him. He moved forward to that he could give them back a hug. “You two are going to be such good parents,” he told them.
Oliver hugged his father back and nodded. “Thanks,” he said with a nod of his head. “We’re excited to add one more little Jewish kid into the mix hopefully.” Oliver added the last word if only to temper expectations. A part of Oliver, despite never having ventured into having children with anyone before, felt slightly nervous. Perhaps, it was the idea that they’d now told two other people about their intentions. It felt much more real than it just being himself and Moira having that knowledge.
“I love that.” Moira grinned back at Alex. It was so sweet of him to want to give his son that, a little piece of what it was like to be Jewish and what Oliver would have gotten if he had had he chance to grow up with his family. Something their kid would have, all those Jewish milestones, all the birthdays celebrated with everyone that loved them. If Moira wasn’t already sure Oliver was the one for her, the one to give her a child, she’d be now, reassured of Alex’ huge heart, knowing their baby would have the most amazing zaides.
She squeezed Oliver in her embrace, encouragingly. Her heart was beating so fast she truly needed that embrace, though. She was the one that needed courage, it seemed, because Oliver didn’t beat around the bush, he straight up told their fathers their plans. Moira smiled widely as he spoke and looked at their dads, nodding to confirm his words. She could see it in her father’s eyes, the tears, the shock, but the immense love in those blue hues of his.He was frozen, speechless while Alex was hugging them.
“Thank you, Alex, thank you.” Moira grinned, hugging him back and then letting him go, her eyes heavy with tears. “We are.” She agreed with Oliver, nodding. “Scared shitless, but excited.” She admitted with a chuckle, then looking at her father. “Abba.” Moira tilted her head and Ilam smiled at her, coming towards them. 
“Baruch hashem.” He grinned, holding them both by their faces, but looking at his daughter. “I’m so proud of you.” Ilam lowered his voice a bit, even though he knew Oliver and his father could hear them. And Moira knew what he meant too. “Alex is right, you two are going to be great parents.” He patted their faces before hugging them tightly and pulling back. “And we are going to be twice zaides, my friend.” He turned to Alex, excitedly. “We should talk to the rabbi next service, see if he’ll add their names to the prayers so this baby will come faster.” He was already making plans with his new best friend.
“Abba, calm down.” Moira chuckled, although she would too be praying on her daily prayers and on Shabat for the baby to come sooner rather than later, and healthy and happy. “One thing at a time, and first we have a barbecue to get going.” She insisted, smiling at her excited father and then looking at Oliver, cupping his face gently. “Guess we’ll have babysitters for free for years.” She teased, kissing his cheek. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
After cleaning up and getting settled, Oliver went out back so he could start the process of setting up the grill. He had already hooked up the canister of fuel and had turned it on so he could start heating up. He lightly painted the grill with some oil as well, so that it’d keep the meat from sticking. He smiled as he watched Billie move back and forth between the kitchen and the outdoor area where Oliver was. She was clearly torn between the smell of meat from Moira’s prep and being outside to investigate what Oliver was doing. “Don’t worry, girl, you know you’ll get your own burger later.” He leaned down just as she was coming back up to him to squeezed and hold her face. However, before he could give her too much love, Billie was running off and straight past the kitchen. Oliver could only assume someone had arrived.
“Hello, hello,” said Alex with a smile as Moira greeted them while Ilam announced they had brought some kosher hot dogs to contribute to the barbeque they were about to have. “Oh?” he smiled at Moira. “Sounds like it’s a good start to the day,” he chuckled. In his hands he had a rather large gift. “I’m going to go find him,” he said as he held up the gift before he excused himself and moved through the house.  
By now, Alex had sufficiently settled into Rhinebeck and also had been by the house often enough to know how to navigate it. He already found Oliver in the kitchen, Billie was at his heels as they crossed paths. “Hello, my son,” he said as he moved forward to embrace Oliver.
“Hey,” said Oliver, hugging his father tightly before he let him go, giving him a quick pat on the back.
“Happy birthday,” he said and held out the gift for Oliver.
“You know you did not have to,” he said to him, taking the gift from his father and putting it down on the kitchen counter.
“Nonsense, I have thirty-nine years of gift giving to make up for,” said Alex shaking his head. “Go on,” he said with a nod as he gestured to the box, inviting Oliver to open it.
Oliver went ahead and unwrapped it, opening the large box. Inside he found various items including: a tzedakah box, a star of David necklace, and a couple of books.
“I know you never had a bar mitzvah,” started Alex, “so, these are traditionally gifts given during the bar mitzvahs. In fact the books are books we bought on what would have been your bar mitzvah. Your mother bought the gifts hoping to one day give them to you. It’s why you’ll notice they’re young adult novels, ideally you might not have been forty when it happened, but I’ve held onto these books all these years, so now that I have you, it didn’t make sense to keep them anymore. The tzedakah box is a collection tin, basically. See, we as a community believe highly in charitable acts, so theses boxes are used to collect money you then donate to charity. Again, as a child you just put money in them and then donate them to whichever charity of your choice. I know these gifts are small, but, like I said I have thirty-nine years to make up for the bar mitzvahs are one of the bigger events in a young Jewish boy or girl’s life.” Oliver looked at his father as he explained the gifts and what they meant, tokens collected with the hopes of being reunited with him one day. He looked back at each small, but hugely meaningful token and then embraced his father again. “I can’t show Moira this or she’ll cry,” he joked. “Thank you,” he nodded. “This—this means a lot to me.” Oliver wished he had more words to convey exactly how much this meant to him, really. It was impossible for him to say in that moment.
“Speaking of, she said that you received some gifts already today?” he smiled.
“Oh, yeah, actually,” grinned Oliver. “I, uh, she got me a new motorcycle. Customized and everything. Has some Hebrew writing on it and everything. And, uh, well,” he paused as he waited for Moira. “Something else, but might actually be a good idea for Ilam to be here and Moira.”  
“Did he like the motorcycle?” Ilam was asking in a whisper, not sure if his daughter had showed it to Oliver already.
“He loved it.” Moira grinned. She should have filmed Oliver’s reaction, his face when he saw it, the gentleness of his touches on the bike’s structure. 
“Good.” Ilam smiled, giving her a proud nod. “I got him a present too, it’s in the bag.” He handed the grocery bag to Moira and she rested it on the dining table to pull out the package of the kosher hot dogs and a little present bag, all decorated with Hebrew engravings. 
“What is it?” Moira asked curiously. “Smells like coffee.” She grinned.
“That’s because it is, your bubbe Rifka sent some from Israel, I asked her for an extra package for Oliver.” He told her and Moira was instantly taken by the memories of their last family trip to Israel, right before the pandemic hit, drinking coffee with her grandparents and cousins. 
“Thanks, dad.” She grinned. “He’ll love it.” Moira handed him the packet so he could be the one to give it to Oliver and they headed into the kitchen, Moira going straight to the fridge to store the hot dogs for now. “Wait for me for what?” She was asking when she turned around and noticed the look in Oliver’s eyes. “Oh.” Moira felt her heart racing in her chest. She knew they couldn’t keep that from their dads, they would be the people to root the most for them, after all.
“What is going on?” Ilam asked, noticing the looks between the two as he approached Oliver, wrapping him in a warm hug. “Happy birthday, and mazel tov.” He grinned as he pulled back, gesturing towards the box of bar mitzvah items. “I got you something small, but I’ll admit it’s something my daughter can enjoy too.” He admitted with a laugh, resting the package on the counter.
“Oh my God, is that a tzedakah box?” Moira’s eyes widened as she came closer, wrapping an arm around Oliver. “Babe.” She looked at him, eyes already heavy with tears as she squeezed him. “Alright, alright, I’ll wait a little longer to cry.” She chuckled. “Go on.” She gently bumped her hips onto his and tilted her head towards their dads. “It’s your birthday, you tell them.” She encouraged him, smiling widely. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver hugged Moira back as she reached out to embrace him. He held her there, his hand moving over her hair, feeling the waves and curls against his palm. “Oh, baby, I love you too,” he whispered back to her. His other hand was moving up and down her back as if trying to soothe her. He knew she wasn’t upset, but it was emotional. It was emotional for her, he had no doubt as it was certainly emotional for him. He could only imagine all the thoughts that must be going through her mind in that moment now that she no longer had the IUD to stop this baby from happening.
He kissed the top of her head gently just as she was pulling back. He could see the tears in her eyes, glistening. “Oh, no baby, thank you for giving me this chance,” he told her. After all, Oliver would not have blamed her if she had decided that she could not have dealt with the trauma of another birth, of risking losing another child. He would have understood if she was unwilling to have this baby, but despite all she had gone through, she wanted this just as much as him. She was willing to overcome anything she had in her past to try and have this baby, to give Oliver his family and to have a second chance for herself to raise a child. “You’re the one giving me a chance to have this child and to make sure we put something good in this world, after all you’ve been through. I should be thanking you.”
He let his hand wipe some of the tears that had spilled over, Moira going on about a concept that sounded not unlike soulmates. He listened though as she explained. “Bashert,” he repeated the word in a faint whisper so that he could remember it, but not interrupt Moira. His eyes closed as she leaned forward to place a kiss on his nose and then brush her lips against his own. He opened his eyes again and nodded. “I know you will, baby,” he told her. “I know you’re going to grow and take care of our baby the best you can and we’re going to have our little girl or our little boy, no matter what.” And Oliver knew that this would happen for them, if only because there was nothing that said otherwise. They were healthy and they were ready. They had to take this journey together.
Oliver nodded as she said they should go home. He went ahead and gave her one last quick peck before he started the car, heading back to their home in Rhinebeck so they could simmer on this new development and enjoy each other now that it was over and done with. “You feeling okay, though? Not too sore?” he asked, glancing at her as he put the car in reverse and started the journey home.
It didn’t them long either, before Oliver was pulling up their familiar home. It was the home they had been living in for over a year now. It was almost incredible to think that Oliver had bought this house on a whim, simply because Moira had loved it so much and now they were married and ready to expand their family beyond just their furry animals. They were ready to make one of those rooms a nursery and to infuse a new life into it, to make this house not just their home but one suitable for a family as it deserved.
Once he had parked, Oliver went around to open the door for Moira and help her out of the car. They walked back to the house where Billie greeted them as always Wolf following closely behind to say hello. They were home, but suddenly it felt different. Oliver was already picturing the way their home would soon have toys, baby clothes, new pictures added to the ones that already adorned the walls and shelves. He could see the way there would be a new aspect of life that would be added once they did have that baby, and even before then once Moira did become pregnant. Furniture might be rearranged to accommodate additional furniture. He couldn’t wait to make those changes either. 
“We’re really going to do this,” he whispered once he had given Billie sufficient attention and pats. Wolf had already slinked his way around Oliver’s feet as he always did to show his affection before he’d gone off to continue napping as he’d likely been doing before they’d gotten home. 
Moira sometimes still couldn’t believe that was her life, her actual life. Hes husband, her plans, her future. It was all real, Oliver was real, they were about to start trying for a baby and their little family would grow, Billie and Wolf would be big brother and sister. It was simply surreal. She looked into Oliver’s eyes as he spoke and all she could hear was the sound of absolute peace and the amount of love she could feel in his words. As scared as she truly was, something in her heart was telling everything would be okay, because she had Oliver, and they had the strongest, most pure love in the world. “I could only do this with you, nobody else. It had to be you and it will be you. My Jewish king to give me a Jewish prince or princess.” Moira smiled as he dried her tears, a simple gesture but that represented so much for two people that had been through as much pain and loss as both of them had.
“I’m alright, it kind of stings a little, like... I don’t know, feels like I’ve drank too much orange juice and now the acidity is making it burn a little, does that make sense?” Moira tried her best to explain. Maybe because she was feeling so happy and relaxed, it didn’t hurt as much as it did when she inserted it. She remembered having horrible cramps the whole day and day after. “Nothing some tender love and care won’t fix.” She teased, resting her hand on his leg and leaning back on her seat as he took off and headed home. 
All the way back to their house, their little sanctuary, Moira thought about how things seemed to have prepared them for that moment. They now lived in a calmer place, while still close to the city, with a great school district, a Jewish community. A great place to raise a child. Alex was closer too now, so they’d have all the support from their fathers and Oliver would get to have the chance to live fatherhood with his dad close to him. They had plenty of space at the house to turn one of the rooms into a nursery and then a room for the kid as they grew without having to compromise office space or even their guest room. They were going to do just what they had talked about the first time they walked into that house, fill it with family, with love. And some more plants, if her father had any saying on it. 
Moira closed her eyes and just enjoyed the wind on her face during the ride, keeping her hand on Oliver’s leg like she had to touch him to make sure none of that was a dream. Soon enough she’d be so big she’d even had to push her seat backwards, she thought. They’d have a little seat on the back for the baby, a stroller folded in the trunk every time they went out with the little one. She couldn’t wait, she truly couldn’t. Soon enough the car was slowly down and they were parking in front of the house, her absolute dream home where they’d now raise their child in. Moira smiled thankful when Oliver came around to open the door to her and and headed down the steps to the door with him, Billie and Wolf making their little greeting ritual as always.
“Hello, hello.” Moira chuckled, scratching both their heads, accepting Billie’s happy licks and Wolf’s lazy curls around her legs before they were heading back to their napping spots for the day. Mom and dad hadn’t been away long enough that they’d stop sleeping, it seemed. She looked at Oliver when she heard his whisper and smiled widely, nodding. “We are.” She whispered back as if they were sharing a secret, just the two of them and the house could know. “God willing, soon enough we’ll have a little Knight running after Billie and Wolf right here.” She waved towards their dining area that separated the living room and the kitchen. They truly lived in the perfect place.
“Come here.” Moira gently took his hand and led him to their room, right into the closet, stopping in front of the mirror. She wrapped Oliver’s arms around her, palming his hands on her stomach, where soon their baby would be growing, and resting her head on his shoulder. They were beautiful together, cheek to cheek like that. She could picture it, her stomach growing, Oliver’s hands on it, the baby kicking to say hello, and her lips curled in a wide grin at the thought. “Do you remember our first time?” She asked in a whisper, covering his hands with hers, looking at him through the reflection of the mirror. “I remember wishing it wouldn’t be the only one because I knew, deep in my heart, that nothing and no one would ever be that special.” Moira told him, a smile dancing on her lips. “Every single time since that one was just like that, special, like nothing else. And from now on, it will be even more special. Because it will put a little Knight right here.” She tapped his fingertips on her stomach, grinning. “And then we’ll know just how powerful it is, our intimacy, knowing what we created together.” 
She turned her face to look a him, so much love for that man she felt like she was going to explode. “It doesn’t matter how long it take us to get pregnant, I want to make love to you, every single time we feel like it, because I want to show you what my words can’t convey.” She whispered to him. “I want you to know just how much I love you, Knight. How much I will love you until the end of my days. And how much I want you to be the father of my child.” 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“What? I’m wearing clothes, that’s the effort I’m making,” said Oliver as he looked down at the outfit he had chosen before he looked back at her, still naked. “I would say the one who is about to tempt me into already being unable to keep my hands to myself is you.” He took this chance to run his hands over her naked body one more time, at least for the next several hours. He let his hands move down her sides before her gripped her ass and gently squeezed it while she gave him a quick peck. “I think he will, too,” he agreed before he let her go so that she could go ahead and dressed herself.
Oliver nodded, leaving her to put clothes on while he went into the bathroom. He found the hair product and put some onto his hands before he ran it through his hair. It was easy to get all over as he had just gotten his hair recently cut, so it was nice and short, especially given they were still in the middle of summer. He finished the process off by scrunching up his short hair the way Moira had showed him to do and then wiped his hands down with a hand towel.
He looked back at Moira now that she was dressed. “You look fucking incredible,” he told her, as he walked back over to her, his arms wrapping around her and bringing her close to give her a quick kiss. “My goddess, my Jewish queen,” he whispered to her before he let her go. “Come on, let’s get that mess cleaned up real quick and then see what else we need to tidy up before our company starts to arrive.”
Moira did not fight it when Oliver pulled her into another embrace, her arms instantly going around his neck. She never did, really, it was impossible to resist him. “My Jewish king.” She whispered back to him, giving him one last kiss before she let go. “Yes, yes, I still need to start preparing some things for the barbecue before everyone arrives.” Moira nodded, taking his hand and heading out of their room. 
Moira had indeed calculate the time to wake him up perfectly. They had time to clean up, reheat breakfast and eat calmly and even do dishes before there was anyone driving into their garage way. Oliver was setting up the grill and Moira was preparing the burger patties when the doorbell rang for the first time. Wolf perked up his head, he’d been sitting on the edge of the kitchen island, watching his mom prepare the meat and hoping he’d get a little piece while Billie circled the island, trotted outside to sniff the grill and Oliver and then came back. She wasn’t sure what to do, if she should go find out what dad was doing or expect some treats from mom. But when the doorbell rang she ran there immediately, sniffing under the door gap and crying.
“It’s us.” Ilam called out and Moira knew “us” meant Ilam and Alex had come together, which had become quite regular now. It was always either one of them driving the other to hers and Oliver’s place or the synagogue. 
“Dads are here.” Moira let Oliver know, wiping her hands with a washcloth and covering the meat with it. “Don’t you dare.” She eyed Wolf and he just blinked at her, daring. “Come on, zaides are here.” She snapped her fingers and he followed her to the door. Moira opened it up and Billie instantly launched herself onto Alex, sniffing and licking his hands and then moving to Ilam. “Bills, let them get in.” Moira laughed, opening the door widely so the two older men could walk inside. Wolf came trotting and rubbing himself on their legs. “Alright you two, let your zaides come inside first, come on.” Moira chuckled, closing the door when the two walked in. “Hi, hi abba. Hi, Alex.” She greeted them, Ilam coming in for a hug.
“Shalom, neshama.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “We brought kosher hot dogs.” He lifted the plate in his hand. “I think we saw Ryan and Naina when we drove by the bakery in town.” He added as he was removing his jacket carefully.
“Ooh, perfect, they were supposed to pick up the cake.” Moira grinned, going in to hug Alex. “Hi, welcome.” She hugged him tight and pulled back to grab his jacket. “Birthday boy is outside setting up the grill.” She grinned, hanging his jacket and then her dad’s when he handed it to her. “Ask him what he got for his birthday, you’ll see him light up more than he did at our wedding.” She teased.
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver settled down in Naina’s office. It felt like the worst was over. Moira had the IUD removed and Naina had already delivered their positive test results. He certainly felt much more at ease and calm now, at any rate. He kept hold of Moira’s hand and listened as Naina went on now. One thing he did know would happen was that Naina would be on top of everything Moira would need from the day this baby was conceived. He knew that, in a way, Naina had stakes in this just as much as he and Moira being, not just her doctor, but her friend who had witnessed how Moira’s first pregnancy had gone. If anything, it made it much better that her friend was helping her through this. She would understand exactly what Moira had gone through and be delicate about it. 
Oliver nodded along to Naina’s words to show he was listening even though he didn’t say much. He did glance at Moira as Naina mentioning going with the flow of their libido. That definitely wouldn’t be an issue. He had the feeling now that Moira had her IUD removed, both of them might have increased libido. Moira even more so, knowing that the cycles of ovulation and fertility often could result in that naturally. He was sure it was why Naina offered the advice in the first place. Human bodies were remarkably instinctual in that manner and aspect.
Much in the same way that increased libido would help them conceive, he knew that stress could also be a factor that hurt them. Though, Oliver felt once their initial nerves were gone, they would fall into their usual pattern. Despite Oliver’s more reserved self when he was out and around other people, Moira and him always fell into such an easiness around each other, that any stress they might have would instantly melt away when they were on their own. It always seemed to happen and the important thing was to simply do what came naturally to them, what they had been doing this entire time, really.
Oliver nodded at her assurance that he would be included in as much of the process as possible. He had no doubt that Moira would also make sure of that. “Well, as long as we’re doing what’s best for Moira, that’s all I really care about,” he said. He looked over at his wife and squeezed her hand. “Thanks again,” he added to Naina as he reached out a hand to shake hers quickly, standing up now that she was dismissing them. He gave her a wave, before he and Moira were exiting the office. He also said goodbye to the nurses and receptionist as they went through the office.
Before long, they were back in the car, Oliver in the driver’s seat, and Moira on the passenger side. He turned his body to face hers now that they were alone. “How are you feeling?” he asked her. Naina had said she might be sore for the rest of the day due to the removal of the IUD. He couldn’t even imagine what the soreness might feel like. “Just head straight home or do you want to stop anywhere?” he asked her as he squeezed her thigh gently.
It seemed weird to suddenly be sitting here so calmly and naturally when it felt like everything had changed. And yet, very little had really changed. The real change would be when Moira actually became pregnant because Oliver knew at that point there would be no going back. Not that he was having second thoughts. He was so ready to become a father and for Moira to help him do that.
The whole time they were heading out of the office and to the car, Moira was silent. She felt like she was in a stupor, like she couldn’t believe any of that was happening. That she had felt ready for motherhood again, that she had found someone who would bring that wish, that dream back to her. That she had survived all she had, and found love again. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her eyes full of tears. If she felt like that now, only after having removing the barrier that kept them from parenthood, she was most definitely going to pass out when her pregnancy test came out positive. It was just surreal. 
She still remembered the pain after waking up and learning she had lost her little boy. But she also remembered the excitement of finding out she was pregnant, the happy moments of pregnancy, even the video calls with Lucas when she updated him on everything that was going on. It had been a happy time in her life. And this time she would be even happier, she knew. She had the best partner she could have ever chosen to do this with, she’d give Oliver a child and a chance to live the family that was taken from him when he was a little baby. They’d have a happy, Jewish home filled with love and tradition. She’d never have to tame her faith, not to herself, not when it came to raising their child. 
Moira sat in the passenger seat, kicking off her heels and letting her purse fall to the ground by her feet. She looked at Oliver as he spoke to her and just turned on her seat, leaning in to pull him into the tighter embrace she could manage while they were in the car, in that small space. “I love you so much.” She whispered in his ear, squeezing him in her arms, closing her eyes and letting the tears run down her cheeks. “So, so much, baby.” She buried her face in his neck, breathing him in. That was the scent of the love of her life, the future father of her child, the one she would grow old with and still be drawing him in her secret sketchbooks until her hands gave out on her. “Thank you, thank you for being with me, thank you for giving me this chance.” Moira cried softly, and it wasn’t out of sadness, those were tears of joy, of gratitude.
She pulled back a bit, reaching out to cup his jaw with one hand. “Jewish culture says everyone has that one person, that one soul that God crafted for you to walk hand in hand with, a predestined person made just for you.” She told him, smiling through her tears, gently grazing her thumb on his chiseled jaw. “The one written in your destiny that you’ll love and be loved by, marry and continue the legacy of our people. A bashert.” She grinned, leaning closer to plant a soft kiss on his nose. “And you are mine. Bashert sheli.” She whispered, lips brushing against his. “I am going to give you a healthy, happy child, I promise.” Moira said, eyes locked on his, her heart beating so fast she felt light-headed even. “The most loving, intelligent and sweet little Knight. And we’ll give our child everything it deserves, all that I had growing up, all that was taken from you, and more.” She was making a promise there, from the bottom of her heart. This time she would see the pregnancy to its term, she would bring a healthy baby to the world, nurse it, love it, and watch Oliver be the best father in the world to it. 
“Let’s go home.” Moira nodded softly, pecking his lips without any rush, unable to be apart from the love of her life. “Just the two of us, no noise, no nothing, just us, naked in our bed, in our bubble.” She wanting nothing more. A whole day just in his arms, it didn’t matter if they’d be making love or not, she just wanted to be with Oliver and nobody else while they prepared their hearts, their souls and their bodies to make that baby together. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver nodded as Moira suggested they should get dressed. He grabbed the towel she handed him as he began to dry himself off, starting with his hair and moving down and over the rest of his body stepping out of the shower as he did so. “Hey, we made that mess together,” he said. “Remember, it was half you, too,” he teased as he scrunched his nose at her, before he finished drying the rest of himself off. 
Once he had done that, he left the towel to hang on their towel rack and moved into the bedroom. Oliver liked the chance to air dry, it always was more thorough than the towel and so he did just that as he went to the closet to begin picking out the clothes he would wear that day, laying them out on the bed before he finally went and pulled on a pair of underwear, followed by a pair of dark slacks and a collared, powder blue shirt. Given that they were having family and friends over, he wanted to look nice. However, as he buttoned up the shirt, he left the last button open, before tucking it into his slacks. He still wanted to be comfortable after all. The look gave him an air of casual, coolness but while still looking presentable. 
“What do you think?” he asked once he had finished getting his clothes and presenting the look to his wife. “Where’s that product you use for my hair, by the way?” he asked her as he was already running his fingers through his still damp curls, combing them out. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Moira teased while she dried her body. She remained in the bathroom while Oliver went to get dressed so she could style her hair, going through the steps she always did, and then doing her makeup. She already knew what she’d be wearing, she’d gotten the dress specially for the occasion, so she took her time to make sure her hair was perfect and her makeup light and sweet, while still looking sexy and her best for her husband, the birthday boy. Moira hung her towels once she was done and stepped out just in time to catch Oliver tucking in his shirt and turning to show her his look.
Moira froze for a moment, her jaw dropping. “Are you- Wow, baby.” She smirked, moving a little closer to walk around him and check the whole look. “I thought we were going to make an effort to keep our hands to ourselves all day. This is the complete opposite.” She said sincerely, stopping in front of him, still completely naked, and going on her tip toes to peck his lips. “You look absolutely beautiful, as always, but a little more today.” She teased. “I think your dad will love seeing you like this, all dressed up for your birthday.” Moira knew Alex would be emotional to spend Oliver’s birthday with him no matter what he was wearing. 
“Let me get dressed. The hair stuff is all on the sink, I just used it.” She stole another peck from his lips and went to the closet, soon walking out with her pink, silky mid-length dress, new underwear underneath she’d show Oliver later, and some light silver jewelry to add a finishing touch. She sat on the bed to tie her high heeled sandals and then she was done, standing up in front of him and smoothing the dress down her curves. “What do you think?”
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Oliver smiled as Moira agreed with the sentiment that he hoped they had a girl. Of course, if they did end up with a boy, Oliver would be just as happy. Truth be told, he might have said that if only to help Moira focus on anything else that wasn’t the pain or discomfort he could tell she was definitely experiencing in that moment. Though, Oliver did love the idea of a little girl. Perhaps it was because he already had Noah as a nephew. Or perhaps it was because he had been there to see Ben raise his girls, and now longed for his own little girl to raise now a cousin for Leah to share all her girly knowledge with. 
“You did so good baby,” Oliver told her, kissing her forehead gently while Naina was double checking on things. He then put her hand to his lips to kiss that as well and let go of her so she could sit up, Naina handing her a pad. He nodded as Naina gave him a quick pat and left them alone so Moira could put her underwear back on. 
“We can,” he nodded. “We can get to making that little baby of ours. Get to putting together the most beautiful little soul we can manage.” He brushed some of her hair away from her face once she was on her feet. “Come on, let’s go talk to Naina so we can go ahead and head home and just…” Oliver let his voice trail off, as he tugged her hand so he could lead her to the office where they’d met Naina in to begin with. 
His heart was pounding in his chest. It was done. They could officially move forward and begin the journey in an attempt to be parents. It was surreal in so many ways, because nothing would really change until Moira actually became pregnant, but Oliver could feel, for some reason, sex would be different now that she no longer had that IUD. It felt like things were already different without that small layer of protection. Her body now free to make sure she could procreate if the timing worked out, because at the end of the day, Oliver was determined not to put too much pressure on, not just Moira, but himself. Despite being a rational and logical person, Oliver felt that when it was time for her to become pregnant, it would happen when it was meant to be. 
Moira smiled at the kiss on her forehead and just how tender Oliver was to her in that moment. She could only imagine how incredibly supportive he would be when the time came for her to give birth to their child. She knew he’d be there through every step, every part of it, holding her hand, keeping her grounded until that baby was out in the world and then even more after, being the best dad the world had ever seen. “Yes.” She grinned, nodding, looking into his eyes. “The most beautiful little human.” Moira couldn’t freaking wait, really. 
“Ok, let’s go.” She smirked, tugging his hand back. God, she knew they were in for a marathon. Many, really, until that baby was there and then some. And even sore, she could feel that tingle between her legs, just knowing what would be waiting for her at home. 
They walked back into the room and Naina gestured for them to take a seat again, which Moira did and held onto Oliver’s hand while he did as well. She felt nervous, even if she knew the tests had come back with good results, if she knew there was nothing between them and their dream of parenthood anymore. 
“Alright, so, just wanted to talk to you real quick.” Naina was still typing on Moira’s file and then she stopped, turning to look at them, a reassuring smile on her lips. “As your doctor, I can say nothing but good things. Both of your results are good, as I’ve said before, and everything is perfectly fine with your body. Your vaginal canal is looking great, healthy, perfect to push a baby through there soon, if you decide to go for a natural birth.” She pointed out.
“I do.” Moira was already nodding.
Naina nodded back. “I know.” She smiled. “But we’ll talk about a birth plan when the baby is in there, alright?” Naina had been through Moira’s first pregnancy with her, she had seen her friend suffer through the loss of her son. As her doctor and her friend, she had a duty there to tame Moira’s expectations. “As your doctor and your friend now, my suggestion is go with the flow of your libido, both of you.” She pointed at Oliver as well. “No tracking your ovulation, no overthinking this, just keep your sex life active and healthy, and fluid. Natural, loving as it should be. The more pressure you put on yourselves, the longer it will take, ok?” 
Moira nodded, sighing lightly. She knew she simply had to chill and continue to love her husband as she already did. Libido was not a problem for them. “Okay, got it.” She said.
“Another thing is you will get your period while the baby doesn’t come. That might be new, since you didn’t for a long time.” Naina continued and Moira scrunched her nose. “If you get bad cramps, increased flow, it might be normal over the first couple months of periods. If it persists, come back, ok? But with your results and your health, I don’t think it will take you this long to get pregnant.” She said sincerely. “But keep in mind, it might take a while and that is okay. Your body will just be readjusting to not having those hormones. The baby will come when it comes. And it will be the right time.”
Moira smiled. She knew that was her best friend talking, her best friend with faith in destiny and the magic of life. And also as a professional that had seen the most miraculous pregnancies happen. “Yeah, it will.” She looked at Oliver, squeezing his hand. Everything happened in the right time for them. That baby wouldn’t be different just because they would be actively trying.
“Now, as your friend, I have to say...” Naina smirked. “Go and have fun!” She said excitedly. “There’s no other couple in the world that deserves it more than you two, the fun, the excitement, and the baby! Go and make that baby with love and happiness. It will be loved beyond believe by everyone in your lives.” She smiled at them, feeling a bit emotional even. “I am honored to be part of this journey with you two and I promise I will be the best doctor Moira could ever have.” She was talking to Oliver directly now. “She will be supported throughout the entire pregnancy, we will create the birth plan together, all three of us. I will be present and here no matter when the baby decides to come. You will be included in everything, every little aspect that you can be a part of, ok? I promise!” Naina felt like she had a duty to Moira now, this baby would come into the world and it would grow to be happy and loved by those parents. 
“Thank you, Nai.” Moira smiled at her, reaching out to squeeze her hand.
“Thank you.” Naina squeezed her back, tugging on her hand playfully. “I’ll e-mail you both your results and everything else, your vitamins and some food you might add into your diet to help already. But for now, go and make me a baby to bring into this world, thank you very much!” She laughed, gesturing for them to get up and go home.
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“Ah, yes, of course,” said Oliver at the gentle reminder that Naina had actually been privy to Oliver in a state of undress as well. Of course, he’d been in surgery and that was probably an entirely different experience. “Guess the three of us have no secrets here,” he said with a light tone as he glanced back at Naina who had disappeared beneath the modesty drape and was still working on getting the IUD removed. 
Oliver almost instinctively put his free hand to his rib cage. Of course, his ribs had since healed and they had removed the plate that they had inserted to keep everything in place. It was still weird to think that they had seen what he looked like on the inside. His nose wrinkled at the idea. He looked back at Moira who seemed to be trying to keep her mind off the pain. “You’re doing so good, baby,” he told her softly, squeezing her hand. 
“Oh, that baby is definitely going to have your eyes,” he told her in a soft and hushed voice, in the hopes of soothing her. “Your eyes and nice, and our dark, curls. Maybe my lips, though. Definitely going to be born with a head full of hair, though. Going to be such a beautiful baby,” he whispered. 
“You know, I kind of hope we have a little girl,” Oliver went on. “Beautiful, little girl who looks like you and will be so strong like you. Teach her all about the stars. Maybe have an artistic side.” 
Moira chuckled at his comment. She was sure Naina had been so deep in her doctor mode that day she barely noticed Oliver was naked, she only cared about keeping him alive. Considering Naina hadn’t commented anything about Oliver’s body, just about the surgery (and Moira knew she would if she had seen Oliver naked in any other situation), she was sure the doctor only remembered that fact because people were always naked during surgeries, under those hospital gowns. 
She felt the squeeze in her hand and smiled up at him. God had really been good to her, huh? Compensating every little bit of sorrow from her past, sending her that man. Naina was pulling the device carefully but Moira still groaned, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, her whole body shuddering. She focused on Oliver’s voice, imagining that baby, and also focusing on the fact that pulling that baby out was going to be a hundred times more painful, but also a thousand times more rewarding. It hurt now, like she could feel every inch of that tool Naina had inside her, and the IUD moving to come out. But she had the image of that curly haired baby in mind, Oliver holding it, so she endured, groaning but she endured. 
She blinked and looked at him when he told her he hoped they had a girl. Her eyes instantly filled with tears. “I do, too.” Moira confessed, smiling widely as he continued. She could so perfectly picture that, Oliver telling their little lady all about constellations. Moira had been thinking about it, about a girl. Maybe because she felt like she had had her boy already, and this time God would do everything different from the first time. A little girl, a present partner, a child that survived and they got to raise. She wouldn’t love a boy any less, she just felt this strange feeling that it would all indeed be different this time. Moira felt another sting and then suddenly a huge relief as Naina was pulling the tweezer out.
“And we’re done.” She announced, turning on her little stool and going to handle her tools for a moment as Moira felt her body relaxing, even though she was still a little sore. “Let me just check if everything’s okay.” She was back behind the drapes and Moira focused on Oliver’s eyes again. Oh, she’s pray for the baby to have those almond shaped eyes. “How are you feeling?” Naina asked.
“Sore.” Moira admitted. “But fine, nothing unbearable.” 
“Yeah, you might be a little sore for a bit today, but it should go away soon.” Naina explained, finishing up her examination and carefully pulling the speculum out too. 
Moira sighed in utter relief, letting her legs drop knee to knee for a moment. “Can I get up?” She asked.
“Yes, I’m just going to give you a little pad, in case there’s any blood. But there shouldn’t be, just a spot or so.” Naina said, pulling the drapes away and throwing her gloves in the trash can next to the slab. “There you go.” She got one of those small, daily use pads from a drawer and handed to Moira. “I’m going to let you get dressed, I’ll be back in the office so we can talk.” She smiled, sanitizing her hands with the sanitizer by the slab and then patting Oliver’s back before she left them alone. 
Moira sat up carefully, taking the panties from him and putting the pad in it before she put it back on, letting her dress fall down. She felt a bit sore like she did the day she had the IUD inserted. But her heart was rushing. “We can do it now, baby.” She whispered, getting to her feet in front of him and putting on her shoes. “We can go make our little Knight.” She grinned, tugging on his hands. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Thanksgiving, 2040. 
“Look.” Yael gently touched Danny’s arm, tilting her head towards their left.
They had been sitting around the bonfire at the Knight’s backyard, Yael, Danny, Aidan and Haki. The Hayeses and Hughes couldn’t make it to Friendsgiving that year, all abroad to spend time with their extender family, in Mexico and England. All four of them had blankets over their legs,drinks on their hands and a belly full of food. In fact, bellies so full they had been sitting in silence for a while, Aidan almost asleep (as always). Ahead of them, still sitting around the dining table on the back balcony, were their parents. And that’s what Yael was pointing at.
Her dad’s record player had been on all day, and Etta James had started singing “At Last”, Vivian and Wesley immediately standing up and wrapping each other in the sweetest embrace so they could dance, cheek to cheek, while the others continued talking happily and snacking on nuts and Jewish treats her mom had prepared. Yael smiled at the sight, those two looking as elegant as ever, dancing like there was no one else in the world. It was heart-warming, and immediately all four were watching with smile on their faces.
“Yeah, they do that every day.” Danny smiled quite proudly, sipping on his hot cocoa. He’d been out of the house for about a year now, having lived at home still for the first couple years of college and then deciding to move out and in with his friends, not too far from where he had grown up really. “I used to watch them hidden behind the couch when I was little.” He admitted with a chuckle. “Sometimes I still do.” He smiled at his friends and then looked back at his parents. “Especially when she’s trimming his beard. It’s almost mesmerizing to watch, the trust, the connection. Gives me chills.” Danny sighed, looking at his parents with a happy and proud heart. 
“My dad still unrolls my mom’s mat for her prayers, every morning.” Haki commented, glancing at the other three with a smile on his lips, holding his hot cocoa filled mug between his hands to warm them up. “Eighteen years of marriage, he wakes up before her, unrolls the mat and goes back to sleep.” He told them, smiles curling on all their lips, even Aidan’s now as he looked more alert and awaken, sitting up on his chair. 
Just as they looked back, Vivian and Wes remained dancing and Naina was gently tucking a strand of Ryan’s graying hair behind his ear to keep it in place and he was thanking her with the most loving of smiles, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. 
“Did your father learn how to speak Farsi?” Danny asked and Haki nodded, a wide grin on his lips. 
“Still sounds funny, though.” He snorted. “Your father’s sounding a lot more fluent with his Hebrew.” He tilted his head towards Yael and she grinned.
“Genetic memory, I guess.” She shrugged, a bit smug with how crazy intelligent her dad was. “They hug, you know? It’s their thing.” She pointed discreetly at her parents, Oliver reaching for the coffee pot to fill his wife’s mug, Moira thanking him with a gently peck on the nose that had him scrunching up his nose and kissing her back. 
“What do you mean?” Aidan asked, a bit confused. Didn’t everybody hug? 
“They hug.” Yael shrugged. “Like they’ll look for each other around the house and hug, out of the blue, for five, sometimes ten whole minutes. Just be there in silence, in each other’s arms.” She explained, Aidan nodding, a little smile popping on his lips. “Always have. I remember being a kid and coming out of my room in the morning and they’d be there, right int he middle of the kitchen, hugging while they waited for the coffee to brew. Sometimes I’d climb on my father’s back and join them.” She confessed with a chuckle.
“You still do that.” Aidan pointed out and she glared at him, then smiled, waving him off. “My parents have a pinch thing.” He added, all three staring at him, confused. “Apparently when they met they were in this ‘just friends’ bullshit for a while but they clearly already had feelings for each other, so instead of voicing those feelings, my mom started gently pinching my dad every time she wanted to say she loved him.” He explained, demonstrating the pinch on his forearm. “To this day they still do it, when they’re around other people or just feeling romantic, I guess. My mom does it most but my dad thinks I don’t see it when he pinches her back.” He snorted, shaking his head. “Those fools, look at them.” He pointed.
You could only see their back as they were on the side of the table turned towards the house, Ava’s gray hair cascading over Andrew’s shoulder and half his back as she rested her head against his shoulder and he kissed the top of her head, stopping for a moment to breathe her in before pressing his cheek against her head, nodding at something Ryan was saying to them all. 
“I don’t particularly enjoy imagining my parents’ sex life.” Danny started, making a face. “But I gotta say, I was made with a whole lot of love. We all have, clearly.” He waved towards the group of parents, Wes spinning Vivian around and making her laugh when he pulled her back into his arms and they swayed together. “My ma says that’s why I got so tall.” He laughed. 
“I think that’s why we’re not idiots, though.” Aidan reasoned after sipping his drink. “Growing up with that much love and respect at home, that’s why we’re not assholes and bullies. Why we’re here, a Muslim, a Jew, this guy here with five hundred nationalities and a Catholic family.” He teased, pointing at Danny and making him laugh. “And a white ass yogi.” He pointed at himself. 
“Why we always had great holidays.” Haki added.
“And amazing music at every family and friends event.” Danny raised his mug to that, humming happily.
“And food.” Aidan added, a happy smile on his face. 
“And why we tell them we love them every day.” Yael said, smelling her coffee before she sipped on it, her nose scrunching like her dad’s. 
“I hope we have what they have one day.” Danny said, his voice a little lower as they watched their parents, Viv and Wes returning to the table, Moira kissing Oliver’s head as she got up to pick something up in the kitchen, Ryan and Naina telling a story and Ava reaching up to gently brush her fingers on the back of Andrew’s head. 
They all stood in silence for a moment, like they were realizing how lucky they had been to grow up in the homes they did, with the love they had, how different it had been from some of their own parents’ lives and how different it was from the reality of so many people in the world. 
“We will.” Yael said, smiling to herself and then perking up when her mom waved at her, a cake on her other hand.
“Cake’s ready, neshama, come on.” Moira called, smile brightening up her face, the copper wedding ring shining in the sun when she moved her hand. 
“We’re coming, eema.” Yael called back, waving, and got up, dropping her blanket on the chair. “Is there coffee?” She asked.
“Abba is brewing some more.” She waved so they’d all come.
“God, I love my family.” Yael sighed, chuckling when Haki wrapped his arm around her shoulders so they could all walk back to the house. They climbed up the steps to the balcony and she went straight to her mother’s embrace.
Aidan stopped behind his parents and wrapped his arms around them, resting his head on his dad’s; Danny kissed Vivian’s head and sat beside Wes, wrapping his arm around his dad; Haki let him mom pull him between his parents, taking a seat and letting him both hold onto him while his mom filled his mug with more cocoa. 
“Coffee will be done in a minute.” Oliver said as he was coming back from the kitchen and embracing his girls in his arms, kissing their temples. 
“We’re very lucky, aren’t we?” Yael whispered to her parents and they both looked at her, smiling proudly. 
“We are, sweetheart.” Oliver nodded. 
“We truly are.” Moira kissed her forehead and gently led her back to her chair as they were all around the table again, sharing yet another Friendsgiving. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“I am not trying to win anything,” insisted Oliver. “I am simply pointing out, that all our children cannot be named after me.” He scrunched his nose up at her. “And you know, this includes if we get another dog. Can’t just name that dog Oliver. Might have to be a Moira.” 
Oliver smiled as Moira agreed that the name sounded perfect. He liked it, too. There was a uniqueness about it and it rolled right off their tongues. He listened to her now, go through the process of their theoretical male child. He stepped into the water just so the soap she had put on him could thoroughly wash off. “Yehuda Oliver. Yeshua Oliver,” he said now, once again letting those names linger in the air, as if trying to see how they tasted. “I think Yehuda Oliver as a nicer ring to it,” he concluded with a nod. “Just flows a lot more nicely.” 
He smiled at her as she said the baby would then have their joint last name, of course. “What, no Knight-Lieberman?” he teased her, an arm moving around her. “They definitely will be proud of who they are,” he agreed. “Everything about themselves, right down to the nose and hair they’re born with.” 
“Yes, they can.” Moira added simply, a soft shrug lifting her shoulders. “Oh no, not dogs or pets, just human children.” She laughed, shaking her head and scrunching her nose back at him. 
That little moment right there, right after they had just made love, it was absolutely perfect. It was them, it was who they were, sharing every thought, discussing every aspect of their future family. Moira watched as Oliver seemed to be testing the way those names sounded, their possible little boy’s name. Her lips curled in a wide smile at his choice and she nodded. “It’s my favorite too.” She admitted. It sounded strong, powerful, and their child deserved such a name. “Well, if we do Knight-Lieberman they might start going just by Lieberman.” She teased, wrapping her arm around him and holding him back, feeling the water starting to get cold on their skin but unable to move away from her man. “Especially that nose.” She grinned.
“Come on, let’s get dressed.” Moira turned off the water and let go of Oliver much against her will, reaching for their towels and handing him his. “I still need to clean the mess you made at the entrance hall.” She teased, wrapping the towel around her body and stepping out of the shower, reaching for her cotton towel to wrap around her hair.
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“I think I can handle it,” said Oliver to Naina with a nod. It wasn’t that he doubted her words, especially when it came time for birth. It wasn’t even just the sight of a baby coming out of an area he was intimately familiar with might be horrifying, but that seeing Moira in pain would be just as agonizing. However, he refused to let her do that on her own and by extension, refused to let her do any of this on her own. He knew that this entire process, he would be right there for her, no matter how gory or bloody things got. “If Ben could watch Shauna give birth to two girls in a row, then I can handle our one baby.” He looked at Moira. “He’s way more queasy than me.”
Oliver took Moira’s purse as requested. He went ahead and wrapped the strap around the purse and held it like it was a clutch. He then took her underwear and chuckled gently as she mentioned he was familiar with those. He nodded as he carefully folded them so he could onto them as well. 
He watched Moira settle in, covered by the drape as Naina got done to business. Oliver tried not to show too much concern over the idea that it might hurt. He had no idea it could. He had sounded so easy when Naina had explained it. He looked at Moira sympathetically, as if trying to communicate that she would be okay without saying the actual words. He held out his free hand to her. “Yeah, kind of awkward to know your two best friends have see it all down there. It’s like I have competition,” he teased. Though he mostly said it to hopefully alleviate any tension she might be feeling. After all, he had to imagine it would be easier and likely less painful if she were relaxed. “We’re going to be back here in no time. Just you wait and see.” 
“It is a bit hard to believe Ben didn’t pass out.” Naina snorted lightly. “Alright, relax, let’s get started.” She instructed and Moira took a deep breath, focusing on Oliver. 
Soon enough they would be back there, they’d be listening to their baby’s heartbeat and then, not long after, they’d have their baby in their arms. It didn’t matter how much removing that IUD could hurt, nothing could hurt more than everything Moira had been through already, and she would go through any pain just to have a family with that man right there, holding her hand. Moira flinched lightly when she felt the cold of the speculum against her skin and then that uncomfortable, slightly painful feeling of it stretching her in the worst way possible. She squeezed Oliver’s hand and her eyes shut for a minute, trying not to focus on the pain. 
“Well, at least it’s not a stranger.” She teased back, blinking and looking up at him, trying to keep her breaths deep and calming. “And Naina has seen you naked too. And your actual heart.” She reminded him with a small smile, groaning when she felt Naina’s tools moving inside her. 
“I have, yes.” Naina commented from behind the drape and you could tell even from her tone that she was focused and back on doctor mode, just talking to keep her patient calm. “And your bones. Huge ribs.” She added.
“Huge.” Moira nodded, closing her eyes again for a moment as she could feel a soft sting of pain, nothing unbearable. 
“Everything okay there?” Naina asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Moira told her, keeping Oliver’s hand pressed against her cheek. “Uncomfortable, but fine.”
“Alright, I’m going to remove it then.” She let Moira know so she could brace herself for the pain that could be a little more pronounced now and Moira squeezed Oliver’s hand even harder. 
“Jewish baby, Jewish baby, chubby Jewish baby with your eyes.” She whispered to him, trying her best not to feel too anxious. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
Saturday, September 18, 2027.
Only two days ago Moira had posted one of the comics she had had the most fun drawing in a while: a Mystery Boots family curly hair routine one, with Libs, Knight and their little Knight right in the middle, all three of them facing a mirror, post hair wash, scrunching up their curls to keep them defined. It had somehow gone viral faster than most of her comics, almost faster than the wedding one, where she first revealed Oliver’s face, five years ago. It was reposted in nearly every hair care and beauty Instagram profile she knew, in Jewish lifestyle and representation one, curly hair enthusiasts, comics and illustration lovers. The responses had been in their majority positive, nearly 90% of them were of people thanking her for the cute moment they could relate to, for teaching their daughter how to love her curly hair from an early age, for the incentive for Jewish curly haired girls to keep their curls instead of straightening them.
But the other 10% of not so positive feedback - which Moira was used to by now, having been on Instagram for over ten years and at least six with Life of Liebs - was for the first time starting to get to her. Maybe it was because Yael was involved, maybe because her hair had been an issue for her when she was little, maybe because she had not been expecting the stupidity of some of the messages, she wasn’t sure. 
That particular morning, her phone kept on buzzing, though on silent mode, and her Apple Watch kept on vibrating on her wrist while she tried to draw a commissioned piece one of the couples from the synagogue had requested as a celebration for their son welcoming his first child, a boy named Avi. It was a Saturday morning, shabat, a day she stayed away from technology and the internet and focused on her family. She was even drawing on a sketchbook, not her Ipad, in order not to miss her deadline. Oliver had Yael in his lap sitting right next to Moira, Yael’s feet resting on Moira’s, the colors on their toenails matching, while he read her a book and she was helping him, already able to read some of the words. It was a perfect Saturday, they had leftover challah for breakfast, it was sunny outside while already getting a bit colder, they were all still in their pajamas, Billie and Wolf asleep on the other couch. It would be even more perfect if her phone stopped buzzing.
She sighed, putting her sketchbook aside and looking at her watch. Ten e-mails over the last hour, all from brands asking her to work with them, but demanding videos and that Yael was part of them. “I cannot believe these people.” She groaned, shaking her head and reaching for her phone. Oliver stopped reading for a moment and he was looking at her, as was Yael, those dark blue eyes upon her mother.
“What’s wrong, mommy?” She reached her chubby little hand to touch Moira’s knee and Moira smiled, grabbing her hand and leaning down to kiss her knuckles. 
“Some people are very prying and disrespectful, neshama, that’s all.” She gave her daughter a small, uneasy smile, and felt Oliver’s hand on her face, gently touching her with the back of his fingers.
“They asking for her?” He asked and Moira nodded, rolling her eyes. 
“Asking why don’t we show her, why don’t we straighten her hair.” Moira scowled and Oliver’s brows curled in a frown.
“What?” He asked, his voice lowering to that tone it always did when someone was crossing a line regarding her or Yael. 
“But I love my curls!” Yael protested, covering her head with her tiny hands. “I love them, eema, they’re just like yours and daddy’s.” She insisted, making Moira smile and playfully pinch her cheek. Yael was only four but so incredibly smart. 
“We are not straightening your hair, sweetheart.” Oliver reassured Yael, kissing the top of her head. “Tear them a new one, baby.” Oliver squeezed her thigh, encouraging. “Come on, they keep harassing you with this shit on shabat, tell them like it is and then just turn off your phone.” He added, nodding at her, and Moira nodded back, unlocking her phone. She hated that she had to do that in the first place, but that was one of the downsides of being a somewhat public figure. She had no idea how celebrities handled that kind of shit on a daily basis, she really didn’t.
Moira opened Instagram, ignoring the DMs popping red on the corner, and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, turning a bit on the couch so she wouldn’t accidentally film Yael when she clicked on her stories to start recording. “Shabat Shalom everyone, hi.” She smiled politely, figuring it was best not to just show up angry right away. “I hope you’re all doing well, enjoying your shabat with your loved ones. And before anything else, I wanted to thank you all one more time for the love we’ve been getting on the last comic.” it had indeed been an amazing about of happy and thankful messages, Moira couldn’t ignore that. She had come to thank her followers before but it didn’t hurt to do it again. “We are glad to see you all feeling represented by that family moment we shared, to see it had touched so many of your hearts in such a positive and warming way. This is all I want with every comic I post, you all know that.” She insisted with a firm nod, her smile falling a bit.
“However, we have been getting some messages that I’ve felt the need to address here.” She said, taking a deep breath, glancing at Yael on Oliver’s lap, the little girl giving her a thumbs up even though she didn’t fully understand what was going on. “I know these must come from people that maybe haven’t been following our journey with Life of Libs long enough, or haven’t taken the time to understand what we do here and how we work.” She added. “The first thing I’d like to address here is that we’ve been approached by hair products brands since posting that comic and their approach is beyond invasivee. If you have been around long enough, you know we work with many brands, from art material to food, drinks, tech. Everything we get int he main we show, we link, we recommend, and we love that dynamic. We are incredibly grateful for all the entrepreneurs and creators that reach out and like to partner with us, that trust us enough to speak our minds about their products. Including hair products, you all know Shea Moisture has been a partner here since our very first Youtube video, five years ago.” She added.
“Makes my hair soft.” Yael said in the back, making Moira and Oliver smile, involuntarily. 
“But we do not show our faces for sponsored work. Never have, never will. And especially our daughters.” Moira continued, looking more seriously at the camera. “Knight and I will occasionally show ourselves here, we have the channel, the podcast, but we remain private people, we will not show ourselves on any sponsored work, and we definitely are not going to show are house for it, our bathroom or whatever else some brands are insisting on, it doesn’t matter how much you’re willing to pay us.” She sair firmly. “To the brands we work with, I want to thank you all one more time, for respecting our boundaries and still trusting us with your products. To those e-mailing me asking for Reels, posts, stories, Youtube content showing my daughter, you’ll get a not so nice e-mail on Monday.” She arched an eyebrow, catching Oliver too giving her a thumbs up at the corner of her eyes.
“Next, but still on the same subject, we have gotten an insane amount of messages asking us to show the Mystery Boots Baby.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose under her glasses for a moment. “For one, Mystery Boots Baby is now Mystery Boots Toddler.” Moira added, Yael’s chuckle filling the living room and the video, making her smile. “Once again, we will not show our daughter here, not now, not until she is old enough to understand the consequences of being online, on social media.” Moira said slowly, like she felt the need to, so everyone would understand. “I’ve gotten insistent messages of people saying Knight and I have showed our faces, or that maybe Mystery Boots Baby isn’t real, just a marketing strategy. Knight and I are adults, we have gone past legal age a long time ago.”
“A long, long time ago.” Oliver snorted next to her.
“And if the pictures of me pregnant didn’t convince you, or our daughter laughing in the back videos, there’s not much I can do. She is very real. As real as it gets. But still a child, and her face won’t be shown here anytime soon. You will have to be happy with the comics.” She shrugged.
“Stop insisting.” Oliver added, a little louder to make sure people could hear him in the back of the video. 
“Just stop insisting.” She nodded. “Some people keep saying I should ask her if she wants to be here. She’s four. Four years old, people. Do you want to be on Instagram, neshama?” Moira asked Yael and the girl looked at her, confused.
“I want challah, with peanut butter.” She said, smiling up at Oliver. Billie perked up her head at the sound of “peanut butter” too. 
“See?” Moira tilted her head. “The last type of message we’ve been getting is one I cannot believe still happens. It’s 2027, you people.” She shook her head, still incredulous. “People have been coming in my DMs and telling me to straighten my daughter’s hair.” She couldn’t believe she had to read that and address that. “This is wrong on so many levels. Please stop dictating what people should with their hair, with their physical appearance in general. Please stop telling other parents what to do with their children, that is annoying and invasive in ways I can’t even describe.” She rolled her eyes, huffing. “And stop with this nonsense that curly hair isn’t pretty, curly hair is hard to care for. This is ridiculous and so, so old. She is four, I’m not going to teach my daughter to hate who she is and how she looks, not now and hopefully not ever. I’m going to teach her how to love herself, love her hair, her face, every feature of her, and when she’s old enough, if she chooses to straighten her hair, it’s gonna be because she’s feeling like getting a different look, not because she hates she hair she was born with.” Moira reasoned. 
“I love my hair!” Yael yelled, like she couldn’t understand why people said otherwise.
“Your hair is absolutely perfect!” Moira added, pointing at her and then blowing her a kiss. “This is such a complicated issue in the Jewish community and I know it is for all curly haired people, especially people of color. Stop this shit, right now. We will not stand for it in this community here. Knight and I are both curly haired Jews and we will teach our daughter to love her curly hair and Jewishness in every aspect as well.”
“Because she’s perfect and gorgeous.” Oliver squished Yael in his arms, making her laugh wholeheartedly. 
“She is!” Moira grinned, looking at them for a moment and then back at the camera. “If anyone cannot accept that, cannot respect the boundaries we have with the way we work and share our lives, you are welcome to unfollow us. And stay the hell away from my family.” She shrugged. “Shabat Shalom to all our Jewish followers, and a great, loving Saturday and weekend to all of you. I hope you have an amazing time with your loved ones, your family. Love yourselves, respect those around you. God bless you all. I’m gonna go eat challah and peanut butter with my curly haired husband and daughter now.” She smiled, waving at the camera and finishing the videos, posting them and then immediately turning off her phone.
Yael was already wiggling out of Oliver’s lap, running to the kitchen. “I’ll get the peanut butter!” She yelled, Billie jumping and running off behind her, leaving a sleepy Wolf yawning on the couch. 
“Proud of you.” Oliver whispered, wrapping his arm around Moira’s wait and pulling her closer, kissing her lips longingly. Moira sighed into the kiss, feeling relieved, loved and safe. Now they could have the perfect weekend together. 
“Let’s go before she starts eating the peanut butter with a spoon.” Moira smiled against his lips and Oliver laughed, lifting her up to her feet and following her into the kitchen. 
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“This is not a fight you’re ever going to win.” Moira teased, and she was smiling when Oliver agreed with the middle name. They had been sure they wanted one child and any other would be a talk for the future, but Moira would insist, should they decide to expand the family, that the child was named after him. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard him speak the possible name of their future child. It flew more than better, it sounded meant to be, and she felt a shiver running down her spine, like a sign from God that they were heading in the right direction with the decision to have that child. “Yael Olivia…” She repeated, smiling widely. “It sounds perfect.” Moira nodded, carefully soaping every little part of him, making sure he was properly cleaned. “Yael Olivia or Yehuda Oliver? Or Yeshua? Which one do you prefer?” She put the sponge aside and washed the soap off of his skin slowly running her hands on his body. “And boy or girl, our baby will be Lieberman-Knight, like me.” She added. “They’ll be proud of their last names like we are, proud of their legacy, their roots, the Ashkenazi origins.”
“The most beautiful.” Moira nodded her agreement, smiling widely. She couldn’t wait to see that baby, she could only imagine how beautiful their little bundle of love would be. “It was but it’s gonna be your baby too, so your mom has to be taken into consideration as well.” She insisted. His question had her chuckling, she could have predicted he’d tried to protest to that decision if only because he thought it would be fair their daughter had her middle name. “No, it’s the father’s name, always. It’s a middle Eastern thing. My mother’s middle name was Noah.” She began explaining, washing off the conditioner from his hair careful not to leave any on his scalp. “I’m the only one with a different name because my mother wanted to honor her best friend that had passed away.” She added, grabbing the sponge and lathering it with liquid soap so she could soap his body carefully. “Levi’s middle name was Lucas.” Moira said, only this time she remembered with love and a small smile on her lips. “Our baby’s will be Oliver. Or Olivia, though I wouldn’t mind it being Oliver even if we have a girl.”
Oliver gave Moira a look as she insisted it had to be his name. He knew that was coming. “Okay, but you know this means that if we have another kid, it’s going to have your name.” He poked her nose, teasingly. Of course, it may never come to that. They hadn’t really talked about it, leaving the future open, but he could still tease her about it. 
He smiled gently as she mentioned her first baby’s middle name had been named after his father. “It’ll be Oliver or Olivia,” he nodded. He paused as she mentioned she wouldn’t mind it if the baby were a girl and still had Oliver as her name. Well, if Yeva is out, then she’d be Yael, right?” he said. “So, Yael Oliver or Yael Olivia.” He let both names hang in the air for a moment, the water raining down around them being the only sound before he spoke up again. “Yael Olivia has a nicer ring to it. It flows better, don’t you think?” he asked Moira, as she was now lathering up his body with soap.
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moiraxknight · 2 years
“Most men never really do worry about that, just that their partners are on any birth control.” Naina pointed out, not in a reprehending tone, just stating a fact. “I ask you mostly because it can be a little gruesome when you think about it and while I doubt you’ll be one of those dads that faint in the birth room, I’ve had too many of them not to prevent any puking, crying or passing out.” She explained, her attention focused on her tools and setting the slab for Moira to lay on.
“Yes, that’s perfect.” Moira smiled at Oliver, nodding. She couldn’t thank God enough for having sent her a man like him, a true partner, that wouldn’t leave her during the rough moments. “Hold my purse, please.” She handed him the small crossbody purse she had on her shoulder and stepped back, carefully removing her panties from under her dress. “Hold that too, those you’re very familiar with.” She gave him a nervous smile and sat back on the slab, then laying back and propping her feet on the supports by the end of it. Moira pulled her dress up to her waist and Naina pushed a little curtain to cover up her bottom half.
“You know how it goes, it should be quick but it starts hurting too much, we’ll stop and discuss doing it with you put under, ok?” Naina sat on a high stool and pulled it closer to the slab, putting on her surgical goggles and wrapping up a cap to cover her hair. “Just relax, let me know if anything feels too painful or wrong, and remember it’s quick, soon enough you’ll be right on this slab and we’ll be listening to some very Jewish heartbeats on the ultrasound machine.” She tilted her head to smile at Moira and then give her a thumb’s up.
Moira smiled back, then looked at Oliver, reaching for his hand. “I very much prefer when you’re the one between my legs.” She whispered to him, bringing his hand to her lips, kissing the back of his fingers and keeping her lips on his skin. She did not want to wait any longer, she’d handle any pain and they’d go home and start trying for that baby. “I want to be back here with your baby in my belly.” She whispered, closing her eyes. “Our little Knight miracle.”
Naina led them to the next room, one Moira was unfortunately too familiar with, the examination room. “Well, to be fair, not many partners come in here, ever.” Naina said as she began prepping her tools and covering the slab with a protective, disposable cover. “Might actually be the first time I have a partner in here for a procedure. Is that okay with you?” She asked Moira.
“Yes.” Moira said right away. “Every step of this process, if we can do it together, we’ll do it.” She nodded, looking at Oliver. “If you want to stay, of course.” She added.
“Do you know how an IUD is introduced?” Naina looked at him, a devious smile on her lips. “It’s the same process to remove one. I’ll introduce sort of a surgical tweezer into her vaginal canal and remove it from the entrance of her uterus.” She explained.
Moira tugged on his hand. “You don’t have to watch it.” She reassured him. “Save it for the birth.” Moira teased. “You can just be with me here. It’s pretty fast, right?” She glanced at Naina.
“Yes, it’s a rather simple procedure, quicker than introducing it, really.” She explained while putting on her gloves. “Moira will be really to leave in a second and then I’ll just talk to you two about some other details before you can go and start prepping for that baby.”
“Do you want to stay in here?” Moira asked Oliver.
Oliver smiled at Moira as she said she wanted him to stay there. He looked back at Naina at her question and shook his head. “No. I probably should know being how old I am, but you never really think about the different types of birth control women use.” He knew pills were daily and he knew that there were other forms aside from an IUD and the pill, but that was it. He had never given it much thought into how an IUD was implemented. It had never come up, and it was something he had never bothered to research. He supposed maybe he ought to have, but it was too late now. 
“Well, I’ll stay here,” he added to Moira as she asked and nodded. “Maybe won’t watch it, I’ll stand by your head,” he added as he moved to just that spot. Besides, it wasn’t as if he already didn’t know her anatomy. Though it was entirely different to be intimate with her, than it was to be in a medical setting. Definitely far less sexy.
“Least it sounds easy enough, yeah?” he added to Moira as he took her hand and squeezed it. He looked back at Naina and nodded to acknowledge her words as well. He had to admit, as odd as it could be to have Naina here with them through this process, it was also reassuring that it wasn’t just some strange doctor they hadn’t ever really spoken to or that was unfamiliar. It might almost be easier to ask her questions, as awkward as it could be. But it might have been awkward with any doctor as well. 
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