mariyammm · 2 days
Luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.
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mariyammm · 5 days
And I have seen the hearts cry more than the sky; I have seen pain flowing more than the oceans; I have seen regrets more deeper than the trenches
Oh, but kindness... I have only seen kindness as much as a drop.
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mariyammm · 5 days
The deeper I delve into understanding others, the more I find the complex stories that make up who we are, like pages in a book we're all writing together.
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mariyammm · 9 days
We are only here today not because what does not kill makes us stronger, but because what does not kill us does not kill us, because what takes our breath away leaves us breathing, 'cause we're breathing, isn't that gorgeous, isn't that miracle enough?
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mariyammm · 12 days
I'm so thirsty of knowledge. I want to learn absolutely everything, speak dozen of languages, read every single book, travel and meet all cultures, taste every single traditional dish, understand all topics, but life is so so short, and the world is so big, almost infinite.
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mariyammm · 14 days
I think I’m connected with them. People who live a life like mine, and I live a life like theirs. I don't think my experiences, struggles, or emotions are ever alone. There are people out there with whom I share all of it. I wonder if I’ll ever meet them. Or maybe, I have already met them. Maybe I have sat with them, passed through them on the street, gave them a smile in public, or maybe it’s the employee who helped me with finding directions, or the woman who gave me their seat, or the guy who offered me help for carrying the shopping bags, yet I’m unaware of the strong bonds that exist between us, how we are connected in ways we don’t even realise, you know?
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mariyammm · 14 days
And I have seen the hearts cry more than the sky; I have seen pain flowing more than the oceans; I have seen regrets more deeper than the trenches
Oh, but kindness… I have only seen kindness as much as a drop.
— Mariyam // @mariyamwritesss
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mariyammm · 20 days
I am in love with the idea of obsession. To be fully immersed in something: art, music, literature. To let it consume you. To detach yourself from your singular point of view and live for an ideal.
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mariyammm · 23 days
I'm standing all by myself in front of the mighty ocean, For once, those crazy storms don't freak me out. I've found this inner calm, this fearlessness. The power of the waves crashing, the roaring winds, they don't shake me. I'm just standing there, soaking it all in, observing it all. I’m at peace.
— someday
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mariyammm · 27 days
He said “ily” but Dostoyevsky said,
"She tortures me, tortures me with her love...In the past it was only that infernal body of hers that tortured me, but now I've taken all her soul into my soul and through her I've become a man."
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mariyammm · 27 days
"If you love beauty, it's because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it's because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in."
— Cynthia Occelli
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mariyammm · 29 days
“I do not desire mediocre love.
I want to drown in someone.”
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mariyammm · 6 months
جعلتنا نخجل برحمتك، يا الله
It is said that even thinking about repentance counts as repentance
"You made us ashamed by your mercy, O Allah."
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mariyammm · 6 months
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When I see an anxious person, I ask myself, what do they want? For if a person wasn't wanting something outside of their own control, why would they be stricken by anxiety?
— Epictetus
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