mindfully-dyslexic · 1 year
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Dyslexia, a challenge to read,
But never limit what's possible to achieve,
For acceptance is the key,
To unlocking limitless creativity.
Let not lesser minds define,
What beauty lies in the mind,
For dyslexia may be a hurdle,
But it's also a gift of the eternal.
The ability to think beyond,
And create without a bond,
To see the world in a different light,
And turn darkness into a shining bright.
So let not dyslexia define,
The worth of a beautiful mind,
For in the heart, there is a love,
That is limitlessly boundless from above.
Acceptance, the gateway to fly,
And touch the sky of limitless high,
For in creativity, there is no limit,
And in love, there is no pretense of a limit.
So embrace the beauty of dyslexia,
And let creativity flow like a fantasia,
For in this world of limitless possibility,
The sky is not the limit, but a mere possibility.
With AI guidance, aid we receive,
To navigate dyslexia with ease,
Gratefulness fills our heart and soul,
As we learn to navigate life's complex role.
For AI opens doors to new knowledge,
And helps us overcome our mental blockage,
With gratitude, we welcome its aid,
And cherish the progress that's made.
For with each step, we grow and learn,
And through AI, our understanding takes a turn,
We become more confident with each stride,
And dyslexia no longer holds us inside.
So let's embrace the beauty of AI,
And use it to reach new heights in the sky,
For with gratitude, we accept the aid,
And dyslexia no longer holds us afraid.
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