luvsyana · 3 years
A Cheesy Halloween Story
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Book: Open Heart (set in Book 2)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, MC (Casey MacTavish), Bryce Lahela, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ethan refuses to be Mickey to Casey’s Minnie. But when it’s Bryce to the rescue, he’s none too pleased.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This is pure fun and silliness and dedicated to @danijimenezv. Happy Halloween y’all!
A/N 2: Didn't get a chance to edit... I'll get to it eventually, so forgive the typos and such! :)
If you wish to be added or removed from tags, please let me know. Comments and reblogs always appreciated. 😊
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It was already two hours after her shift ended, but Casey was sitting on the floor of the diagnostic team office pouring over journals in an attempt to learn more about their most recent case. Ethan was sitting at his desk conducting his research online. He had already asked her if she would move to the table, the couch, anyplace but the floor two times. It drove him crazy. He considered asking a third, but he knew he’d get the same result and, as much as it pained him, he was still trying to keep his distance, limit their contact. His stint in the Amazon hadn’t done nearly as much as he had hoped to quell his feelings for her, in fact, it had done nothing at all.
The knock on the door was soft, but the room was so quiet it still startled them both.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm you,” Sienna said in a soft voice. “Casey, I just wanted to see if you needed anything for your costume. We’re going to the craft store tonight, I figured you’ll be getting out of here too late to join us.”
“Correct on that. I need white felt for the dots on my skirt, and I’m still not sure I love my tail. So, if you see anything better.”
He wanted to avoid the conversation but scrunched nose and line that formed between his brow after hearing the word “tail” made him feel like he was already, involuntarily, involved.
“I’ll see what I can do. Dr. Ramsey, are you getting dressed up for the Halloween Party in pediatrics?”
He tilted his head as he stared at her incredulously.
“Have I ever done anything to indicate that I would dress up for a Halloween party?”
“No,” she answered nervously, “but it’s for the kids, and I know that you care about the patients, so I thought…”
“There are already plenty of volunteers, Dr. Trinh, I’m not needed. Plus, I think they would appreciate doctors who are more kid-friendly.”
Casey had tried, against her better judgment. Her heart was crushed when he left. When he didn’t return her calls. When he returned and spoke of his “reset”. But the way he all but ignored her since that time, that stung most of all. Not wanting to set herself up for any more rejection, she tried to steer clear of him and stick to work topics too. Yet, for some reason, tonight she felt like pushing the envelope.
“I think you’re perfectly fine with young patients, Dr. Ramsey. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
“Hmmm,” he mumbled, never taking his eyes off of his computer.
“I am looking for a Mickey.”
And there was that scrunched nose and wrinkled brow again.
“A Mickey?”
“Yes. I’m going to be Minnie Mouse, and I’d really like someone to be Mickey with me. For the kids… are you interested? I could get the costume together when I finish mine.”
The look Ethan shot her told her all she needed to know.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t offer it to you first.”
A couple of hours later, organizing her belongings outside of the office door, finally ready to head home when she spotted Bryce walking wearily down the hall after a long surgery.
“Hey, there, you look like you need a bed and a good night's sleep.”
“Sure do,” he said yawning, “heading to the on-call room now. I’m too tired to even make it home.”
“Are you sure? I can help you get there.”
“I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine here. I’ll get more rest if I cut my commute out.”
“OK, then sleep tight.”
“Wait, I was actually looking for you earlier, Sienna mentioned the party in Peds.”
“Are you dressing up?”
“I’d like to. She mentioned you needed a partner.”
Sitting just inside the office, Ethan’s ears piqued. He had nothing against Lahela, flashy and pompous as he was; he was a good surgeon, and he knew he was a good friend to Casey. A friend. But Ethan always suspected they had been more… and he was right. He had no right to be jealous, or to care in any way, but hearing the word “partner” in any form while he was speaking to Casey made his blood start to simmer.
“I do!” She answered gleefully, “Would you be interested?”
“Hey, anytime I can team up with you is a win. If we can make sick kids smile while doing it, even better.”
Sometimes, when he flashed that megawatt smile, Casey wondered why she ever backed away from him in favor of Ramsey. It would have been easier. It would have been simpler. Maybe it could be?
“Now, before you commit. I should warn you that means being Mickey Mouse.”
“Yep, I’m going to be Minnie. So, if Mickey isn’t sexy enough for you,” she giggled.
Ethan slammed a book shut, relieved that no one outside the office heard him.
“Hey, the mouse was once a sex symbol you know.”
“You don’t say!” Casey laughed.
Ethan shook his head. How could she laugh at that? It’s idiotic.
“No, I made it up.”
No shit.
“But, if I’m Mickey Mouse, Mickey will be sexy just by virtue of the fact that… I will be Mickey Mouse.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. Jesus Christ.
“Bryce, you’re the best!”
He nervously tapped his pen on the desk as he watched her silhouette hugging Lahela through the shades covering the office’s glass walls.
“I promise you,” she continued, “I’ll make the costume as befitting of your beauty as possible.”
“Hey, we will be the HOTTEST damn mice duo in the history of mice duos. Maybe after we can hit Donahues?”
“That sounds like a plan!”
They were getting too close. He didn’t like it. He knew it would only be a matter of time before she met someone new, I mean it was Casey… smart, beautiful, funny, kind… anyone who didn’t want her would be a damn fool. But he hoped it wouldn’t be someone at Edenbrook. Not someone he’d have to watch her smile at, flirt with, or more. She’d have no reason to hide a relationship with Bryce, which means Ethan would have a front-row seat. The thought was unbearable.
Three days later it felt like half of the staff of Edenbrook was dressed to impress. Impress the judges of their annual Halloween costume contest, that is. Various superheroes, princesses, and cartoon characters littered the halls. While it was never his thing, per se, it never bothered Ethan. But this year scanning the crowd for any sight of the rodents had him more cantankerous than usual. He was so focused on looking for her he bumped right into Sienna.
“Oh, I’m sorry Dr. Ramsey!”
Sienna was dressed as Tinkerbell, and as would be expected, her costume was perfection. Perhaps it was seeing her in such a sweet ensemble that made Ethan realize just how nervous she appeared each time she saw him. He felt like an ass.
“No need to apologize, Dr. Trinh, that was completely on me. Also, you make a lovely Tinkerbell, if I must say so myself.”
“Why thank you,” she smiled, “will you be joining us for the party later?”
“I’m afraid not, but please enjoy yourself.”
Giving up his quest of being a human mousetrap, he decided to return to the office and put this all out of his head. But when he walked in, she was sitting at the conference table. Her legs crossed and leaning on her elbows as she poured over her charts. How did she make a Minnie Mouse costume look so damn appealing? The skirt wasn’t short, but it was short enough. The black tights, and… he needed to look away.
“Shouldn’t you be heading to Peds?” he asked passing her by.
“Yes, but I just needed to look at some results that came in.”
“There is nothing pressing, it could wait until after. Or, if you prefer, I can handle them for you.”
“Thanks, but you know my patients come first. The party hasn’t started yet. I’ll be fine.”
“Hello there!”
The voice was too boisterous, to happy, and too cocky for a man dressed as a damn mouse. Too bad Casey didn’t agree.
“Bryce!” she squealed as she jumped from the table to hug him.
“Mickey & Minnie reunited again!”
He took out his phone and they took a selfie, Ethan rolled his eyes as they both immediately posted it to Pictagram.
“Oh, and look at this,” Bryce grinned. He pulled a string cheese from his pocket breaking a piece off and putting it in Casey’s mouth.
Casey laughed; Ethan seethed.
“What’s a mouse without cheese?” She grinned.
“Especially you, you live for cheese!”
“I sure do!”
Sienna appeared at the door and smiled.
“Oh my God! You two look great!! We’re going to start heading over, are you ready?”
“Sure, I am ready to make some sick kids happy,” Casey beamed.
Bryce looked over his shoulder at Ethan, “Dr. Ramsey, are you joining us? You should come.”
“He can’t,” Casey immediately interrupted, “All staff have to be costumed at this event.”
Why? He asked himself. Why did he suddenly have a compelling desire to go to this party? He knew exactly why, but denial ran deep with this man.
“I could go. I can go as a doctor.”
He saw a glint of annoyance in her eyes, a tribute to his observational skills.
Now. Now he wants to go?
“That doesn’t count, Dr. Ramsey. The idea is to give the children a day free of having to “see” any doctors of nurses.”
“I know. Why don’t you just go, go off and entertain children.”
“We will,” she grinned grabbing Bryce’s hand. “Are we ready Mickey?”
“I was born ready, Minnie, let’s do this.”
He watched them walk down the hall together, laughing animatedly most of the way, their awkward tails swaying behind them. And he could hear her laugh. Her beautiful, warm, enchanting laugh became fainter and fainter as she moved away. Maybe he was delusional, maybe he was unrealistic, maybe he was insane, but he was going to that party. There was no way she was going to let him be alone with her. But he needed a costume. He had an idea.
He took the elevator to the lobby and visited the hospital gift shop. They had to have something that he could use to make a half-assed costume know, didn’t they? His eye was immediately drawn to the kid's section, there were little tutus – that wasn’t happening on any level, a few firemen costumes that wouldn’t have fit him even 30 years ago, it wasn’t looking good.
“Can I help you,” the volunteer asked.
“I was looking for something to use as a costume, for the party in pediatrics, but it looks like I’m a little too big for any of your offerings.”
“You’re going to the party in peds?”
“I want to, but you need to be in…”
“A costume, yes. I think I can help you.”
“I have a costume I was supposed to wear to a party after work, but my husband isn’t feeling well, so I’m just going to be home with him. It says one size fits all, and it’s still in the package,” she said handing him the bag. “I hope you can use it.”
“Thank you, you have no idea how much I….” his voice stopped as he looked down at the package.
“Yes,” she grinned.
“You were planning on being… cheese?!”
“Well, it was a couple’s costume. My husband was going to be a bottle of wine, and I was going to be….”
“Yes, wine and cheese, you know…”
“Oh, I get it. I do.”
“So, are you going to be cheese?” She smiled.
“If I want to see what the mice are doing, I guess I have no other choice.”
I’m going to have to transfer hospitals. There is no other way around this. At a minimum, I’m going to therapy. What the hell is it about this woman that possesses me to do this. I have to be out of my goddamned mind.
But he pushed the door to the Peds wing open and marched inside. Most of the staff looked at him in shock, either in pure horror or doing all that they could to contain their laughter. After all, he may have been dressed as a hunk of cheese now, but it was still Dr. Ramsey, and no one wanted that tongue lashing.
Good, he thought, at least I don’t have to endure….
And there was that laugh again. But this time fully unleashed, completely untamed, and roaring. He turned around and saw the well-dressed mouse doubled over in laughter.
“Is there an issue, Dr. MacTavish?”
“Oh,” she said wiping tears from her face, “there are so many issues. Like, you’re currently a hunk of cheese! Now, most of us knew you were a hunk, but… of cheese?”
He smiled despite himself. “I’m here for the kids, Rookie.”
Her eyes lit up. Rookie. She hadn’t heard that name since Miami and hearing it again warmed her heart. Even if it was coming from a grown man in a cheese costume with a sheepish grin on his face.
“You’re really here for the kids?” She smiled.
“Oh, hell no!” Bryce said barreling down the hall toward them. “He is here for the best mice and cheese selfie in the history of mice and cheese selfies.”
“There’s a history?” Sienna asked from the side.
“I’m not taking a…”
“You are so taking a…”
“No, I’m no…”
“Mommy! Mommy!” a young patient squealed, “Look, Mommy! The mouse is going to eat up the cheese.”
“Would you like a picture of the mice and cheese, little girl.”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she chanted.
Her mother’s eyes lit up as she held her young daughter on her hip.
“You guys are a godsend! I haven’t seen her this happy over anything since her surgery.”
Casey shot Ethan a smug, but tender look.
“So, Dr. Ramsey.”
He looked at the little girl and smiled.
“Let’s get this over with,” he whispered.
“OK, you should get between us,” Bryce instructed, “I think that would be the best aesthetic.”
“For the love of God.”
“Come on, just say cheese.”
“If this goes on Picta, I’ll have you both fired.”
“No, you won’t,” she smiled.
“The things you get me to do, Rookie.”
“I didn’t tell you to be cheese. Next year, just go along with the costume I plan, OK.”
“You have my word.”
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@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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luvsyana · 3 years
could you maybe write some quick HC where Ethan and Lilac go to a haunted house?
I love this! Here we go:
Haunted (HCs)
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“You have anxiety.”
This is Ethan's sole and (in his opinion) strongest argument in deterring his wife from the idea of going to a Halloween Haunted House
“It'll be fine.”
Lilac says this with too much emphasis on the last word, as though trying to convince herself more than him.
It wasn't.
It wasn't fine.
Ethan finds the first horror of the night at the entrance.
The price of admission.
“For a hundred dollars each, we better be wheeled out of here in a stretcher.”
“Amen to that,” Jackie proclaims.
The rest of their friends cheer in agreement as they're herded indoors.
The second terror of the night for Ethan is discovering the theme is zombies.
Lahela, on the other hand, is far too excited than anyone has any right to be. He wears dark sunglasses, even indoors, as he pumps his fist in the air.
“Let's go! I'm rea—” Lahela begins, but the sentiment turns into a loud curse as something hops out from nowhere.
Lilac, meanwhile, clings to Ethan's arm like a cat.
“We can go back.”
A pale, wide-eyed Lilac shakes her head resolutely.
It's times like these he wished his wife wasn't so brave. To a fault.
When the hoard of zombies appears from nowhere, everyone in the group reacts differently.
“Hell nah.” (Greene)
“Scatter everyone.” (Lahela)
Loud shrieks quickly followed by laughter (Trinh)
“You touch me, I sue.” (Varma)
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” (Lilac)
Ethan, for his own part, tries very hard not to laugh at the gaudy attempt to inspire terror in people. It's juvenile and downright tacky.
But his terrified wife digs her nails further into his skin and since she won't be reasonable and get the hell out of there with him, he does what he does best.
He uses the dry humor she loves so much to distract her.
“Blunt force trauma to the abdominal area.”
The creature—aka the actor in heavy makeup and prosthetics— blinks at Ethan.
“An unknown object was used with acceleration to inflict a laceration, damaging the kidneys.”
Everyone, even the other zombies, stops to gape at him in the foggy darkness.
“Babe?” Lilac's grip in his arm slackens a bit.
“Resulting in hypotension and more severely, hypovolemic shock.”
Jackie, realizing it first, crosses her arms, giving Ethan an impressed once over.
“Dr. R, are you diagnosing the zombies?” Greene asks, stunned.
“Cause of death: circulatory failure.” Ethan says by way of answer.
“Could have been organ failure,” Lilac adds thoughtfully. “Kidneys.”
Sienna laughs in unrestrained excitement. “Okay, okay! New game! We're diagnosing these bastards.”
The group agrees with excited murmurs.
“Alright, Doctors, look alive!” Sienna commands before they get down to business.
And so they go through the rest of the attraction, examining wounds and diagnosing the various gruesome ailments.
Every once in a while, they ask for Bryce's surgical opinion. Most of the time, he shrugs and explains that if they've been bitten and infected with a detrimental zombie virus, the best course of action is to shoot them. In which case, diagnosing them is moot.
“You're no fun, meathead.”
“And you're also surprisingly cold-blooded.”
“It's the zombie apocalypse. Everyone has to make decisions they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives.”
By the end of it, Lilac is laughing by Ethan's side.
Even more when the appeal of applying medical knowledge to this ridiculous situation wears off by the end and Ethan just opts to carry her out.
“Thank you,” she says when everyone's amusement has simmered down. “I knew you'd do something like that for me.”
Ethan only raises his brows, feigning disgust. “I'm becoming that predictable?”
“You've always been.”
She's thinking of the very first moment they met, when he steadied her hand through the fear of her first medical emergency.
“Or maybe you just know me too well.
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A/N: Thank you so much, anon!
If you sent me a HC request, I am working on it :)
The last thing I have planned for Halloween is a fic called "Cara Mia" and I just need to figure out how to end it lol. Hopefully it gets posted in a few hours!
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luvsyana · 3 years
Everything about this is just so beautiful! 🥺❤️ I have no words
Redamancy (Ethan x f!MC)
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Summary: The curtain of life threatens to fall, and the circumstances lead to a confession (set in Book 2, Chapter 11)
A/N: This was a request sent in by Pep who asked for a 2.11 confession fic, in which I also included a prompt request sent by the dearest @a-crepusculo from the 101 ways to say 'I love you' prompt list (still accepting, feel free to send in!) I hope you like what I came up with, my lovely and thank you so so much for sending the request in❤
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Word Count: around 1.5K words
Rating: General
Category: Angst, with some fluff
Warnings: None that I noticed
Prompts: "Don't leave yet" from 101 ways to say 'I Love You' prompt list, And there was a confession, And one of them has an Illness.
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Khamoshi. Silence.
Silence can be a vice, it can be a virtue.
It can bring joy, and also sorrow. Silence doesn't give an answer to questions, whereas at other times, silence is the only answer. Silence can be a suffocating cover, a restraint separating one from the world. But silence can also be a blanket, comforting one when there was no choice but to live separated from the world.
And right now, it was her cover, her comfort. It gave her time, which might very well be the last hours she spent on earth, to be with herself.
To think, to reminiscence, to laugh, to cry, with herself.
Letting her remind herself that she had come on this earth alone, and she will have to leave, alone. No matter how much she loves the others, or the others love her.
She remembers Alekhya, her stoic little baby, crying as if it was her life in danger. How Idhayan couldn't even come to the phone to talk to her, and all she could hear was silent sobs in the background.
But the conversation that hurt her the most was the one with her dad. He had seen her mom die, 16 years ago. And now, he was losing his eldest daughter, but there was nothing he could do about it. Behind the tough mask was a pain that escaped into his voice at times, and every time it did, she wanted to cry, and assure him that she will live to see tomorrow.
But she couldn't.
All she could do was pray, that even after her, they find their happiness. That their world never stops revolving, even in her absence.
Every moment she had spent in the room felt like a lifetime. Slowly being pushed towards the end by a strong and persistent force she just couldn't counter, even with all her might.
She remembers the faces that peek through the only connection of the room with the world outside. The world that didn't exist for her at the moment. The smiles of her friends were lost in the air, their eyes bloodshot with the tears that they tried to put a constraint on.
The silence lets her mind echo their laughs, their jokes, their teases around her. Lets her remember every word of them. Lets her hold them till the last of her breaths.
She missed the night sky. Gazing at the stars, taking their light within her. Letting the moon shine over her soul, make her its child.
She would have searched for her mother in the vast sky. Would have told her that the wait is over. That she was soon coming to meet her. That this is what destiny's plan was.
And amidst all, two ice blue orbs shine in front of her. The tears unshed that linger at their corner. The pain that hid perfectly in his labyrinthine heart. The rush that his mind carried out, pulling all stops in an attempt to save her.
She remembers the kiss outside his apartment, the soft-touch familiar to her. The memory was prized, she wanted to keep it in her heart till the end of time. The end of time was here.
He had told the world he wasn't single. Well, now his words are going to be proven wrong. Sorry, she mutters to him wordlessly, hoping that it reaches him.
The endless chain of thoughts, memories, regrets, and joys end as the door open. A curtain of plastic shines in the bright luminesce. Only when the steps come closer, do they reveal him, behind a hazmat suit.
"I came to check on upon you"
He moves to sit on the stool, but her signal beckons him to sit beside her. He does, wanting to spend every moment with her.
His subconscious shouts at him for thinking that she would leave. It tries to convince him that they are meant to be. That their time together had just begun. That it couldn't end this soon.
But the doubt, the fear of losing her forever to destiny makes him want to cry. Cry just like he did when his mother left him, only to never come back. Cry just like he did when he thought that he had lost every chance of curing his mentor.
They were still the parts of his life. But right now, he was losing his life, his strength, his pillar. The hand he wanted to hold till the end of his life. And there's nothing he could do to stop it.
His hand strokes her hair, as she lay close to him, their hearts beating in unison. The urge to feel her soft skin against his, to kiss her forehead, to intertwine his fingers with hers, had never been as strong as it was at the moment.
Her eyes look up at him. They say a hundred words. The expression of affection and pain, regret and sorrow, and a melancholy, linger in them. But there was something that broke his already shredded heart into a billion minuscule pieces, no hope of them ever getting back together.
It was... Acceptance.
She had accepted her fate. She had accepted that today, it all ended. Her life. But his own too, along with hers.
A strange desperateness grips his heart.
He wanted to light one lamp that could once again bring the glow of hope in her heart. There had to be something, anything, that would give her a reason to strive. To hold on to that breath she had accepted she would have to give up.
Looking into her ambers which now gaze at an unknown point, his heart leaps into a pace just minutely faster.
Being close to her, wasn't something he wanted. It was something he needed, a bare necessity of life. He remembers those tumultuous days of living without being able to touch her, to feel her soft skin. The push, the staying away. Every moment just brings them closer to each other than leading apart.
A truth, a realization that had struck him weeks, months ago floats back to him. The clock ticks steadily and time slips beyond his reaches. He shifts a little, his heart trying to convince his mind and doing a great job at it.
Her eyes, which had closed for a moment, suddenly open up. There's an anxiousness interjected in the calm breaths she had been taking and her hand moves to hold his hazmat suit-clad one.
"Don't leave yet" Her voice is more than a request, and he feels a tear slipping out. No more convincing was needed. He knew what he had to do, and he wasn't going to waste a single second.
"I am not leaving, Rookie." Her hold on his hand became a tad bit stronger. "Not now, not ever."
He urges her to look up to him, and as she does, he feels their eyes glowing with the same intensity.
"I ran a lot. Out of fear, out of cowardice. I put on a facade of stoicism when on the inside I was breaking with the distance between us. I thought it was for the better, me staying away from you." He sees the tears glistening in her eyes "But it was for the worse."
"I am glad you realized" She tries to offer him a tiny smile, but the tears curtain it.
"Every day I spent with you, and without you, has led me to a realization. A realization that didn't exist before you came into my life. A feeling I never understood until I met you."
He tucks a stray lock behind her ear and brings the hand of hers that held his to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on it.
"I love you, Pooja. And I want you to know, that this is not the end. There are going to be hundreds of days of me saying it to you. I will not let you leave me, not so soon."
"I don't intend on doing it." A mellow giggle made him smile. He loved seeing her this way, smiling till the end of time. And every time he knew that he was the reason behind it, his world seemed to stop and a merry spring comes around.
"Ethan, I love you too. Always and forever." She raises herself with slight difficulty, placing a kiss on his lips through the hazmat suit. By now, both of their tears fell freely, all restraints that ever existed out of the window. The kisses are intermixed with gazes that say the three words over and over again.
He never believed in it.
Neurochemical response was what he thought it to be.
But today, it felt as if a new definition of love had opened up in front of him. It was something he couldn't capture in any amount of words.
For him, love was finding a soul to trust after being broken over and over again by the people closest to one. Love was finding a home, not in the four walls but in a person's heart. Love was having that shoulder on which one could lay their head along with all woes and joy. Love was having a hand to hold for an eternity, knowing that he would never lose it.
Love was what he felt when he was with her.
His Pooja. His Rookie.
In their world, communication occurred through gazes. And that's what went on, as they lay in silence, talking about nothings and everythings. His only wish was to make her smile, while hers was to hold on, till the end.
Time passed like a rapid river current, not stopping even for the mightiest rocks. And suddenly, surprising them both, the door flung open. For a moment, worry clouded both of their features, hearts beating faster as if preparing for the worst-case scenarios.
"Ethan, we have found a cure."
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PS: And the saga of angst continues. I want to write fluff so bad but my brain said "No😘"... I hate it here. Also, thank you very very much for reading & I am extremely grateful for you🤍
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Open Heart (All fics and edits): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010 @headoverheelsforramsey @estellaelysian @shanzay44 @mysticalgalaxysstuff
Ethan x Pooja: @aleynareads@choicesaddict5 @stygianflood @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @takemyopenheart @mm2305 @kit-rookie-princess @satrangee-ray @luvsyana @barbean
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luvsyana · 3 years
I love your writing so much! ❤️
Far away (Ethan x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 2,6 k
Summary: Issues come to light during an argument between Ethan and Claire after he sees her with her ex.
Warnings: one swear word
A/N: Alexa, play ‘Guess who’s back’. As promised, here’s some angst for your fall evening/morning/day/night. If you guys crave some good feels song that may or may not have been playing in the background as I wrote this, then Le parole lontane by Måneskin is your song.
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Heels clicked against the wooden floor as she entered their apartment. A bit intoxicated, her fingers missed the lock a few times before she managed to find it. She wasn’t entirely surprised to see the lights turned on – she expected it.
Her fiancé stood by the kitchen counter, an almost empty glass of scotch in his hand. Ethan didn’t say a word of welcome, not even a muscle moved when he heard her come in. He breathed out deeply, not at all relieved that she was in the same room as him.
“There you are.” She muttered, letting her purse fall to the ground, along with her coat. Once close enough, she placed her hand on his arm. To her surprise, he flinched and moved away from her touch. Claire’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Did something happen? Are you hurt?”
Ethan scoffed. “I don’t know. You tell me.”
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luvsyana · 3 years
Ethan and Lilac are just relationship goals! 🥺 This was so heartwarming to read<3
Your Laugh (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, Book 2-3 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 550 Warning: None Premise: She can’t sleep as an old ghost resurfaces.  Prompt: 38. “I like your laugh.”//41. “Go back to sleep.” from “A Hundred Ways to say I Love You”
Author’s Note: Thank you, anonymous for sending this in! This one is for you, I hope you like it!
Author’s Note II: I am writing from 3 different “ways to say I Love You” lists so bear with me. I’ll always link the list these came from. 
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The bright LED light is almost painful as Ethan blinks awake. There is nothing but moonlight pouring through the windows, casting the quiet bedroom into a mosaic of grey and blue. Beside him, the graceful slopes of his girlfriend’s profile are illuminated by the phone screen before her. When she glances at him and realizes he’s awake, all amusement vanishes.
“Oh, shit,” she mutters, flicking the phone screen off. “I didn’t mean to wake you, babe.”
Ethan rubs his eyes against the thick haze of sleep weighing his lids down.
“What time is it?”
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luvsyana · 3 years
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Anastasia took this photo instantly the moment she saw Ethan smiling :) It’s a stolen shot but she loves it very much!
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This was during Anastasia’s early residency days and Ethan loved this photo of her so much. 💕
MC Monday!
Hi everyone! Week 2 of our reblog game called MC Monday! Anyone can join in. Just have fun!
Reblog with the picture of your MC that Ethan has framed in his office. 
Bonus, add the one MC has of Ethan in their office 
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luvsyana · 3 years
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If Open Heart was a movie
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luvsyana · 3 years
Everything about this is just so lovely! Ethan being v sweet and caring to Serena 🥺 And Alan! We stan a loving father-in-law 💯
Anniversary Dinner
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Format: Text Fic
Warnings; Rating: Mentions of pregnancy; General, Fluff
Premise: Ethan and Alan make Serena feel better during her pregnancy.
Author’s Note: Hi, I'm alive 😅 Work has been so crazy busy the past month, bleeding over into my personal life. There's been lots of adjustments to be made, and had, so I took a step back. I'm going to try and catch up with all of the lovely, amazing, genius content I've missed out on and I so appreciate the sweet asks and messages. I love you all sm ❤❤
Author's Note 2: My first text fic! Thank you so much to @takemyopenheart for the amazing edit that inspired this and to @jamespotterthefirst for passing along the app she uses! I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading ❤
For @openheartfanfics Trope Challenge, week 6: text fics 📱
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~ Texts between Ethan & Alan ~
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~ Texts between Serena & Alan ~
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~ Texts between Ethan & Alan ~
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luvsyana · 3 years
Oh well this hurts so much 💔 The last part really got it for me 😭😭
Love Again, Chapter One: Embers & Ice (Ethan x f!MC)
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Summary: What if Ethan’s running away to the Amazon was successful and he convinced himself that his feelings and his relationship with Pooja had been reset?
In this Chapter: The flame of hope is flickering, and she doesn't know if she can save it from getting extinguished. Is she going to break a promise for the first time?
A/N: Unfortunate angsty ideas that would not leave me alone until I wrote them. I am going to hurt myself and my babies with this, I know it.
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Word Count: around 1.6K
Rating: General
Category: Angst, WIP AU
Trope(s): And then they meet again
Warnings: None that I noticed
Find the Prologue here
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A stray ray of the setting sun made the tiny mirrors of her Dupatta, spread their resplendence in the slow-spreading dark as if they were tiny moonbows.
In front of her, were rows of unlit earthen lamps, waiting to burn along with their fiery flame.
She lights a match and brings it close to the wick of one of them. An aureate lambency is generated. She picks it up, and one by one, they all light up, filling the area with a soft radiance.
A gentle zephyr makes the newly born flames flicker, and her brown locks dance. One of the lamps gives up the fight and goes off. She rushes to light it back again.
But the flame so feeble never survives. Dies in seconds of coming into existence. She stops her efforts and moves to change the lamp with another one. And then, she stops.
Her attention derails, and the labyrinth of sorrow cajoles her in. She heeds to its calls. She reminisces what she had heard her mother say when she had been stuck in the same situation. Just, 16 years ago.
"Whenever the lamp goes off and does not light up again, we rush to change the lamp. We give up on our tries. But what if, instead of rushing to change the lamp every time it fails, we try to find what is wrong with it, help it overcome its defects, and try once more?"
A second chance. It was all about a second chance.
A plethora of lingering questions played in her mind, those she felt she would never get an answer to. She had given up. Too soon.
It was supposed to be a rocky path. Difficult, too difficult for her to walk on. She knew she would fall, that cuts and bruises would break her heart. But still, she chose to walk on it. Where did that determination go?, She asks herself. A scold follows.
And as the soft flute from a distant fiesta fill the surroundings with mystic melody, making everything feel like a scene out of her sweven, she feels at peace for the first time since she set her foot on her motherland.
She picks the only unlit lamp that she had been struggling with, gives it wick a push, fills it with oil once more.
And this time, it lights up. It shines, brighter, mightier, than all those who stood making fun of it.
Its flame lights the extinguished lamp of her heart. She dares to hope, She dares to promise.
A promise of not giving up until she made their love light like this earthen lamp adorning her hand.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Boston Logan International Airport airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you.”
As the plane made a swift move towards the land of Boston, Pooja continued to peak from the window.
The small matchbox like apartments lay scattered in the toy city for the supreme creator. Decorated with trees with foliage woven in threads in various hues of red and orange. Tendrils of sunlight sort of add a finish to the project, adding a sparkle of iridescent luminance over the fall covered city.
In a count of a few minutes, the plane drops down, leaving behind the adobe of cottony clouds to enter the land of concrete and steel.
At last! a sigh escapes along with the thought. As the rush of people hurried off to get down, she stifled a yawn. Journeys were lovely, but the sore ache they left in the limbs were not. She takes her sweet time, pushing the thoughts about just how tired her body was, aside, and got down the plane.
She took her time to collect her stuff and finally left the airport. As she sat in the cab, providing the address of her final location, the thought she had pushed far deep into the chambers of her heart started coming back.
The airport provided utter chaos, an amalgamation of people from regions worldwide, speaking their language, all intermixing in a sound of a strange melody.
She wasn't one to cherish the commotion. She had always been one who cherished the silence, the calm of the late hours of the night when the only sound heard was the monotone ticking of a grandfather clock. Or the blow of winds on a day as an indication that the rain is to come, and the swishing it produced when sitting alone in open grounds.
But when the silence becomes so thick that it starts choking the heart, it's chaos one craves for. And at this moment, she found her heart craving for the same.
She had put up a masterful cover, a veil of being hopeful. Of feeling positive. Of thinking about the better. And yes, she did push herself to grab the balloons of optimism floating in the peach sky, to believe that the situation which felt like a glass case locking her, where she could understand everything going on around her and yet failed to come out of it, could be overcome. But when it comes to one and oneself, the truth can never be hidden.
The fear that made her feel that she would forever be trapped in this glass case of feelings. Alone. Waiting till the end of time.
In a haste, she took out a chocolate bar from her handbag and let the sweet sensation of the semi-melted brown gold overcome her anxiety.
Sooner than she had expected, her destination arrives. A vintage coffee shop stands before her, welcoming her to wrap herself in its warmth.
As she looks around, the red and orange multitude of the foliage greets her once more. They look like fire, they remind her of a Phoenix. How they die and rise again. The process going over and over.
There was such a stark contrast between the environment of the airport and the coffee shop that she could have drawn a line at the point where the chaos ended and quietly began.
The air bore a delicious aroma of the coffee, intermixed with the buttery sweetness of other treats placed in neat stashes in the display.
The eyes captured every corner of the room, providing her mind with the colours needed to paint the picture in her heart. And without a warning, her ambers suddenly pick the colours which she was forbidden from.
The colours of the man, whose dreams play in the screen of the town of her heart every night, in a loop. Stopping it was not in her powers, and maybe, she didn't want it to.
But now, her heart weeps as the brush slips off, there is a pain that's gently ripping it, and there's nothing she can do about it other than bear.
Slowly, as if somebody had frozen the time or tied it down, two ice blue orbs meet the ambers. There is a flicker of warmth in them, an almost unnoticeable one. Like the flicker of flame in that lamp that she repeatedly tried to light. The flicker that was enough to spark hope.
The flame went out. And all that was left behind was a labyrinth of darkness where every light fell short.
Somebody opens the door, and a rush of cold air replaces the warmth that would make the coffee shops welcoming. The warmth that would draw her here.
And right now she feels like a moth drawn to the lamp, only to get burned in its flame.
His eyes glance at her a few times, the coldness making her shiver, even though the days of chill had just begun. She wants to go and sit there with him, make every attempt to bring the warmth, the flickers of gold in his blues, like the glisten of sun on the ocean water, back.
But something stops her at her place, the world around her becoming non-existent, as strange panic courses through her heart. Something was wrong, and every part of her could feel it.
He gets up all of a sudden. And she can detect the tightly clenched jaw. There was something about his demeanour that stopped her from calling out his name, or from saying anything at all. Her brows furrow and the racing of her heart increases bit by bit, as his steps lead him towards her.
And as he comes to stand beside her, she looks up with silent prayers, hoping that all that she felt, all that was happening, is a bad dream.
And with all the courage she had, she muttered a quiet 'hello'. He let the words hang between them for a second as if analyzing them as if wanting to do so much but tying himself down to prevent any such incidents. And the constraints fuelled his fury.
The anger was not directed towards her, but to himself.
His tone appears calm on the surface, but she can very well spot the anger that the faux calm covers. And along with that, came a realization.
She turns around, only to see him leave without ever looking back. He strides off, almost running. And she feels a tear escape from the corner of her amber eye, as a sign of her broken heart getting hurt trying to pick its pieces and put them together.
Maybe she shouldn't have dared to hope after all.
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PS: Sorry for the hurt, and thank you so much for reading🤍. I am probably writing my english test when this uploads, so wish me luck maybe?
Tags💖 (Please let me know if you want to be added or removed or if I forgot you):
Perma: @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @udishaman @aestheticartsx @twinkleallnight @schnitzelbutterfingers @sophxwithers @sweatyrysconnoisseur @nikki-2406 @choicesfanaf @trrfanaddict @starrystarrytrouble @gardeningourmet @parkbarks @mvalentine @lovablegranny @mercury84choices @lawyerlies @phoenixrising308 @adiehardfan @quixoticdreamer16 @a-crepusculo @clanlahela @gryffindordaughterofathena @natureblooms24
Open Heart (All fics and edits): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010 @headoverheelsforramsey @estellaelysian @shanzay44 @mysticalgalaxysstuff
Ethan x Pooja: @aleynareads @choicesaddict5 @stygianflood @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @takemyopenheart @mm2305 @kit-rookie-princess @satrangee-ray @luvsyana
@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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luvsyana · 3 years
This was full of romance and so much fluff, I love it 🥺💗
One Question
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: Ethan has a special question to ask Victoria
Rating: Teen
Category: fluff
For @choicesficwriterscreations Flufftober day 12
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He couldn’t count the amount of times he had checked his pocket to make sure it was still there. It was like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
His plan was tomorrow he would propose after their final night in Iceland. But he couldn’t wait any longer. Every time he kissed her, he was reminded of his love for her. So tonight he was going to ask her, the love of his life to marry him.
The plan was that they were going to see the northern lights tonight. He knew it was something she had always wanted to see and he was going to make it his mission to let her see them.
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luvsyana · 3 years
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The Man From The Bar (Ethan x MC)
Summary: When Ethan is at a bar near University of Washington, a bunch of rowdy medical students shows up.
Word Count: 750
Author’s Notes: Surprisingly, I just randomly thought of this idea so like, hey why not write a short fic ✨
"I'd like another single gin and tonic."
The attending says before handing taking out some cash from his wallet, handing it to the bartender. The bartender nodded and took the used glass before leaving to serve another customer.
Ethan takes in a deep breath before rubbing his temple. Thankfully, there were just eight people right now around his surroundings, muffled conversations were being told out loud. The music from the radio was giving off a controlled atmosphere. His gaze flickered to the other side where the bartender was already making his drink, then suddenly, a loud buzz from his phone grabbed his attention.
"Damn it..." The dark-haired took out his phone from his coat, clicked the side button and the number of the caller appeared. An annoyed scowl was shown on his face in that instant, and he didn't hesitate to drop the call.
It was his most recent fling, and by most recent, two months ago. So many weeks have passed but the female couldn't get enough, she craved for more but Ethan wasn't interested at this point. It was just an immediate stress release from work but now he was more capable on his own. And despite how many times he told her he's no longer interested, she just kept on bothering and insisting on him. Right now, he was just so annoyed. Ethan eventually clicked the 'block' button. He didn't want to deal with this.
"Hey, is this seat taken?"
A long-suffering sigh left his lips but he just took another drink from the glass, eyes remaining fixed ahead, ignoring the blonde woman who was trying to flirt with him.
"What an asshole." She eventually left and her honeyed tone of voice was replaced with bitterness, Ethan couldn't help but smirk. 
But when he just thought the calmness have come back, the doors opened and the bell rang loudly followed by a bunch of loud chatter from some people.
"I can't believe you just did that!"
"You're so dead when we get back there tomorrow!"
"Nassie, you should've seen that!"
He took a quick peek behind with an annoyed expression. His eyes landed on a red-haired before traveling to the others, there were at least five of them. As he observed closely, he realized that they were medical students. His lips twitch slightly.
"RIGHT! You should've just kept your pee inside." One of them says, his nose wrinkled in disgust. They were just mannerless and loud, although he was the only one in the bar bothered by the noise.
"You're so disgusting Jackson, in a bar? Seriously?" And then the group started strolling ahead almost sitting down where he was close to them. Their chitchats only got louder and that was his cue to leave already.
"Alright! Drinks are on me!"
Ethan lowly groans in irritation before taking a huge gulp of the drink, leaving nothing left inside the glass. His throat felt hot instantly and he was awoken but he just wanted to get away at once. He called the bartender again before paying for the last drink. The bartender looks at him with a puzzled face.
Ethan sighs. "I'm leaving, they're medical students and if they recognize me I'm gone."
The bartender chuckled upon grasping the situation as he shoves the money into his pockets. With a smile, he mutters. "Alright then Doctor Ramsey."
Ethan stood up and fixed his coat before swiftly turning around but then a sudden weight collided with him and he heard a faint voice. He looked down and it was one of the medical students, the red-haired to be precise.
He just shrugged his shoulders and he looked away, averting his gaze too before continuing off, walking away. He couldn't be bothered to acknowledge her, Ethan wasn't taking the risk that she might recognize him. And just like that, he left the bar.
Anastasia stared behind, baffled and slightly annoyed that that man just totally ignored her. She played with her hair to distract herself, trying to play it off but couldn’t help but get irritated and embarrassed. Flustered, she rolls her eyes before going back to her friends, well, she was just going to dismiss this too, and hope that none of them saw that awkward moment.
She glanced ahead and her close friend was right there grinning mischievously. Anastasia sighs before sitting next to her, and then the brown-haired uttered.
"He could've been your sugar daddy you know?"
"Oh, shut up."
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Tags: @jamespotterthefirst @rowenvalhope
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luvsyana · 3 years
Oh my, this is very hot and sexy😳😳
Birthday Boy
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings; Rating: NSFW, Dirty talk, Food play, Edging; 18+ (Minors DNI)
Premise: It's Ethan's birthday and Serena makes it one he'll never forget.
Author’s Note: Quite possibly the filthiest thing I've ever written 🙈 A huge thank you to @takemyopenheart for inspiring this idea! Another big thank you to @takemyopenheart and @choiceskatie for brainstorming lines with me and for pre-reading! ❤❤🙏🏼
*One phrase/sentence is taken from Open Heart, Book 1, Chp 16 as an homage*
For @openheartfanfics Smut Trope Challenge: Ripping Clothes, Oral Happenings, With Food, and Teasing & Arguments
I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading 💖
Ethan is awoken by feather-light touches down his stomach, his abdomen clenching involuntarily. He feels a weight settle across his lap and his eyes shoot open. He’s met with the sight of Serena straddling him, a devious smirk on her face, hands on his chest.
He grabs her hips tightly. “Baby, what are you doing?” He mumbles, voice still drowsy from sleep.
“It’s officially midnight,” Serena whispers seductively, in between the kisses she’s lathering on his neck. She brings her lips to his ear, nipping at his earlobe. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“Mmm,” Ethan hums, shutting his eyes and tilting his head back.
Serena sits back up and locks eyes with him. “Let’s see if you can still keep up.” She winks and begins to move down the length of his chiseled body, manicured nails gently scraping.
Bits of dust dance in the streaks of sunlight that come through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the warm rays landing on Ethan’s barely covered body. The comforter just preserves his modesty, one leg bent and one arm by his head. He stretches, groaning when his limbs pop.
Ethan heaves a contented sigh, absentmindedly reaching over to the other side of the bed, only to be met with cold sheets. His eyes fly open, head jerking to the side. He glances at the clock: 8:49. Serena never gets out of bed before 9:30 on a day off. He inhales deeply before swinging his legs over the bed. Throwing on a pair of boxers, a disheleved Ethan pads out to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
Emerging from the hallway, he’s met with the sight of an apron-clad Serena, holding onto a large mixing bowl. She’s quietly singing under her breath, hips swinging to the beat of the song playing through their surround sound system. Her eyes meet his, shortly after she spots Ethan’s feet. She brings the spatula up to his face, hoping to goad him into singing along with her. His eyes alight with amusement, a small smirk forming, but he reaches for her wrist instead.
Serena places the spatula and bowl on the kitchen island before stepping into his embrace.
"Someone slept in." She plants a soft kiss on his cheek.
"You kept me up very late last night," Ethan murmurs into her neck, arms wrapping around her. His eyes close as he drinks in the scent of her, his hands trailing slowly down her body, coming to rest on her ass.
He inhales sharply when his hands are met with the warmth of her skin. Ethan pulls back slightly, looking down the front of her apron. He blushes furiously when he realizes his girlfriend is wearing a lacy black lingerie set underneath, complete with matching heels.
His eyes become hooded as they sweep Serena’s entire body. When he makes eye contact, she's already looking at him with bedroom eyes. She pulls out of his embrace, turning to walk to the back of the kitchen. Her hips sway tantalizingly and Ethan’s eyes darken as they drink in her nearly naked form.
Serena spins around, holding a chocolate frosted cake adorned with unlit candles. She sets it down on the kitchen island and grabs a lighter.
“Alright, birthday boy,” she says, while lighting the candles one-by-one. “Get to blowing, so I can get to blowing something else.” Serena licks her lips as her eyes scan hungrily over Ethan’s body.
Ethan shivers at the fire in her stare. He clears his throat and makes his way to the counter.
“Make a wish.” She smiles at him.
Ethan closes his eyes. I don’t need to make a wish, Rookie. I have everything I could possibly want.
His eyes flutter open and land on the cake she made for him this morning. His heart swells and when he gazes at Serena, it nearly takes her breath away.
Ethan leans down to blow out the candles and Serena cheers and claps in the background. He chuckles before wrapping his arms around her again, their faces inches apart.
“You really didn’t have to bake me a cake. Or do anything, for that matter.”
“Yes, I did.” She bops his chest with a bit of brownie batter.
Ethan’s jaw drops and he scoffs in mock offense. “Excuse y—” His next words are caught in his throat as Serena’s tongue darts out, tracing small circles to clean up the area.
“Delicious,” she purrs. “Think I could go for some more.” She dips a finger into the mixing bowl. “It’s just so…”—Serena makes eye contact, her eyes never leaving his as she slides her finger into her mouth, releasing it with a pop—“thick.”
Ethan’s cock twitches at that and he swallows heavily. She gently runs her hands up and down his forearms, his breath hitching in anticipation.
Serena turns her head to the side and lifts one hand from his skin, bringing it back to the bowl, and scooping up more batter with her forefinger.
Her gaze locks with his as she drags her finger down the front of his body, her tongue not far behind. Ethan’s abs contract at her silky touch and he’s panting by the time Serena gets on her knees before him. She hooks her fingers into the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling it down, allowing his already rock hard length to spring free.
Serena hums in contentment and gently rakes her nails over his thighs. “And here I thought you were tired from our early morning rounds,” she teases.
“I’m never too tired for you.”
“Hm.” She smirks. “Then that means I’ll just have to try harder.”
With that, Serena starts pumping him, twisting slightly as she goes. Ethan throws his head back and groans, fresh precome leaking from the tip.
“Wouldn’t want this to go to waste.” She spreads the clear liquid down his shaft, slicking up her movements.
She continues to work him, adding in a second hand. “Think you got some more for me, sweetheart?”
At her words, more precome dribbles out of him. Serena bites her bottom lip before bringing her tongue to swirl gently around the tip, moaning at the taste of him.
She drops her hands and takes half of his length in one go. On her way back up, she slurps at the mix of his precome and her saliva.
“Fuck,” Ethan breathes, eyes widening at the sight in front of him.
Ethan is breathing heavily, eyes solely-focused; his entire body is ablaze from the physical, and visual, sensations Serena is providing. One hand cards through her hair and closes around the sleek locks.
“Mhm,” Serena sounds, mouth too busy with his thick cock to give any other form of response.
He gives a shallow thrust of his hips and it causes Serena to release him with a pop.
“Ah ah,” she tuts at him, sitting back on her heels. “It may be your birthday, but…” She trails off and shakes her head slowly. His cock bobs at her words and at the loss of contact.
Serena shoots him a smug look. “Are you going to behave?”
Ethan’s grip tightens in her hair.
“Do you want me to continue sucking you off?”
Ethan nods.
“Then you better be a good boy for me.”
Serena’s mouth slides all the way down to his pubic bone, gagging at the fullness. She looks up at him with watery eyes and scoots closer to him on her knees. The slight change causes Ethan’s cock to finally hit the back of her throat and he grasps the marble island in a white-knuckled grip.
She swallows around him and Ethan’s eyes turn a shade darker as he watches her throat work through the smooth expanse of her neck.
“Serena…” Her name is like a prayer on his lips.
She picks up her pace, bobbing up and down on his cock in a frenzy, never failing to take all of him.
One hand goes to rest on his hip, clutching it for more leverage, while the other goes to fondle his sac. On her next bob down, Ethan’s hand holds her head by his pelvis.
She tastes more and more of him on her tongue, more and more of her saliva mixing, and she’s hazy from the flavor of the combination. She knows he’s close with the way he’s tugging relentlessly on her hair, the way his balls are tightening, the way his cock is oh so heavy in her mouth.
The oven timer goes off and Serena drops Ethan’s cock from her wet mouth, swallowing what’s left of the liquid of the two of them.
“Oh! That’ll be the lemon tarts!” Serena stands from her spot on the floor and makes her way to the oven.
Ethan looks at her, bewildered and incredulous, his cock painfully hard.
“Wh—” Ethan swallows heavily.
“How—” He runs a hand down his perplexed face.
“Are y—” He leans back against the cold stone, providing some relief to his ignited skin, fighting for breath.
Serena ignores him, humming a tune as she puts on an oven mitt, and takes the tarts out to cool. Ethan swears a tear forms in the corner of his eye at that moment, both hands now gripping the edge of the kitchen island so firmly, he wouldn’t be surprised if it cracked.
He closes his eyes and takes a few steadying deep breaths.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
Serena is stopped in her tracks as she feels a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind, her ass aware of an even stronger reaction from him. One hand holds her firmly across her waist, while the other dives below her apron and splays across her flat stomach.
He pulls her back tighter against him, causing Serena to gasp. Ethan’s hand slowly trails down her stomach, teasing the top of her lacy underwear. His hand dips below and is met with a pool of her desire; he smirks.
“So wet for me.” He teasingly bites her shoulder, swiping his fingers through her drenched folds.
Without warning, he slides a finger inside her.
"You're a little menace," Ethan snarls and Serena can feel his cock throb against her.
He begins to pump his finger, in and out, at a leisurely pace. He quickly adds a second and Serena whimpers.
Her head falls back to rest against his shoulder, her hand interlacing with Ethan's on her hip. She's so worked up, her slick not only coats Ethan's fingers and palm, but also slides down her inner thighs.
Ethan abruptly removes his fingers from her. "Now I wouldn't want this to go to waste." He spins her around forcefully, lustful blue meeting aroused brown-green.
Ethan raises his fingers and parts them, her sticky juices spreading between them. He sucks his fingers clean, slowly, deliberately, humming in satisfaction.
His eyes are half closed as he dips his head to kiss her, but instead of being met with her plush lips, he makes contact with something crumbly and sweet.
He jerks backwards and almost goes cross-eyed looking down.
A lemon tart. She shoved a lemon tart in my mouth.
Ethan shoots her a deadpan look and Serena can't help the laughter that escapes.
He finishes chewing the pastry and just when he attempts to open his mouth to speak, Serena's mouth is on his. She takes advantage of his surprised gasp, her tongue sweeping inside, moving languidly against his.
She can still taste hints of herself, mingled throughout the zingy-ness of the pastry, feel Ethan's pulsating cock pressed between them, precome dripping onto her apron.
Serena breaks the kiss out of necessity for oxygen, her hand resting gently on the side of his jaw. She hastily unties the apron and throws it off of her, before grabbing Ethan's hand, and tugging him towards their couch.
She pushes him back onto it, Ethan landing with a soft thud. She immediately straddles him, hands on his shoulders, Ethan hissing as her incredibly soaked panties make contact with his cock. Serena rocks her hips back and forth as Ethan’s hands span her waist.
Serena drops one hand to grasp his thick length, while the other moves her panties to the side; she runs the tip along her dripping folds. Ethan digs his fingers into her waist and his head hits the top of the couch cushion. His hands travel upwards to cup her full breasts. When he’s met with more fabric than skin, each hand grabs one side of the flimsy top, pulling until he hears an unmistakable rip. He throws the lingerie across the room and places his head between the valley of her breasts. Serena arches her back, pushing her chest closer to Ethan’s face, her breath hitching when his beard scrapes across her sensitive skin.
Flipping her hand to grasp the underside of him, keeping him erect, Serena rises up and down on her knees, teasing him between her ass cheeks.
Ethan moans loudly, the vibrations running through Serena’s entire body, stoking the fire in her core even more. She inserts the tip inside her.
“You like it when I tease you with my pussy?” Serena whispers seductively.
Ethan grunts.
“What was that?”
Ethan is too on edge to form any kind of response.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?”
Serena has never once called him “baby,” the nickname solely for her. But the tingle that runs down Ethan’s spine and the way his pupils dilate that much further tells Serena everything she needs to know.
“Do you want to come for me, baby?”
“Yes,” Ethan manages to choke out.
“Or do you want to come in me?”
Ethan’s not sure how much more he can take; he genuinely thinks this is the way he dies.
“Yes, yes!” Ethan practically shouts.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, baby, please.”
Serena places a chaste kiss on his lips. “Good boy.”
She sinks down onto him, both of them nearly screaming at being fully connected at long last. Serena needs no time to adjust, her arousal letting him glide in with ease. She meets Ethan thrust for thrust, bouncing up and down like never before.
“I’m so close,” Ethan murmurs into her neck.
“Already, baby? We can’t have that…” Serena slows her pace and Ethan thinks he’s going to have a heart attack.
Ethan’s head thrashes from side to side in frustration. “No, baby, please, please.”
Serena places both of her hands on either side of his face and brushes her nose against his. “Fuck me, then.”
Ethan doesn’t need to be told twice, driving into her with a ferocity he didn’t know he had. His grip on her hips is so tight, there will surely be bruises tomorrow. He lifts and slams her back down at every thrust, his excruciatingly rigid cock begging for release.
“Oh God, YES!” Serena shrieks. “Just like that!”
“Scream my name, baby. Scream it.”
Ethan’s growling command sends Serena over the edge and she screams his name as she reaches her peak. She clenches uncontrollably around Ethan and after a few more quick thrusts, Ethan buries himself to the hilt, his orgasm tearing through him. He finishes inside her, his hot seed coating her walls endlessly. Serena can’t take it all, some of it oozing out, and landing around the base of Ethan’s cock.
Serena’s eyes are fixed where they’re still joined together. She collects the warm liquid on her fingers and brings it to her mouth.
“Mmm,” she hums, while licking her fingers clean.
She wraps her arms around Ethan’s neck, resting her forehead against his. “Exquisite.”
Ethan is struggling to catch his breath and return his heart rate to normal. He swallows heavily and lets out a breath. “I don’t know if I can keep up anymore.”
Serena’s melodic laugh fills their space and she rises slightly to let him slip out of her. They watch as his huge load drips out of her and down her thighs. She raises a knowing eyebrow at him at the sight.
“I beg to differ, sweetheart.”
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luvsyana · 3 years
Sunday Six
Hi, people! This is from the same Ethan x Jill AU I've been working on inspired by some pics @beastlyinstrument sent me. This took an angsty turn, that's why I haven't finished it yet lol. Enjoy!
“Well, Ethan, that was the problem.” Jill scoffed, “You weren’t in a relationship with Tobias, you were in a relationship with me. The one you should’ve talked to was me. But no, you couldn’t admit that maybe your assumptions were wrong and far off from reality; you couldn’t face the fact that maybe you were wrong. It was easier for you to walk away than to have a difficult conversation.”
“That’s not what happened.” Ethan jumped in, feeling the anger rising inside him at her accusation.
“Really? Then why did you believe Tobias?”
“Because I had no reason not to.” he rolled his eyes, “Why else would you not tell me where you were going for your residency?”
“Maybe because I wanted to keep it a surprise?” she raised her voice, “Because even though the three of us applied to Edenbrook, we knew there was only one spot. And I knew you would get it. They would’ve been idiots not to give it to you. And you got it. That’s why I applied to Mass Kenmore, to stay close to you.”
Ethan froze as the truth finally unraveled. His heart plummeted as his brain let the realization sink in. A few more pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
Tags: @jamespotterthefirst, @takeharryandgo, @aestheticartsx, @choicesfanaf, @fireycookie, @liaromancewriter, @trappedinfanfiction, @tsrookie, @genevievemd, @writinghereandthere, @queencarb, @gryffindordaughterofathena, @ohchoices, @anntoldst0ries, @bluebellot, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @mysticaurathings, @iemcpbchoices, @itsjustamesshonestly, @shanzay44, @lsvdw-blog, @heauxplesslydevoted, @starryeyedrookie, @mercury84choices, @chaoticchopshopheart, @quixoticdreamer16, @a-crepusculo, @peonierose, @adiehardfan
@choicesficwriterscreations, @lucy268-mod
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luvsyana · 3 years
Oh my gosh... This is just so pure, sweet, romantic! I love everything about this <3
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Cravings and Confessions
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Keegan Reed)
Category: Fluffy fluff
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: A very pregnant Keegan wakes Ethan up in the middle of the night to help her find a snack.
Author’s Notes: Well, after the WIP ask game yesterday I finally decided to finish this one that’s been sitting in my folder for awhile. Still not super satisfied with it but here we are anyway!
“Ethan?” Keegan whispers, rolling over to rest her chin on his chest as she watches him sleep.
“Hmm?” he mumbles, shifting slightly before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her against him tightly.
She lays her head over his heart for a moment, draping her arm across his body and reaching up to hook her hand around his neck. Trailing her thumb across his jaw gently, she listens to the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath her ear and begins to rethink her original plan.
She closes her eyes and attempts to go back to sleep so he can rest, but seconds later her stomach growls, reminding her why she woke up in the first place. With a soft groan, she decides to try waking him again.
“Ethan?” she says a bit louder this time.
“Yes, love?” he answers with a groggy voice.
“Are you awake?”
“I am now,” he chuckles sleepily.
She pauses for a moment, feeling slightly guilty for waking him up over something she can handle alone. Her quiet stillness causes him to worry, and he raises his head to look down at her form curled up against him.
“Hey, is something wrong?” he asks, brushing her hair away from her face.
“No,” she says with a huff as she rolls over to flop on her back. “Your child just wanted me to tell you that he or she is very hungry.”
His eyes follow the movement of her hand as she places it on top of her swollen stomach, happiness spreading throughout his entire body at the sight.
“Are we sure that message is from them or is there a possibility it’s just their mother speaking?” he says, smirking as he turns to rest his head in his hand, gaze flickering adoringly between her and the baby growing in her belly.
“Whichever one can convince you to go raid the kitchen with us easier?” she says, twisting her head to flash him a charming smile.
He stares into her eyes for a moment with so much love and warmth that she feels as if she will melt any second.
“Come on then, I wouldn’t want either one of you to starve,” he says, standing from the bed and shaking his head with a grin. When she doesn’t move, he leans over her face, placing a hand on either side of her head as he raises a brow questioningly.
“Are you gonna help big mama up or did you want me to attempt to do this on my own?” Keegan asks, raising her arms in the air and wiggling her fingers.
Ethan snorts at her behavior as he grips her hands to pull her up, “Oh, are you referring to yourself as ‘big mama’ now?” he asks.
Once she’s up and balanced, Keegan places both hands on her belly and pats it gently.
“Well, all things considered, I think it’s appropriate,” she smirks.
He smiles at her tenderly before resting his hands with hers on top of her large belly, “If by ‘all things’ you mean how the most beautiful woman to walk this earth has become even more stunning while growing an amazing, tiny human in this perfectly round stomach... then yes, it's very appropriate,” he says, placing a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose.
Closing her eyes, Keegan reaches up and places one hand against his cheek and the other around his neck as Ethan wraps his arms around her waist.
Stroking his face softly she whispers, “I love you so much.”
“And I love you,” he says, grinning softly.
Simultaneously, they lean in, lips brushing against each other like a delicate whisper when they're unexpectedly interrupted by a grumbling noise.
Keegan’s eyes widen and she bites her lip to suppress an embarrassed giggle while Ethan just laughs, “I think our impatient little girl or boy is getting tired of waiting,” he says, taking her hand and leading her to the kitchen.
“Anything in particular that you’re craving?” He asks as he nears the fridge.
“Hmmm. As shocking as this is going to sound coming out of my mouth, no,” she says, leaning against the island.
“Nothing?” he questions, turning around to look at her in surprise. Keegan shakes her head with a shrug.
Turning back to the fridge he continues his search, “What about currently disgusted by the thought of? What was it last week… eggs and beef?”
“Ugh. It’s still eggs, don’t even mention them,” she says scrunching her nose up.
“But no longer beef?”
She thinks for a minute, “No, I guess I’m not bothered by it anymore.”
The kitchen is nearly dark with the only light coming from the refrigerator he currently has wide open as he contemplates something.
Suddenly, he twists around to face her, “How hungry are you?”
“Not starving. Why?”
He purses his lips, “Well, we don’t have much but there are enough ingredients here to make you a cheeseburger if you're not disgusted by beef anymore.”
Her eyebrows dart up, “Wait. You, Mr. Healthy choices who always frowns on my eating habits while I’m growing his child is offering to make me a fried cheeseburger?”
“I was willing to give you a one-time pass since I’m feeling especially in love with my beautiful, pregnant wife tonight… and there isn’t much else to offer, unfortunately. But I may take it back if you’re going to make a big deal out of it,” he says, shooting her a disapproving look.
“You wouldn’t dare,” she says seriously, narrowing her eyes. Ethan glares back at her as they both desperately fight to keep the betraying smile off their lips. Eventually, he breaks, flashing her his heart-stopping smirk.
“Okay, you’re probably right. Is that what you want me to make?”
“Even though I know I’ll regret giving up this free pass you’ve so graciously given me, I really don’t feel that hungry. Plus, if I eat something that greasy I’m definitely going to have heartburn all night.”
“Alright, let me try again then,” he says as he struts over to the pantry. “So, not looking for a full course meal? Because I can make it happen if you are.”
He turns back towards her and his sparkling blue eyes paired with that perfect, lopsided grin makes her heart flutter.
“I have no doubt that you can and you would,” she responds with a laugh. “But no. I’m just hungry enough that my growling stomach is preventing me from going back to sleep.”
Pushing off the island, she waddles over to hug him from behind as he continues to inspect their pantry for ideas.
“Are you feeling sweet or savory?”
“Both? Actually, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounds pretty good,” she says, peeking around his muscular body into the pantry as well. With newfound urgency, Ethan digs through the shelves hoping to find what he needs.
“I have good news and bad news. We have the bread and the peanut butter, but I’m confident there wasn’t any jelly in the fridge. However…” he hurries over to the island as she slowly follows after him, before stopping at a bowl on the counter. “We have bananas,” he says hesitantly.
“But I hate bananas,” she says, tilting her head to the side.
“I know,” he grimaces. “But you have been craving things you normally don’t like, and I was thinking maybe if I fry the sandwich it will make it acceptable…?” It only takes a moment for her seemingly starving baby to decide this option is very much acceptable.
“Surprisingly enough, that sounds amazing right now,” she says with an excited smile that he instantly returns. “You said fried, and I was immediately on board. You know me so well,” she says, placing her hand over her heart dramatically.
Ethan couldn’t resist rolling his eyes at her display before he got to work on her 2:00 am snack.
Keegan watches him work in the dim light from the range hood. A handsome shadow moving around with effortless skill.
As he hovers over the skillet, placing her sandwich on it carefully, he decides to acknowledge her, “You're staring,” he says, grinning mischievously.
“Well, can you blame me? You’re standing there making me a snack in the middle of the night while looking like a Greek god. If I wasn’t already in love with you, this moment would seal the deal.”
He turns to face her, shaking his head as he chuckles. Those clear blue eyes hypnotize her just as strongly after all this time as they did on the first day they met.
“You have no idea how badly I’m wishing for this baby to have your eyes. Any of your unfairly perfect features, honestly. When I was younger I always hoped I would have a kid that looked just like me. I thought it would be a remarkable feeling to watch a mini-me walk around. But now, I’ll be overjoyed if they look just like you,” she confesses, lacing their fingers together tenderly.
“I’m still hoping for the mini version of the gorgeous woman creating them. Being surrounded by not just one, but two of you? Wow. And I thought I was a lucky man now.”
Smiling brightly at him, she stretches up on her toes to kiss him softly. As he turns back to the stove, Keegan places her hands on either side of her body on the counter, hopping awkwardly while trying to push herself onto the marble surface next to him.
After flipping her sandwich perfectly without any help from a spatula, Ethan swivels his head back towards her with a grimace, “What in the world are you doing?”
Dropping her shoulders in defeat, she sighs.
“This,” she says gesturing to her bump that is nearly the size of a basketball, “is a lot to stand here and carry. My back and feet are already killing me, but apparently, I can't hop up here as easy as I once could.” While not so subtly pouting, she begins shuffling towards the dining area for a chair, when Ethan grabs her wrist and crowds her back towards the counter.
“What are you–” she begins to ask once she’s backed up against the cabinets, but before she finishes her question, Ethan slides one arm around her waist and the other under her thighs, lifting her and setting her down on the counter with minimal effort.
She gapes at him, causing a beautiful, yet arrogant grin to spread across his face before he turns back to the stove.
“All you had to do was ask,” he says with a smug wink.
“You see, we’re in this situation right now because of you doing things like that,” she says, gesturing first to her stomach and then to him with a flustered laugh.
“As I recall, we planned for this situation to happen on purpose.”
“We did! And I’m not complaining by any means. Though I’m wondering if you will be soon if I make it a habit of waking you up in the middle of the night to be my personal chef.”
Ethan turns the stove off and places a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich on a plate, sliding it over to her.
He gazes at her delicately, eyes filled to the brim with adoration as they roam over every inch of her face.
Overwhelmed by the intensity, she reaches over to caress his face tenderly as he moves to stand between her legs. He nuzzles his nose against hers for a moment before kissing her. What started as a gentle kiss quickly turns passionate as they get lost in the moment.
When they finally pull away, Ethan lowers himself until his face is inches away from her pregnant belly. Her fingers run through his hair as he places his hands around her hips, thumbs stroking her sides lovingly.
“I'm going to let you in on a secret, little Ramsey. You’re going to figure out soon that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to take care of your mom. I love her more than I've ever loved anything else, and I will for as long as I live. I know you will feel the same way because she’s an amazing person. I also love you completely, and I always will. We both adore you so much already and can’t wait to meet you. We’re anxiously waiting for you whenever you're ready to meet us. And in the meantime, I’ll be glad to get up in the middle of the night to make the two of you a snack if that’s what keeps you both safe and happy, okay?” He says as he kisses her stomach gently.
When he lifts his eyes to meet Keegan’s over her large bump, he notices a few tears streaming down her face.
With a small laugh, she quickly wipes them away, “These freaking hormones are betraying me.”
In an instant he straightens back up, hugging her tightly in his arms. “I didn't mean to make you cry,” he says resting his head on top of hers.
“It wouldn’t have mattered what you said. Yesterday, Bryce accidentally took my seat next to Sienna during our break and I cried for 20 minutes,” she says causing them both to laugh. “But these are happy tears, I promise.”
She lifts her head to look him in the eyes, their faces only inches apart, “I’m just incredibly in love with you. Sometimes it’s still hard to believe that we made it to this point. Happily together, married, and a little Ramsey on the way. I often wonder when I’m going to wake up and still be a resident who’s pining away for you hopelessly,” she giggles as a few lingering tears spill down her cheeks.
Ethan’s gentle hands grasp either side of her face as he wipes them away, “I know. I’m still sorry I wasted so much time,” he whispers as a frown takes over his features.
Keegan quickly shakes her head, “You have nothing to be sorry for. You and the life we’ve built together is everything I could ever want. And if our past is what it took for us to get to this moment, I would do it all over again,” she says, smiling at him reassuringly.
“I will never be able to put into words how eternally thankful I am that you never gave up on me,” he says, resting his forehead against hers.
“I'll always love you, Ethan. Nothing will ever change that.”
“You walking into my life that day will always be the best thing to ever happen to me. I promise I’ll never let you go again. Either of you,” he says, glancing down at her belly with a proud smile.
“I know.”
She beams at him when his eyes return to hers.
“I love you, Rookie.”
Their lips meet again for another deep kiss, holding each other as close as they possibly can in the unexpectedly tender moment.
“Now, eat your snack so we can go back to bed,” he says, drawing a delicate laugh from her.
“Yes, Dr. Ramsey. But only if you share it with me!” He contemplates for a second, before agreeing with a small chuckle.
“Okay, deal.”
Tag list: @choicesaddict5 @josiesopenheart @kachrisberry @queencarb @liaromancewriter @rosebudde @satrangee-ray @quixoticdreamer16 @schnitzelbutterfingers @crazy-loca-blog @jamespotterthefirst @potionsprefect @wanderingamongthewildflowers @luvsyana @headoverheelsforramsey
Just let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tags😊
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luvsyana · 3 years
Okay, but you wrote this amazingly?! There are literal butterflies everywhere I’m so speechless omg, this is just so hot…
Running Late (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x Dr. Marchia Bisognin (F!MC) Premise: After weeks of busy schedules, Ethan and Marchia finally had time for themselves. Rating / Category: Mature / NSFW - 18+ only Warning(s): Strong language and sexual content. Minors DNI. Word Count: ± 1520 words
A/N: I saw this video on TikTok and got inspired to write. It started out as a relatively fluffy fic… but then it took a hard left. A filthy, hard left. So, this is it, my first ever full smutty fic. Best of luck, I guess? 😬
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luvsyana · 3 years
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When Anastasia do nod with this specific expression, especially whenever she’s teasing Ethan. He always can’t help but smile 💗
MC Monday!
Hi everyone! I was inspired by this anon to start something called “MC Monday”. All it is is a reblog game that answers one weekly prompt with pictures or gifs of your MC. 
Anyone can join in, so long as you have fun! 
Reblog with a gif of your MC doing something Ethan finds completely endearing. 
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luvsyana · 3 years
The Newlyweds Game: Looks Throughout The Years
Author’s Notes: I haven’t written any fanfics about Nassie and Ethan’s married life, but they’re married a year after Book 3! Either way, I wanted to hop in since I really love this concept. Kudos and thank you to @jamespotterthefirst for creating this template and making this wonderful idea!
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Anastasia: I don’t know what to feel here…? I’m scared my appearance would, change, but I’m also excited.
Ethan: You would make a wonderful mom, and a beautiful one too.
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