lundeaderune · 6 months
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FFXIV x Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS Signer Dragons (and bonus)
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lundeaderune · 3 years
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lundeaderune · 3 years
#life things #capitalism
i’m getting less and less able to tolerate tumblr/twitter posts that are like “adulthood is just [insert description of being brutally overworked and unable to tend to one’s home and basic needs]” like no…that’s not adulthood…..that’s capitalism. and you perpetuating its legitimacy with memes about how your suffering under capitalism is caused by your personal failure to ~adult~ correctly, or about how adulthood is just Like That, is not cute or funny.
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lundeaderune · 3 years
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i’m miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips 💄💋
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lundeaderune · 3 years
My hypothesis is that in like 10 years gen z is gonna have a big cult boom the way the boomers did in the 70s
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lundeaderune · 3 years
work that can be done remotely should be done remotely when there’s a surge of covid-cases following a series of holidays, a highly-transmissible strain of covid sweeping the area, and hospitals are filling up
reblog if u agree, trying to prove something to my boss
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lundeaderune · 3 years
I keep seeing people who claim to want to fight back against abuse, but who don't want to focus on the actual situational nature of it and how it occurs, instead wanting to peg it on unrelated demographics like age or gender identity or orientation or whatever.
They're actively against teaching vulnerable people what abuse looks like in practice, because they want to flatten it into a face they can point to and say "this is a bad guy, always," which is not only factually incorrect, it's dangerous.
When you see people universalizing their individual experiences (e.g., "I dated an older guy at 18 and it was horrible and toxic, so never do it"), it's not just bad because the person listening is closing themself off to a possibility, it's bad because you're ALSO universalizing certain experiences as implicitly safe (e.g., "high school dating drama is way preferable to dating someone who has graduated"). Maybe that experience was genuinely better for you, but that does not guarantee it will be for everyone.
I guess I'm just suspicious of people who have these hard and fast rules about groups of people based not on their actions or intentions, but on superficial qualities they can't control. People whose blanket statements are inevitably met with exceptions, which then make them double down rather than see that their stupid maxim has been demonstrably proven wrong.
If someone wants so desperately to focus on punishing potential abusers instead of stopping the abuse itself, I have to wonder about their priorities and motives.
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lundeaderune · 3 years
Let’s stop asking if a villain or an antagonist “deserves a redemption arc”, and start asking instead: what would be an interesting way for their arc to end? What would be satisfying, both for the character and for the audience? What would be a thematically appropriate end for this character, given the particular piece of media in which it exists? Which arc would be most rewarding for them, when taking into account the protagonist’s own journey, and how they parallel or contrast each other? 
And let’s also accept that, for many of these questions, the answers may greatly vary from person to person, and that’s okay!
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lundeaderune · 4 years
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lundeaderune · 4 years
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im sick so here’s a messy Sakura doodle
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lundeaderune · 4 years
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lundeaderune · 4 years
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lundeaderune · 5 years
huh danganronpa looks weird
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lundeaderune · 5 years
I wish I can like a post more than once.
P.S. I think a lot of people need to reflect on what really upsets them.
I am not annoyed by het shippers. I am annoyed by rude, presumptuous people who try to kick down the sandcastles I build to amuse myself because their ship is “canon” (this encompasses actual canon and perceived canon by people who think men and women can’t possibly be close friends) so nothing else is allowed.
If you have had experiences of people coming into your inbox screaming at you for not liking a gay ship, or people who have made you uncomfortable by hassling you about how you and a same sex friend must be in love, then your problem is not gay shippers, it’s rude people who don’t understand boundaries.
Stop conflating shitty behavior with any given asshole’s identity.
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lundeaderune · 6 years
Sweet tooth at work.
I like pie.
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lundeaderune · 6 years
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Today, I begin tumblr! Here is an experimental sketch of a character of mine. I will be posting more of my art here soon.
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lundeaderune · 6 years
Ha, now I know how the Bushi class in Etrian Odyssey IV got its name. Thanks!
Okay, one more name and that'll be it. What's a good name for a Samurott? I want one that reflects the honorable watery samurai that it is. Current name I have is Ryukaioh, or 雄海隆. Given I don't really know Japanese, I'm expecting what I have here to be a nonsense clusterfuck even if I looked these up beforehand.
My Samurott is named Katsuobushi (鰹武士) since katsuo is bonito fish, bushi written that way means samurai, and katsuobushi are these little fish flakes you use as toppings that I love (and Nate hates).
Yours is interesting in that it’s “male sea nobility” which is pretty silly and not an actual name, but given he’s a pokemon you get way more leeway with naming. 
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