mariposaortiz · 6 months
❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜
"Uh..." Moving was definitely something familiar. At this point, Mariposa considered herself to be a goddamn expert in moving all of her shit from point A to point B in damn near record time. She'd moved so damn much in the past ten years that it had to be some sort of record, especially with all of the shit the kids came with as they shuttled from apartment to apartment (or, well, sometimes to couch but she liked to think they were hopefully past those days). This move had been something of a surprise, a landlord issue, and the time crunch was a little more pressing than usual. Still fine, though. She still made it work. She always made it work. The truck had been mostly unloaded, she was exhausted and all she really wanted was a shower and a cigarette. Almost done, and she'd done most of it on her own. "....Going with a solid probably here, but if I could get you to open the door and lure you upstairs with the promise of beer and pizza I think I'd be in much better shape."
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
"'Sort of' was better than I was expecting," Mariposa admitted, something of a smile starting on her face now that she'd shaken off the adrenaline from their bump and the spooky setting around them. There were reasons that she'd never been a haunted house type of girl, and this was definitely one of the top ones. Fight or flight was strong in her, and she was glad she hadn't moved to punch her friend in the face. "I was expecting like, crappy orange-y corn syrup blood, yknow? So I feel like anything above that is rising above expectations." Even still, she wasn't particularly interested in going to peek for herself. Now the next part of the mystery was on: whodunnit, the main theme of the evening. "I'll pass," she said with a wave of the hand. "You headed back up to the house? We can tag team it, considering the murder and all."
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Freaky... "Was it freaky..." he echoes, twisting his head to the side. Yeah. It was freaky. It reminded him of his father's lifeless body lying on their living floor. The sight of him was the last thing Benny saw before his mother pushed him out of his childhood home. He hadn't thought of that in a long time, which was strange. He was a horror fanatic. He read books, watched movies... it wasn't like he purposefully avoided themes of death. So why in the world did seeing the mayor slumped over like that trigger a memory he thought was buried? "Yeah, sort of." Benny could feel how strange he was acting. The adrenaline rushing through him shook him violently with nowhere to go. It was insufferable. "You could handle it though, probably." His eyes are shifty, already making moves to continue moving past her but Benny wanted to avoid people questioning his reaction. He had to stay, at least for a little bit.
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
"I like to think I've always earned a drink, but I think that's especially true now that I'm cleaning for free in my free time, apparently." Or, well, did that count i she was playing the part of a housekeeper? Hard to tell, but she wouldn't be muddying that line up again. All fun, no work other than detective work. "I'll make sure I bill the family for working outside of contracted hours." Eloise reached to grab the champagne flute from Phoenix, lightly knocking it against the other's before bringing it to her mouth to drain half the glass in one. "I vote the help gets hammered and then starts pointing fingers to witch hunt the murderer out. What d'you say?
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The woman had a point. There was a lot of typecasting in Hollywood, and only a handful of lucky actors and actresses were deemed lucky enough to play a variety of roles. With a chuckle of amusement, the redhead handed the broom off to her counterpart as she spoke. "Well, with three jobs like that, it seems as though you're more well-rounded that half the actors in Hollywood. Maybe you'll want to add that to the resume while you're at it. Now what do you say? Want a drink? I think you've earned it."
As an authentically-dressed cocktail waitress passed them, Phoenix reached out to grab two champagne flutes from her tray before holding one out for her new friend. "Cheers."
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
@swstarters open | suds & bubbles Mariposa was eager for the day that a day off was actually a day off and not fuckin' overflowing with shit she had to catch up on. One day, maybe, she'd get to sit on her couch and do not a damn thing except for listen to a record or two and dance around her living room. One day, but this day was not that day. No, this day was for more goddamn laundry because she'd definitely been letting that pile up, and the new apartment definitely didn't have any machines for her to use. Had to trek all of that down to the laundromat, after digging out every last sock and shirt out from under her siblings' beds. Definitely shouldn't let it pile up this high again, considering just how damn much she had to do. Probably would, because that was her way, but she'd be cursing herself all over again. "Hey, you got change for a dollar?" She was...something like halfway done, a magazine left spread out over the machine she'd been using and folding on top of. "The machine's out or broken, and I've still got a few loads to run."
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
"I think I may have watched one too many crime-y movies," Mariposa said with a laugh. "My little sister is also super fuckin' into that Clue game so I've got a lot of practice. That being said," Mari pointed at the other woman, "Lady Art Dealer in...whatever room that was, probably with a candlestick or some shit. I win." Maybe this was turning out to be not as bad as she'd expected (even if she still planned on ducking out early). She was mostly amusing herself, but that was still making the clock tick on. "Are we talkin' real names or fake names, because I'm gonna be honest, can't remember the fake one."
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Eyebrow raised, Nellie tipped her head to one side, resisting the urge to laugh. "Maybe you should be our detective for the evening, with those deduction skills and all." The desire to laugh won out, and the sound fled past her lips freely. "At least I'll know someone had an eye on the number one suspect if I'm the next to go." Truth be told, there was a not so short line of folks Nellie had pissed off and alienated, starting from her early adult years until now. Phoenix just happened to be at the front of that line tonight.
"Housekeeper, do you have a real name? I just wanna make sure I know what to write out in my own blood, should I come to an untimely demise. Housekeeper is so long, I think I'd perish in the process."
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mariposaortiz · 6 months
"Is it considered an ex if we're still technically married?" Definitely had that name tattooed somewhere (somewhere hidden, somehow, even under clothes that definitely pushed the limits on what was considered proper), but she wasn't exactly looking to get that covered up. Not yet, anyway. Truth be told, Mariposa wasn't sure if she'd even be able to bring herself to do get that covered up, even if she felt like she really wanted to. Maybe she was (definitely was) delusional enough to think she wouldn't need to, that he'd come back and this whole stupid thing would be over and they'd be right back where they were. Not that where they were was a good place. Anyway. "Not looking to change anything up, looking to add. Sorry if that's a disappointment. Also," Mari approached the other with a smile, "is there a friends and families discount? Pretty sure I might fall under one or the other there."
open starter, at the joint tattoo + piercing, just before 11 p.m. @swstarters
Weekdays were always slow, and after the four-hour back piece she'd completed this afternoon, Joselia was grateful for a breather. Cigarette dangling between her lips, she propped her boots up on the desk and doodled in the flash book. Her dad had always reckoned Joselia was some kind of artist, what with her 'bohemian soul', but she was twenty-one before she discovered her love for visual art. A late bloomer, or maybe she just never had time for artistic pursuits in between Daddy's ups and downs.
When the front door jingled open, Joselia peered up from her sketchbook and surveyed the customer. She leaned forward, lips curling upwards. "Please tell me you've got something nasty that needs to be covered up," she teased. "What is it-- an ex's name? A mom heart?"
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
Mariposa felt her heart racing away from her, breath quickened just a little. "Stupid fuckin' spooky bullshit," she mumbled under her breath as nervous fingers found the material of her skirt to straighten the material. She had never been the mystery or spooky type, was really regretting this whole damn thing and was realizing just how much she'd rather be on her couch with a carton of ice cream and half a pack of cigarettes. "You scared the absolute hell out of me." This time, her tone was a little more forgiving (as though she hadn't been watching where she was going, which was definitely also true) now that she had taken a second to breathe and was steady on her feet. "Fits the vibe of the night, I guess." Which, again, she was definitely feeling grouchy about. Definitely should've skipped for the ice cream. "Oh," Mari began with something of a frown, peeking in the direction he'd gestured to as though she'd be able to see from here. "Oh, shit. Was it freaky? Is it uh...worth seeing or can I just skip that and take your word on it?"
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It wasn't a long walk back to the manor, but Benny felt a pull on his pace, slowing his steps. Before completely making it out, he takes a moment to rest his hands on his thighs, bending over slightly as he suddenly feels his chest tighten. He exhales, realizing he has been holding his breath since seeing the mayor's body. There was a chill, and as it passed by him, he felt like vomiting. He starts seeing flashes of his father's body beneath him, beaten and bloodied. His fingers come to meet the palms of his hands, scrunching the fabric of his pants. Not real. He had to remind himself. He felt silly that he had to remind himself, but he was desperate to get a grip. All he could think about was getting out and going home, so he forced himself to move with haste, making it out of the stalk of corn. When his body collides with another, he lets out a humph, the sudden impact knocking the wind out of him. "—Sorry. I... wasn't looking," he says, almost like he's catching his breath. Her question rings between his ears, pulse racing. "The body..." he manages to get out, gesturing behind him lazily. He clears his throat. Get it together. "It's, uh— back there."
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"Wasn't too fond of you," Mariposa echoed, eyebrows inching up just a bit. "I think that's an understatement. Like I said," she held out her hands, "wouldn't be surprised if another murder happened here pretty quickly. Maybe not even a fake ass one this time." Hey, maybe she was better at this than she'd thought, even if she was just stirring the pot and enjoying being a shit-starter. "Tempers outta check makes people think things, y'know." Mariposa's tone had taken on a teasing edge, and she lightly tapped at her temple. "Especially when there's murder on the mind." Lady art dealer, she'd remember that just in case her teasing turned out to be true. "Made for getting into character, even if it was from lack of fondness." Mariposa held out a hand. "Well, Lady Art Dealer, I am...Housekeeper I can't remember the name of."
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"I mean, water under the bridge, really. I won't tell if you won't tell," Nellie quipped, huffing out a breath as she waved a dismissive hand. She hated this uneasy feeling settling over her, like someone had seen her at less than her best, and could hold it over her if they really wanted to.
Maybe honesty would be better; the less speculation, the less gossip... "Yeah, my, uh, scene partner wasn't too fond of me there. It happens, uh, more often than I'd care to admit to." Nellie fed the other woman a tight-lipped smile, then stuck her hand out. "I'm Nellie, Nellie Reed. My character is... Lady Art Dealer. Yours?"
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"To be fair, I think a lot of the Hollywood crowd do that. Typecasting and all that shit. Sometimes I think I watch the same movie like four times over." The smalltalk came easy as Mariposa collected up the last of the glass from the floor, straightening to a stand to dump the shards into the nearest trashcan. "Maybe my third job will be a movie critic." She rolled her eyes a little at herself, reaching a hand out for the broom so she could click the dustpan into place and tuck it away. "First job is housekeeper and yeah, second job is bartender at the Mint. Housekeeping just doesn't pay what it used to, apparently. Or maybe it does. Fuck if I know."
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Although it was certainly easy for her to laugh off the coincidence of it all, Phoenix refrained from telling the woman that she likely wouldn't have volunteered so willingly had it not been for her assigned role. Especially when she could have been partying with the other guests or working on solving the mystery in order to claim her prize.
"Phoe– I mean, Josephine. Dammit. That's never going to get easier, is it? I don't know how all of these Hollywood actors and actresses do it. I think I'd just end up playing myself in every film." With a small chuckle, the redhead continued to sweep the small shards of glass into the dustpan. "You work at The Mint right? I mean... when you're not busy cleaning the mansion as a housekeeper, obviously."
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"I barely know who I am around here." Mariposa was still definitely a little grumbly about her self-imposed cleaning, silently making a vow to no longer dive into character if that involved cleaning. "Agnes? Agatha? Something like that." She had the information tucked away somewhere, could look later when there wasn't glass on the floor. "But anyway, yeah, I'm fine. Just got a little too in character, started cleaning, and...well," she gestured to the shattered glass on the floor, sighed heavily. "And this is the price I pay, I guess." She definitely missed some of the clues, at this rate. Ah, well. Truth be told, she wasn't that invested. She began to lightly nudge the glass shards with her foot, trying to arrange them into a pile. "Can you see if you can find me a napkin or something to pick this up with?"
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It had been difficult to hear a thing or decipher what any of the party goers were currently discussing about where in the game things stood. Everyone seemingly had been talking at once and it was impossible to even follow. When stumbling upon someone who looked to be cleaning the main room already, Noah glanced around, wondering if things were actually close to wrapping up. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had missed some details of the mystery that already quickly passed. 
Hearing a glass shatter to the ground, he hurried a bit quicker over. “Are you alright?— The housekeeper ok. I’m honestly still trying to figure out who’s who around here.” Noah admitted with a shrug. “Well, if it makes you feel better I don’t think anyone here would know where to find one in this massive place.” 
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"I mean, the bit about the lighter was more to myself or to anyone that might call me breaking character." Even then, she'd been breaking character all night. Mariposa definitely wasn't taking this too seriously, had gotten herself dressed for the part and gotten herself here and that was a victory enough for the night. She was already considering the merits of skipping out early, storyline or whatever be damned. "It sure didn't look fine," Mari said, eyebrows raising slightly as she took a final drag from that cigarette. She let it drop from between her fingers, crushing the remaining smolder under her heel. "You definitely looked fuckin' cranky, to say the least. Didn't sound like it was 'fine' either."
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While parties normally made her chatty and bright and fun, Nellie was feeing worn out. She really was only here at request of David — Mayor Weston. They'd developed a rapport, thanks to her job at the Standard. Although she was frequently treated like a glorified errand girl, she was always polite, always smiled when looked at, and always made sure to double and triple check all quotes attributed to the Mayor when the task was assigned to her. He could be busy, but had taken a liking to her, so more often than not, she was the only person he'd answer when his comment was requested. It went without saying that the power trip had gone to her head — and completely secured her loyalty.
... All that aside, she was ready to go. She was contemplating breaking character and marching off the estate without so much as a glance backward, when she noticed another beside her, looking pointedly in her direction.
"Oh, you were not talking to yourself." Nellie arched a brow at the mention of cheating, though the sound of her own laughter betrayed her. At least until the other woman mentioned earlier's spat. "Oh, that. I wouldn't, uh, no.. That's, that's fine."
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"I think I just went full-ass into the housekeeper thing and started cleaning, like I was at work. For the record, don't let me do that again." Mari reached out a hand for the dust pan, carefully crouched (and was thankful that the dress she'd chosen was definitely a little longer than one she ordinarily would've gone for) and held it in place. "No more cleaning in my free time." Well, free time away from home. Felt like she was always fuckin' cleaning up after her siblings at home, and she just might scream the next time she tripped over a shoe. "Look at us, playing the part without even trying." At least this was a mess she'd made herself, even if it was the direct result of taking her part a little too literally. "And on that note, I barely remember my own character's name and definitely don't remember yours."
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Though she'd been assigned the role of a maid, Phoenix had managed not to lift a single finger since entering the home. Unlike her counterpart, who really seemed to be stepping into character, she was happy to stand by and people watch until the clues fell into her lap.
That is until she heard a loud crash and turned to see Mariposa floundering to pick up the pieces. At the mention of a broom, Phoenix thought fast, remembering where she'd spotted one tucked away inside the pantry upon touring the home.
Rushing into the kitchen, she pulled it out from behind the door before returning to Mari's side to help her clean up. As a waitress, she'd definitely dropped a dish or two in her time. Though there was probably a lot less pressure at Ruby's than a historic mansion. "Here, let me help you with that. Would you rather sweep or hold the dust pan?"
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
@inkedesires It had been a little too busy inside, and so Mariposa had decided to step away. The corn maze had been her initial destination, but she'd become side-tracked and decided that it definitely was time for a cigarette. She'd been enjoying the momentary break from the bustle inside when she heard footsteps, and turned with that now-lit cigarette between her lips. "I'm gonna be honest, I really don't give a shit if using a lighter counts as breaking character." Mari took a drag, tucked the potentially offending lighter away. "Maybe Agnes Murphy has a freakin' time machine and I'll solve this evening by cheating." And, well, that was usually how she won anyway so it wouldn't be a big surprise. "Speaking of being Agnes Murphy, I saw you earlier. And I totally meant that to sound as creepy as it did." She smirked a little around her cigarette before tilting her head up to exhale. "Didn't look too happy. Is there gonna be another murder announced here soon, or?"
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
Corn mazes were always creepy, and to be honest Mari never really had the patience for mazes of any sort; she much preferred a straight shot, liked to know where her exits were, and well she wasn't above busting through the damn corn stalks to make her way out if need be. It was decidedly more creepy at night, and Mari couldn't help but squint at the maze in front of her. She'd been dragged through her fair share of corn mazes and hay rides and all of that other seasonal shit by her siblings over the years (and well, Mari had a goddamn hard time saying no, especially when she was trying to make up for years of bullshit that weren't even her fault and give them the childhood they'd all deserved) but one in the dark would be a new experience. In truth, Mari had just wanted some fresh air and so to the corn maze it was. She wasn't really even sure why she'd signed up for this damned thing in the first place (no, she knew why, she just wasn't going to be talking about why; he always liked this type of bullshit but he was long gone and it was so goddamn stupid to think that maybe, just maybe, he'd be back for this), but she already needed a break and was wondering just really how critical her role in all of this was or if she'd be able to slip out unnoticed. It would definitely seem her murdery mystery senses would need some work, as she bumped right into someone on the way out of the corn maze just as she decided she was going in. Hadn't fuckin' seen them at all, shoulder-checked them without even seeing them, found herself gasping and stumbling back half a step. "Jesus Christ," she hissed as she took in a breath, eyes snapping over to Benny. "Where did you come from, you scared me."
When & Where: "The Corn Maze" ...9:30pm!
☠️ @swstarters ( OPEN )
It was clear Benny had enough socializing for the night as he found himself connecting to being free exceptionally well. He sighed an incredible amount of relief the moment he stepped outside the manor, lighting a cigarette in celebration. While Benny wasn't a stranger to being around so many people, it was another to do it— and be in costume. There was something so mentally taxing about that. In any case, the groundskeeper was desperate for some space, even if it meant going into some creepy corn ma— wait, is that blood? He pauses momentarily, looking around after noting the overturned scarecrow. Arching a brow, Benny peeks at the blood trail leading him further into the maze, bending down. He notes the smell— hair gel and nothing like real blood. He inhales sharply, pressing his tongue to his cheek as he returns to his feet. Benny discerns whoever put this together definitely had the time, and to simply walk away and mind his business would defeat the purpose of this murder... mystery. He sighs again, grumbling as he makes his way in.
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The bustling sound of the party lessening gives Benny chills. He even shivers, moving along cautiously as the breeze passes, distracting him. The uneasiness he feels barely draws for concern until he finally connects the trail of blood to a body— the figure of their Mayor slumped over a hay bale. The very sight of him drew a breath out of Benny, and he felt his temperature drop as he truly believed what he was seeing in front of him was real (even for just one second.) It wasn't only when the Mayor broke character by scratching his thigh whilst playing dead did he remember where he was. Benny exhaled, eyes fluttering as he found himself again, unsure how long he had been holding his breath. The sound of chatter a few ways behind brings him back to reality. He turns when he hears them nearing, the female screaming at the sight as soon as they arrived at the end of the trail. Benny winces, her date chuckling at her enthusiasm. "Sir Reginald is dead!" she screams, unable to forgo a smile as she says it. Benny grumbles, making his way past them and out of the corn maze.
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
open! @swstarters It was annoyingly ironic that she spent most nights cleaning up after patrons of the Mint (who did not tip well enough for the mess that could sometimes be left behind) and now here she found herself, cleaning up after grown-ass adults in her free time. Sure, she wasn't required to actually clean, but playing up the housekeeper bit had her playing pretend, and...well, that led to actually cleaing up the glasses that had been left behind on tables. Truth be told, Mari wasn't even sure if those had been left behind by party-goers or had eben left there on purpose to set the scene. Nevertheless, Mari had cleaned them away (and was grumbling to herself that she would not actually clean anymore, this was supposed to be fun) and the last glass she'd collected managed to slip from her grasp, crashing to the floor with glass shards scattering across the floor. Mari sighed to herself. One last mess, considering she made this one herself. "...I guess I'm a pretty shit housekeeper if I don't even know where to find a broom, huh?"
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mariposaortiz · 7 months
"A movie," Mariposa repeated, raising an eyebrow right back at him as she took a final drag off of her cigarette (she'd become accustomed to power smoking due to short smoke breaks at the Mint and trying to do it out of a window in her apartment rather than truck outside) before tossing it aside, crushing it under the heel of her boot. "We revisit the all work thing that I mentioned a little bit ago. I've been so fuckin' busy that I haven't done anything fun lately," unless one counts getting blackout drunk in-between packing, but well, she didn't, "and a movie sounds fun." More fun than she'd been getting around to, for sure. "I mean, whatever. I'm not really fussed on who is at the movie. I'm just saying, we should go to a movie. Minimum you and I, but the we can be as big as we want." She'd be all the way moved soon, tourist season was about done and well the kids were old enough that she didn't really need a babysitter anymore. "Or just us. I think we all know my general stance on people is 'people suck.'"
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Benny chuckles, feeling silly at the thought that Schoolgirls in Chains wouldn't pique Mari's interest. The idea quickly left him, though, hearing her mention that the both of them should participate in watching a movie. The simple, passing suggestion threw him for a loop, and he found himself incapable of wondering what that really meant. 'We'll' as in... the two of them? Or 'we'll' as in the two of them... and Nick. It wasn't like Benny to draw attention to his downfalls— in fact, he was as foreign to making jokes at his expense as he was to hum along to some song that was stuck in his head. Rare, but not impossible. "A movie, huh?" he raises a brow, crossing his arms with a playful glint. "You mean you and me, or you and me ...and Nick?"
Because Benny wasn't used to poking fun at himself, he couldn't ignore the mild level of anxiety rushing through him after he said that. The memory of her rejecting his invitation to dinner continues to occasionally haunt him the second he thought of anyone else in any remote way he did for Mari. He doesn't hold that to her, though— they were friends before letting his delusions get the better of him. As an added benefit, it was fun to see the always-on-guard Mariposa squirm. "I'll touch on you moving after," he adds, reassuring her that he really did care about what was going on in her life— even if it was as conventionally mundane as moving.
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