maribatserver · 29 days
On behalf of our Admin Team and all of our server members, I'd like to thank Batman and Ladybug for their hard work in fighting off THE FOOL and returning our server to its previous managers. Thank you to everyone who tried to help pay off the ransom, we appreciate your support greatly!
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maribatserver · 1 month
Weep, you woeful followers of Maribat, for I have done what no other rogue has yet accomplished and taken over the Maribat Server! From this day forth, you shall kneel before my brilliant evil and serve my every whim! Wallow for the days whence you were free to enjoy your silly little fandom in peace, for they are now long passed!
Should you wish to retain the right to continue using your server for things like "art" and "headcanons" or whatever else you witless fools do for fun, then you must pay a ransom to me of:
Your ransoms can be submitted either on tumblr as an ask or in the special ransom channel I'll be making in the server. Everyone must contribute at least one joke a day to access the server going forward.
NOTE: I will only be accepting jokes that are FUNNY. That means NO JUMPSCARES and NO SCREAMERS. Be creative. Be hilarious. If that's too much for your pathetic brains, try being hit in the face with a pie, because that's the only way you'll get me to even snicker.
Join my army of comedy writers or languish without your silly little blorbos! The choice is yours!
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maribatserver · 1 month
Maribat March - Prompt 21
Red Hood had only been in control of the Gotham drug scene for a year when she was first spotted. At first, the goon who'd seen her had thought he was hallucinating. After all, this brightly dressed woman just strutted into the Red Hood's lair like she owned the place. Bill had rushed to inform the boss that their hideout had been breached, but he was unavailable. He reluctantly retreated back to his post, anxiously awaiting the alarm. But it never came.
Bill told the other henchman, but none of them believed him. Surely, the intruder would've been caught.
He didn't dare try to tell the boss himself.
Then it happened again, though this time, she stopped to talk. She handed out cookies and told them to tuck in their shirts! The goons couldn't believe it. As soon as she came, the strange pixie left, the people she left behind stunned. Rumors started spreading about the nice woman who licked her thumb to wipe the gunk off of one of their faces.
Everyone believed Bill after that.
Red Hood had an important meeting with other crime bosses, and all the henchmen were in a state of panic, trying to make sure everything would run smoothly. The boss always got grumpy when these meetings came around, and a grumpy Red Hood was a scary Red Hood.
A resounding crash echoed through the warehouse, silence blanketing them all. Red Hood slowly turned the blank white gaze of his helmet toward the source, a poor Bill standing next to a toppled crate of the weaponry shipment… that was supposed to go out tonight.
Red Hood's deep, robotic sigh was heard on the other end of the warehouse, making several of the newer goons require new underpants.
"Oh no, what happened here?"
And just like that, they were saved. There she was, in all her five-foot-two glory, their guardian pixie frowning at the mess. Red Hood sharply inhaled, turning to face the woman. "Marinette?"
For the first time, Red Hood took off his helmet, revealing a baby-ish face, a domino mask, and black hair with a shock of white. Wait, he knew this woman?
Marinette smiled, striding towards him from the doorway she was standing in. "Hey, mon chere."
Mon chere?!
Red Hood cleared his throat nervously, blush rising to his cheeks. "W-What are you doing here?"
Marinette reached into her oversized purse and pulled out a handgun. "You forgot this." She said sweetly, passing it to him. Bill wasn't thinking all that clearly and spoke up over the silence. "You know her, boss?"
"Wha-? Of course I do- wait, do you?!" Red Hood turned toward Marinette, receiving a sheepish smile in return. "Well," She started, hands clasped behind her back. "You're not always available when I come to see you, and I happened to have some leftover cookies from movie night, so I passed them out!" She smiled up at Red Hood innocently, her glasses glinting in the harsh warehouse light. He turned back to her, crossing his arms, and no one would believe Bill when he told the story later, but Red Hood honest-to-God pouted at this small woman. "C'mon, Mari! I've got a rep to maintain here! Doing your whole routine is gonna mess it up!"
Marinette laughed, brushing her short hair behind her ear and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Oh, don't be like that. You're plenty scary, even with my leftovers. Besides, they won't say anything, right?" She turned her gaze to the rest of the warehouse, and all of a sudden her light, bubbly demeanor took on a hard edge. All the henchmen quickly voiced their agreements, eager to leave the strange alternate universe they'd entered, where Red Hood was the least scary thing in the room.
Just like that, her sunny smile was back, relieving the goons. "See? No problem! I'll see you at home!" Marinette breezed out of the warehouse, and Red Hood put his helmet back on, and they were back in reality. "Well?" His modified voice barked out, "we've got shit to do. Get moving!"
Bill was never going to look at Red Hood the same again. Not knowing he had that wonderfully terrifying woman as a lover.
Also, was it just him or did Red Hood seem awfully young?
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maribatserver · 1 month
Maribat March - Prompt 15
Damian shifted restlessly as Marinette straightened his tie. "Relax." She chided, putting her hand on his arm. "I'll be with you the whole time. No old ladies will be able to get their grubby mitts on you."
Damian scoffed, though a small smile crept on his lips. "I have no doubt of that, Angel. Your presence will be the only thing that makes this night bearable."
She smirked at him, sliding her arms around his waist and prompting him to do the same. "That, and the fact that the whole point of tonight is to extort money from the old rich hags for the animal shelters."
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Yes, that too."
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maribatserver · 1 month
Maribat March - Prompt 18
Batman didn't have powers. A fact the Justice League knew. Despite the various injuries he walks off and ingenious plans he comes up with, it's still plausible he's human!
Then they met Ladybug. Introduced as his flesh and blood daughter, they started connecting the dots, no matter how much Batman didn't want them to. Yes, they were told that she uses magic jewelry, but her intelligence… the magic may give her the item, but Diana told them that the inhuman plan-making was not a part of the Miraculous magic. It's all Batman.
No one dared broach the subject, not until Ladybug's first alien invasion. They were drowning in goons and Ladybug called her Lucky Charm. She managed to take down the entire army with a rubber duck. No one could deny it any longer. Batman had super intelligence and Ladybug inherited it! It was the only explanation!
But then, why did they laugh in Hal's face when he brought it up?
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maribatserver · 1 month
Sick Day
Maribat March - Prompt 19
"I swear if you don't get your ass back in that bed in the next five seconds…!" Marinette stormed up to a droopy Damian, the sick boy freezing in his tracks. "Angel-!"
"No! You. Are. Sick! And you need rest! Honestly, you're lucky I found you and not Alfred!" She glared up at him, grabbing him by the ear. He squawked indignantly, but obediently followed as she dragged him back to his room. "It's not a big deal. I'm fine!" His complaint was swiftly followed by a sneeze.
She raised an eyebrow at him as she pushed him onto the bed. "Yeah, right. You fell into the Gotham harbor! As if that wasn't bad enough, it was only six degrees* out!"
She pulled the covers over him, sticking the abandoned thermometer on the nightstand back in his mouth. "You are on bed rest for three more days, Dami! Period."
He huffed up at her, narrowing his eyes. "Fine, but only if you stay with me."
She smirked at him, crawling onto the bed. "That was the plan." She said softly, kissing him on the cheek and cuddling into his chest.
Maybe sick days weren't so bad.
(*Celsius = 42~ Fahrenheit)
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maribatserver · 1 month
Maribat March - Prompt 20
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Queen of Gotham Marinette!
Don't ask for context, I don't have any.
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maribatserver · 1 month
Signal, Joke, Epic Fail, Dare
Maribat March - Prompts 2, 7, 12, 13
He couldn't believe they were doing this. Running around Gotham in uniform, attempting to escape punishment. Now, Duke wasn't coward by any means, but sometimes, when your insane siblings rope you into pranking THE Justice League, you had to… retreat for a bit in order to figure out how to escape THE Batman (who also happens to be your parental guardian).
See, Dick thought that Bruce's various pups could use some bonding, and unfortunately, the only thing they all had in common is chaos. And that chaos led to the decision of pranking the Justice League. As they all had clearance to the zeta tube as past Robins (and Batgirls), when the JL goes to see who did it, they'd come up with an army of Robins. So, they gathered toilet paper, Silly String and eggs. Tim and Babs tag-teamed the JL servers and put 'Never Gonna Give You Up' on loop on all the screens. Damian snuck through the vents, replacing all the training weaponry with foam ones and releasing rats he'd found (Dick wasn't too keen on that idea seeing as they were Gotham rats, but Damian was participating! He couldn't tell him no… besides, they're superheroes, if they let a couple of mutated rats defeat them, then it was just sad). Dick had helped the others with their ideas, while Cass stood watch.
Duke was slightly more hesitant than his brethren, it is the Justice League after all, but then they ganged up on him with a double-dog dare, and he wound up helping Jason, Stephanie and Marinette desecrate the Watchtower halls.
They managed to complete their individual tasks without anyone noticing, thanks to the fact that it was Guy on monitor duty, snoring like a freight train. (He wound up with a dick drawn on his face, it was too perfect.)
The next day, B was coming back from an off-world mission, and Duke was getting more and more nervous with every passing minute. He'd had fun while they were doing it, but as Bruce got closer and closer to home, his anxiety sent him into over-thinking over-drive. It didn't help that everyone who'd participated had fled to their individual hideaways, probably for several days, except for Damian - as he lives in the Manor and is quite proud of the prank and unafraid of punishment - and Marinette who was freaking out just as much as Duke was.
They were working out their nervousness in a spar, attempting to quiet their minds. They'd been doing quite well too, until the zeta announced Batman's arrival.
"Alfred." His gruff voice filled the cavern, freezing Duke and Marinette in their boots. "Gather everyone, and I mean everyone."
They shared a look before taking off as fast as they could. Marinette made it out before he did, not having to put her outfit on piece by piece, but he still made it in record time.
Of course, he ran right into Bruce himself, making eye contact for a brief moment before he got on his bike and escaping as soon as he could. He knew the Bat glare was scary, but having it trained on him for the first time made him wonder if their little joke was actually a success. He was going to kill Dick when it was safe to come out of hiding.
The inspiration stick abandoned me for a while, but it came back and walloped me over the head :)
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maribatserver · 1 month
Maribat March - Scheme
Prompt 14
Alfred's steps stopped for a moment, and Marinette's breath failed her. Then, he kept walking and Marinette could breathe. She made eye contact with Tim - who was hiding behind the corner opposite her - and he made a bunch of eleborate hand gestures, trying to say… something. She rolled her eyes. "You don't need to do," She flapped her hands around, mocking the other teen, "that. He's gone. You think he saw us?"
Tim shrugged, picking the large box he was toting back up. "Probably. Hopefully though, he'll think it was something else."
Marinette huffed, picking up her own box and stuffing a streamer strand back in. "I thought Jason was lookout?"
Her phone dinged in her pocket, the zombie groaning noise she'd set as her ringtone for Jason. Tim snorted, setting off in the direction of one of the unused sitting rooms. She rolled her eyes, following after Tim (and plotting what exactly she'd doodle on Jason's helmet).
They dropped off the boxes of decorations with Dick, Cass and Babs and made their way back to the stash. Duke and Steph passed them with their own boxes, pressing against the walls and peeking around corners. Clearly, they got the memo.
"This is the last of it." Bruce said, grabbing a box himself. "We've got to be quick."
When they got back to the sitting room, Jason was there, helping put up the higher decorations. Dick's eyes lit up as he saw them. "Is this it?" When Bruce nodded, Dick squealed and jumped up and down. He pulled out a walkie-talkie, telling Damian on the other end that it was ready.
A few minutes later, Damian and Alfred walked into the darkened sitting room. "Master Damian? I don't see why Titus would be in here."
Damian sighed and flicked the light switch. Everyone jumped out from behind the sofas, shouting 'Surprise!'.
"Oh." Alfred breathed out, eyeing the decorations, presents, and large cake.
"You didn't tell us your actual birthdate, but whatever. Happy birthday, Alf." Jason was the first one to greet the stunned man, the rest of the family following suit.
After a sincere 'happy birthday', Damian went back to scowling. "I still don't see why we had to scheme. Pennyworth has no doubt had a birthday party before. This was excessive."
Marinette wrapped her little brother up in a hug. "Because, surprise parties are fun, and I know you agree that if anyone's worth excessive, it's Alfred."
Everyone voiced their own agreement before Dick wrapped them up in a group hug, including Alfred (who was wiping away small tears with a handkerchief).
"Damn straight! Now, who wants cake?"
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maribatserver · 2 months
Maribat March - Prompt 10
"He gave me a diamond the size of my fist! You can't tell anyone though; the paparazzi would be all over us." Lila loudly proclaimed from across the cafeteria. Marinette scoffed, throwing a disgusted sneer over her shoulder at the Italian. This was the fifth celebrity engagement story. She wondered just how she got unfortunate enough to be surrounded by these idiots. She could kill everyone in this room in two minutes flat, and yet, she had to restrain herself for the sake of the mission. Keep playing the role of meek little 'Mari', keep pretending she wasn't one of the most skilled assassins in the world. Stupid Hawkmoth. Because of some random ass dude, she was stuck among these sheeple.
She quickly left the cafeteria, exiting the school and heading to the bakery. She greeted Sabine - a member of the Order of the Miraculous and one of her old handlers - and climbed the stairs to her room. Just a little longer. She was so close to finding the man who had enough audacity to steal from the Order. And Hawkmoth, him too.
Her phone rang, startling her out of her inner monologue. It was Damian, her betrothed. She happily answered, the smile on her face genuine for once. 'Habibi. How was your day?' He asked, an odd whirring echoing in the background. 'Have you stabbed the harlot yet?'
She rolled her eyes, the smile on her face persisting. "It was fine. And no, I have not stabbed Lila, as much as I may want to. It's annoying, but it's helping my cover. She keeps the idiots from following me around, and it makes easier to search Paris for the lousy fake-Guardian and whatever asshat he let take the Butterfly." 
'And you're still sure you would not like me to join you and help?'
She sighed, the conversation a common one since she was sent to Paris. "I've got this, Dami. Besides, you wouldn't last five minutes here. I love you, but you are very temperamental."
He squawked angrily, and she could picture the offended look on his face, his jade green eyes crinkling adorably. 'I am not temperamental! You seem to be forgetting just how many of our trainers you sent to the infirmary.'
She rolled her eyes. "They were misogynistic pricks, and you know it."
'I was not arguing that they weren't, Habibi, merely stating that you extensively hurt each of them. In fact, I am quite glad for what you did. Had you not, Mother never would have seen fit to have us betrothed.'
Marinette smiled happily at the memory, standing in the middle of the large al-Ghul throne room in ceremonial garb, opposite Damian in matching robes. "Yeah." She glanced at the clock on the wall and cursed. "Sorry, Dami. I need to head back. Call you back later?"
'Of course. I love you, Habibi.' He answered curtly, though she could tell he was peeved at being cut off. "I love you too."
She came back to excited whispers throughout the classroom, and a huddle around Lila's desk. Marinette rolled her eyes, heading towards her own desk at the back of the room. Except...
She was stopped in her tracks by one whispered word. 'Damian'. There were plenty of Damians in the world, and several rich ones Lila could be claiming she's engaged to; but what if? Marinette continued up the stairs, but kept an ear on the conversation at the front.
Marinette clenched her teeth. They were talking about Damian. Her Damian. She'd seen articles and heard rumors before, right after Damian's debut as a billionaire's son, but something about hearing her beloved's name come from that liar's mouth made her see green. She was fuming, trying to force away the murderous haze. She was chosen for this mission specifically because of the ease it took to banish the Pit's influence from her mind, and she was not going to let Lila of all people ruin it for her. 
At the front of the room, the door slammed open. Marinette's mind screeched to a halt, because standing there in all of his glory was Damian. She shot to her feet and raced down the stairs before she registered what she was doing. He was here, right in front of her! She flung her arms around him, squeezing tight.
"Hello, Habibi." He whispered in her ear, squeezing her back. "What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling back to look at him. "Father found something. Camera footage of the akumas, and an identity, over a hundred and twenty years old. They're going after them now." He said, a happy gleam in his eye despite the lack of emotion on his face. Marinette grinned widely. Her mission is over! She can go back to Nanda Parbat - or Gotham!
"Marinette, what's going on?"
She turned around abruptly, remembering their audience. "Who is this?" Alya was front and center, glaring at her accusingly. Marinette's mind was whirling, trying to find an in-character way to answer. Except they found them. The false Guardian and the Butterfly. She didn't have to keep up her cover anymore. She grinned, her true smile, not the meek thing she'd developed the past few months.
She watched as Lila's little lapdog recoiled, enjoying the effect she finally got to have on her classmates. Marinette stalked forward, easily falling back into her natural gait. The walk of a predator. "I'm happy to announce that I'm done! I don't have to sit here and pretend anymore! You're all horribly stupid, and it was definitely not a pleasure to have known you." She let her smile widen to that terrifying degree that always made her targets believe she was inhuman. She never dissuaded those thoughts, instead encouraging them. "And you, Lila Rossi. You are a lying sociopath, and to be honest, I can respect that! But you chose to put my beloved's name in your mouth, and you've made me mad. Unfortunately for you, that is an unpleasant situation to be in."
"M-Marinette?" Alya tripped backwards on the steps, falling on her butt. She was ignored. Marinette's focus was on Lila, the repulsive girl who dared to soil her beloved's name with her tongue. To her credit, Lila was managing to hold eye contact with Marinette, even if it was in paralysis. "Tell me," Marinette slammed her hands on the lying girl's desk. "Do you do any research before you decide to spread rumors?" 
Lila was pale and shaking, her mouth a thin line. She didn't answer. "You do, don't you? You recognize my beloved, and you realize your house of lies is toppling around you." Marinette ended with a whisper, her face inches from the Italian's.
The room was silent, everyone's focus on the scene before them. On the way Marinette's personality did a complete one-eighty and froze everyone in their spots. Well, everyone except for the boy. He was staring at Marinette in adoration, hands clasped behind him as he watched his betrothed tear into her hemorrhage of the last several months. His phone buzzed in his pocket, the only sound in the room. "Habibi. It's done."
Marinette whirled around, her sunshine smile back. "Then why are we still here?" She linked arms with the boy and left the room in stunned silence.
(The LoA and The Order are the same organization under different names)
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maribatserver · 2 months
Red Binding 6
Maribat March Day 6: Bad Luck
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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This isn’t right. Marinette complained for the millionth time. No matter what she did or what plan she concocted, there was no way to get Jason out of the League without inciting an incident.
I know and we hate it too.
The only option is for us to leave on our own.
It was still weird having him in her mind. Passing through the celestial realm opened a gate that let them speak to one another like they do their Kwamii, but it’s taking some time to get used to it. But when they do, the two of them could talk for hours about their lives after meeting Plagg and Tikki. But never the time before.
But can’t we do something? She started to run scenarios again.
We can’t, pixie, not without you being caught, or revealing that I am the Vicis. It’s just bad luck and our hands are tied.
But that shouldn’t mean you have to suffer, there, now.
Bluebell, it’s best if we don’t involve either of you in our escape.
She means well, Plagg.
I know Sugar Cube, but the facts stand. We can’t have you help us without war being incited by either side.
I have to agree with Plagg. Tikki resonated the sentiment. And it will always be a cold day in hell when that happens.
Hey! I’m smart, and can see reason.
When you aren’t hungry, you glutton.
The two started bickering. Meaning they left them alone for a moment.
You are leaving in the morning. The ritual is done, and no one is the wiser of what you learned. Jason tried to make her feel better, but the knot in her stomach was growing.
But it doesn’t feel right.
I know it doesn’t. But I’ve survived worse, unfortunately. His tone was bitter, and she figures his life was never easy. She just wants to be there for him, she wants to be his friend, and friends protect one another. Right?
Promise me you’ll try and find me when you get out. Her voice was soft, broken from her irritation. She was on the verge of tears in her room.
I promise. His voice was strong, resolute. And that seemed to give her a bit of courage too.
We are going to have to figure out a way to keep in touch, if we want to find each other after this. She started to joke. She felt him laugh on the other side of their connection.
Well, we’re gonna have to figure that one out.
There isn’t a question in that. I’ll be waiting Jay Jay.
So will I Pixie Pop.
They both dropped their conversation as they both drifted off to sleep.
It was a few hours later she felt someone about to knock on her door and she woke up, quickly getting dressed. An uneasy feeling settling in her stomach. She got up and opened it, seeing one of the commanders arrive to escort her. "Are you ready for your departure?"
"Just give me one second." She closed the door again. Went to grab her bag, then stepped back towards the door and removed the final wards, she still had in place.
She opened the door and nodded, following the ninja that was supposed to escort her. Out in the courtyard she was met with Guardian Shun’itsu and Ryuku, along with two other commanders and the woman, who she later found out was Talia Al Ghul.
"Now that we are all here we can begin our way down, to get all of you back to your temple." Thalia spoke, her tone even, but she knows better. She’s been around them plenty these past few weeks, that something is telling her, something is very wrong.
They made their way down, when they arrived at the village, and when she thought that at least two of them would leave, she was very wrong. Four ninja, assassins, joined them in the car. Two in front, two behind them, and she, the Guardian, and his student sat in the middle. When they arrived to an airfield, alarms began ringing in her mind. She doesn’t know if the other two thought the same, but she started to slowly weave a spell around them.
There wasn’t a signal, not even a sound. They attacked.
"Merdé" She used Tikki’s creation magic, and a bow staff fell into her hand.
The three of them never let them watch as they trained, while they were in the compound. So none of them knew exactly how proficient they were with any weapon. But that didn’t stop them from attacking. The spell she wove, only softened any impact, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t get hurt still. She redirected a blade that was aimed at her head, and it sliced right through her cheek. She didn’t have the time, or even luxury, to check in see how her two companions for doing. She was able to take down one of the assassins. Pinning him to the ground, before knocking him unconscious.
She jumped off of him as a second assailant launched towards her. He was just as well trained, and seem to have not joined in the fight until now. Which was bad luck for her, he was fresh, where she just took down someone who is three times her size, and more than likely a whole different weight class. But she kept fighting, she glanced to her side for a brief second, and saw Ryuko fighting the third commander, while Guardian Shun’itsu was holding off attacks from Thalia.
Her brief distraction allowed the assassin to land a hit on her, making her fly backwards, a good three meters, knocking her into some sort of metal structure. She’s trying to shake her head as she stood, to get rid of the dizziness, but her world only span faster.
She looked up and saw Lord Doreiku frozen still.
And then she saw her, Talia, step back, pulling a bloody knife out of his chest.
She heard Ryuko scream.
In a flash of red light, and there floating in the air was a Kwamii. They were bright red with black tipped horns, Longg.
They looked down in utter shock. As the air around them rippled. Lightning, rain, and wind whipped around them. And then she screamed, her emotions getting the best of her, and the emotions that Longg conjured the storm with, rammed at her very being.
Marinette calm down. She faintly heard Tikki, but she couldn’t stop it.
As the water touched her skin, it morphed.
She saw Ryuko, fall over Lord Doreiku's body, while Thalia walked towards Longg.
"No." She growled and the liquid flew towards the woman.
Acid covered her gloved hand eating away at the fabric, as she quickly removed it before it was able to damage her skin.
Marinette stalked forward. Putting herself between the woman and the kwamii floating above her companions.
"Think very carefully about your next move. I am the Ladybug. I am the personification of creation, and creation is not always kind." Thalia looked as if she was going to laugh, but something made her stop and actually look at her.
Marinette, is not an imposing, nor intimidating figure, of any kind. But the power she wields is not meant to be taken lightly. "If you mistake my words for bluff, I cannot guarantee that any of you will leave this area alive."
"So you are to make an enemy of the League of Assassins?" The woman rose a brow, challenging her.
"You were the ones who attacked us first, we were acting out of self-defense, and you were the one to take a life. Don’t forget, the reason you can use the pits of Lazarus again is not only because of the order, but because of me. Who knows, if you continue to use the wells of destruction as you do. Perhaps the League would destroy itself." She knows it is true, Ra’s keeps order, but it is out of fear not respect.
"You know nothing of this world, you’re a child."
"I might just be a child, but I can promise you this." That was when the winds and water stopped falling onto the ground, Ahe acid dissolved spots into the pavement in the middle around them. "I will never perform this ritual again, so long as you or Ra’s controls the league."
This time Thalia laughed.
"Let us see how long that promise can actually keep." She quickly jerked her head to the side, and the three shadows (two shadows and the third hung limply between the two) started to walk away.
Mari. Tikki whispered by their connection.
"We have to get him home." She looked behind her, Ryuko spoke with tears streaming down her face.
"Allow us." Longg and Tikki were both now physically present.
"Are you sure?'
"We were bound for a very long time." Longg descended. "It is the least I can do for him."
"Let’s get home." She extended her hand to the other girl, pulling her to her feet. "We have a long way to go."
"Okay." The girl’s voice was broken with that single word, and a little piece of her broke.
After all the good luck she had, of course the bad luck would have to be this bad to balance it out. She sighed as they made their way out of this airfield and towards the town a few miles over. Let’s just hope her bad luck ends here.
It didn’t.
In fact they got to the station three minutes after the train departed and were stranded until the next one would pass through, in five days. Or they could take a series of trains to reach the one they missed, but they would leave by the end of the day. Take a guess which one they chose.
It wasn’t easy, but eventually they made it home, but they had to recall the events that led them there to Su-Han and it still hurt.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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maribatserver · 2 months
Maribat March - Gamble
Prompt 9
"Relax, you're too tense." Bruce chided her softly in her ear. Marinette huffed and dug her nails into his arm. "How am I supposed to relax? We're walking into a drug deal, surrounded by this guy's men!" She hissed back, eyeing the casino doors as they drew closer. "Because I'll handle the talking. All you have to do is sit pretty. Promise." He whispered back, the hand on the small of her back comforting. He turned toward the bouncer, giving him a lecherous grin. "Hey. Matches Malone. I'm here to meet with Giuliani."
Marinette swallowed nervously, plastering a fake bimbo-y smile on her face, hoping to look the part of hired hottie. The burly man glanced at his clip board then back to 'Matches', before unclipping the little velvet rope that led to the V.I.P. section. Bruce sauntered through like he owned the place, playing the part of cocky criminal well, while she clung to him desperately, trying not to tug her dress down to cover her ass or topple over in her sky-high heels. 
The crime boss and Bruce exchanged a few words she didn't understand. Code, Bruce had said. It was actually Jason who taught him it. Marinette didn't really want to think about her 19-year-old soon-to-be stepson knowing underground lingo. There was a difference between knowing he was the Red Hood, and actually seeing it. In fact, he was supposed to be there that night, but broke his leg on patrol the night before, so Matches was going in his stead. Marinette was there because no one would frisk the arm-candy for wires.
They sat down at one of the various card tables, discussing the details of the deal Marinette assumed. Bruce was involved in the conversation but kept a hand on her knee the whole time. She appreciated it with the way Giuliani's goons were staring at her.
The deal went smoothly, Bruce managing to be charming even when playing 'shady criminal', easily swaying Giuliani. It helped that he had no problem betting large amounts of money. Marinette played her part well enough, blowing on dice and doing her best to look completely unaware of what was going on.
She was finally able to breathe as soon as they left the large building, out into the crisp Gotham night air. Bruce wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "You did great, sweetheart." He murmured into her hair. Marinette let out a deep breath, melting into his embrace. "Really?"
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. "Yep. Thanks to you, tonight's gamble paid off, and Jason is going to have to come to Family Game Night this week."
She laughed, remembering the bet they made. "Well, since it's mission accomplished, can we get back home? I'm going to break an ankle if I wear these heels much longer."
Bruce smiled, opening the passenger car door for her. "Of course. Let's go home."
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maribatserver · 2 months
Maribat March - Killer
Prompt 8
TW: Panic attack, gun/murder (in self-defense), mention of blood
The sound was echoing in her head. Playing on loop, over and over. Marinette tried to hide from it, burying herself in her ridiculously expensive duvet, but she kept hearing the bang, feeling the heavy metal of the gun in her hand. Seeing the man's body hitting the ground, laying in a pool of his own blood.
She let out a shuddering breath, burying her face deeper into her feather pillow, wrapped in a silky soft case. She doesn't deserve this kind of luxury. She's a killer.
Marinette sat up abruptly, flinging the comforter off of her, and herself off of the cloud-like mattress. She scooted back, pressing her back into her bookshelf, digging it in painfully. Good. She's not a hero, she deserves the pain. She killed a man, and with no Miraculous Cure to save him he would stay that way. Sobs wracked her body as she curled herself into the smallest ball she could.
A knock at the door made her freeze, breath getting caught in her throat. She knew it was just one of her siblings, Bruce, or Alfred, but all she could hear were gunshots, echoing in her ears. All she could see was the man in the horrible clown mask pointing a gun at Red Robin. All she could do was wish that it hadn't gone down the way it did. Wish that that stupid goon hadn't had a hidden handgun, wish that it hadn't been a kill or be killed situation. Wish that she hadn't chosen to be a monster, chosen to be no better than the criminals she fought.
"Pixie! Hey, it's okay, I'm so sorry, just breathe with me!"
Distantly she could hear Jason's voice, breaking through the haze of self-deprecation she built up around her. Jason, her brother, who was always there for her when the culture shocks of Gotham hit her particularly hard. Her chest heaved as she tried to pull further away, pressing the bookshelf further into her back and making her whimper. She didn't deserve his kindness, doesn't he understand? She killed someone! She broke one of Bruce's only rules! Oh God, she broke the no-kill rule. Bruce was going to disown her and ship her back to Paris, and he'd tell everyone one what she did, and she was going to go to prison and rot in a cell for the rest of her pathetic life! It's what she deserved, so she couldn't blame him.
Jason picked her up and she flailed. Why doesn't he understand?! She's a monster! She's a killer!
"So am I."
Three words. Three words, and her mind halted in its tracks. "I know how hard it is, Pix. God, I was a wreck after the first time. I still get nightmares. But it wasn't your fault, Pix, it was his. He was going to kill Tim, and you had a choice to make. You and Tim, or that scumbag, who was probably going to sleep just fine tonight if you hadn't stopped him." His teal eyes flashed with regret, shadows of horrific things dancing in them. "You made a choice, and I can promise you, none of us are going to criticize you for it. Hell, it's the choice any of us would've made if we were in your shoes."
Another knock sounded at the door, and she jumped, but didn't fall back into another panic attack, thankfully. Dick poked his head in, giving her a soft look. "I've got all the Disney Princess movies queued up and loads of ice cream when you're ready, M."
She took a shuddering breath in. She didn't deserve this. All this pampering and ice cream. She's a killer! But... so is Jason, and Damian, and Cass, and she's 90% sure that Tim isn't as clean as they think. She still loves and trusts them and knows they're good people. Maybe...
Maybe she still is, too?
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maribatserver · 2 months
Red Binding 5
Maribat March Day 5: Anarchist
Accidentally wrote day 6 for day 5 whoops
Is it more chaos or general agrivation more than anarchy, yes. Do I love it all the same, also yes.
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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"What is that!?!" Jason shouted, as a siren blared through the tunnels of the complex.
"You don’t know?" The girl, Marinette, shouted as she held her hands to her ears.
He could barely hear her but he shook his head regardless. Plagg flew up, his little paws holding his ears flat to his head.
I’ll go see what’s going on. He heard a light cheery voice in his mind. And then the little red bug kwamii disappeared. It wasn’t too long after that the Kwamii, Tikki his mind supplied, returned. The alarm started to quiet and became a constant hum.
"They found out you aren’t in your room." Her cheery voice supplied.
"Merde." Marinette cursed. "Are they going into lockdown or just high alert?"
"They are in high alert, but you need to get back without being seen."
"Okay." She got a look on her face and her attention snapped to him. "That might work."
"Mari what are you planning."
"They are looking for me, right?"
"But not him, right?"
"That’s the point, bluebell." Plagg huffed from on top of his head.
"Then all he has to do is get to my room and we can open a rift."
"That wasn’t the intended purpose of the spell, Marinette." Tikki scolded the girl.
"I’m sorry what are you talking about."
"A rift, is the byproduct of a spell. Items are able to traverse space and time instantly."
"So it can teleport things?"
"It acts more like a gate." Tikki supplied worry furrowing her tiny brow.
"So what’s special about it, people warp all the time."
"That isn’t the issue kid." Plagg flew forward. "It’s the fact that you will both need to pass through the celestial realm."
"It’s not impossible, right."
"Theoretically it’s not, it’s just no living being has tried before."
"But if this works we might avoid a civil conflict."
"We just don’t know the ramifications."
"Just lay it on us, what’s the worst that could happen?" Jason asked tentatively.
"That’s the thing we have no idea."
"You could walk out of this without injury, or worse your souls could be permanently erased."
"Well we have to try." Marinette squared her shoulders. "I can’t go out there without it becoming an incident. Please, Jason. I know this is a lot to ask, but please at least try."
He looked between her and the Kwamii. They looked worried , but ultimately didn’t stop her from asking. While she pleaded him to try. "Fine. Where is your room?"
"Um…" She thought for a moment before giving directions, she took a while as she recounted her steps.
"Since it seems like you are actually going to do this, you need to jump through at the same time, or else the rift could close. Understood."
"Yes." They chorused as he slipped out of his room leaving the girl, Marinette, there alone.
This doesn’t seem like you kitten. Plagg questioned as he made his way through the complex. Do you have a crush or something.
He didn’t answer, just kept walking.
You do! Plagg cackled.
It’s not like that! Jason shot back. I just don’t want to see her get hurt.
Hm. Plagg hummed, but ultimately kept quiet the rest of the way.
He was able to make it to her room without being stopped, and hopefully spotted.
Wait. Plagg popped out and floated to the door, pressing a paw to the surface. Pink light simmered before fading. She’s cautious. Go ahead.
He slipped inside and closed the door. Ready. What’s the spell?
Channel the magic about a foot in front of you, that’s where the rift will open. Repeat after me.
དོ་མཉམ་གཏོར་བཤིག་དང་གསར་སྐྲུན་གྱི་སྟོབས་ཤུགས་ལ་བརྟེན་ནས་ང་ཚོས་ལྟ་སྲུང་瓢་འབུ་དང་བྱི་ལ་ནག་པོའི་མིའི་བར་དུ་གས་སྲུབས་ཤིག་ཕྱེས་ཡོད། དེའི་ནང་དུ་ཞུགས་པ།
(To bring balance the powers of destruction and creation, we open a rift between those who guard the ladybug and black cat. Accessium.)
The entire time he was seeing a light grow until it formed a glowing teal oval big enough to fit into. Tikki popped out of the portal. "Ready!" She chirped. "Plagg go through, On the count of three."
"On it, in two shakes of the tail." Plagg flew through.
"I hope this works, for all our sakes." Tikki sighed but he couldn’t focus on that. As she started to count. "One, two, three."
She gave him a nudge and he ran at the light.
He shut his eyes and it was cold, colder than it had any right to be but he didn’t stop. He felt something warm pass him so he opened his eyes for a second. All he saw was her bluebell eyes before they each continued in opposite directions. The second he made it back he promptly fell onto his bed. Exhaustion over taking him.
How do you feel, kid.
Like I was just pummeled by Fayez again.
Well nothing seemed to change physically, at least.
I can’t feel my face, Plagg.
I told you you need to train your magic more. He laughed at him.
Yeah well I did that.
Good job, kitten.
Marinette just stepped out and watched as the rift closed slowly behind her, so she also released the magic that she was holding the other gate open.
Can you go check that Jason is okay, please Tikki?
I’ll be back. Tikki hugged her cheek. Don’t do anything reckless while I’m gone.
I make no promises.
Tikki sighed at her antics like every time before. Someone’s coming.
Mari nodded and Tikki zipped off to check on the other two.
She then realized that the wards at the door were removed, and she guesses it must have been Plagg who did so. But she feels someone approaching. So she does something.
She sat on the ground and started to meditate. But while she did that she concentrated her magic and created a veil around her to refract and reflect light. Thus making her invisible, at least while she stayed still, she closed her eyes to immerse herself in the magic. She continued to weave her spell as no one had entered her room. A bit of chatter was outside but she wasn’t focused on it. But that was when the door slammed against the wall making her jump, breaking her concentration on the spell. It started to break, the light becoming visible as it shattered, before completely disappearing.
"What were you doing?" She saw the demons head stalking towards her, his very being dripping venom and anger, so she stood up.
"At this moment wondering why you so rudely slammed the door open and are so rudely yelling at me."
She held her voice level, impassive, watching him.
"That is not what I meant, so answer."
He towered over her, glaring at her, and frankly she felt he wanted to kill her.
"Didn’t your commander give you the itinerary?" She asked, making her eyes bigger, innocent, and he took a step back.
"I believe the time would be close to 18:00 thus it would be our allotted time for our meditation."
"That doesn’t answer the question, you are only evading it." He was starting to get angry, barely contained, but they both know the implication if either were to strike.
"I was practicing light manipulation today as my meditation exercise. That is why you couldn’t see me when you first barged in."
He narrowed his eyes, calculating his next words carefully. "And what of your door?"
So there was something on the door, that probably made them realize.
"What do you mean by that?" She didn’t want to give him any information that could lead to her suspicion.
"Why was it open?" He was annoyed that he seemed to have to spell it out.
"I must not have closed it, when I handed in the itinerary." She was just rolling with it at this point.
"After all no one actually entered my quarters, or else we wouldn’t be having this call conversation, correct?" She knows no one did, if Plagg really was the one to break through her wards.
"Do not do this again." He growled, restraining himself greatly.
"I’m sorry but I meditate twice daily. So I will unfortunately not be able to abide by that particular wish."
"The man turned on his heel, his cape billowing behind him, but that didn’t hide the fact that he left with his tail between his legs."
He might have years on her, but she has the knowledge to back her claims. That and she has a newfound reason to spite the man. Everyone left the hall and her room. She closed the door and immediately put back her wards.
"That was rash, Mari." Tikki scolded her.
"But it worked didn’t it."
"You were playing with fire. The only reason he was so lenient was because the Pits of Lazarus are in such deplorable condition."
"You need to be more cautious, this recklessness will be your undoing."
"I’m sorry I worried you Tikki." The kwamii sat back on one of the pillows piled on the bed. "I’ll try and be better at it."
Tikki smiled and she knows she has to put in effort, but she really does need to think this all through. Mari climbed into the bed exhausted, next to Tikki.
Both of them are fine, and it seems you are too.
That’s good. Mari closed her eyes drifting easily to sleep.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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maribatserver · 2 months
Red Binding 4
Maribat March Day 4: Siren
@maribat-calendar-events @maribatserver
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In the end, Marinette was accompanied by Guardian Shun’itsu and their protégé, a girl roughly her age. She had trained with the two of them for almost three weeks before they had to leave. Apparently they used to do this trip on horseback, but not anymore. Now they would climb down the mountain to a village at the base, where they would board a train. That is until they reach a stop that an agent would escort them the rest of the way.
So yes she did have to carry a pitcher of water, in a sense.
This ritual would apparently work best and easiest of both the ladybug and black cat were alive and were doing it simultaneously. Each of them would be at their counterpart, creation at the pits of Lazarus while destruction at the pool of Ambrosia. But this was only her so it would be harder and it would take more time.
She stared out of the window of the car they were currently in. A Shadow had showed up at the station and led them to the car. She just watched the forest thin and thicken as they wound up the mountain. They stopped at a small village, similar to the one at home. Where they started to ascend the rest of the way.
Marinette didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t this.
The base was similar to a that of the temple, only for the fact that they were built and carved into the giant mountains that oversaw the valley. But the similarities ended there. Where the temple spired through the mountains organically, this seemed to be carved from the face of the mountain itself.
"Hello, and welcome to Nanda Parbat." A woman stood in front of the gates. "Which one of you is the Ladybug?"
Her eyes passed over them, seemingly bored, but she knows better. This woman was analyzing them, their weaknesses, their strengths, and most importantly judging if they would be a liability.
"I am the Guardian Yùnqì." She stepped forward, her words slightly accented, but clear in Arabic. She paid attention to where they were and she figured that would be the language best used in this region.
It seemed to surprise the woman, but it really shouldn’t. The Order was just as well kept and as expansive as the League, if all her research was correct.
"Very well, the Demon’s Head is waiting for an audience with you."
She turned and the gates behind her opened to a large courtyard. As the woman walked they did as well, keeping fifteen paces behind her in case of any possible attacks. None such happened but something was off.
Something told her there was more here than they originally thought.
Do you feel that Tikki?
Yes, but it might be nothing. The kwamii was unsure, yet continued. But maybe…
What is the maybe?
It could just be nothing. Tikki seemed to try and dismiss the idea, but Mari knows that feeling. And if her life has taught her anything, it’s to trust that feeling.
It’s not nothing, and you know it, so what could this be. She put her foot down. They had continued to walk further into the base, it wasn’t until the next threshold that Tikki responded.
Plagg’s wielder is here. The goddess sighed, her constant presence sending a shock of annoyance through her mind.
And what about Plagg? Can you tell?
Maybe? But that might just be the Well of Destruction. Tikki sighed.
Well it’s a start. She responded back, as their little party came to a stop in front of ornate metal doors.
"The two of you will hold back as the Ladybug enters."
"We all enter or else we shall leave." Guardian Shun’itsu challenged the woman, who thankfully didn’t call their bluff. Because yes they could leave, but if they did and the Well of destruction continued being used unchecked, devastation would truly follow.
So they all entered together Marinette took the point while Guardian Shun’itsu flanked her on the right, and her protégé (Ryuko) was on her left. The woman continued in front of them. When she stopped a couple of meters away from a throne, she dropped to one knee. A man in emerald green and pitch black armor sat on what was clearly a throne of sorts. The man waved a hand and the woman stood before taking her place behind him on his right.
"So you are the latest child of creation." The man’s voice was odd. It was accented by a language she has heard before, but also is sure she hasn’t. There was no emotion in his voice , while his eyes swept over her, judging and analyzing her very being.
"I am." She stood straight, and watched him in turn.
Neither of them broke the eye contact, as by this point it was a battle of wills.
"Very well." He nodded ever so slightly, raising a hand and three people stepped into the room. "No harm will come to you so long as you are accompanied by one of my officers."
One of the shadows stood right behind her and it sent chills down her spine. She wanted to shift and fidget to get rid of the feeling, but she knows that wouldn’t be a good idea. In fact it would probably be considered a show of weakness that she doesn’t want to show.
"You will be shown to your rooms and know your itinerary here for the next two weeks." He spoke with such distain, that she did not wanna be here anymore. Granted she didn’t actually want to come because she was going to be surrounded by assassins, now she really doesn’t wanna be here. But she spoke up, because she is the highest ranking of the three.
"If that is your command, we shall abide by them, but you, too shall learn that we have our own itinerary. We must follow as well."
"Guardian Yùnqì, This would be best discussed after we have settled in."
"That is very true Guardian Shun’itsu." She slightly turned her cheek, so she could see Lord Doreiku, yet ensure that the man sitting in front, wouldn’t think she was ignoring him. She turned back to fully face him. "I shall write up our daily proceedings, as well as the rights that need to be accomplished during the ritual. So that both your men and yourself may know what to expect. As I do not want to make a mockery of our alliance, as I also do not wish to anger you unnecessarily."
Her head was high. Her voice was calm, and she noticed the man started to scowl ever so slightly. She got under his skin, and all she could think of was good, there was an understanding neither one wanted the other here, but they needed one another.
And she wasn’t foolish enough to allow herself nor her two companions to be caught in the crossfire, if he wanted a fight.
The three of them bowed shallowly, turned to follow the three shadows, and went on their way quietly. She was showed her room smaller than the one she has at the temple, but it would be fine for what they needed it for.
Quietly she made sure to search the room, fully, because they knew they were coming, they knew which ones to set them in, she wouldn’t have been surprised if they had but the rooms were bugged, so she didn’t do anything until she knew she was secure.
She started putting up wards around the room, that way no one can enter without her permission, and no one can hear into it.
Tikki had just flown out, and made herself comfortably a bed in the back of her robes. Marinette opened the door, and as she did, the ninja appeared.
"This is the itinerary, if you would be so kind as to deliver it to the demons head." She smiled and tilted her head slightly, that portrayed an innocence which her stature provided. The ninja, because that’s the only way she can describe them from now on, because calling them assassins would put her to far on edge, took the letters, bowed and left.
Mari acted as if she was going to close the door, but in reality, it was still open. She’s assuming that the doors probably have a mechanism or alarm set into them whenever they are opened or closed, to make sure they are where they are meant to be. She slipped out of the room and leaving the door slightly ajar, that it looked closed, she crept down the halls.
Mari what are you doing? She felt Tikki’s small weight, disappear, and her voice hissed through her mind.
You know what, and so do I. If the Holder, the Black cat is here, if Plagg is here, he might be suffering.
You don’t know that Marinette. Tikki’s voice was small, but hopefulness swam through it.
And we don’t know otherwise.
She followed at the pull she felt until Mari reached another door. She was about to raise her hand and knock when it’s swung open.
A boy, slightly older than her, with pitch, black hair and turquoise eyes opened up to her. She doesn’t know what to say, and it seems like he didn’t either. They stood like that for a moment, before something slipped out of the boys hair.
"Get inside." A nasally voice huffed behind her shoving her into the room.
"Plagg what are you doing?" The boy hissed at the Kwamii in front of them now.
"If you two were caught like that, what do you think would happen kitten?"
The boys stayed silent, but this solidified what he was. He was the guardian of the black cat.
"I’m sorry let me introduce myself." The ease in which she switched to English, as Plagg and the boy was just speaking it.
"I am the Guardian Yùnqì, my name is Marinette'.' At that moment Tikki reappeared in this dimension, floated for a moment beside her before sitting on her shoulder. "And this is Tikki, the Kwamii of Creation."
"Hi there, Sugar Cube!" Plagg flew up to Tikki who was still on her shoulder.
"Stinky Sock." She grumbled, but Marinette heard the fondness in her voice all the same.
"Name is Plagg Kwamii of Destruction." The small black cat like creature floated up and gave his head a bow to her. "And this is my kitten."
He flew back to the boy and landed in his hair.
"Why are you here?" Was the first thing the boy ever said to her, as he was glaring at her the entire time.
"Because I have to do a stupid ritual, I can’t sit still, and stay somewhere I’m supposed to be, there’s more here than just the wells of destruction, I didn’t know that the miraculous of the black cat was active." Sarcasm rung through her voice, and it felt as if she hadn’t used it in so long.
She leaned back against the door, finally dropping the act of perfect guardian that she needed to uphold.
"You’re just a kid."
"And so are you." She shot back at him. "Who still hasn’t given me their name."
"It’s nice to meet you, Jason." She lifted her hand and it seemed like he might’ve taken it, if a siren didn’t start blasting.
Permanent Taglist: @jennifer-rose123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @joydone07 @mizzy-pop @starling218 @crystalqueertea
Taglist: @shizukiryuu
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maribatserver · 2 months
Maribat March - Anarchist
Prompt 6
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Marinette asked tentatively. Jason laughed, handing her the matchbox. "Of course I am! It was your idea anyway."
She scowled up at him. "No, I said I wanted to get back at that cheating prick, not commit arson."
Jason shrugged. "Same difference." She scowled harder. "There is a very big difference! I was thinking egging his house or literally anything else legal, you anarchist."
"Well, if you won't do it, I will." He said, pulling a zippo from his pocket and flipping it open. "I didn't say that." She snapped, impulsively striking a match and throwing it into the window of the ridiculously expensive car before her. The fire caught almost instantly, as well as the petty satisfaction (and the smallest hint of guilt). She glanced at her boyfriend and was slightly taken aback by the manic look in his eyes. She knew he was chaotic (him and Plagg in one room is more than enough to give her a headache), but she was starting to wonder just how accurate her 'anarchist' comment is.
She had to admit though, the flames were pretty…
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maribatserver · 2 months
Maribat March - Bad Luck
Prompt 5
"Run, run! Go!" Tim's desperate voice rang out behind her, his hurried footsteps and the heavier ones of his brothers slapping the ground behind her. "I am!" She snapped back, their pilfered goods clutched to her chest as she pushed her legs to go faster.
The plan had been simple, in and out. Then it all went wrong when Jason and Dick just so happened to be at the small coffee shop all the way across Gotham from Wayne Manor. It seems that bad luck continued to plague her, despite the care and primping she provided for the deific embodiment of it.
"You can't run forever!" Jason yelled out, keeping pace with the two coffee-addicts easily despite his much larger stature. "Bullshit!" Tim called back, catching up with Marinette and gesturing to an alley up ahead. Of course! There was an alcove they had discovered on patrol, perfect for hiding with 'banned' caffeine.
They darted around the corner, pressing themselves to the wall as flat as they could (not very hard considering they both lean more toward the lithe, wiry side of the athleticism spectrum).
"Shit! Where'd they go?" Jason cursed, pausing in the mouth of the alleyway, eyes skimming right over Tim and Marinette's hiding spot. "Maybe they got to the roof?" Dick asked, joining Jason in scanning for the two. "In the five seconds it took for us to catch up? Nah." Jason started to stalk into the alley, eyes once again skipping right over them. "What if M transformed?" Dick asked, right behind Jason, checking behind a dumpster. Tim was hardly breathing, his chest pressed up against her back. Marinette could feel herself mimicking him.
"Are you stupid? There's that obnoxious flash of neon light when she does that. No, they're still here." Jason answered, getting ever closer to the two teenagers. Marinette's thoughts were whirling a mile a minute, desperately trying to find a way out of their perilous situation, but dammit, she's going on four days without sleep, and her mind was sluggish. That's what the coffee, the holy coffee, nectar of the gods was for. But in their rush to avoid their cruel sleep wardens, they hadn't had the chance to consume the sweet, sweet caffeine. Marinette couldn't see a way out of this. They could only hope that the two men continued to miss them. That hope was looking more and more fruitless as they drew closer, eyes darting to every shadow that moves.
Marinette could practically hear Tim running out of ideas as fast as she was. She could feel his panic as strongly as her own. There's no way out.
"Found you." Jason sung, standing in front of their alcove with his arms crossed. Dick was next to him, the disappointed look on his face a sharp contrast to Jason's smug one.
Shit. Stupid bad luck.
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