mikajunie · 3 days
I think the reason a lot of leftists struggle with disability justice is that they haven't moved past the concept that discrimination isn't bad because it's objectively "wrong." yes, sexists are objectively wrong when they try to claim women are dumber than men. yes, antisemites are objectively wrong that jewish people are inherently greedy and run the state. yes, racists are wrong when they try to claim that white people are the superior race. and so on.
but then with disabled people, there are a lot of objective truths to the discrimination we face. people with IDs/LDs do fall behind and struggle with certain concepts. physically disabled people are often weaker and less capable of performing demanding tasks than able bodied people. many of us with mental illnesses are more reckless and less responsible. a lot of us are dependent on others and do not contribute much "worth".
and guess what? disabled people still deserve a place in the world. disabled people still deserve the supports they need. because they are people, and that should be enough to support them and believe they deserve a place at the table.
if your only rebuttal against discrimination is its objective inaccuracies, you are meeting bigots where they are at. you are validating the very concept that if and when people are truly incapable of being equal to the majority, that means they are worth less. this causes some leftists to then try to deny the objective realities of disabled people and/or become ableist themselves.
your rallying behind marginalized groups should start and end with the fact that people are completely worthy of life and equity, because they are fellow human beings and that should, frankly, be enough.
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mikajunie · 3 days
hey if we’re mutuals you can literally interact w me whenever. send me whatever u want i will probably be very excited
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mikajunie · 4 days
The first step towards no longer hating yourself is usually to be found in your behavior and your actions, not in your feelings. Just like you don't have to love your coworker to recognize that you shouldn't scream at their annoying comment, you don't have to love yourself to recognize that abusing your mind and body and neglecting self care isn't helpful or beneficial
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mikajunie · 4 days
I am sure it works for some, but the “you are not a burden” posts don’t help me. What helps me is remember that I am allowed to be a burden.
I put work into being there for loved ones, and I even inconvenience myself for strangers sometimes. I am also allowed to take up that space!
Loving someone often consists of work. But what we need to remember is we’re worth the work and effort! We deserve the work and effort.
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mikajunie · 5 days
Since you guys like my male name list, here are some vintage girl’s names from old historic documents, recently updated:
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(Sorry I listed the name origin/individual’s place of birth on some and not others.)
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mikajunie · 5 days
When a person with ADHD complains of severe anxiety, I recommend that the clinician not immediately accept the patient’s label for her emotional experience. A clinician should say, “Tell me more about your baseless, apprehensive fear,” which is the definition of anxiety. More times than not, a person with ADHD hyperarousal will give a quizzical look and respond, “I never said I was afraid.” If the patient can drop the label long enough to describe what the feeling is like, a clinician will likely hear, “I am always tense; I can’t relax enough to sit and watch a movie or TV program. I always feel like I have to go do something.” The patients are describing the inner experience of hyperactivity when it is not being expressed physically.
At the same time, people with ADHD also have fears that are based on real events in their lives. People with ADHD nervous systems are consistently inconsistent. The person is never sure that her abilities and intellect will show up when they are needed. Not being able to measure up at the job or at school, or in social circles is humiliating. It is understandable that people with ADHD live with persistent fear. These fears are real, so they do not indicate an anxiety disorder.
holy SHIT
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mikajunie · 6 days
When different peoples and cultures do things differently, it's often far too easy to fall into the trap of "I'm the only one here who is normal", thinking that whatever system you grew up with is the most intuitive and natural one, because it's the one that comes easy to you, who is familiar with it. Everyone thinks that their own way of doing and thinking of something is the most intuitive and natural one, they grew up with that. Like imagine explaining western naming standards to someone who's used to people only having one name.
"Yeah the reason why people have names that sound so weirdly long is because it's actually multiple names stacked on top of each other - if you listen to where people make a little pause when saying their name, that's where the first name ends and the last name starts. The first segment is their 'personal' name and the last name identifies their family and kin. Some people also have a secret thrid name which they don't use and won't tell you unless you ask. That one is to deter fae, who will steal your name if they know the whole thing. I don't know anyone who still believes that but some people do use their middle name as their first name, too.
"Oh so you wanted to make a move on the woman you were pretty sure was into you as well, and you tried the thing of only addressing her with half of her name, and it didn't work? Wait, which half of her name did you use? Oh, you used the wrong one. Addressing her by her first name would have been a gesture of familiarity and a way of expressing that you wanted to be closer to her, but addressing her by her last name - which is the formal, official, government part - is how you tell someone that you only desire to have a strictly business relationship with them, and to keep their distance. Sorry it didn't cross my mind to make sure you knew that."
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mikajunie · 6 days
ive found that partially treated mental illness can sometimes look to uninvolved onlookers like faked mental illness.
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mikajunie · 6 days
yo if u have adhd and u like doomscrolling on the adhd tag then im sorry but pls doomscroll somewhere else
like idk doomscrolling is already bad but its worse when u keep subsconciously reading abt how terrible and inconvenient your brain is for you. it genuinely will get to you, and it will make you want to doomscroll for longer bc the feeling will just pile up over time. it's genuinely not good bc you're subsconciously internalizing all of those facts, opinions, feelings, and judgement
pls for ur own sake try to doomscroll on youtube shorts and watch animal videos or stand up comedy instead
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mikajunie · 6 days
Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about being the smartest and funniest person in the room and just enjoy being in a room with smart and funny people
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mikajunie · 6 days
i was not a broken attention seeking menace to my teachers i was 15 with untreated adhd and anxiety and my teachers were pushing 40 and love to fucking scold me for not knowing how to handle all of those emotions
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mikajunie · 6 days
girlie that's not a random headache u are dehydrated malnourished over caffeinated over stressed and sleep deprived
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mikajunie · 6 days
i fucked up my grades by trying to rewire this whole system lmaooo. im not really pissed at myself for letting myself go like this ngl, i'm more pissed by the fact that it's so hard to let go of the anxiety.
but once i found positive motivation to work on stuff it feels so nice. when i feel stress it's no longer negative blurry stress, it's a focused stress that helps me feel more determined to finish it.
kinda cool ngl, but i sacrificed my grades for this bc without anxiety i keep missing deadlines and losing motivation. but it's fine, i wanna set myself up for a better future.
There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function
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mikajunie · 6 days
There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function
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mikajunie · 6 days
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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mikajunie · 6 days
my father said to me once that one of the things he deeply regretted was not putting music on for his father while he was fading away. he told me that grandpa would just sit in his old armchair in the quiet, and not until after he’d passed did my dad think of how he could have played of his favorite classical music tapes for him so grandpa could listen to something while he still could. i was very young when this happened and not much older when my dad told me this, but it always stuck with me as something important.
my mother died at home in a hospice cot, slowly shutting down over the course of about a week. when she had stopped responding, i remembered what dad told me about wishing he’d played music for grandpa, and i put the radio on her favorite country music station and kept it on for her until she died.
daddy died in hospital. no cassette players, no decent radios. the day after he was brought in, i thought again of what he told me, and i bought a little portable bluetooth speaker. even though he never woke up, was never aware, i played music for him too.
there’s no real significance to sharing this, not really. my motivation is selfish, again: i just want to hope that someone might think of this when their loved one is stuck in silence somehow, and maybe they’ll play music for them, and they won’t have to regret not doing so. i want to hope it helps someone. and i want to hope that someone will remember my dad with me, even in just a “story i read on the internet” way.
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mikajunie · 6 days
i like taylor swift as in Taylor Swift™ aka the brand and the products that she has put out. her songs have crack in it and i can't erase her out of my memories bc she was so significant during my troubled and healing times.
but i genuinely have lost hope for whoever she is as a person. whatever she does, i dont really care anymore honestly, im just so mentally checked out lmao. these days whenever she's a part of a discourse i just remove myself from the conversation bc idk what to say. she's done good things and she's done morally questionable things but overall she's okay.
but anyways i like ttpd
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