mmelusinee Β· 1 day
stop scrolling for a second
Breathe slowly and look around.
You will shift
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mmelusinee Β· 1 day
Not me scripting in that my SO is a huge fan of an author. Little does he know it’s me using a pen name. 😭
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mmelusinee Β· 2 days
Not sure where to shift, can someone give me a place I could shift too πŸ˜­πŸ™
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mmelusinee Β· 5 days
"Nia are you about to cry?" Yes bruh. All this bullshit I'm going through. I NEED MY MAN!
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mmelusinee Β· 7 days
As someone that shifted multiple times and plans to permashift soon, one advice I can give is to leave certain things from this reality behind. Stop viewing everything tragically, stop looking at your DR and seeing it as something you don't have because you are in your CR, stop seeing people whom you don't have a relationship with here but in your DR you do and make it seem like a romeo & juliet situation, etc etc. Your CR story doesn't matter anymore! Its a reality like any other! Stop putting yourself in depressive and dramatic scenarios, now you know you can shift! Why do you care about not having x thing if you now you know you can/do have it? This reality is the past, and being in your DR will cost you your old life, the sooner you stop caring, the sooner you'll shift. I promise, from experiecing it myself, you really won't gaf about this reality once you're there. But it needs to come from inside first.
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mmelusinee Β· 7 days
Fr, it's not even funny anymore. I wanna cry </3
I miss my s/o so much right now. :(
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mmelusinee Β· 15 days
Could you do some "the arcana" visuals? (It's a visual novel!) <3
The Arcana Visuals
I hope this is the one you were talking about😭🫢
I haven't played that game in agesπŸ’€πŸ§β€β™€οΈ
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mmelusinee Β· 16 days
s/o ideas
- you and your s/o’s names are constellations that are always seen together and have mythology connecting them
- you guys have a star or constellation that always shows up on your anniversary
- theres a famous painting of lovers that look exactly like you
- your local family-owned cafe that you frequent has your order as an option on the menu named β€œthe lovers’ combo” or smth
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mmelusinee Β· 18 days
I went to master shifter island last night and everyone there knew you🀭
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mmelusinee Β· 18 days
I got another ask about how I'm 16 but I sometimes talk about sexual shit (which is 1 in a million). Let's BE SO FUCKING FOR REAL!! Idk what age y'all heard about sex, drugs, and alcohol but this is typically the age. I don't know what age y'all start doing sex, drugs, and alcohol but this is typically the age. I don't know if y'all are living in a fairytale land where teenagers don't do/know shit but I live in this reality (unwillingly) where we do these things. At this age you can be on birth control and your mom would be happy that you're safe so let's stop the bullshit.
i'm going to continue to say inappropriate shit and if you don't like it fuck off
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mmelusinee Β· 18 days
"um ACTUALLY you can't script yourself younger, that's unethical πŸ€“β˜οΈ"
I am turning 18 this year, which means I'll be an adult.
I've lost most of my teenage years and most of my childhood to mental illnesses, abuse and trauma.
I had to act like a grown up at the age of 10 because of how my parents acted. I developed severe mental problems and had my childhood TAKEN away from me. And i want it back.
Yes i scripted that I'm almost 3 years younger? And what? I already exist in that reality where I AM 15 SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?
I want my childhood back, I want to experience young teenage love and friendship that I never had. And YOU'RE NOT gonna tell me what to do with my fuckin reality, because IT'S MINE.
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mmelusinee Β· 18 days
Persist, persist, per-fucking-sist. Its not hard at all.
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mmelusinee Β· 19 days
For REAL, I literally saw this being said and was like what......
β€œYou need to be grateful for this reality before you can shift” β€œi know many successful shifters but as soon as they wanted to permashift they couldnt anymore” lord please stfu, you can shift whenever, even at your lowest and even when you absolutely hate this reality.
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mmelusinee Β· 19 days
"you don't deserve shifting"
"I hope you never shift"
Maybe starting to care more about your own lives should be the matter instead of sending negative energy to others when you can just cut them off, block or ignore. Disagreeing in terms of shifting opinions is free, but do it right instead of being extreme. Remember: infinite means infinite. Check the dictionary if you struggle to understand.
My account is a safe space for all shifters. Let's all mind our own business, shall we?
"doing x thing in your Dr says a lot about you"
It actually doesn't. If you really want to shift, understand the chaos behind it first and the organization within without the matters we know.
"how?" Learn.
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mmelusinee Β· 19 days
β€œshifting is psychosiβ€”β€œ
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not hearing it, if you wanna stay miserable in this reality then have fun (spolier alert: it’s gonna get more dystopian in this bitch)
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mmelusinee Β· 19 days
I regularly shift about four times a week. The longest I’ve stayed is a day because I didn’t want to be there anymore. There is no distinction in my opinion between a mini shift or a full shift. Either you’re there or you’re not. For me a shift is instant like flipping a switch. There was never any in between. I shifted on maybe my fourth try, four years ago and then shifted four times after that. Albeit not very long because I kept freaking out. I then had intermittent shifts over three years. But I have been shifting multiple times a week since February. I manifest anything I want instantly because I believe I can. But because I believed that the universe allowed me to shift and had other limiting beliefs it doesn’t fall into that category. Even though I believe shifting is manifesting on a grander scale. So even though I shift every other day, it is usually unintentional.
What helped me…
A shifting log. By keeping track of my attempts instead of forgetting progress. Doing this helped me put together my own method and condition my subconscious to believe I could shift. There was increase of about three shifts a week.
Success stories. Hearing success stories and people’s method motivated me to believe in my own experiences and my method. I think personally you should base your method around what worked for you. I hate sleep methods or anything that takes waking time. So shifting through sleep paralysis works great for me.
Understanding shifting burnout. Most of the time even though I shift I don’t really want to shift. I just got used to the idea of shifting over the years as something out of reach. So when I achieved it I scare myself because deep down I’m not ready for how real it is. Currently I’m doing an eight day loosely defined mental diet to affirm otherwise.
Happy shifting…even if it doesn’t happen today, it’ll happen tomorrow and so on and so on…
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mmelusinee Β· 19 days
meep meep
Meep meep!
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