lynninnerworld · 1 year
Reflection - a marsh-up for Mulan (2020) 真人版花木兰剪辑
Basic Information
The movie: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mula... Music: - Time:    • Hans Zimmer - Tim...   - Reflection - instrumental:    • Mulan 2020: Refle...  
About this edit
真人版花木兰,是刘亦菲所有的电影作品中我最喜欢的一部。它不是完美的,但它的好没有被很多人看到。这部电影可以被浅显地理解为合家欢的公主片,但它又充满了隐喻。我在剪这个影片的时候数次流泪:我赋予了这个剪辑我自己的感情和经历。 Mulan (2020) is my favorite movie out of all Yifei's movies. It is, of course, not perfect, but it's often misunderstood and thus underrated. Yes, you can view it as a simple Disney family movie, but it's also full of metaphors for the real world. I cried several times when I edited this clip: it reflects my own emotions and experiences. “气”,可以看作是任何能力,就是那种男孩子拥有就会被赞赏,但放在女孩子身上就会被贬低的东西。多少类似的话语被理所当然地说出:“女孩子读那么多书做什么”,“女孩子长太多肌肉不好看”,“女孩子数学不好”, “女博士是第三种人类”。木兰,正如我们所有女性,年纪渐长被社会定义性别的时候,所受到的教育也开始区别于男性,“女生要安静,沉稳,优雅,嫁个好人家”。但当她以男性身份加入军营后,却被鼓励“培养天赋”,追求力量,学习团队协作。在远离原生家庭后,她在从前的社会环境里压抑自我的创伤,逐渐在众人欣赏的目光中被治愈。但在最后荣归故里后,木兰的父亲为他大男子主义的傲慢而道歉,这个结局真的过于理想和美好,所以这才是造梦的迪士尼。 Chi, can be seen as any capabilities, the ones that would be appreciated if owned by man, but despised if owned by a woman. So many words like these were spoken without a second thought: "girls don't need to study as hard, " "muscles don't look good on girls' legs/arms", "girls are not good at STEM", "a female phd belongs to the third kind of human". Mulan, just like all of us, growing up being identified by her gender, receiving a completely different set of education: "girls need to be quiet, composed, graceful, and be a good wife in the future." But when she joined the army as a man, she's encouraged to "cultivate her gift" instead of "hiding it away, " and she's taught to pursue power and coordinate with a team. After being away from her family, her trauma of suppressing her gift gradually got healed by the appreciation of her mentors and friends. At the end, when she came back home with honor, her father apologized for his poisonous ”man-like" pride. This is such an ideal and happy ending, and that's why Disney is said to create dreams. 电影里一个有意思的设定,也是我自己所认同的价值,就是,只有真实的,才是有力量的。多少女性为了不被社会对女性的期待所定义,便去扮演男性:“我是个女汉子”是很多女性有意无意地自我定位。我认为这部真人版电影就是围绕《倒影 Reflection》这首歌而创作的。做真实的自己,尤其对东亚文化下的我们这一代,是多么需要一直练习的事情啊。接纳自己的性别,容貌,性向,性情。每一次决意自我接纳,都需要像木兰被女巫射穿胸膛那样死去且涅槃。尽管Reflection的乐器版本没有歌词,我也为这首耳熟能详的歌在屏幕上打上了无声的歌词。 An interesting point in the movie, which is also my own value: the most true is the most powerful. So many women, in order not to be defined by the gender stereotype, claim that they're "man-like." I think this movie is made surrounding the theme song "reflection." To be ones true self, especially to those of us who grew up in Asian culture, is something need to be practiced on a daily basis. Accept our own gender, body shape, sexual orientation, personality, etc. Each time when you decide to accept yourself, you need to suffer and reborn, just like how Mulan got killed by the witch and revived. Therefore, even though the instrumental version of [Reflection] has no lyrics, I typed the lyrics as you might want to sing along. 电影里另外一些有意思的地方: - 尽管是2020年的电影,里面已经塑造了”普信男“的形象了,看来这是个中西皆存在的现象。 - 对很多男人来说,聪明勇敢幽默的女性不是女性,只有肤白貌美会做家务的才是。 - 很多时候,压迫女性的,恰恰是另一些女性。
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
A very short FMV for ep 23 of TTEOTM. Inspired by PearBear in Cdrama Discord server. Music: a thousand years by Christina Perri
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
Yifei Liu & Zhang Zhiyao- The Curse of Forever Life - a Xianxia story 【张智尧X刘亦菲】 长生劫 - 剧情向创意剪辑
First of all, I don't support romance between teacher and students in real life. I made this video when I was very young... It's a fantasy story okay? 首先声明我现实中不支持师生恋。这视频是很早的时候剪的,而且,背景是奇幻所以…… —————————————————————— It's a romance story between a girl and her teacher. There's no such drama, I made up a story like this. Ling'Er secretly loves her teacher. Though she thought it's not allowed, she couldn't help it. But she didn't know, a strange evil power was sealed in the her body. One day when she used up her strength to cure her teacher's would, she activated that power and mindlessly killed people. Therefore, to prevent her from killing more people and to save her from being punished by more other people, her teacher handed her to a group of people, who promised that they will lock her up and protect her in the meantime. However, these people eventually decided to kill Ling'Er. Her teacher came the rescued her at the critical moment. Kissed by Ling'Er, and this is the first time that he faced the reality that he also loves her. However, sad ending is the destiny between them, eventually, the teacher sacrificed his life to protect her, and after that, Ling'Er refused to believe that her teacher died, and started to go around the world to find him... 这是一段师徒恋。并没有现成的电视剧,是我原创的剧本。 灵儿悄悄地暗恋着师父,尽管她知道这是禁忌,但她情难自禁。她不知道的是,她的体内封印着一股神秘的邪恶力量。有一日,因为她用尽全力救治了师父的伤,她唤醒了那股力量,却受那个力量影响大肆屠杀。于是,为了阻止继续酿成大祸,也为了保护她不受人报复,她的师父把她交给了一群术士,他们承诺看守和保护灵儿。但那群人说谎了,最终打算杀死灵儿来消灭这股力量。关键时刻,师父破门而入救走了灵儿。灵儿吻上师父的面颊,也就是此刻,师父终于正视了自己的内心,他也深爱灵儿。但不论如何卜算,他们的宿命就是悲剧。最终,师父为了保护灵儿而死,灵儿却不愿意相信这个事实,在世间流��,去寻找师父的灵魂/转世。 —————————————————————— The two songs in this video: 1) 江山雪 Snow over Rivers and Mountains Translation credit to (except for a few corrections): http://classcalstylechinesesongtranslation.blogspot.com/2018/01/english-translation-snow-over-rivers.html 2)拂雪 Whisk Snow I didn't find a translation, so I translated myself:
此生的守候, 已盡我溫柔 I have used up my gentleness to wait for you this life 只恨年華早泛白, 不能偷 Only hate that my hair turned gray and I can't steal the time back 此生都溯遊, 執念未肯休 I'm been running back and forth, cannot let go of my obsessions 只因一字未看透, 未看透 Only because of one phrase: not seeing through 你是振翅欲飛的獵獵白裳 With your billowing white clothes, you were like a bird lifting its wings to fly 看華山之巔一捧雪, 落下的明亮 Seeing a handful of snow on the peak of Mount Hua, and the brightness when it fell 舉步凌太虛, 執劍沖陰陽 Strode in the air, dashed with a sword across Yin and Yang 劍鋒倒映你滿目星罡 The blade reflected your eyes, shining like starts 年少初相逢, 萬丈紅塵中 We met each other when we were young, in the mortal world 想書心思墨未濃, 墨未濃 Though wanted to write our thoughts in letters, the ink was not thick enough yet 人生忽倥傯, 再想畫細雪 Time flies all of a sudden, even if I want to paint that light snow again 卻隔青山千萬重, 千萬重 Tens and thousands of mountains are in between you and me now
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (9)- Meeting Again
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is about chapter 82-92 in the book.It becomes very difficult to edit this series now, since the drama deviates so much from the book…let me know if you don't understand the story...i can explain... Tantai Jin wanted to revive Ye Xiwu, so he worked very hard to fight in the immortal competition, to win the Soul-calming lamp, which can help searching people's soul. He also wanted to kill Li Susu because her spiritual body is said to be the best body for a soul of a person who's dead before. But he didn't know Li Susu is Ye Xiwu. They both entered the Cangyuan Secret Realm: Li Susu need another magic artifact, since Gou Yu's gone. Li Susu met Tantai Jin in the Illusionary Stone Array and saw TTJ's illusions: how he miserably searched someone's soul. But she thought TTJ was looking for Ye Bingchang.'s soul, out of her last impression 500 years ago. When Li Susu and Yue Fuya was attacked by some strange vines, TTJ took this opportunity to attack them, but at that moment, the mirror of the past showed to both of them their past, and that's how TTJ got to know, Li Susu is Ye Xiwu.
Afterwards, the strange vine pulled both of them to the bottom of the mountain, and there's another secret realm there. Being wounded, Li Susu lost her memory and become a little girl. A child with a simple heart can see through everything, so she easily told that Tantai Jin actually liked her, instead of hating her. She promised TTJ to forgive him and start over, but after getting out of the secret realm, all she remembered was, they were attacked by TTJ... so she also hurt him as a defense. Then the demons came to attack the immortals. TTJ used all his strength to fought, and LSS cured him, though she's also severely injured. She asked TTJ's sect brother not to tell him, but TTJ was smart enough to tell the truth. After that, in order to rescue TTJ's professor and LSS's sect brother, they met in the human world again...
Other Links
If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here (but this translation has not be updated to these chapters...you may use google translation for the Chinese version here )
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (8)-Nine Spikes Out
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is for chapter 71-81 in the book, a lot of sorrow and memories....I usually just pick one of the chapter titles as my video title, and this time "shattered" really includes a lot: what is shattered? The love-and-hate past between TTJ and YXW, the magic bracelet for both confinement and protection, Ye Xiwu's body after jumping off the towel...Out of story-telling purpose I didn't put Ye Bingchang's ending into this video, also because it's too bloody: her arms and legs were cut off... Also, Tantai Jin's hairs were supposed to turn white after Ye Xiwu's death, but I don't have enough skills to do that cool effect LOL. Also, Yue Fuya is a guy, not a girl as the drama changed his gender, so I used Huhan's clips for this character LOL. I need encouragement! Since after this episode the drama almost deviates 90% off the book...It becomes super hard to continue this series...
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If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here I use one song to conclude one episode. The song for this episode is Come Here for You. Li Susu came to 500 years ago for Tantai Jin, and Tantai Jin also comes to Li Susu's place 500 years later. The lyrics are also translated in the video.
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (7)-Nine Spikes Out
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This is a bitter-sweet episode…for chapter 62-70 in the book everyone's suffering.. Ye Bingchang plays some tricks in this episode. She's a complex character in the book, and she uses all her skills to raise her position. In the book, it is not on the day of the wedding, but at the moment when Tantai Jin protected Ye Xiwu that the the Soul-slaying Teardrop transformed into nine spikes, which means TTJ gives his entire heart to her. But she uses this moment to attack him. It's her mission, but it's also very sad…After that she suffered a lot more than what the drama shows, including being tortured by the Love Fury.
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If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here I use one song to conclude one episode. The song for this episode is Mysterious bird . The lyrics are also translated in the video.
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (6)-Feelings
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is chapter 47 to 62 in the book. Tantai Jin gradually developed some romantic feelings towards Ye Xiwu after he got out of the dream of Bo're Life. I noticed that the drama changed Bingchang's stories a lot, that's why I can't include her part into my video… About the event that Ye Xiwu killed Xiao Lin, I'm disappointed that the drama didn't event have a flashback for these two. Xiao Lin will be Li Susu' classmate in the same school, and he's also a brother in the Bo're Life (he also loves Sang Jiu in the book), and Tantai Jin bewitched her to kill him with her own hands. Of course she'll hate Tantai Jin to the uttermost. I like of kind the chemistry between Xiao Lin and Ye Xiwu when I did the editing LOL.
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If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here I use one song to conclude one episode. The song for this episode is Time words by Zhang Bichen . The lyrics are also translated in the video.
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (5)-Hatred
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode finishes the dream of Bo're Life, till chapter 46. I used AI to speak for some male characters LOL. Also, because the drama merged Sang Jiu's brother Sang You and Shao Qing ( a wolf spirit who loves Sang Jiu) into one character, I have to also merge them. So I made Sang You an adopted brother of Sang Jiu, who loves Sang Jiu secretly.
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If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here I start to use one song with lyrics in each video in starting from this episode. The song I use here is Or We Can Stay Like This For Ten Thousand Years
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (4)-Dream of Bo're Life Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is the dream of Bo're Life, chapter 35-40 in the book. I made the video extra foggy because it's in a dream. The drama deviates more and more from the book now, that's why I recorded my own voice a lot LOL. But Bo're Life is still the best part of the drama, stick most to the book. The book though, only have one or two chapters of this part. The drama's changes are: they let Mingye love Sang Jiu very early, and his eyes recovered earlier too. It seems sweeter, but I don't know how the drama can explain Sang Jiu's later hatred. In the book, it's a typical "girl made a lot of effort at the beginning and then left, then the boy tried to find the girl back" story. In the book, Sang Jiu never told Mingye the River-calming crystal is inside his body, because the lost of the crystal made so many spirits die, and Mingye is on his path to become a God, which means he needs to have a pure heart without guilt. She thought Mingye never love her, and that's why she could not tell later Mingye changed his attitude.
Other Links
If you're interested in reading more about the book, you can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book by secondlife translation here
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (3)- World-Alluring Jade
Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is chapter 25-34 in the book. Or course I have to skip a lot of content because of lack of footage. The drama changed some settings in the book, I have to combine these two... For instance, World-alluring Jade is actually World-alluring Flower in the book, and the Gou Yu, a magic bracelet with its own will, has been removed from the drama. Ye Xiwu escaped many many times from Tanti Jin, but the drama combined them into once. The Succubus and the peach tree spirit has been merged into one demon by the drama, etc.
Other Links
You can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book here
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (2)- Secrets Series Intro
I’m a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I’m re-editing it according to the novel. This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here.
About This Episode
This episode is for chapter 8-24. Everyone has their secrets. Tantai Jin is not as innocent as he may look like...
Other Links
You can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book here
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lynninnerworld · 1 year
TTEOTM Mini-series (1)- The Young Demon
I'm a fan of the novel that this drama is adapted from. So I'm re-editing it according to the novel. This episode is for chapter 1-7. You can find an ongoing fan-translated version of the book here: https://secondlifetranslations.com/novel/black-moonlight-holds-the-be-script/ This is my ongoing project. You can watch the entire Youtube playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKLJ41mrePEaFjWyvQtzNxUk8U7UoOLbq
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