melancholy-marionette Ā· 12 hours
Deadly Desires: Lovestarved (otome/josei jam progress & WIPs)
Well, @lazypolarbearart beat me to posting stuff about our current jam project cos Iā€™m a super slow snail who canā€™t social media still, haha. Basically, weā€™re working on a game thatā€™s set in the same universe as Limbo Line (Limbo), but focusing on a different district with different characters, and this time, thereā€™s some sweet, sweet romance :D (wellā€¦ more like dark and disturbing as heck romance, but hey, there are still sweet parts in there somewhere, I swear!! x3)
You donā€™t have to have played Limbo Line to play Lovestarved as their storylines are totally separate, but for those who have checked out Limbo Line, there are a bunch of references in Lovestarved that I hope you might find amusing, haha.
Of course, thereā€™s a darling yandere love interest to keep you on your toes, and this time, it comes in the form of Erys, a sithys (same species as Niard) who requires love as sustenance to survive.
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As you can probably imagine if you met Niard in Limbo Line (whose sustaining source comes in the form of compliments), Erys needs to work a little harder to get a good meal x3 Whether you provide Erys with a mere snack or a fulfilling banquet will be entirely down to you!
Since the full game story script is around 55k words, weā€™re only covering around 17k in a demo for Otome/Josei Jam + limiting it to only include a masculine version of Erys and a feminine version of MC (with a choice of she/her or they/them pronouns), but for the full release, you will be able to choose a masculine or feminine version of Erys + Loni (the MC) too ^-^
Iā€™m currently in the testing phase, so have some WIP videos of me testing out some stuff on the project x3
The first is a placeholder/general test of triggering a certain mode that can change the direction of an ending! I hadn't implemented full voice acting yet when I took this one >.< And the second is a snippet of turning on your radio :DĀ Full VA was implemented at this point, so you can hear a sample of Nico's lovely voice!
That's all for now, but I'll be working away cos there's a hell of a lot of testing & more left to do, haha. Time to go mildly insane x3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 13 hours
Hyped for your next game! I love all your games you're so talented!
Ahh, thank you so much!! Youā€™re too kind x3 I sure hope the next one wonā€™t end up being a disappointment then! Tbh, the one Iā€™m working on atm with Lazy Polar Bear has been all-consuming since the jam began xD I honestly donā€™t know how I havenā€™t either lost my mind or succumbed to a deep sleep yet, haha.
I fully intended to take a break after finishing Yandere Heaven Vol 02 for YanJam, but that just didnā€™t happen >.< I got too hyped to work on what weā€™re working on now for Otome/Josei jam x3 But Iā€™m gonna try and force myself to have at least a brief break in July cos I think my poor body quite desperately needs sleep!
My brother caught me up working at 4am the other day, and the following afternoon he said to me: ā€œWhy are you forcing yourself to crunch when youā€™re not even working for an evil games company? Itā€™s supposed to be your hobby, but youā€™re abusing your own workerā€™s rights!ā€ >.<
He has a point, haha. The problem is, 99.9% of the time, I canā€™t help it T_T
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 13 hours
30 Days Wild!
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As usual, Iā€™ve been neglecting Tumblr (and basically everything in my life that is not related to Otome/Josei Jam right now x3) soooo, itā€™s double post time!
This is just a quick one to say that Iā€™m doing #30DaysWild again this year to try and raise some money for my local Wildlife Trust charities, so if anyone is interested in finding out more or wants to donate, you can read more about it over on ko-fi :3
Sadly, I donā€™t have time to make any new thank-you stuff for fundraiser supporters this year cos Iā€™m so busy with the jam, but the old wallpaper and music tracks will be available again to anyone who chips in!
I also keep forgetting to actually take photos of the nature-related stuff Iā€™ve been doing/seeing each day as part of the 30DaysWild challenge, haha. Iā€™ve mostly just been looking after my dadā€™s garden and all the lil plants I put in there at the start of spring to help the pollinators, but we did manage to go on a walk at a local nature reserve at the weekend :3 Saw some really cool creatures & pretty plants, so thereā€™s that :D
And now to type up a post about Lovestarved, because, as usual, I am doing a terrible job at promoting stuff Iā€™m working on x3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 14 hours
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Working with @melancholy-marionette on a yandere visual novel for Josei Jam! It will be a Limbo Line spin-off and we'll be releasing the first part at the end of June. Above are the designs for the main characters: Loni and Erys
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 22 days
Hi! How are you today?
You've likely already been asked this, but what do you use to make visual novels? How did you learn to do it? All the ones you make are so cool!!! šŸ’–
Heya! I would say 'tired' is probably the main way I feel today xD Iā€™ve been staying up until 4am again recently and forcing myself up again at 8:30am trying to make up for lost time on the jam that Iā€™m currently taking part in with Lazy Polar Bear x3 (otome/josei jam)
We even tried our best to plan some stuff in advance so that we could have a chilled-out jam for once, but the world had other plans it seems, haha. We've both been hit by a fair bit of bad luck, so Iā€™m pushing myself in the hope weā€™ll still be able to release a demo in time for the end of the jam. Energy drinks are very much my friend atm x3
Iā€™m so sorry itā€™s taken me forever to answer anyhow! Iā€™m still majorly behind on pretty much everything >.< so most of my replies are at snail speed, haha. It doesnā€™t help that my PC died at the end of April, and trying to get a new one has been a nightmare :(Ā 
I knew it was on its way out for a while, so Iā€™d been saving up + making sure to regularly backup data (thankfully, I donā€™t think I lost too much!) Managed to scrape together enough to get a new one, but when it was delivered, something was wrong with it >.< The first time I powered it on, there was a super loud scraping sound from a fan or something, and it threw up some BIOS error stuff instead of booting Windows.
I contacted the company, and they arranged to collect it & rebuild it for me, which took a while to do. Just had the rebuilt one delivered this week, but thereā€™s still something not quite right about it :( It takes over 1 minute to boot up from pressing to power on (for reference, my PC that died was over 10 years old and booted up in about 10 seconds!) The 4th time I powered the new one on, it lit up inside, but never displayed anything. I gave it 5 minutes, but still nothing, so had to hit the reset button on the case.
Aaaand, one of the hard drives scans show itā€™s temperature is 68 degrees while the PC is idle, which doesnā€™t seem good >.< Neither does how hot the processor and graphics cards are showing on temperature readings when idle. As far as I can tell though, all the fans are working fine!Ā 
Still in contact with support trying to find out what is going on :( Which is not what I need while trying to work on a jam project, haha.
Anyways, Iā€™m so sorry for the giant ramble there!! To actually answer your question x3 I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been asked it that much actually! Maybe only like once or twice :3 The first couple of VNs I made were made with Tyranobuilder cos that was the first thing I came across that seemed easy to use, and it was :D I did try Renā€™Py first, but after completing a few tutorials and making a demo project, I hated having to do code stuff so much that I knew it would make me not want to make a full game if that was how I had to do it >.<
I got Tyranobuilder in a Humble Bundle years ago, and it claimed you could make VNs from scratch without writing a single line of code because it used a drag & drop system, so I figured Iā€™d give it a shot! It definitely did what it said on the tin :3 I made my first-ever game with it (Solipsism Reigns) + another one after that (Impostor) before switching to something else. (well, there was also the CiQ demo too, but that's irrelevant now that the game is being made in Nani!)
I think I read a couple of basic tutorials for Tyrano, but it was honestly all really easy to get going with by just poking around in there and seeing what did what, haha.
Besides those first couple of games, everything else Iā€™ve made has been using Naninovel in Unity. Iā€™d say Nani took longer to get started with, but the tutorials are vast and very detailed, so that was a big help. I also managed to get it while it was on sale, so that was a relief since itā€™s quite expensive full price.
I switched for a couple of reasons. One being that the drag & drop system in Tyrano was fantastic for a beginner like me, but also quite slow, so once Iā€™d grown a bit more confident with how things worked, I figured something like Naninovel with an easy-to-understand scripting language would probably allow me to work faster!
The other big reason was because of how buggy Tyrano seemed to be >.< There were a lot of issues in it that didnā€™t seem to be having fixes worked on by the software devs at the time (I believe they have since updated it though!) And it was just frustrating to discover there was the odd bug in my game that I couldnā€™t fix because it was caused by something in the software itself that I hadnā€™t even touched.
Iā€™ve stuck with Naninovel because itā€™s definitely easy to use, has a tonne of brilliant guides, and the support on Discord has always been exceptional whenever Iā€™ve needed help on how to do something :3 Thereā€™s still a lot about it that I donā€™t know how to use or little gripes I have with it here and there, but overall, I do prefer it to Tyrano. Nothing is ever gonna be perfect.
It does make collaborating difficult sometimes though because Renā€™Py is still the most commonly used tool for making VNs I guess. So if you want to work with people to do code and stuff, and 1 only has knowledge of Renā€™Py while the other only has knowledge of Naniā€™s scripting language and what Nani can do, itā€™s like youā€™re speaking two completely different languages when it comes to trying to understand each other x3
If I didnā€™t have to write code, I would probably use Renā€™Py xD Itā€™s just, while I still dislike having to type thousands of lines of Naniscript, I find it at least manageable without getting the worldā€™s biggest headache, haha.
Iā€™m glad that you think the stuff I make turns out cool though! :3 That means a lot ^-^ I always kinda feel like an impostor when it comes to everything I do in game dev just cos I never had any proper training or education >.< I guess a lot of VN devs are probably self-taught though! It is fun to figure things out yourself by trial and error, but Iā€™m sure I must be doing heaps of stuff wrong xD or at least in ways that arenā€™t exactly the most efficient x3 I muddle through though :DĀ 
Hope you are well + that May is turning out to be a marvellous month for you! Or at the very least, that you have had better luck than me lately, haha.
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 22 days
Hi! I just played your game "Tunnel Vision" and I am absolutely in love with all of it. I had a wonderful time. Of course, Rhime is my favorite. Really you did a wonderful job, especially for the game being put together in just a month.
Bravo! šŸ‘
Hey hey! Iā€™m so sorry that Iā€™ve only just seen this >.< Iā€™m awful at keeping up with social media stuff in general, but Iā€™m especially bad at checking here T_T
Thanks so much for checking it out & Iā€™m so glad that you ended up enjoying it :DĀ 
I definitely couldnā€™t have done it without being part of such an awesome team :3 Getting to work with larger teams of people is probably one of my favourite things about Spooktober Jam in general! Though, it is also kind of terrifying attempting to build a team, haha.
Plus it never feels quite right for me to be a project lead >.< I know you kinda donā€™t have a choice if itā€™s your project and your vision, but I feel really uncomfortable being the one who has to ask people to do things! Iā€™d rather be the one who is being told what to do by someone else x3
But yeah, everyone worked their butts off to bring Tunnel Vision to life, and Iā€™m super proud of the whole team and what we managed to achieve together in such a short space of time :3
Really glad you had a fun time with it! Thanks for all your kind words <3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 22 days
Travel devil 2 - Shame the Devil, tell the truth - DevLog 4
Well folks it's been such a week. I've had some extra work on this week but fear not... Travel Devil 2 continues its march through development.
This week I have
Designed some additional menu assets
Worked on a talk show set
Designed some apocalypse assets based in Paris
Learned about the national dish of the Netherlands - Stamppot (critical cultural research and tonight's dinner)
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Paris has fallen to the unholy march.
Unfortunately the talk show set is still a work in progress as it's not coming together in a way that I like. Also things are going a bit slower than Iā€™ve expected. Just gotta keep my head up and keep on with it.
I've also got some news about the writing. Robert has been leading the story development and has
Been writing many new scenes
Started a point of view chapter for our new character Chloe (art reveal coming soon!)
Finished a secret scene
Carried out location research about demonic art in Amsterdam
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Poster for the play "Lucifer" from 1910 painter by Richard Roland Holst (1868 -1938) - https://resolver.kb.nl/resolve?urn=urn:gvn:WITS01:109324, Public Domain
I'm glad to say that things are still moving forward. These devlogs help me to recognise that. Next week is going to be hectic as well so I'm going to try and focus on character art. I'm also hoping to make some time to play some visual novels. There's a few I've been meaning to try and I always find it inspiring to see what magical creations other people are making.
If youā€™d like to see how the infernal story began you can download the original Travel Devil narrative game for free on the Valhallions itch page. You can also see my side projects and asset packs on the DoubleFree itch page.
Take care everyone!
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 3 months
Yandere Heaven Volume 02 Is Out Now :D
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Well, I'm not entirely sure how I managed it in time for the end of Yandere Jam after everything that happened to throw me off course in February/March, but by some miracle (and a general lack of sleep recently x3) volume 02 of my Yandere Heaven fandub VN project is finished and released :3
Volume 02 features a whole new scenario with a fresh set of characters to fight for your heart <3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
I feel so honoured <3 And you made epic art @honeybeehuman!! :3 tysm for creating such awesomeness ^-^ Just look at this gorgeous drawing of my favourite bunny!!! :D So adorableeeee! I could definitely do with some of orange Blythe's love at the moment x3 Seeing this put such a big smile on my face though! <3 Blythe wouldn't even exist without the amazing @lazypolarbearart too, so hope she loves this just as much as I do :3
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Some fanart for one of my favorite visual novels!
You made a great game @melancholy-marionette!
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
Hi hi! I'm a fan of your yandere games and I just recently found out about your Tumblr account while hunting for fandoms of your games X3 I just finished playing Solipsism Reigns after letting it just sit there somewhere on my laptop for a whole year cuz I got attached to Kuro XD Ik your hands are already full from the amount of visual novels you've been creating so far but would you consider re-creating SR if you can? You don't have to feel obligated to ofc, I'm already impressed with the amount of visual novels you've cooked up XD (I'm quite nervous asking this cuz SR is so underrated and it's rarely talked about these days)
Hey hey! Thatā€™s awesome :D Super glad to hear it <3Ā 
Yeeeeah, I mean, I donā€™t know for sure cos Iā€™ve never looked, but I canā€™t imagine there's much in the way of fandoms for any of my games since they tend to fly under the radar x3 (my own fault for being incapable of using social media to promote stuff, I know T_T haha)
Since my following is mainly concentrated on itch I guess maybe that doesnā€™t help since other devs tend to post stuff in places like this and interact with people more. Heck, one of my supporters was even kind enough to make me a Discord server, which is incredible! But even with that, I struggle to use it regularly cos I canā€™t cope with live conversations very well >.< My social processing power is extremely limited T_T
The most frustrating thing is that I would like to be more active with social stuff, I just canā€™t handle it very well thanks to my ASD :( It only takes a little bit of social media for me to become completely overwhelmed and have to force myself to come off it so I donā€™t shut down, haha. It sucks.
Anyways, Iā€™m rambling, sorry x3
Thatā€™s so cool you played SR :D my original baby, haha. It looks so old now T_T Every time I see it on my itch dashboard I end up thinking of all the things I would change now I have more experience as a dev! It makes me a happy bunny to hear that you got attached to Kuro though ^-^
Funnily enough... I had already planned to remake SR at some point :DĀ 
As much as the project will always have a special place in my heart with it being my first-ever VN, there are many things about it that bother me too, haha.Ā 
My hope is to eventually remake it from scratch (I kinda have no choice in that anyhow since I no longer have the old Tyranobuilder project files x3) in Naninovel :3 Cos I know Tyrano was kinda clunky >.< In Nani, I could make it all work more smoothly + add more in the way of visual FX and stuff too.
On top of that though, I plan to go over all of my writing because thereā€™s sooooo much Iā€™m not happy with (mainly glaring at the student route >.>) + with any luck add an entirely new route as well that I cut from the original release due to a lack of time to write it properly when I found out Kuroā€™s VA was going to be moving to another country and putting voice acting on hold, haha.Ā 
There was also a BxG version in the works thatā€™s currently on hold but features redesigned sprites by LazyPolarBear + CGs for a male protagonist x fem Kuro.
Iā€™m not sure what I want to do about the music in the project because I feel like I chose the tracks well to fit the game, BUT, Iā€™ve heard those same tracks in soooo many other peopleā€™s games now that I kind of hate that I used so much from Incompetch, haha. Kevinā€™s music is incredible, but since itā€™s very generously free to use, it does mean itā€™s kind of overused in games >.< I didnā€™t have any other option at the time cos I couldnā€™t make my own music and I didnā€™t have any money to buy asset packs.
Now that I tend to create my own OSTs, it would seem kind of insane not to make one for SR in the process of a proper remake. Itā€™s just it would require me to make a lot of tracks x3 Iā€™ll probably give it a go though + maybe keep a handful of Kevinā€™s ones that I really like too much to let go of, haha.
So yeah, my hope is to eventually remake the original otome version of SR in a different engine with edited + new writing, some new art, new UI, new FX, possibly an OST, and I guess new VA to go with the new writing :DĀ 
I donā€™t really know when because I need to finish CiQ, DD, and Blue Blytheā€™s route in Bitter/Sweet before I tackle any more long-term projects x3 So it wonā€™t be any time soon. Once Iā€™ve managed to finish all of those though, Iā€™ll probably make it my next long-term priority project :3
Iā€™m genuinely flattered that you actually liked SR enough to even ask this! It always amazes me when anyone leaves a positive word about SR because I assumed that it had kinda just been lost to the sands of time at this point xD I know itā€™s definitely showing its age, haha. Itā€™s nice to know there are still people out there who are willing to give it a chance if they happen to come across it somehow ^-^
I feel like my games are probably rarely talked about in general, haha. I mean, since Iā€™m a fan of yandere games and play them myself, I do lurk in some communities + sometimes look at recs threads other people post to get ideas for things to add to my own playlist, and itā€™s not often that I see any of my games mentioned on recs or being discussed x3
I always kinda hope itā€™s cos people donā€™t know they exist rather than it being a case of them thinking theyā€™re not worthy of mentioning xD Either way isnā€™t exactly great though I guess, haha.Ā 
I just canā€™t promote stuff for the life of me cos I find it too overwhelming & exhausting + I donā€™t really have the self-confidence to try and put my games in front of people anyways cos I always feel like what I make isnā€™t good enough >.< Iā€™m basically 100% reliant on other people sharing my games for anyone to even discover them x3 Either that or searching the yandere tag on itch, but even then, they might be kinda hard to locate cos theyā€™re not super near the top since I donā€™t get as many people rating my games as other devs do. SR is my oldest game and it doesnā€™t even have 100 ratings yet on itch xD
If you search the yandere tag on itch and sort by ā€˜top ratedā€™ 14 Days With You is first with a whopping 1238 total ratings as of searching right now while I type thisā€¦ my first game to appear is Darling Duality as the 13th result with a mere 427 ratings by comparison, haha. And Iā€™m pretty sure DD only got rated that much because of Manlyā€™s video x3 Bitter/Sweet is next with only 228 total ratings by comparison.
I know people can just click on my itch profile if they happen to find and like 1 of my games and maybe want to see if Iā€™ve made others, but a lot of people donā€™t realise you can do that, or they donā€™t know that I primarily make games with yanderes in x3 So they just go unnoticed.
Heck, Dawn of the Damned is related to Darling Duality, and even though DD is my most popular project, I canā€™t seem to get people to check out Dawn of the Damned, haha. At this point, the tiny demo for DD has 44.7k downloads (this still blows my mind o.o), and yet despite Dawn of the Damned being a completed project and set in the same universe featuring future DD characters, it only has 4036 total downloads as of today x3 If I canā€™t get the majority of my own followers to check out a game I made thatā€™s set in the same universe, I have no hope of getting them to find my other yandere stuff T_T and even less hope of getting my games in front of people who have never heard of me as a dev, haha.
Iā€™ve even had a handful of people tell me that they think Apartment No.9 is my best game, and that Doyle is their favourite ever yandere guy, but the project only has 3680 downloads x3
But yeah, my analytics on itch are really skewed cos pretty much all the numbers are for Darling Duality and my Yandere Heaven fandub. I may have somehow managed to get a fair few followers on there over the years, but I think probably something like 90% of them (possibly even more than that) are waiting for DD and arenā€™t interested in my other projects.
My poor Yandere Heaven fandub has received some attention (in fact, itā€™s actually beating DD on total downloads somehow), but there has been a lot of negativity + a looooot of 1* and 2* bad ratings on itch because, for some reason, people donā€™t realise itā€™s a fandub even though I put that very clearly on the page T_T So they rate the game badly with comments saying the story sucks, or that having no choices is stupid, the characters are dumb, or that itā€™s too goofy and OTT. None of which is even my fault since Iā€™m trying to faithfully recreate the original content. All I wanted to do was make a Japanese drama CD into a VN fandub game >.< haha.Ā 
I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve rambled so much anyhow xD Iā€™m so sorry, haha. Itā€™s just one of those things that causes me a lot of confusion x3 I know I canā€™t handle social media very well and I fail at promo, but I canā€™t understand why a majority of my projects receive so few views/downloads in comparison to DD >.< I canā€™t for the life of me figure out whatā€™s so appealing about DD and not my other stuff, haha. Unless itā€™s literally just cos Manly played it x3
Before I go though, I just wanna say a big thank you for playing my stuff :3 It really means a lot! I hope you get to have a super duper year ahead <3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
I've just seen the ask about other player's Castor/ia and I was thinking.
If it's only the MC's Castor/ia that breaks the 4th wall (literally (Ā°-Ā°` )), what would happen if MC reloads the game and starts playing Castor/ia's route again. Would another copy of our favourite clerk/nun spawn in MC's world? Would it be possible to have an army of Castor/ias?
That would be a terrifying possibility x3 MC would be totally doomed! They'd probably start some sort of apocalypse if there was a legion of them all trying to win MC's heart, haha.
Technically, it wouldn't be able to happen in MC's world just because of the way that Castor/ia made the leap to MC's reality, but I can't say too much about that because it would be a bit spoilery for some future stuff x3
But yeah, if MC tried to play the game again, it would just be kinda messed up and broken, like the data is all completely corrupted and inaccessible from the moment Castor/ia crosses over. Everyone else can play just fine since only MC's version is affected, so the rest of the world is unaware anything freaky has even happened while MC's game is left broken. So they wouldn't be able to start playing with another Castor/ia to be able to spawn more of them, sadly.
It's fun to think about the bloodbath that would occur though if there were an army of them running loose in MC's world xD because they would not tolerate copies of each other one bit x3
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
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I'm not sure I even want to die. The problem is, I don't exactly want to live either...
It took a little longer than I had hoped, but last night I finally finished my #WinterVNJam project Sapphire Snowe in time for #yanjam :3 You can play it for free here!
After a devastating diagnosis, a suicidal Sapphire wanders into the wintery woodland near her home, hoping to disappear.
She only wanted to escape, but a chance encounter with an elemental sends Saffie on a different path entirely as she finds herself trapped in the snowy wilderness.
A dark but heartwarming fairytale-style story.
This one was a pretty personal project for me x3 and as such, the yandere character is on the softer side!
It's important to note that while the story deals with heavy themes such as mental health & suicide, it's supposed to be a big cosy hug of a game :3 If you're feeling low, lost, or lonely, then this one might be for you.
You can choose between a masculine or a feminine voice for Snowe, and if you happen to have played Bitter/Sweet, I guess it kind of has similar vibes to that but with less romance and a bigger focus on mental health. The overall story is darker than Bitter/Sweet's, but like I said, it's supposed to be soothing & sweet rather than scary x3
The game has full English voice acting and a full OST that I created for the project.
I hope you enjoy it if you end up checking it out :3 Have a fabulous February ahead!! ^-^
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
Hi! Hope you are doing well ā™”
Any funfacts about Blue and Orange Blythe that you couldn't show in the game?
Hey hey! Thank you :3 I was doing pretty badly pre-Christmas and kinda went into shutdown for a while because everything got too much, but I'm just starting to emerge into the light again x3
Hmm, that's a tough one because there's a lot, but some of it would be too spoilery to say since it might still end up being shown in the game, haha. Or it's already in-game and vague/open to interpretation.
Also, I don't know if what I think might be fun would necessarily be someone else's idea of fun x3
I guess one of the biggest facts that hasn't been fully shown yet is just how much of a perv Blue Blythe is xD There are little bits here and there, but they're mostly accusations by Orange (which are largely completely true x3)
How far that gets taken in-game will depend on how comfortable Blue's lovely VAs are with the content. I don't think I want to make it full-on 18+ nsfw, but there's been a kind of bondage scene with Blue haunting my brain for a while now, haha. I haven't started writing it, but I always keep little notes on my phone when things come to me so that one's probably gonna make the game when Blue's route is eventually finished!
Aaaand, speaking of pervs, Orange is kind of a closet perv x3 Orange may never admit that and be forever insulted by the mere suggestion of it, but it doesn't change the fact, haha. Orange would just be much more subtle than Blue when it comes to that sort of thing.
On the smaller side though, I guess there's stuff like the fact that Orange is actually a lot more dangerous than Blue even though it may not seem like it x3 The pair of them may fight over MC, and sometimes, it might even seem like Blue wins, but really, Orange will always be the victor because Orange will always find a way to outsmart Blue.
Also, not really related to the characters I guess, but a bonus fact is that Blue Blythe could potentially have been voiced by Philip Kraaijenhof (who voiced the captor in my game The Hostage & also Rhime in Tunnel Vision) instead of Dominic! Philip's audition for Blue Blythe was fantastic, and I knew I wanted to work with him on something from the moment I heard it. Ultimately, I went with Dominic because his voice fit the character just a tiiiiny bit better and had a slight edge on complementing Phonobabble's to complete the characters as twins :3 I hope you're doing well and that 2024 turns out to be an awesome year for you ^-^
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
(I apologize for the mistakes) Will we be able to see the rest of the characters from the game "Winter Wish"?
Probably not the entire cast of the game, but it's possible I might end up adding one of the other characters from the game to either a full route of their own or as a side character in Castor's route at some point. I haven't made a final decision on that yet though x3
I think it would be a fun thing to explore! But at the same time, I have a bunch of other characters that I hope to write routes for that are completely unrelated to Castor and where he came from, so it's tough to choose what to include and what not to >.<
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
(I apologize for the mistakes) Can we please get NSFW alphabets of Castor? (*/Ļ‰ļ¼¼)
I would say yes... but I don't know what one is or how to write one >.< I'm such a social media noob T_T sorry T_T
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
(I apologize for the mistakes) Why did Castor fall asleep naked on us? I mean, why couldn't he fall asleep on us with his clothes on?
It was pretty much just to represent rebirth and the fact that he had been reborn in a brand new reality different to the one he originated in x3 because when he emerges in MC's world, he's kinda like a little lost baby, haha.
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melancholy-marionette Ā· 4 months
(I apologize for the mistakes) Castor, having got out of the game, lost the ability to follow us with the help of cameras? He followed us only with the help of cameras only laptop and console, or did he use the cameras of all possible devices?
When he initially began gaining awareness, he was able to use all cameras/devices that MC had logged into to access the game in some capacity, whether that was the game itself, or just online functions related to the game like forums, support stuff, official pages, etc.
In MC's world though, he's lost the ability to follow MC like that and would have to resort to hacking their phone or other devices if he wanted to continue to use cameras to track them.
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