Certain objects in our daily lives are dependable and tactile, these objects are also disposable and often over looked. During this intense time I have been thinking about our relationships to inanimate objects. Currently as a society we have been widely aware of the loss or lack of items at the grocery store. Our relationship to these items has been strained and we have been trying to adapt. From my research I have concluded that we build these relationships not dissimilarity from how we would make them with another person. This has opened us up to having emotional responses when we cannot rely on that material anymore. There is a comfort to that ritual and routine these object hold. We have a similarly strong emotional response to the material of cloth and to the recognition of time, labor and care found in hand-sewn objects. This bag I made was to heighten our awareness to single-use products and their production. The materials, tools and time-intensive labor associated with this piece conjure opposing feelings of precious and pathetic that these ubiquitous, and easily disposable bags possess. I’ve linked this to how I currently feel, I hate to admit that I rely on such mundane items but I do. Sad to leave this post with such a blah tone but I hope that there is a sense of the world being an open, living community. Our daily actions do lead to something, so do what you think is right.
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I’ve never really shown my art on Tumblr before but I thought I’d share. 
Here is my art Instagram for my other pieces :D Check me out, I’d really appreciate it. 
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FASTFASHION, yellow fabric, sequence from jacket. Meredith Coffey, 2020.
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