milo-official · 1 year
An easy to make, delicious recipe using Milo! Perfect for movie nights, picnics, or any social event!
- 1x Nestle Milo Choc-malt 1kg tin purchased from your local Woolies
- 250ml Milk
- 500g Self-Raising Flour
- 3x Eggs
- 450g Condensed Milk
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
- 650g White Sugar
- 100g Desiccated Coconut
- Place one tablespoon of Milo into a large bowl
- Place one tablespoon of Milo into a large bowl
- Place one tablespoon of Milo into a large bowl
- Place one tablespoon of Milo into a large bowl
- Repeat previous steps until bowl is full
- Place one cup of Milo into the bowl
- Serve!
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milo-official · 1 year
But can you use febreeze to make a variety of delicious and refreshing drinks and snacks?
Someone beat you to @three-tone-tony
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