mintyfreshfiend ยท 15 hours
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Louisiana Meshi!!!! Thistle will be at the crawfish boil.
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 1 day
Black trans women: hey uhhhhh this space is not safe for me like at all
Black trans men: yeah I agree and it's really not good to me either
Black cis women: oh man don't even get me started, this place is so dangerous for me
Black cis men: for sure, and it feels like it's hunting season for me
Black gnc people: no kidding, and it feels like it's only getting worse
Black nonbinary people: and if people decide to acknowledge I exist (which is rare) it's specifically to hurt me
Black people everywhere: the world is so aggressive towards me, and it just doesn't seem like there's any escape from it, and it would be nice if someone listened to us for once instead of just using us as gotchas and free labour
Nonblack people: hmm. Well that doesn't align with my personal worldview or political opinion, so I'm going to disregard it AND be racist to you about it
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 3 days
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stole this from twitter
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 4 days
You should include intersex people in your activism not bc we prove bio essentialists are wrong but bc we are people who deserve rights ๐Ÿ‘
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 4 days
you only need to look at the way being intersex is often referred to by doctors and by TERFs to understand the damage the "sex is biological" rhetoric does
in case you're not familiar, the term I'm referring to specifically is DSD or Disorders of Sex Development
to someone who truly deeply believes that sex is natural, being intersex will always be disordered or defective. they insist on continuing to label us (intersex folk) as "men with DSD" or as "women with DSD" in order to reinforce the sex binary. they will not let intersex people be proof of the truly social nature of sex as a category, because they will not even see us as intersex. delete "sex is biological, gender is social" from your vocabulary. please and thank you
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 4 days
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f2u userboxes <33
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 5 days
Pride month is upon us! Huzzah! Include intersex people in your pride celebrations! We are so very invisible, even in queer spaces, do what you can to boost intersex voices this pride month!
We love seeing representation & we love seeing our flag alongside the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, etc flags!
Do not listen to TERFs on issues of intersex terminology, largely speaking, we do NOT like the term DSD.
Try not to use 'AFAB' or 'AMAB' incorrectly. These terms should be used to describe your own personal experiences, not to describe groups of people. Avoid phrases like 'AFAB anatomy' or 'AMAB socialization' when speaking on trans issues, as this excludes intersex experiences & bodies from the conversation. And note, there is no such thing as AIAB! Intersex people are always forced to be either male or female, often with surgery and harmful medicalization, this is a form of intersexist violence.
Use the word perisex (or endosex/dyadic) when you speak about people who are not intersex! The same way you use the word cisgender to speak about people who are not trans. It's important in denoting that intersex people are normal, just different.
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 8 days
โ€œno one is saying sex isnโ€™t real, weโ€™re saying gender isnโ€™t real!โ€
me. iโ€™m saying sex isnโ€™t real. sex isnโ€™t real and we failed in our goals the moment we stopped acknowledging that
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 9 days
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these are actual diagnoses from my dr appt today
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 9 days
no more commentary on the south from people who have only ever lived in california or new york or washington or vermont or where the fuck ever up and over there. Society has progressed past the need for this
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 11 days
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 12 days
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me every day
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 15 days
fangs in your neck friday soon. If anyone cares
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 15 days
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This paper map from 1976 displays the surface facilities above the Mystery Flesh Pit prior to its absorption into the National Park System.
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 17 days
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you know that grayscale challenge where you turn on the grayscale and do a painting with random colors?
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 17 days
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mintyfreshfiend ยท 19 days
YES he is a MASSIVE BITCH but hes also BISEXUAL and a PUNCHING BAG and ALMOST DIES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. AND hes my little meow meow.
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