midgardianprince · 9 years
wow what im doing over here-
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midgardianprince · 11 years
Imagine your person A of your OTP being partly responsible for the death of person B. The guilt and sadness rips at person A’s heart, spiraling them into a deep depression. Meanwhile, person B’s ghost is standing close to A, whispering forgiveness and consolidations. But person A can’t hear them.
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midgardianprince · 11 years
headcanon 020
When Liam is bored (which is a lot of the time), he looks up random recipes on the internet, buys the ingredients and then cooks whatever it is he found interesting enough to make. He has stocked up on quite a few recipes in this way, writing them on index cards and keeping them in a cupboard in his kitchen. Prior to this, he would buy food out, but that quickly became a bad idea as most fast food always ended up making him sick (ie mcdonalds, burger king, certain Chinese food), and meals at restaurants ended up being only picked at. At least if he cooked it himself, he didn't have to rush and considering Liam's lack of interest in eating, he's rather slow. Not to mention, he lived on a budget and eating out all the time was expensive.
That being said, he doesn't mind getting pizza every once in a while.
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midgardianprince · 11 years
Imagine your polyship trying to find a bed big enough for all of them and a mattress that they all can agree on by running around a mattress store all laying on different beds, calling to each other across the store.
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midgardianprince · 11 years
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midgardianprince · 11 years
Imagine your polyship playing board games together. One member keeps cheating, but not to help themself. They’re cheating to help one of the others, because that particular person has been having a bad time and needs the boost. The member(s) who aren’t cheating or winning notice but don’t say anything.
—Anonymous submission
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midgardianprince · 12 years
He didn't actually have to wake up in the morning, but she did, because one of them had to make a regular income and the clothing store that hired her set weird shifts. Often he found himself untangling himself from sheets to wake her with a slight nudge of his hand. She woke drowsily, mumbling a cliche "Five more minutes" before grudgingly getting out of bed to shower. Liam snorted softly, barely bothered by the time since he didn't sleep much anyway. Besides, he figured it would be kind of nice to keep her company while she readied herself for work. Watching Ginger get ready was actually somewhat amusing.
Aside from simply being amusing, Liam was also occasionally helpful. He cooked breakfast: eggs, waffles, pancackes, crepes, oatmeal--he had accumulated an array of different recipes for all meals of the day. He wouldn't explain why, considering he rarely ever had an appetite for anything, but there they were folded neatly in a small box that he kept up in the cabinet. It came in handy for times like these when he was  happy to watch her eat before work. She looked somewhat confused, as if she wasn't sure why he was staring, but smiled back anyway. 
She disappeared into the office-turned-bedroom, announcing her departure to the man inside. Liam was fairly certain he had been awake the entire time, but unwilling to rise because this was the routine they had fallen into. A quick kiss and she was gone out the door, leaving Liam to close it. Glancing at the time on his phone, he frowned deciding it was way too early to do anything but go back to sleep. Unfortunately he was awake and didn't feel tired any longer, so he leaned against the door frame of the room. "Are we staying in bed today or pretending to have breakfast?" He asked, arching a brow. He received a curt wave in response and shrugged. 
"Yeah, you're right, takes too much energy to pretend." Liam smirked as he slid back into bed and draped the covers over his head. "Lazy."
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midgardianprince · 12 years
Character’s biggest strength.
((Liam's greatest strength is in his ability to adapt to changes and hardships that have come his way. Despite his many self-destructive behaviors, he has managed to persevere  whether it be through the help of other persons or simply on his own.))
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midgardianprince · 12 years
Reblog this if you don't get mad when random followers respond to your open threads
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midgardianprince · 12 years
Honesty Hour! For the Mun: How do you do awesome? For the Muse: In three words or less, how would you describe your love life?
((since my internet died pretty much all last night hi. I don't know what you mean by how I do awesome because I'm pretty sure I'm just a complete deeeerp who flails on the keyboard |DDD but if that's what awesome is i will continue teehee))
Weird. I guess.
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midgardianprince · 12 years
~My first impression. Damn, I gotta rp with this.
(( ehehehehe c:
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midgardianprince · 12 years
first impression; we should totally get married.
Is that so? I hardly think we know each other well enough for that, but I suppose I'm glad I made such an impression.
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midgardianprince · 12 years
Imagine Person A of your OTP coming home after a rainy day. Person B wipes them with a towel, worrying if they’ll catch a cold, and they proceed to cuddle in bed until Person A feels better.
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midgardianprince · 12 years
Is there anyone in need of a "freelancer" willing to do nearly anything they might need? I'm currently lacking work and am willing to take on multiple clients.
Tumblr media
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midgardianprince · 12 years
((That's usually what I'm described as.
You'd miss me if you really divorced me, and you know it.))
[[ Oh, please. They didn’t even spell Angrboða’s name correctly, do you really think they literally meant rocks? It seems to me that it was there more for hyperbole than anything. And everyone always exaggerates when it comes to me. ]]
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midgardianprince · 12 years
The best rpers are "ours".
Because they are “ours”. Those we quietly stalk. Those we admire. Those we bug relentlessly for new crazy plots. Those we send little notes of encouragement when they are down. They are the best because they are our little group that makes us feel warm and fuzzy.
And that keeps us rping. Because we love them.
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midgardianprince · 12 years
((I don't know some of those exaggerations are pretty accurate if you ask me. And I'm a good source of information on whether or not things about you are accurate. ...But I'll believe you about the rocks. ))
[[ Oh, please. They didn’t even spell Angrboða’s name correctly, do you really think they literally meant rocks? It seems to me that it was there more for hyperbole than anything. And everyone always exaggerates when it comes to me. ]]
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