meoweatsramen · 9 years
Promo/General Banner Commissions
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{Hey there everybody! So as of recent I’m going to be taking 3 trips in the next coming months. One to Miami, one to North Carolina, and one to Ohio for Colossalcon 2016 to meet up with a bunch of nerd lords friends of mine.}
{So, I decided a good creative thing I could do for commissions, to save up some cash on the side, would be Banners. These could range from your simple promo banner, to an offline or online status banner, a Bias List banner, or even a Follow Forever one!}
Now you’re probably asking yourself some important questions….
How much do these cost per banner?
- I’m gonna say $5.00 each! I might raise it a bit, if you ask me to do anything really big or grandiose, but that’s going to be my minimum and most likely price. 
Can I see examples of your previous work?
- Of course! Here are a few examples of previous banners I have done for myself or friends of mine. Keep in mind that some are older than others, and I can do all sort of things in Photoshop, if requested! 
{ x }  { x }  { x }  { x }  { x }  { x }
Have you ever done commissions for anything before?
- Nope! This is my first time actually. 
Alright, I’m on board! How is this going to work?
- Just simply send me an Ask or PM that you are interested, and what kind of banner you are interested in specifically. Afterwards, I will send you a message back with questions, for any details I need to know before starting. For example, I will ask if you have any graphics or pictures in mind for your banner, and the size of it would be something I would ask as well. Once I give you the banner, I’ll give you the email you can send to me using your Paypal account. 
May I request to put fan art in the banner?
- Are you the artist? No? Then, sorry I’m going to have to ask you to choose something else. I refuse to use someone’s fan art for commercial purposes. The only expectation I will take is if YOU are the artist! As far as stock photos or other PSDs go, please be sure that they are free for commercial use, cause you know…CONTRACTS AND THE SORTS!!!! 
Anything else I should keep in mind?
- Please do not try to rush me, that’s not going to get the finished product out there any faster. I really appreciate you guys doing this, but you have to remember, just like anyone else I have outside things I am also responsible for, on and offline. Also once you have the banner, you can use it however you like, just please credit me in whatever post you use with it. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask me questions I want to make sure you are pleased with what you are paying for! 
{Alright that about about wraps things up! Thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you don’t want a banner, but still wanna support me, feel free to reblog and signal boost this post. It would be greatly appreciated! No matter what blog you are, you can repost this!}
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“That’s essentially it. None of us know how it is beyond our planet. We’ve gone up, but we really haven’t done a lot of flights outside of the general area around the earth. Usually just send satellites and shit t’ check stuff out. So it’s all a big mystery.”
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 “Damn, I could never imagine that. I grew up, for the most part, at least knowing more about space than this. I mean some of this science fiction gets it close. I guess it is eaiser to make movies about it, rather than just going up there. Surprised Earth still hasn’t gotten that far into space.” 
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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Smiling softly, Sasuki hummed as she tried to think of a way to word her question. 
“Myau, I found this great restaurant in the city. Would you mind going with me? I hear it’s really romantic.”
And expensive. But she wasn’t going to say that out loud.
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 Thankfully, Satsuki kept that fact to herself. Myua wasn’t exactly one to pick up the bill, mostly because he wasn’t exactly in any position of great wealth. He would love to spoil Satsuki, it was a money issue, not really a matter of being cheap.
 The alien looked behind him as soon as he heard the hum. That hum meant that she had something up her sleeve, it was all too familiar to him. A smile instantly came across his face when he heard the offer. It sounded like a perfect way to spend some of his free time tonight.
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“Food, and a romantic evening with my Satsuki? Of course, I wouldn’t mind; in fact I would love to!” 
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“Tch, like telling you is going to do anything,” Dandy groaned, rolling his eyes at the other. Back in the day? How old did this stupid cat think he was? …He’ll fight him later. Maybe. 
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“I’m not incompetent, thanks! Catching them, as part of the crew, is a team effort! Besides, you’re part of the blame too. Don’t you think I’ll let that pass, no way!” 
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 “Ok, I’ll be the one to take the high road this time. I’m not exactly perfect. Alright, what do you want from me?” Meow admitted with his own eye roll. “You keep claiming to be the big dandy captain! How about you start acting like it for once?”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
@eyesofdecadence { x }
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 “Oh ya know, nothing much. I was just missing your presence, your soft silky skin, and not to mention that hairdo of yours! You always were the best owner after all” Meow chuckled afterwards.”Has everything been going your way madame?”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“So?! You don’t know my age either! Some navigator you are, QT does that more than you anyways. My navigation skills my be junk, but you do squat on the Aloha Oe!” 
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“Plus, weren’t yuou lstening? I said they were so rare, you wouldn’t even know of them!” Yeah, that oughta stump Meow for a bit! … Not really, but he could try. 
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 “That’s the point, dumbass! You were saying that I’ve never heard of them, and I wasn’t around. So please enlighten me, on how much a of a great hunter you were back in the day, or whatever.”
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“..and excuse me?”
“I have lead this ship towards plenty of coordinates and to plenty of planets. You were just too incompetent to capture the damn aliens, or they weren’t rare enough, or so on.”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
Perks up. "Ah! Hello there! Are you a cat?" The android smiles sweetly and gently takes a fish out, wiggling it gently. "Here, kitty!"
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“Yeah, sure cat, cat, cat. Whatever you say man. Hey where can you get some decent service here? I’m getting like two bars, max, on my phone.”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“Failed? I’ll have you know that I’ve gotten some pretty rare aliens before you were born! So rare that you haven’t even heard of them, hm! Even if you are new to the hunting business, you still can’t do anything!” 
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 “First of all, you barely know anything about me. I’m pretty sure that you don’t know my age. Second, I’ll have you know I’m a very important member of this crew. I’m the navigator, and last time I checked, the only place you can navigate through is a Boobies,” 
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“So please, name all these super rare aliens, and where they came from exactly that you’ve never told me about.” Meow said with the smuggest grin he could put on; with his whiskers high in the air.
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“Gotta say, every space movie on your planet kinda over hypes what it’s really like that. Then again, maybe that’s just cause I’m always out there.” Meow remarked with a shrug. 
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“Hey, hey, hey! You can’t tell me about capturing aliens and that! You gotta do it too for being part of the crew! But noooo, you just take up space you good for nothing feline!”
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“Hey, don’t hate the player, hate the game. Besides, I just got into this whole capturing alien business. What about you, pops? How many years have you failed in capturing aliens?”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
meoweatsramen started following pompadandy
“Hey Meow, wanna know what’s great?”
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“When you don’t leave cat hair everywhere.” 
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“You know what else is great?”
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“When you actually capture an alien, for once.”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
Heeeello, this is a new Space Dandy blog who’s hunting for booty people to interact with. 
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Reblog this to spread the word around because it’s currently a sideblog.
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
Mutual Only Starter/Plotting Call
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(Really need some activity. Mutual Only Starter/Plotting Call! Like for a nice lil’ message for us to start thinking of stuff to do. Do Verses possibly.)
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
Mutual Only Starter/Plotting Call
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(Really need some activity. Mutual Only Starter/Plotting Call! Like for a nice lil’ message for us to start thinking of stuff to do. Do Verses possibly.)
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
Liz tried to hold in a laugh,  clearly thinking her friend was getting all scared for  nothing.
“Then, if ya ain’t scared, then  go in.” She teased, trying to  give him one last scare before he calmed down and saw how this place really was. 
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 Despite being an intergalactic traveler; Meow was still not the bravest Betelgeusian in the bunch. He could tell that Liz was catching onto that. He stuck his nose in the air, with his long and thing whiskers. “Fine, it dosen’t seem so bad after all. It’s just a restaurant after all!”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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“Oh really now? Do continue on. I never knew you were a cook my dear cat…” Ragyo hummed while sitting down rather graciously before motioning her servants to leave them while she focuses her attention on Meow and his cooking. Finding herself to be quite curious as to what can he possibly make in ramen that will interest her..
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 “Oh, you bet I can! My species are actually known for amazing cooks, throughout the galaxy! You wouldn’t believe how many cooking shows I watched back when I served under the Aloha Oe. Trust me, I had a long of free time.” Meow chuckled to himself as he sipped on the ramen’s broth. “Ahh, just right! I mean if you want, I could serve you some.”
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meoweatsramen · 9 years
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Anyone who’d known her for longer than a few days probably would’ve stopped noticing the puns at some point too- they came so often that it seemed like perfectly normal speach for her.  “Really it’s both.  I’ve been pretty pawsome at finding them fur a long time know, but practice definitely helped me make purrfect.  At this point I hardly need to think about it!”  She never really explained her pun proficiency to many people, but she was glad to do it for someone who appreciated them so much.
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She was only briefly confused by the Betelgeusian’s statement, quickly realizing he was talking about his place’s currency, which got a head shake out of her.  “Nah, probably not.  Maybe there’s some kind of exchange rate?”  She really doubted there’d be any place able to convert money from another planet, but getting paid still would’ve been nice for her helping out.  “Well, we’ll see what all I could do to help out.  But I do at least wanna check out your ship if it means helping you around this place!  Maybe meet the rest of the crew and see what the job’s like, too.”
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 This seemed to be a pretty natural for her, but it also seemed to be something Nadia took a lot of pride in as she boasted in how “pawsome” it was. “Ya know, that reminds me of a game I played with my pals back on my home planet. We made a whole pun war, if you will. We would each try to make puns out of different things that were going on around us. Whoever came up with the best pun, and stumped the opponents, won. They were practically rap battles, the way we flowed from one another.”
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 “It’s pretty impressive that you can do it without even thinking about it!” Meow announced with a sincere warm smile on his face. The Betelgeusian listened intently as she answered his questions. His face changed when she explained about the exchange rate. The alien sighed before continuing. “Ugh, well I apologize, I would pay for a meal with us, but you know, it’s those dumb intergalactic finances.” Meow chuckled at his own complicated reason. He really did wanna treat out for a nice night, which was very new for someone who tends to “mooch” as Dandy would call him. 
Out fur the Night ((Date RP))
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