masondxvis · 8 years
remember emmason :’)
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masondxvis · 8 years
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Dear Mason —-
Sorry about the state of this piece of paper. There was a spill, very tragic, the wet parts ripped a little. Never mind the paper - I would like to assure you that I don’t blame you for needing some time. I do not feel abandoned. You may now rest peacefully in the knowledge that you’ve not fallen any further out of my favor. ( I’m kidding, this is all in good fun, I hope. ) However, you’ve fallen a little in my favor, thanks to the quitting of quitters talk. 
Yay to a free week! I too am up to coffee and lunch at 12:00 on Wednesday, which is wonderful, as that means we have a plan. I love going into town for meals - I know a fitting place. An authentic Villege De La Bete bistro, with the best coffee. It’s by the grocery store, I believe, though I’m more than open to any other recommendations of yours. 
respectfully —-
ps: not presumptuous at all. if you’re sure it’s not too much of a strain on your eyes … I can get back to you faster writing this way 
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masondxvis · 8 years
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                    emily + mason 
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masondxvis · 8 years
“You do realize that isn’t going to happen...right?”
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“Do I look like I’m joking? I want to see you drop all your shit so I can laugh at you, then I wont be so serious, so hurry up.”
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masondxvis · 8 years
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Mason —
I am thrilled to hear that it was a good surprise. And you don’t need to worry, everyone needs time to themselves every now & then. It hasn’t fallen apart! That would be quitters talk. No, it was simply on hold, but now – since we’re on the same page – we can bring it back. I’ve missed it as well, and I’m sure our students are ready to be whipped back into shape, hm? Or not! I’d love to meet up to discuss. Coffee AND lunch sounds best, in fact, mixing those two up. How’s the rest of your week looking, can I be penciled in? I’ve missed working with you, Mason. 
respectfully —
ps: the readability of your writing puts mine to shame! I’m sorry if we’ve ever exchanged notes before - you got the short stick. I made sure to sit down & try and write in caps, as a thank you for writing back. How’s this? 
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masondxvis · 8 years
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Dear Mason, 
Let me know if my handwriting ever becomes a pain to read - my grandmother was big on my penmanship having ‘personality’ when she was teaching me cursive, & now I’ve got all these clumsy swoops in it, making it utterly impossible to read. Anyway – this note does have a point! – I was just wondering if I could entice you to start our class again. I know we stopped it for a good reason, what with the bomb threat and that horrible ball (though your company wasn’t what made it horrible! I had a nice time), but I just think t’s time to bring it back, you know? I’me sure our students miss having a real education in their lives :) Anyway, write back! Your know my dorm #. Texting that might have been a better option in the first place…oh well. 
ps: hope you don’t mind that i snuck this into your stuff!
attached to the note: one green-inked pen for a return letter. 
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masondxvis · 8 years
“Right--right! Sorry, I didn’t mean...I hope I didn’t come across as making the assumption that you’re a snob. I just meant, you know, with your taste, it just seemed...” he was verbally tripping over himself, the first time in this particular conversation, which actually wasn’t bad by Mason’s standards. Before handing it back to her, he opened to the last page, and read it fully--a habit. “I don’t mind formulas as much since those are just plugging in the numbers. I’m finding this class is actually harder for me. It’s the writing. It takes me longer than it should, and...I don’t know. It’s hard sometimes. Finding the exact words to use.” 
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“ It came recommended a while back.” Emily explained with a shrug as she began penning something in an effort of neatness, but she got distracted, trying to write and talk at the same time. “ I do try and keep up with the classics, but when I hear good things about a book, I won’t turn up my nose. I’ll just wait a thousand years until imminent war threatens, obviously, ” Emily gestured out the window with her pen hand, a wry look in place as she glanced up at Mason.  “ But you’re the .1% though, so I’ve got to step up my game! Ah, that’s not too bad. No formulas to mess with. ”
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masondxvis · 8 years
Water for Elephants. Mason traced his thumb along the title of the book. He’d heard of it--it had made plenty of waves amongst Chestland Hill’s soccer mom set. But he’d never picked it up himself. Skimming the back, "Frankly, I’m a little surprised. I’d always thought of you as more of a classics person.” It wasn’t said in a condescending way, but more along the lines of intrigued. He noticed her pulling out a notebook, but didn’t think much of it as she tended to write notes a lot. “Well...you’re still ahead of 99.9% of everyone else, so it’s probably okay if you take a day off. Literature, actually.”
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“ No, of course not.” Emily tried for an easy smile as she shuffled the book Mason’s way, trying to catch a glimpse of the title as she did so — Water For Elephants. Not the biggest book, but then, who would put the largest at the top of the stack? She pulled a notebook out of her bag instead of the book, reaching for a pen as well.“ Even planning on studying is a lot better than what I’m doing, which is planning on studying tomorrow. What subject? ”
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masondxvis · 8 years
The stack of books was familiar to Mason. Well, not that particular stack of books, but the image of them. Back at home, there was many a book piled on top of another. He hadn’t read all of them yet, but he was going to eventually. So, needless to say, he understood. “Mind if I take a look?” He tentatively sat next to her at the edge of the window seat. “Studying. I was studying. Or planning to. I was planning on studying.”
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Of course, perhaps glancing at their face would have done her some good; Emily fought to keep a flush from embarrassment off her face. “ Oh! Hi, Mason. ” She hadn’t meant to be curt in the first place, but especially not to someone she knew…and, well, things with Mason were in an odd state. He was acting odd, sometimes, and Emily didn’t want to act odd in return. “ No, don’t be sorry. Ah, I don’t even know, yet;  I brought my stack of to-be-read books from home, and now that I finally have time to read them I’m working my way through. Just plucked this one from the top. ” She paused, inclining her head. “ What brings you here? ”
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masondxvis · 8 years
He hadn’t intended on approaching her. In fact, he had considered leaving her in peace and watching her from a distance, but that bordered on being creepy. However, this was his favorite part of the library, the only one where he was able to focus correctly, and it might seem strange if he was just there and didn’t say hello. After all, they were...coworker? Friends? “Sorry, I...just thought I’d say ‘hi’...what book is that?”
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Emily brought her legs up to curl beneath her on her favorite window seat in her favorite section of the library — ever mindful of her skirt. A bracelet laced hand reached inside the bag in lap until Emily found the book she planned to relax with. She noticed the shoes in front of her when she went to set the it down, and couldn’t help the sighed “ Can I help you? ” that came out before she even bothered looking at the face the shoes belonged to.
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masondxvis · 8 years
“Wait, are you serious?” He stood there, taken aback by her blatant disregard.
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“Oh, it will? Marvelous. Move. Walt knows I could use some more chaos in my life and if you think I’m a nice person today you are sorely mistaken.” She watched him with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, “Well? When are you gonna move that whole inch?”
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masondxvis · 8 years
Mason awkwardly chuckled, not really knowing whether or not they would actually die without her. He figured it made sense to laugh then because Chelsea seemed to be joking, but it would be respectfully safe to restrain himself. Because what if they actually could die without her? “She’ll like that...she really will.” He trailed off with a smile, thinking of how proud he was that his daughter had a passion for reading. “Oh hey, I might need your help with something for mine and Emily’s anniversary. I know it’s early, but I want to get a head start.”
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secrets were always chelsea’s forte, which made mason’s comment so much more amusing, knowing his knowledge over chelsea’s job had a limit. his words being particularly interesting seeing as how he didn’t actually know what they needed her for. but things were better that way, they were safe. the less he knew, the better. which was ironic considering how much progress the two had made in the last two decades, the brunette opening up to her brother A LOT more than anyone would have ever imagined. “i’m sure they’ll live,” she teased, “hopefully, live. at least.” chelsea couldn’t help but laugh at the mention of their sister. for so long chelsea had seen herself in competition with bonnie, she’d seen the woman as a THREAT, always trying to come out on top. but now the mention of their sister only made her smile as she shook her head. “well, considering her ‘cool aunt chelsea’ is going to find her the COOLEST book set out there, i think i’m about to leave bonnie eating my dust,” she joked. 
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masondxvis · 8 years
personality test masterpost
reblog and add your results!
Myers-Briggs: INFJ
Kinsey Scale: 0
Temperament: Melancholic
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Bending Type (Avatar): Earthbender
Faction (Divergent): Dauntless
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masondxvis · 8 years
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                                           Mason and Harlem. 
                          if you’re       reading this…               congratulations,       you’re ALIVE.                                 and if that’s            not something                 to smile about,                                              then i don’t know                   what                              IS.
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masondxvis · 8 years
“I...I don’t have hot chocolate, but I really do need you to pick up that bag. As you can see, I hope, my arms are full, and if I move another inch, then everything just might come tumbling down. No, no, everything will come tumbling down.”
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“Unless it’s a matter of life or death I wouldn’t recommend talking to me right now. I haven’t slept in two days and I will hurt someone. Unless you have hot chocolate then we’re cool.”
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masondxvis · 8 years
Her presence was even more striking than the other worldly descriptions that had been provided to him. There was an aura that immediately surrounded her, the rest of the room dimmed, the music faded. All that was there was her. Movements like a hurricane and rose, she was everything in one being. A muse for all artists. 
His eyes remained transfixed, studying her. That stunning red hair, unlike the sea of brunettes and blondes that populated the world. Her lips, pink like the petals of a peony. Those mystical eyes that seemed as if they were searching for something more. He tracked them, following a journey that suddenly halted. And halted upon him. 
Her intense stare bore into his soul, igniting unlit passions that had forever been dormant. He was alive. A dopey grin unconsciously grew as he tried to remain worthy of her gaze. The gaze desired by anyone with the capability of feeling. In fact, she could probably extract lust from the most uncaring of people. Her power was that strong.
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It wasn’t such a bad life, Emily mused seconds before going on. Her nightly pep-talk, where she prepared herself to let her mind fall a little bit blank, so she could go out there and give the audience her all without wanting anything more. Performing in Notre Village, the star of la Moulin Disney and the one all the other girls assumed Facilier might give a fighting chance. There were worse lives. 
Emily tossed her hair back from her as best she could without dislodging her headpiece, and prepared a smile so dazzling it could upstage all the tiny jewels encasing her and all the other dancers around her. They other girls were right, a little bit. It took years of reeling in her instincts and going for whatever goals Facilier told her to set her sights on, but he’d whispered to her, not minutes ago, that a wealthy duke was going to be watching tonight. He might invest, if she was every bit the charming girl she could be, if she could get him to invest in her. All of this might pay off. 
She could hear her music starting up. Such frothy, kicky, upbeat melodies, made for wowing and wooing and all things artificial. (Everyone was calling Notre Village the ideology of all the planet, but sometimes Emily wondered if that’s all it boiled down to; false dreaminess, the fast-paced life of young people who find the world much grander than it finds them.) No matter. It was time for her to be lifted up on the shoulders of performers she hardly knew, ankles crossed, feet pointed, ready to toss smiles everywhere where ‘round the room before the real show began. Her eyes were searching each velvet box, the patrons within them like gemstones in all their finery. They caught on one young man in particular, with a shining face for her to hold in mind — so she could remind herself the duke she was meant to entice would likely be his exact opposite. 
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masondxvis · 8 years
“I’m sure it’s hard for them to get by without you.” Mason nodded, pretending like he knew what she was talking about. Chelsea’s job had always been so cryptic, which drove Mason nuts. But he understood why it was a secret. Sort of. All he knew was that she worked with some kind of agency that fought crime, exactly at what level -- he had no clue.  “Seeing as Emily doesn’t have any sisters, it’s just a race between you and Bonnie. Although...you’re both very ‘cool,’ so I’d say it’s neck and neck right now. Well, books are always a safe bet with Ellie. She’ll never refuse a good novel.”
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“thanks,” chelsea smiled, hand taking the cup of coffee before bringing it to her lips and taking a small sip. her eyes focused on her brother as she gave a small nod. “unfortunately cases don’t solve themselves. they need me back at headquarters by thursday,” she sighed. chelsea couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at the mention of her niece. “her ‘cool aunt chelsea’ ?? is that what she’s calling me these days ?? you know i wouldn’t miss it for the world. i’ll be there — once i figure out what to get her. i don’t want anyone else swiping away the ‘cool aunt’ title from me. after all, it’s a VERY sought after one, you know,” she teased.  
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