luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (6/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri, slight Otayuri if you squint
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako’s ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor’s music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
So... it has been a while!! Hehe While I have continued writing because it calms me know in the stress that is otherwise known as my life, I had been progressing slowly due to external means that one gets involved whenever people are moved from place to place.
But not to worry, here it is!
First I'd like to thank all of you that kept supporting me in this brief hiatus. I am glad you guys are enjoying my little creative exercise! I hope you guys will continue to enjoy it more.
This is by far one of my favorite chapters to write (and no it is not ONLY because my favorite and best style of dance is salsa but I do have to admit I am a bit biased), because it clears up part 1 of my planned story but it also helped me a lot personally when I wrote it. So I hope you guys will enjoy it as well!
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (5/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri, slight Otayuri if you squint
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako’s ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor’s music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
Long time no see!!
Yes, I'm still writing this fic! Things get short of time when you're graduating with a degree. Luckily, stress is still present enough for me to continue writing.
The support and comments from all of you have been amazing! I'm glad my ballroom experience is useful in other fields!! (And here I go talking about careers again gahhh)
In celebration for the new YOI movie that was announced (I'm still screaming about that and the stage show they gave in the event) I give you the next chapter!
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (4/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri, slight Otayuri if you squint, slight Guang-Hong/Leo if you really squint
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako’s ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor’s music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
Hey guys!!
I apologize for the delay in the chapter... But I'm also very happy for the response this story has gotten! Please keep leaving your comments and/or questions!!
Some people were wondering when we will ever see Victor and Yuuri interact!! And trust me, it is in due time!! (That was the main reason for the slow burn warning hehe) In the meantime... I shall give you what happens whenever you mix ballroom dancing and wine.. ;)
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (3/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri (others will be added later)
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako’s ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor’s music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
Wow... The response has just been WOW. Thank you so much! I'm glad you guys like my stress writing haha.
This past weekend I had to move to a new place on top of having exams, so I'm happy I have managed to find time to upload this! (It's also one of the reasons why I understand Minako completely at the end of this chapter haha)
I know about some of the famous ballet companies in the world, but seeing as this is a work of fiction, I'm just going to imagine that the ones mentioned here exist. I also, as you can tell, love mixing dance styles together. It's just more fun that way ;)
Once again, if you have any questions regarding the dancing, don't hesitate to ask!
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luvr4writings · 7 years
OMG 0.0
Wow..... I can't believe there was such a response for chapter 2 of Heels and Point Shoes!! 0.0 I'm so happy at everyone who left comments and kudos you made my day! I'll respond to them as soon as I can!
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (2/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri (others will be added later)
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako’s ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor’s music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
I thank you all for your kind comments and kudos!! It made me feel very happy!
As a fair warning to all of you, yes this chapter is coming in around a week after the first one was posted, but that won't happen regularly. I am writing this at my own pace since school and life my get in the way, and I don't want to go on and make false promises to you. But I do appreciate and thank you for the support! :D So, I'll try to make them available as quick as possible.
And re-stating the warning, that I do know a fair bit of ballroom, but if there is any error regarding timing or competition rules, please correct me! I'd love to learn more!
Finally, if you have any questions regarding some of the ballroom terms feel free to ask me! I'm trying not to get too technical but sometimes having years of experience in something can make you forget certain things :3
(Also Happy Birthday Yurio!!! You might not appear much in this chapter but you will in more to come ;D)
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Title: Heels and Point Shoes (1/?)
Rating: T
Pairing: Victuuri (others will be added later)
Tag: Dancer AU!, Slow burn, a lot of fluff, Ballet Dancer Yuuri, Ballroom Dancer Victor
Summary: Victor, international ballroom champion at age 27, decides to retire after his partner decided to get married. He cannot seem to find any more inspiration for his choreographies like he had before. So, he decides to move to America to teach and opens up a small studio in Detroit. Due to a mishap, he ends up sharing one of his two studios with a ballet academy opened by a retired Japanese prima ballerina Minako Okukawa. One late night, while deciding on a routine to put to his more advanced tango students, he sees one of Minako's ballet teachers, Katsuki Yuuri, practicing a choreography of his own to one of Victor's music that he had used for a routine in the competition before and he is drawn in like he never has before.
So here it is, the beginning of yet another multi-chaptered fic. I'm mostly doing this for my own love of dancing and for finding something to de-stress in my otherwise hectic life style of a person trying to figure their shit out. It came out as an idea and then, it simply started writing itself.
As a fair warning, while I do do a lot of ballroom, my expertise does not lay in competitions. So there might be some errors regarding competition organization and prizes. This work was done simply because I loved the way that Victor and Yuuri danced with each other in the banquet and related it to the way I had experienced dancing myself.
So, hopefully, you guys will enjoy some more dancing starring this lovely couple a little bit more. Enjoy!
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luvr4writings · 7 years
Yay new blog!!
Sooo this is mostly a blog dedicated to all of my writings and small snippets of stuff whenever I’m stressed.
I mostly post a lot of fandom stuff on my regular blog but I felt the need to add this new one. 
I also won’t re-post links to my old works (in case somebody asks about them) but the links are available in the fanfiction page up top where you can read them if you so desire.
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