miss-emilyann · 4 years
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miss-emilyann · 4 years
✨ Some Herbs, Flowers and Plants in Witchcraft✨
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ALLSPICE: increase energy, love, healing, luck
ANGELICA: protection, purification
Benefits for health: improve digestion
ARTEMISA: dream divination, clairvoyance
AZUCENA: sentimental improvement, progress, peace  
BASIL: economic success, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquillity, love
BAY: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home, success, wisdom, divination
BAY LEAF: protection, purification, healing, strength, good fortune, money and success
BIRCH: protection, purification
BLACK PEPPER: protection, courage  
CALENDULA: happiness, prosperity, love, psychic power, harmony
Benefits for health: treat skin irritation (like eczema, bruises, scars, scrapes)
CARAWAY: protection against negativity, health, mental abilities, fidelity
Benefits for health: antitheft
CARDAMOM: passion, sex, intimacy  
CARNATION: cosmic energy, magic, disease, protection, strength energy, luck, healing
 White: peace, healing
Red: sex, love, passion
Yellow intellectual movement
Rose: disappearance of disagreements  
CHAMOMILE: brings love, healing, relieves stressful situations, prosperity, peace, healing, harmony, happiness
Benefits for health: sooth stomach problems, calm headache, calm nerves
Benefits for health: astringent,  cooling (topically), demulcent, relieves itchiness
CINNAMON: aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibrations, purification, energy, healing, protection
Benefits for health: antimicrobial, aromatic, astringent, mild stimulant, relieves wind
CLOVE: protection, purification, mental ability, healing
COFFEE: intellect awakening  
COMFREY: health, healing, protection during travel, prosperity
CUMIN: protection spell
DAFFOIL: luck, fertility, love
DAISY: love, flirtation, hope, innocence
DANDELION: divination, interaction with the spirit world, wishes
Benefits for health: bitter tonic, diuretic, liver cleanser,  mild laxative
DILL: good fortune, tranquillity, prosperity, lust, protection
ELACAMPANE: protection, luck, dispels negative vibration, plant spirit communication
EUCALYPTUS: health, healing  
FENNEL: longevity, protection,  healing,  purification  
GARDENIA: harmony, healing, love, peace
GARLIC: protection against evil eye  
GERANIUM: protection, happiness, mental clean up, fertility, love, healing, courage
Benefits for health: fight cold, calm stomach, suppress nausea
Benefits for health:  antioxidant, heart  tonic,  lowers  blood  pressure, relaxes blood vessel
HIBISCUS: divination, dreams, love and lust
HERBABUENA: money, prosperity  
HYACINTH: love, happiness, protection
INCENSE: Spirituality
IRIS: wisdom, valour, peace, harmony, love
IVY: protection, healing
JACINTO: overcoming old pains of love  
JASMINE: divinatory dreams, sexuality, moon, feminine energy, seduction, sensuality, love, meditation, spirituality, harmony, prosperity
LAUREL: success, glory  
LAVENDER: love, peace, restful sleep, clairvoyance, happiness, healing, money, passion, protection, relief from grief, longevity, meditation, harmony, tranquillity, purification
LEMON: happiness, love
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing
Benefits for health: antidepressant, antispasmodic, insect repellent, relaxant, relieves  wind, topical  anti-viral
LEMON VERBENA: love, purification
LILAC: protection, banishing negative energy
LILAS: purification, love  
LILY: helps memory, love, protection, elimination of hexes, rebirth
LILLY OF THE VALLEY: enhances concentration, mental ability, encourage happiness    
MADRESELVA: helps remove the vices and addictions
MANZANO: love, happiness  
MARJORAM: happiness, protection, love, joy, courage, health, money
MIMOSA: divinatory dreams, love
MINT: avoid jealousy, dreams, protection, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate appetite, aid digestion, antiseptic,  antispasmodic,  diaphoretic, mild analgesic, mild bitter, mild sedative, relives wind
Benefits for health: antacid, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent
MUGWORT: psychic powers, protection, increases lust and fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxation, tranquillity, banishing, consecration (*Do not ingest, and do not even handle if pregnant*)
NAIL: Protection spells  
NETTLE: protection, healing, lust
NUTMEG: Money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
PANSY: divination, communication, happiness, love
PARSLEY: Protection in general, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity  
PATCHOULI: Money, sex  
PEPPERMINT: Purification
PINE: Health, Healing  
POPPY: tranquillity, fertility, prosperity love, sleep, invisibility, money, luck
ROMERO: Longevity, purification, prosperity
ROSE: Love, encourages closeness with nature, healing, divination, tranquillity, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
Red: passion, peace, welfare  
Yellow: commitments  
White: spiritual love
ROSEMARY: love, lust, promote healthy rest, protection, improving memory, wisdom, health, healing, mental power, purification
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate circulatory, nerve and digestive tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic
SAFFRON: money, physical movement  
SAGE: longevity, wisdom, protection, dispels negative energy, purification, health, immortality,               wishes
Benefits for health: calm anxiety,  antimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent,         digestive tonic, oestrogenic, general  tonic,reduces sweating
SALVIA: money
SANDALWOOD: spirituality, healing, tranquillity, sexuality, desire.  
SNAPDRAGON: protection from illusion or deception, reflect negative energy
STAR ANISE: peace, tranquillity, awakening of psychic awareness , Luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power  
SUNFLOWER: sun, sun energy, happiness, success, health, associated with welcome and family, fertility
THYME : health courage. Eliminates nightmares, Attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities  
TULIP: prosperity, abundance, protections, love, happiness
VALERIAN: protection, drives away negativity, purifies sacred space
VERBENA: calm headaches, eases stress, divination, prosperity, reversal of negative activity
VIOLET: peace, hope, harmony, protection, luck, love, sleep, tranquillity, encourage peace among people, calm nightmares, fertility, abundance
WATER LILY: happiness
YARROW: healing, divination, love, promotes courage and confidence
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Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
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miss-emilyann · 4 years
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Loving this piece 💗😍🔮
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miss-emilyann · 4 years
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Can’t wait till I can get a black cat ✨
Oracle deck by Jessica Roux ⭐️
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miss-emilyann · 4 years
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Full Moon in Taurus ♉️ 🌕
happening 11/12/2019
For this full moon it’s all about release and putting into perspective what you what to become and what it is that you truly want in life. Also, realignment and seeing what doesn’t serve you.
Create a sacred space for you, this could be a pillow on the ground, outside on a blanket, surround yourselves with crystals and candles (practice fire safety), place some flowers around you, use oracle cards or tarot cards to do a full moon spread.
Cleanse your space, this can be done by sage, burning incense, palo santo, opening the windows to let in fresh clean air and visualize the stagnant energy leaving.
Visualize your dreams, journal, do yoga, meditate, focus on your inner voice and your intuition, call upon your spirit guides to guide you. Take a full moon bath.
Use the moonlight to charge your crystals, water, other personal items like jewelry or pendents. This call also be done in a window sill. My favorite thing to do is to recite a full moon affirmation like the one included above, as I take a walk in the full moon (be causious and safe with this, I’m going with my boyfriend and brother so I will have protection, if you do not meditating on the affirmations in the moon light would be so wonderful as well.
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miss-emilyann · 4 years
Apple Magic Good Luck Charm 🍎
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You'll need:
An apple
An apple corer
Piece of paper and pen
Apples are often associated with good luck and fortune, so if you want to increase your blessings this time of year, do this spell, and let fate smile upon you.
Wash and core the apple.
On the paper, write:
Good luck in this apple round, good luck and fortune abound
Roll up the paper and tuck it inside the cored apple.
Place it someplace in your home where you can see it. If the apple starts to spoil before your luck changes, replace it with a fresh one.
Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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Love this omg
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
Does anyone know a cleansing spell/potion/ritual?
Been feeling like something is throwing me off.
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
Does anyone know of a spell for justice? Or one for protection?
I’m not going into details, but some hella fucking suspicious shit is going on around me, and I need protection from it
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
Some words for cursing
“May your words of hate Be as a disease onto your air. May they curse your every drop of wine That it will forever be poison. May no food nourish you, May no love heal you, May no pleasure sate you, Or feeling move you. May your every moment be agony, Yet may you never die. May the fires of Hell consume you In your every waking moment.”
These words came to me in a dream.
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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sigil for bringing energetic balance into your life 🌓
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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miss-emilyann · 5 years
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