lukesfrag · 1 day
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Dean and Sam just did there seasonal split up, i fucking hate these two
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lukesfrag · 1 day
sam turns me into a victorian gentleman like i swear a flash of wrist or ankle could sustain me for weeks at a time
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lukesfrag · 1 day
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by @panda
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lukesfrag · 2 days
Honestly as a Sam stan it's hard to choose one, if there was an option "All of the above" I would vote for that one, but since there isn't I voted for "Sam rarely relationships that weren't also Dean's, or Dean approved."
I've already mentioned this once but I'll do it again, it seems like Sam can't have friends other than Dean (or Dean's own friends). Whenever Sam tries to have a relationship other than those, 1.The person dies or 2.They reveals themselfs to be a villain, and I hate that a lot. "B-But Castiel and Charlie are Sam's friends too!" No, they're Dean's friends! They favor Dean, they talk to Dean more, they clearly favor Dean. It wouldn't hurt to give at least 1 character for Sam to have a bond that wasn't his brother, and I believe that's why there aren't many slash ships with Sam besides het ones, because they don't give a male character for him to have a bond.
The first option, to this day I hate what the writers did, Sam was clearly supposed to have his powers forever (they were given to him after all), but they took it away because it would make Dean weak 🙄🙄🙄🙄
The second one, I don't even need to explain, Sam must have killed Lucifer, after everything he went through he deserved the revenge.
The rest of the options was once again the writers favoring Dean. This becomes even clearer, especially in the narrative of S8 vs S7 (better, Benny vs Amy thing). Sam is clearly OOC in the entire S8 (no wonder it's the season I hate most with all my might), in addition to the fact that the fandom ignores what Dean did to Amy (imagine if it was Sam killing Benny in front of a kid that was the vampire's son? Dean stans would lose their shit.). Yes, I hate Benny and no one is going to stop me from that, Sam should have killed him. (One of the trials, should have been killing a monster that came out of purgatory 😌)
Sometimes I wish Jared had gotten out of this garbage show when they started treating his character (and him) badly like this. I'm sure this shit would get canceled soon after.
A poll for Sam fans, by Sam fans...
This sort of poll is running at another spn polls account, but they admit "I'm not a samgirl and I rarely read posts from Sam fans. I did a little research for this poll, but I can accidentally misrepresent views of Sam fans with these options." Points for self-awareness! As Sam fans who *do* enjoy the character and read posts by his fans, let's give the SPN fandom a better option, for all the fans. None blocked.
(* these are not Dean or Cas-negative observations, but observations about how the show treated the characters differently in very similar situations)
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lukesfrag · 2 days
It's not just his fans. I remember when he directed that episode of Walker and treated Jared like his dumb little groupie who should be grateful to be graced with his presence.
Jensen is a mediocre actor with mediocre talent who thinks he's way better than he is.
Yeah that's right lol. Even treating him like that to the Walker cast and crew. Clearly the man himself has the same ego.
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lukesfrag · 3 days
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lukesfrag · 3 days
Like I get you people are obsessive and nutty with your hatred of Jared which is endlessly hysterical but you do realize you're essentially saying there is nothing on earth Jared could do to convince you that he's successful? You're only proving that you're butthurt.
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lukesfrag · 4 days
its so so insane how dean has like. the huge fanbase he does. he is AWFUL!!!! i love him truly but im known for loving awful characters in fandoms im used to characters who act like him being viciously hated!!! and the only explanation i can think of is that hes played by jensen ackles (aka pretty white man). theres the fact that the narrative favours dean a lot when hes not actually right (a la s4) but thats not just it because dean is pretty clear-cut presesnted as getting morally greyer to the point of antihero territory in like s9 (where im at) at least. and Yet. he is unproblematic ally king to all??? supportive brother of the century??? Girl what???? do you know who dean winchester is? he is a controlling possessive clingy manipulative aggressive unstable thirty five year old who cant grow past his own damage and never really will because the narrative is perpetuated by the cycles he keeps perpetuating
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lukesfrag · 4 days
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my man
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lukesfrag · 5 days
the "Sam is not a woman or child, he is not a weak victim" is probably the WORST thing camed from them because woah it's almost like victims generally can't leave their abusers(what do you mean not all victims are self aware perfect human beings) or man can't get abused( terf vibes)
Also how can people see Dean hitting Sam A LOT OF TIMES and just say
"Bu-but Sam was so mean to Dean that one time!!! H-he is so abusive!!"
"Dean didn't hit Sam the times i want him to hit him so he is not abusive actually he is not hiting him enough."
Yeah i saw the last one on reddit
Oh yeah. We've had this argument for over a decade now and it never stops being infuriating.
Like, these people need to make some special mental gymnastics in order to feel morally superior for liking Dean. And they were so mad when other people argued with actual examples of the show instead of fanfiction metas.
Someone needs to make a prize for all the Sam fans that survived to season 9 and season 10 fandom. At times it was an uphill battle.
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lukesfrag · 5 days
They wish. In reality, it is:
Kripke: "Please Jared come to my show. Please, please, please 🥺🥺🥺🥺"
Jared: "No, lmao 🤣"
TFW2pointO: Interesting spnthen&now interview with Kripke in the latest episode. He says he didn't always plan for Chuck to be God. He leaves it up to fans if Ben is Dean's son. He's been trying to get Jared on #theboys and hopes to have him for season 5. lettistruluv: After the fuss Jared stans made, when they realized how v successful Jensen’s been on #TheBoys, of course Kripke would feel bound to make every effort for Jared. Happy for him😊 What a turnaround considering some initially scoffed at & about Jensen😊
I am always so annoyed with how bad of stalkers Jared-antis are. Like, at least put in a *little* effort? Or maybe its just the people I follow but I personally have seen very few Jared fans who even want him on TB let alone that made a "fuss" over it. The only time we even talked about it was when antis would start swearing that we were so sad he wasn't on and we had to tell them that no, we do not care.
Most of us don't want him on for whatever our reasons are, but I think it's also pretty clear he doesn't really want to be on. He's very polite and pc when he answers questions about it (how he's love to but timing, saying he likes doing projects his family can watch, or he deflects talking about having to work out first, etc.) but it pretty clear that it isn't something he is really looking to do.
But this passive aggressive "so happy for him *smiley face* because I saw that big fuss from his fans, must be a pity job offer" bs is just.. not it. Like, ma'am, he keeps getting ASKED about it in interviews. Kripke keeps saying HE WANTS HIM ON and has been trying to get him to join. Jared is not and never has been the one to bring it up first.
Um most Jared fans I know aren't "scoffing" at it. They just don't like the show. Plain and simple so they never cared about it or about Jared being on it. AAs get butthurt about that all the time because "winning" doesn't work if your competition doesn't give a shit.
I agree Jared is being polite. At most he might agree to a small cameo. He plays heart of gold characters so I don't see him really making a big move on this show.
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lukesfrag · 7 days
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lukesfrag · 8 days
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lukesfrag · 8 days
Lmao, the hater blocked me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's always like this, all it takes is one response for them to run away with their tails between their legs like the cowards they are. What a joke. LOL.
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lukesfrag · 8 days
👆🏻 A envy and mad hater above because even aging, Jar remains handsome while they will spend the rest of their lives sedentary, behind a screen with greasy fingers and smelling like Cheetos 😌
Jensen Ackles looks almost the same in the spn pilot as he does dying on that rebar in the finale. Jared Padalecki on the other hand goes through five facial reconstructive surgeries every season and is an entirely different man at the end of the show
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lukesfrag · 8 days
Jared Padalecki: *exists*
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lukesfrag · 9 days
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🗣️ _ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[ ela é muito é vagabund . . . ] ·
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de tabela eu beijo ele !! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀★ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀lá ele !! ⠀⠀⠀👎🏽
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