The Scott Pilgrim trend. But with Chuuaku because I'm single 🥲
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It's been a long time since my last Chuuaku tho.
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black cats' fur can actually be "sunbleached" under sunlight and turn brown! seems like the perfect metaphor for dazai truly
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Happy Dazatsu day 2024!!! Thank you @dazatsuweek for hosting 💖 Very excited to participate!
IT'S NOT JUST THE ART - I wrote a oneshot for this one~ So enjoy 'Perhaps I think too much', prompt 'Confession'
Dazai was highly perceptive, but one had to be completely blind to miss the signs - shy look, avoiding eye contact, nervously trembling voice, but the drive to let the words out… His little protégé was about to confess to him. --- In which Dazai is more blind than he realizes.
I wonder what Dazai is thinking about✨
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If there isn't a kunikidazai interaction in the next few chapters I will RIOT
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shopping trip!!! ٩( ᐛ )و
(atsushi would totally offer to hold all the bags because of his tiger strength)
(and kyouka and sigma would refuse but atsushi would only let them carry a few)
(and dazai would gladly let atsushi carry his bags)
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“They say the murderer trapped the souls of his victims in the photos he took. What do you think, Atsushi-kun? Seems like a fun way to die~”
“… Sure. But the murderer stopped and he was never found, right?”
“Hah! It won’t be that way for long. His identity is as good as found now that I’m here!”
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I do find it interesting how people genuinely believe Dazai's going to be the one to defeat Fyodor.
Let's just look at who's defeated major villian's in the series so far.
Fitzgerald was defeated by Atsushi and Akutugawa. Goncharov was defeated by Atsushi and Akutugawa.
Akutagawa kicked Hawthorns ass and than Lucy had him imprisoned in Anne's Room.
If it weren't for time travel shenanigans Atsushi would've killed Fukuchi. Atsushi killed Shibusawa in Dead Apple. Atsushi defeated Gabriel in 55 minutes.
And so on and so fourth.
Atsushi is also the one Fyodor's been trying to get his hands on from the beginning. Fyodor literally just left Dazai behind in France to go to where Atsushi is currently.
And it seems like the dude from the epilogue we saw fighting Atsushi (and than Akutugawa) is what's being summoned.
Not saying Dazai's never contributed to a fight but when it comes to taking villian's down, it's not him doing it.
And even if your talking about Fyodor's ability, there's no guarantee it would even work on Dazai to begin with.
And Atsushi has the ability to seperate a person's ability from themselves. Which would be a neat callback to Dead Apple but I doubt it'll be that simple.
I know it's apparently very easy to forget but Atsushi is the main character. He's the cat and Fyodor is the rat like... Come on.
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i just realized that dazai is still hooked to that heart monitor while all this resurrection business is going on lmao
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I skimmed the new chapter. As per usual, the twist is nonsensical, and it's just suspense with no build-up or consequence..
Anyway Fyozai bit.
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I hate drawing flowers but anything for atsushi <3
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his day !!
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“The ADA don’t care about Dazai!!!!!!”
They have a detailed plan on how to literally fucking defy death and bring him back to life, a plan which Yosano is heavily involved in
Kunikida routinely calls and cooks for him. They fight in perfect sync after four days of them meeting
Fukuzawa trusted Dazai ON HIS WORDS ALONE with Atsushi’s entrance exam and getting him used to the Agency and didn’t get involved just because he put his faith in Dazai
Atsushi hallucinates Dazai when he’s in distress and looking for help, the fear he had for the Headmaster was once the strongest force in his life was replaced with his gratitude and love for Dazai
Fukuzawa says during the Guild Arc that he wouldn’t even consider allying themselves with the PM, but he’s still fine with Dazai, the Demon Prodigy, joining the Agency’s ranks
Ranpo knew from the start that Dazai was an executive for the fucking Port Mafia, the Demon Prodigy and just went “sure fucking whatever” and let him go through his entrance exam to join DESPITE THAT THE AGENCY WAS MADE FOR RANPO AND AGAINST CRIME
Dazai trained Naomi. This was never elaborated on but it did happen
As Ranpo and Kunikida state while debating on whether to rescue Atsushi: the Agency doesnt interfere with someone’s personal issues or unless Fukuzawa tells them to ig
Stories are always more fucking interesting if there’s conflict between characters, ‘good’ or ‘evil’. The Agency are full of clashing characters, complicated backstories and nuances and they’re going to clash against each other. That’s human.
He’s proven time and time again that he won’t kill himself, that his plans are good and strong and for the Agency. He can handle himself and they trust in that
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Spent the entire week marathoning all 5 seasons of this show
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magenta-cat-drawingss · 2 months
The fearsome Port Mafia's White Reaper🐯
That one scene with Tanizaki and Akutagawa be like:
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magenta-cat-drawingss · 3 months
Atsushi is the type who would cup his boyfriend's cheeks and caresses them with his thumbs as he gazes deeply into his eyes with such softness and gentleness that his sunset eyes can hold unlimited specifically for the brunette, and places soft, loving pecks either, on the cheek, lips, temple, between his brow (which is Atsushi's favourite since he can feel Dazai's creases on his forehead slowly untangles as he releases a shaky sigh and Atsushi smiles faintly at that), and sometimes, if Dazai was sitting or laying down, he buries his face against soft, unruly brown locks and presses a gentle kiss on his scalp as he inhales the faint warm scent of the sun and the fragrance of the shampoo he used this morning, some occasions, he would linger on the spot and deepens the kiss slightly but still has its softness.
Dazai, on the other hand... honestly, it depends on his mood. He either kisses just to annoy the hell out of Kunikida (PDA, duh...), or does it in genuine affection (most likely the former, but... okay), like, he would cup Atsushi's cheeks and looks deeply into his eyes in a serious expression for moment before squishing his cheeks together and places an obnoxious, loud kiss on the cheek and ends it with an "mwuah!" And a very proud smirk on his face (and if he's in a very goofy and playful mood, he would just... nom nom onto his cheek, cuz, honestly, I would do too, I mean... look at those mochi cheeks!!), not only does he places those disgustingly wet but surprisingly affectionate (and in Atsushi's opinion, endearing) kisses on his cheeks, but also his nape (mostly when Atsushi is not giving him attention but to someone else), and his forehead, but surprisingly, places a very loving and gentle kiss on it (like how you would do with your cat, y’know?)
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magenta-cat-drawingss · 4 months
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Types of flower giving💐
Happy (super late) Valentine's Day!💕
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