lux-study · 6 years
Reblog if you're a Studyblr!
So my blogs been neglected a little over the past few months, so I’ve decided to do a follow spree so I can find some new people!
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lux-study · 6 years
Good afternoon, the academic culture of “if you’re not overworking, you don’t deserve success” is unhealthy.
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lux-study · 6 years
Jake: Name a way to be nice to people.
Rosa: Not murdering them.
Jake: Setting the bar really low, but I’ll allow it.
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lux-study · 6 years
friendly reminders to
Brush your teeth/floss
Wash your face/hair 
Put on some lotion
Take your medicine
Drink some water
Tell yourself something good about yourself
Take a break when you need it
Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax your muscles
Eat some fruits and veggies
Eat what makes you happy
Don’t be so hard on yourself
Remember that everything is going to be okay
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lux-study · 6 years
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Press Ctrl+F or ⌘F to do a quick search!
bookboon // for accounting, business, economics & finance, engineering, IT & programming, languages, marketing & law, natural sciences, statistics & mathematics (+ career & study advice, strategy & management)
booksee // for arts & photography, biographies & memoirs, business & investing, computers & internet, cooking, entertainment, health, history, home, law, literature & fiction, medicine, references, religion, science, sports, travel, and other categories
bookstacks // for popular classics
boundless // for accounting, algebra, art history, biology, business, calculus, chemistry, communications, computer science, economics, education, finance, management, marketing, microbiology, music, physics, physiology, political science, psychology, sociology, statistics, U.S. history, world history, writing
california learning resource network // for mathematics, science, history
ck-12 // for elementary math, arithmetic, measurement, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, trigonometry, analysis, calculus, earth science, life science, physical science, biology, chemistry, physics, sat exam prep, engineering, technology, astronomy, english, history
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lux-study · 6 years
I really need one of these for my highlighters (they are like my children)
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Finally got one of these make up organisers that everybody keeps using to display their highlighters on. I can’t say that I’m not enjoying it immensely 🙌
(If you’re in SA, you can find it for R70 at DisChem🌺)
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lux-study · 6 years
you know I once googled how very organized housewives kept their homes super clean. And one thing they suggested was, if a task can be done in less than 2 minutes, do it right away.
And I have to think about this very often when depression tells me to delay doing things, if it tells me something is too much work right now etc.
If I can do it in less than 2 minutes I can do it no matter how exhausting it seems.
That’s what I tell myself. And it works!
I get more done and after 2 minutes I usually realize the pain doing this thing is not so horrible as my brain suggested. And then I keep going and expand the task and get real work done, holy shit
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lux-study · 6 years
how to win at college
this also applies to high school in a lot of ways, esp in organization and involvement
I read this book by cal newport called “how to win at college” in prep for my freshman year & u should definitely read it yourself because there are lots of important points i don’t cover in this post, but if you don’t want to, this is my summary of what I think were the most important points he made. 
- joining a club and eventually taking responsibility in it and becoming a leader
- apply for scholarships every year (he said 10 a year) 
- volunteer, but not for your resume. do it to learn and become a better person. 
- get involved in research, and get involved in your major department (like go to the events and lectures, even if they aren’t mandatory)
- write outside of class regularly because writing is super important (example- submit to your school newspaper) 
- he really really REALLY emphasizes not procrastinating and studying / starting papers well in advance of deadlines. his rules are to 
- - >start long term projects immediately after they are assigned and continue to work on them by following a reasonable schedule (he says to finish early, revise, then finish again), 
- - > take 3 days to write shorter papers (aka you have abt 2 weeks to work on them and they range from 2-15ish pages) (aka make preparations pre writing, then write a rough draft on the first day, revise and focus your writing on the second day (make sure your arguments are very clear!), and polish your paper on the third day), and
- - >take 2 weeks to study for an exam. study in shorter blocks during the first week, like maybe an hour or so each day. over the weekend, add more hours. the few days before the test, study in 2-3 hour chunks to really cement the already familiar information. 
- get a filing cabinet for your papers instead of just piling them on your desk and having to search for them later. 
- have a HIGH QUALITY notebook and a folder for each class (or whatever stationery keeps you organized) and keep all your folders/notebooks/binders neat and organized. 
- empty your inbox and organize your emails 
- schedule your free time- aka have specific times that you choose to relax and spend with friends rather than unintentionally relaxing during work time, or worrying about work during relaxation time. 
- you NEED sleep, you NEED healthy food, and you NEED exercise. you really shouldn’t put anything ahead of these things. 
- NEVER pull an all nighter. if you’re studying ahead of time, this should be easy. all nighters aren’t glamorous, they’re unproductive, really stressful, and unhealthy
- keep in touch with old friends, and remember to call your mom
- make sure to spend time with new friends and take care of them. be there for your friends. 
- keep your room neat and make your bed!! 
like i said, there is a lot of important stuff that I didn’t cover so i recommend reading the book how to win at college by cal newport, and take what you need to from it. good luck!!!
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lux-study · 6 years
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lux-study · 6 years
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🔘72/100 days of productivity:
Bio finals done! Two more to go. ✍🏼📓
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lux-study · 6 years
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82+83/100: back at my favorite library for rewriting my research paper. It is slowly coming together!
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lux-study · 6 years
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lux-study · 6 years
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By: Alisa Dalia | alisaanton
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lux-study · 6 years
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lux-study · 6 years
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Things to do during study breaks!
Short Study Breaks (5 - 10mins)
Go outside and walk around 
Grab some snacks
Drink a glass of water
Watch a short youtube video
Do some BuzzFeed quizzes
Read something
Long Study Breaks (30 - 45mins)
Go for a shower/bath
Read something outside
Make some food/bake
Have a nap
Clean your study space
Clean up your device
Put on a facemask
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lux-study · 6 years
tips to get rid of the fear of the blank page 📝
if you’re like me (and most students), when you have an essay or dissertation to start, or even when simply beginning a new section of your writing, the blank page can look overwhelmingly daunting. you procrastinate, you fiddle with the formatting, you do anything except what you should — that is, actually writing. here’s how i trick myself to get over this panic:
use a crappy notebook: it breaks your focus from the word document staring you in the eye. tell yourself, ‘i’ll just scribble down some notes here, no pressure’. don’t use a fancy one either! i often want to make the best use of my fancy notebooks, which in turn stresses me out in its own way.
write your notes in pencil, not pen - this ties in with my previous point, but your goal here is to make things feel as low-pressure and low-commitment as you can. embrace the messy handwriting!
write fast, almost stream-of-consciousness notes as if you were explaining what you know about the thing you’re writing about to someone else. it’s okay if you use informal language, just get the backbone of the information down on the page! try to think of everything you need to talk about to make your writing coherent.
bullet points and sectioning will make it easier to navigate your notes when polishing up the content for the final text, but again, don’t sweat it.
make a post-it note of things you need to look up/ask someone about later, but don’t get stuck on them when you start typing the final text, just insert a little note when writing, and be sure to make it stand out (i.e. use a different colour) so you don’t accidentally leave it in
you’ve done all of this, now all you need to do is rephrase your notes to make them sound fancy! don’t overthink this either, i find it preferable to come back to your text after a while and do the final editing with a fresher look. and congrats! you’re pretty much done! the trick is not overthinking it, and remembering: 
done is always better than perfect.
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lux-study · 6 years
simple ways to a fresh start
• reorganize the furniture in your bedroom
• clean your room
• delete apps, contacts, etc from your phone that you no longer need or use
• change your phone wallpaper
• take your journal to a spot you’ve never been to around town // spend time reflecting while there
• sell or donate a few clothes you haven’t worn in a year (or even half a year)
• make a list of your goals // pin it to wherever you’ll see it most often to remind yourself where you’re headed
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