FGFR Gene Mutation and Pfeiffer Syndrome
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Pfeiffer syndrome is a genetic disease caused by a defect in the FGFR-1 or FGFR-2 genes. This syndrome affects the skeleton, whether it is a protrusion of the skull bone or problems in the limbs. Not only this, but also affects the eyes, leading to their protrusion, in addition to the possibility of hydrocephalus, and internal viscera imbalance. There are 3 types of the syndrome classified according to the clinical examination of the case, where the symptoms range from mild to severe, which requires surgical intervention. It is easy to diagnose the fetus early through ultrasound examination, which shows ossification in the bones of the skull and deformities of the fingers. The incidence of Pfeiffer syndrome is limited, as it affects one child in 100,000 cases. Genetic testing facilitates early diagnosis and thus helps in rapid treatment and prevention of deterioration of the condition.
Read more about this article:  https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/fgfr-gene-mutation-and-pfeiffer-syndrome.ID.000150.php
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Cell Proliferation from the Assembly of Synthetic DNA (E. Coli) Crown Cells with Stimulation by Monolaurin Twice
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DNA crown cells (artificial cells), in which the outside of the membrane is covered with DNA, can be readily synthesized in vitro using sphingosine (Sph)-DNA-adenosine mixtures to produce synthetic DNA crown cells. As these DNA crown cells can proliferate within egg whites, many kinds of synthetic DNA crown cells and DNA crown cells can be prepared using DNA from a variety of donors. Though the methods for synthesis are well established, how synthetic DNA crown cells are able to proliferate in egg whites remain unclear. Previous studies have demonstrated that assemblies of synthetic DNA (E. coli) crown cells were formed in response to the inorganic substances contained in egg white, and that modified synthetic DNA crown cells were produced within such assemblies. Moreover, the cells in these assemblies were not released after the addition of monolaurin. Rather, the assembly formed crystal-like substances and the cells disappeared. In the present study, it was examined whether cells were regenerated with two monolaurin treatments. Here, it was described that cells were produced from the assembly of synthetic DNA (E. coli) crown cells which form crystal-like substances with stimulation by monolaurin twice. The cell proliferation experiments were carried out as follows:
a) Synthetic DNA (E. coli) crown cells were incubated for 18 hours at 37℃ and these cells formed assemblies.
b)Monolaurin was added to the assemblies and the mixtures were incubated for 36 hours at 37℃.
c) The assemblies then transformed into crystal-like substances.
d)Monolaurin was added to these reconstructed synthetic DNA (E. coli) crown cells and the mixtures were incubated for 20–40 minutes at 37℃, which is when cell proliferation was observed.
Read more about this article:  https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/cell-proliferation-from-the-assembly-of-synthetic-dna-e.coli-crown-cells-with-stimulation-by-monolauri-twice.ID.000149.php
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Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Ischemic Heart Disease
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Cardiovascular diseases affect younger population in developing countries like India and carry a higher mortality rate. Common risk factors responsible for myocardial infarction in India are dyslipidemia, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, abdominal obesity, physical inactivity, low fruits and vegetables intake, and psychosocial stress. Other risk factors account for lesser number of cases, one such risk factor being hypothyroidism. A retrospective study was done using hospital records who were admitted with the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome during the period January 2021 to February 2022 Department of Cardiology , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total number of 326 patients were admitted with acute coronary syndrome, out of these patients 93 (28.53%) were screened with thyroid profile(male 30, female 63). Female patients were more likely to be screened with thyroid profile than male patients (p value <0.0001). 17.2% (16) of the patients had thyroid abnormality. Three female patients had subclinical hypothyroidism. Four male and nine female patients had ‘low T3 syndrome’. Of the 93 patients there were 7 deaths (7.5%). In the low T3 group the mortality was 38.5%. The mortality in the low T3 group was significantly higher and statistically significant (p value 0.0062), compared to euthyroid subjects. The study highlights the fact that low T3 syndrome in patients with acute coronary syndrome (NSTEMI and STEMI) acts has a poor prognosis factor. The study also highlights to the fact that, screening is less commonly utilized in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Read more about this article:  https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/prevalence-of-hypothyroidism-in-ischemic-heart-disease.ID.000148.php
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Features of Low-Temperature Microwave Processing of Tobacco
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The paper outlined an effective method for curing tobacco, which includes the combined action of a microwave electromagnetic field and light with a wavelength of 400-700nm. The developed method made it possible to obtain tobacco material with high taste and moderate speed. The high efficiency of the proposed method has been proven by IR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Read more about this article:  https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/features-of-low-temperature-microwave-processing-of-tobacco.ID.000147.php
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Analysis of the Microbial Structure in Daqu for the Main Types of Chinese Baijiu
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This investigation undertook a systematic analysis of the microbial structure of six kinds of daqu from different types of Chinese baijiu. From the results, it was noted that the prokaryotic microbial species present in daqu were much more complex than the eukaryotic microorganisms, but the number of eukaryotic microorganisms was greater than that of prokaryotic microbes. The investigation identified 8 phyla, 74 classes, 130 orders, 203 families, and 255 genera for eukaryotic microbes and 11 phyla, 74 classes, 116 orders, 411 families, and 473 genera for prokaryotic microorganisms. The main eukaryotic microbe in daqu was Ascomycota, followed by Basidiomycota; Ascomycota species are mainly moulds and yeasts, and they play a major role in of baijiu fermentation. The main prokaryotic microorganism in daqu was Firmicutes, followed by Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Euryarchaeota and Planctomycetaceae. The number of eukaryotic microbes OTUs were ranked in the order Nongxiang> Zhima-xiang>Qing-xiang>Feng-xiang>Chi-xiang>Jiang-xiang, and the abundance values were ranked in the order Qingxiang> Nong-xiang>Jiang-xiang>Zhima-xiang>Chi-xiang. The number of prokaryotic microorganisms OTUs were ranked in the order Qing-xiang>Nong-xiang>Zhima-xiang>Feng-xiang>Chi-xiang>Jiang-xiang, and the abundance values were ranked in the order Qing-xiang>Nong-xiang>Zhima-xiang>Feng-xiang>Chi-xiang>Jiang-xiang.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/analysis-of-the-microbial-structure-in-daqu-for-the-main-types-of-chinese-baijiu.ID.000146.php
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Nutritional Genomics - An Overview of CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing System on Nutraceuticals
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Nutraceuticals have gained popularity for supplemental health benefits and for the ability to complement pharmaceuticals to prevent, delay, and manage chronic disease. The development of nutraceuticals involves the use of genome editing technology such as the newly developed CRISPR/Cas9 system, a novel and powerful method to knock out, knock-in, upregulate, and downregulate genes, including genes that can improve the nutritional profile of a plant as well as increase the production of nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals, such as those implicated in aging, life expectancy, and chronic diseases can now be developed using CRISPR/Cas9. Establishing a CRISPR-based system to develop nutraceuticals and improve human health will benefit society.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/nutritional-genomics-an-overview-of-crispr-cas9-genome-editing-system-on-nutraceuticals.ID.000145.php
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Review of Bone Scan in Staging of Breast Cancer Patients (Milton Keynes University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust 2020-2021)
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We conducted a review of the Milton Keynes University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust’s modality of staging breast cancer to assess compliance with the Royal College of Radiology (RCR) guidelines in the use of bone scan for breast cancer staging. We noticed that a bone scan was required for all breast cancer patients, most of whom did not meet the RCR criteria for a bone scan. We found that a bone scan done on all 89 breast cancer patients seen from June 2020 to May 2021 was ineffective in confirming all cases with bone metastasis, hence not contributing to management and outcomes. We recommend that bone scans should not be routinely done on breast cancer patients, as it is not cost-effective and cost-saving.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/review-of-bone-scan-in-staging-of-breast-cancer-patients.ID.000144.php
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The Main Trouble of Humanity is Misunderstanding of the Principles of Biological Systems Regulation and their Evolutionary Development
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According to thermodynamics, to control a biological system, no matter what system it is - microbes, plants or animals (including human society), two conditions must be met. a) It is necessary to study and understand the features of internal regulation of this system. And having understood that: b) Create most favorable conditions for its self-development. Do not force the system to change in the direction desired by certain individual, but to promote self-development, creating conditions required for that. Unfortunately, this principle is most often not taken into account and not observed by the human. After all, to do it correctly, one needs to think carefully, instead of destroying everything around and showing his coolness. And which is most important, prevent violation of the objective laws of nature, which sooner or later would end with environmental disasters. In this regard, the slogan “human is the ruler of nature” should be considered the most harmful and strongly propagated by the authority’s thesis. This opinion arose under the influence of certain achievements of the human in the creation of highly productive plant varieties [1]. We should note that humans immediately absolutize every achievement, even minor, but a new one. When formation of ATP under the influence of light was discovered, it was immediately declared that the main regulation mechanism is ATP deficiency. After discovery of the regulatory involvement of cell membranes, everything was explained by a change in membrane permeability. They discovered genetic codes and genetics became the main thing in all the regulations. During the Lysenko period in Russia, genetics was suppressed, but then it returned to normal. But now the role of genes is being absolutized. And their role as an executive mechanism for the accumulation of information has become dominant, and even more important than metabolism itself. But humans’ actions change a lot without understanding the consequences. Selecting plants with large fruits, people did not see what was happening with a root system that was outside their field of vision [2]. As a result, all cultivated plants have a root system 2-3 times smaller than that of their evolutionary predecessors. The consequences of that were tragic. A small root system provided an increased yield only with sufficient moisture and a high concentration of minerals in the soil. This promoted hydroponics. In such conditions, the use of mineral fertilizers has intensified with a simultaneous increase of plants quantity per unit of sown area (hectare). There was even an idea of “PROGRAMMING THE HARVEST”. Its principle is as follows. If you want to get a high yield, add the appropriate amount of minerals to the soil. In Europe, where soil fertility is insufficient and humidity is high, the role of mineral fertilizers has especially increased. While teaching economics and ANALYSIS of economic activity to students in the 1960s, I proudly told the students that in Holland they apply 1 ton of mineral fertilizers per hectare, whiler we (in Russia) are only 60-100kg / ha. At that time, students were told about the small root system of cultivated plants, that the plant does not need a large root size, since we give it all the necessary resources (water and minerals). And then we get a high yield.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/the-main-trouble-of-humanity-is-misunderstanding-of-the-principles-of-biological-systems-regulation-and-their-evolutionary-development.ID.000143.php
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Sepsis Due to Co-Infection with Human Papillomavirus and Acinetobacter Schindleri after Surgery for Uterine Fibroids
A 33-year-old woman underwent a physical examination at the Department of Gynecology and was found to have uterine fibroids. She was admitted for laparoscopic removal of the uterine fibroids under general anesthesia. During the operation, there was a small amount of dark red ascites in the pelvic cavity, a part of the intestine was densely adhered to the right pelvic wall, and the uterus was enlarged to the size of 10 weeks gestation, with an uneven surface. There was a fibroid tumor measuring approximately 7 × 8 × 8 cm on the posterior wall of the uterus, which was hard with clear boundaries. Two vesicular clear-fluid cysts with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm were seen on each fallopian tube. Due to the large posterior wall myoma and difficulty in suturing, the patient was considered barren; hence, abdominal myomectomy and pelvic adhesiolysis were selected, followed by indwelling catheterization. On the first day after surgery, the patient felt cold and was shivering, with a temperature of 38.5°C and lower abdominal pain. There was no sign of infection in the abdominal incision. When the indwelling catheter was removed, there was no urethral inflammation observed and the patient was able to urinate without difficulty. Blood was immediately drawn for culture and biochemical tests, which revealed low levels of sodium, calcium, and magnesium, and abnormal coagulation function. The level of original calcitonin was normal. The blood culture was positive after 15.3 hours in a nutrient solution for gram-negative bacilli. A diagnosis of sepsis was made based on the clinical features and laboratory values. Gram staining revealed short Gram-negative bacilli (Figure 1A). The blood culture plate showed gray and white colonies with good growth (Figure 1B). The chocolate culture plate showed poor growth (Figure 1C), while the MacConkey plate did not show any organism growth. (Figure 1D).
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/sepsis-due-to-co-infection-with-human-papillomavirus-and-acinetobacter-schindleri-after-surgery-for-uterine-fibroids.ID.000142.php
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Does Seed Inoculation with PGPRs Affect Germination and Final Biomass of Flax Under Drought Stress Conditions?
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Seed germination as a primary aspect of growth is sensitive to water deficit. The current experiments were carried out to test the effects of drought stress and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculation on seed germination, seedling growth, and biomass production of flax. Initially, the efficacy of PGPR (control, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus sp. strain1, Bacillus sp. Strain2, Azotobacter chroococcum, Pseudomonas putida, and Azospirillum lipoferum) and drought stress (0, -0.75, -1.5, -2 and -2.5 bar of PEG-6000) were estimated on flax germination under laboratory conditions. Then, bacterial treatments for the pot experiment were selected based on the laboratory experiment results (individually and in combination). Drought stress levels in the pot experiment were included 50%, 75%, and 100% crop water requirement. Results showed that the seeds inoculated with PGPRs under drought conditions positively affected seed germination and seedling growth under laboratory conditions. On the other hand, in the pot, emergence properties, dry biomass production, and root-related traits of bacterial inoculated plants were also improved compared with controls. B. amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus sp. strain1, and A. chroococcum in laboratory and coapplication of mentioned rhizobacteria in the pot recorded pronounced impact on most of the traits. Moreover, bacterial inoculation is proved to be an effective technique to increase the performance, growth and final biomass production of plants under unfavorable conditions like drought stress.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/does-seed-inoculation-with-pgprs-affect-germination-and-final-biomass-of-flax-under-drought-stress-conditions.ID.000141.php
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Happy Thanksgiving
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Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of love and happiness. I hope all the good things happen in your life.
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Carbon Nanomaterial and Solid-Phase Extraction: an Effective Adsorbent and Impressive Method for Measuring Norfloxacin in Biological Samples
In recent years, drug use is on the rise, causing environmental pollution. Therefore, drug control is a common practice in many laboratories. This project focuses on increasing the method for determining small amounts of norfloxacin in aqueous and biological samples. Solid-phase extraction of small amounts of norfloxacin in aqueous samples using carbon nanotubes and visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometric measurements are used in biological samples. These systems include two phases, the aqueous donor phase and the acceptor phase of conjugated carbon nanomaterial.
Aqueous phase extraction and norfloxacin adsorption were performed in two experimental steps. First, methanol acidic solvent was used and the adsorbed samples were submitted to Vis-UV spectrophotometry for further analysis. Extraction parameters in this method This cheap and simple method is compatible with most tool analysis methods. These parameters include extraction time, adsorption of organic solvent effect, adsorption time, shaking time, the volume of donor phases, and optimized surfactant effect, and analysis and measurement were performed under optimal conditions. Low consumption of organic solvents, elimination of the effect of previous experiments, short extraction time, low detection threshold, and high concentration coefficient are the advantages of the mentioned technique and also the concentration factor and detection threshold for Norfloxacin were 49 and 8.96. The linear amplitude and relative standard were 1.46%.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/carbon-nanomaterial-and-solid-phase-extraction-an-effective-adsorbent.ID.000140.php
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Biostimulation of Diesel Polluted Soil using Poultry Droppings
Bio stimulation is a form of bioremediation that involves the optimization of soil conditions such as pH, moisture, oxygen etc. to improve pollutant degradation. It embodies the introduction/ addition of nutrients to aid microbial growth. The impact of diesel pollution on the physicochemical properties of soil and the effects of remediation using poultry droppings was investigated. Sample soil, polluted with diesel was simulated in a single bio-treatment unit. Before contamination, the soil sample was characterized after digestion (using 1:1 ratio of 0.25M hydrochloric acid and Nitric acid) to determine the intrinsic properties of the soil. For effective treatment, a 2:1 mixture (w/w) of the polluted soil and the substrate in addition to 25ml of nutrient agar was utilized. The physicochemical properties of soil and rate of pollutant degradation after remediation was monitored for a period of 8 weeks. The initial total heterotrophic bacterial (THB) present in the experimental soil at week 1, was 2.44×105 cfu/g. The total heterotrophic bacterial after bioremediation was 3.74×105 cfu/ g. Also, the total hydrocarbon content (THC) decreased from an initial value of 7.89 mg/kg at week 1 to 2.67mg/kg at week 8. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of poultry droppings as a potent remediation tool for diesel polluted soil.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/biostimulation-of-diesel-polluted-soil-using-poultry-droppings.ID.000139.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:zA6iFVUQeVQC
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Genetics and Human Intelligence
High intelligence is a valuable human capital that is correlated with success in one’s life. Human intelligence is governed by genetics as well as environmental factors. Recent studies indicate that contribution of genetics to intelligence is greater as compared to environment. Based on the above facts, we have gone through literature available on this topic. In this review article, we have focused on the genetic factors which influence human intelligence. Intelligence, in terms of IQ, is a polygenic trait and counting of genes linked to intelligence thus continues. Heritability of human intelligence increases with age. Genes of intelligence can protect a person from certain disorders but increase the vulnerability towards other disorders. Nowadays, Gene Plaza and DNA Land can predict the genetic IQ of a person. Few studies so far have been done on human intelligence and its relation with genetics. Hence, intense research is required to explore the genetics of human intelligence.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/genetics-and-human-intelligence.ID.000138.php
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Bioremediation of Used Engine Oil Polluted Soil Using Goat Manure
Hydrocarbon contamination of land, water, air, vegetation and human is a widespread global environmental concern. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of goat manure for the bioremediation of used engine oil polluted soil. 10kg soil sample was collected from a site free of used engine oil contamination (from an agricultural land in The Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Benin, Ugbowo Campus, Benin City, Edo State in Nigeria) using a 22-cm hand-dug soil auger and stored in labeled black polythene bag. The sample was air dried, grinded and sieved through 2mm mesh before use. Before contamination, the soil sample was subjected to chemical digestion using 1:1 ratio of 0.25M hydrochloric acid and Nitric acid. Thereafter it was characterized to determine the physio-chemical properties. The physio-chemical properties determined include Total Heterotrophic bacterial, Moisture content Soil, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total hydrocarbon content (THC), Total organic carbon, Total nitrogen content in addition to the soil composition including percent sand, Total Phosphorus, Lead (Pb) and Iron (Fe). The used engine oil was added gradually into the bowl containing the unpolluted sieved soil sample and was properly mixed.
The used engine oil was to serve as the pollutant. The soil samples were left for 4days for stabilization before the commencement of treatment process. The experiment was monitored for a period of eight (8) weeks under which appreciable level of remediation had been obtained. Result obtained shows that there was a gradual increase in pH, Electrical conductivity (EC) and Total Heterotrophic bacterial (THB), and also a gradual decrease in total nitrogen content (TNC), total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus (TP), lead (Pb), Iron (Fe) and total hydrocarbon content (THC). The result explicitly showed that goat manure is a good substrate for bioremediation of used engine oil polluted site with calculated engine oil removal efficiency of 62.67%. The kinetic modelling shows that the experimental data fitted well with pseudo-second order kinetic model. On predicting the rate of hydrocarbon loss with time the non-linear regression model gave higher coefficient of determination of 0.9874 compared to the linear regression model that gave 0.9665.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/bioremediation-of-used-engine-oil-polluted-soil-using-goat-manure.ID.000137.php
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It’s Time for Humanity to Understand what Fires in the Forests are about
The main reason for the increased fire and danger of forests in the world is that humanity immensely applies mineral fertilizers in agriculture around the globe. These fertilizers (primarily nitrates) are raised by the wind with dust into the air and get inside the leaves of trees. This is worse than increased nitrates at the roots in the soil. The forests themselves occur as a result of a decrease in the root security of trees (Figure). Nitrates acidify the extracellular solution inside the leaves and activate the enzyme invertase. Increased by the action of invertase, the hydrolysis of sucrose prevents its export from the leaves to the roots to enhance their growth. In this case, theorni cannot provide water to the entire section of the wood of the tree trunk. The root security of the plant decreases, and the amount of water absorbed becomes insufficient to fill the vessels of dead wood. And it dries up [1]. In the photo from the Internet of a burning tree in Australia, this is clearly visible photo. Gorys dry wood inside the tree, and the bark does not burn. To eliminate this phenomenon, IT IS necessary.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/its-time-for-humanity-to-understand-what-fires-in-the-forests-are-about.ID.000136.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:ZHo1McVdvXMC
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Chronic Granulomatous Disease: All Known Causative Mutations Collected
Chronic granulomatous disease is an immunodeficiency mainly affecting children, usually at an early age, and presents as a susceptibility for severe infections with bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Patients with chronic granulomatous disease have mutations in the genes that encode the components of the leukocyte NADPH oxidase. This system generates reactive oxygen species that are essential for intracellular killing of microorganisms. In a world-wide cooperative action, all published and unpublished mutations in these genes have recently been collected. In addition, known polymorphisms in these genes have also been retrieved, thus aiding in correct interpretation of genetic analysis of the patients.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/chronic-granulomatous-disease-all-known-causative-mutations-collected.ID.000135.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:SeFeTyx0c_EC
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