loveandtolerate · 59 minutes
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comic about internet
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
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I want my gay rights now! - Marsha P. Johnson (NYC Pride Parade, 1973)
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
female rage is always traditionally dainty feminine women with long hair covered in blood :// WHAT ABOUT THE BUTCHES. what about a butch cradling her broken nose while eyeing the camera with contempt. what about a butch with the bottom half of their face covered in blood and viscera. what about veins bulging out of their muscular neck arms and back and sorry I lost track of what I was talking about
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
why won’t SOMEONE ELSE create media with all the highly specific extremely esoteric themes motifs imagery and allusions i personally wish were in things
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
I really hate the cycle that inevitably happens when an artist gets popular. One minute people are raving about their music, singing praises, enjoying themselves, the next a group of people decide it’s no longer cool to like that artist and start saying “they were never that good anyways”, and because y’all are sheep you’ll slowly start to adopt that mindset as well.
And yes this is about Chappell Roan, because I know for a fact some of y’all were blasting Red Wine Supernova and Hot 2 Go before your friends started to call you cringy and basic for liking it 💀💀 Even if you never liked her music, it’s really not necessary to call it “corporate pop” and insist she “isn’t that talented”. Of course no one is stopping you from saying these things in your group chats or on your own blog, but if someone else enjoys something you don’t it costs zero cents to block and move on.
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loveandtolerate · 1 hour
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loveandtolerate · 2 hours
mark duplass plz show yr penis in the creep tapes
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loveandtolerate · 2 hours
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im literallt shaking
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loveandtolerate · 2 hours
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loveandtolerate · 21 hours
this weed tastes like the lake I nearly drowned in as a kid
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loveandtolerate · 21 hours
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this dude is red barrels' most buckwild character yet lmao
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loveandtolerate · 24 hours
bisexual woman with her cishet boyfriend but her cishet boyfriend is a robot thats built like an ATM
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loveandtolerate · 24 hours
Hey since TERFs buried the original, higher quality recording, here’s the only surviving recording of trans activist Sylvia Rivera’s infamous “Y'all Better Quiet Down” speech, along with full transcription, now free and open on Archive.org. The transphobic fucks can try their best to scrub us from history, but we’re not going anywhere.
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loveandtolerate · 1 day
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loveandtolerate · 1 day
masterpost of horror lists
here are all my horror lists in one place to make it easier to find! enjoy!
action horror
analog horror
animal horror
animated horror
anthology horror
aquatic horror
apocalyptic horror
backwoods horror
bubblegum horror
campy horror
cannibal horror
children’s horror
comedy horror
coming-of-age horror
corporate/work place horror
cult horror
dance horror
dark comedy horror
daylight horror
death games
domestic horror
ecological horror
erotic horror
experimental horror
fairytale horror
fantasy horror
folk horror
found footage horror
giallo horror
gothic horror
grief horror
historical horror
holiday horror
home invasion horror
house horror
indie horror
isolation horror
insect horror
lgbtqia+ horror
lovecraftian/cosmic horror
medical horror
meta horror
monster horror
musical horror
mystery horror
mythological horror
neo-monster horror
new french extremity horror
paranormal horror
political horror
psychedelic horror
psychological horror
religious horror
revenge horror
romantic horror
dramatic horror
science fiction horror
southern gothic horror
sov horror (shot-on-video)
splatter/body horror
survival horror
vampire horror
virus horror
werewolf horror
western horror
witch horror
zombie horror
horror plots/settings
road trip horror
summer camp horror
cave horror
doll horror
cinema horror
cabin horror
clown horror
plot devices
storm horror
from a child’s perspective
final girl/guy (this is slasher horror trope)
last guy/girl (this is different than final girl/guy)
reality-bending horror
slow burn horror
foreign horror or non-american horror
african horror
spanish horror
middle eastern horror
korean horror
japanese horror
british horror
german horror
indian horror
thai horror
irish horror
scottish horror
slavic horror (kinda combined a bunch of countries for this)
chinese horror
french horror
australian horror
canadian horror
silent era
30s horror
40s horror
50s horror
60s horror
70s horror
80s horror
90s horror
2000s horror
2010s horror
2020s horror
blumhouse horror
a24 horror
ghosthouse horror
shudder horror
other lists
horror literature to movies
techno-color horror movies
video game to horror movie adaption
video nasties
female directed horror
my 130 favorite horror movies
horror movies critics hated because they’re stupid
horror remakes/sequels that weren’t bad
female villains in horror
horror movies so bad they’re good
non-horror movies that feel like horror movies
directors + their favorite horror movies + directors in the notes
tumblr’s favorite horror movie (based off my poll)
horror movie plot twists
cult classic horror movies
essential underrated horror films
worst horror movie husbands
religious horror that isn’t christianity 
black horror movies
extreme horror (maybe use this as an avoid list)
horror shorts
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loveandtolerate · 1 day
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happy pride from sinyala
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