lionessevans · 6 hours
The redhead was curious by nature. That was one of the reasons that she had succeeded so well at Hogwarts. She was always open to trying new things. To learning all that she could. Sometimes that made her a little less cautious than she should be. One of Lily's fatal flaws was that she trusted too easily. It had blown up in her face before and she had the feeling it would again. She just wanted to help others.
"Oh?" She asked, her green eyes darting to Alecto's ankle. "Do you mind if I take a look at it? I can get it healed in a jiffy."
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It amused her how she played her role in how the wolf would capture her sheep. This sweet and innocent demeanour was merely an act that worked well on the gullible, like the redhead before her. Lily Evans would make a great addition.
"I feel something is wrong with my ankle, and I've been waiting a long time." She sighs, reaching down to rub it. It's really sore.
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lionessevans · 16 hours
Lily joined the Order the moment that she could because she knew it was the right thing to do. She wanted to fight. She didn't care what it took; she would fight for her future. Lily listened to Alice's words and nodded before she could even finish. "I think that would be a great idea! It could really help to raise spirits as well," Lily rambled slightly, wondering if Frank was a fan of surprise parties. "What were you thinking? Any location you had in mind?"
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Being on the right side of the war shouldn't feel so hard, the death eater's forces were becoming stronger day by day, but Alice refused to lose hope. She couldn't give up, she owed it to everyone they had lost over the years. "I want to put together a surprise party for Frank's birthday. It's next week. I thought we could all use a distraction."
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lionessevans · 2 days
Lily loved her job. She loved to help people when they needed it. When she graduated from Hogwarts it had been a toss up between what she would decide upon for a career. She could make one of potions. She had thought about becoming a professor. Finally, she landed on mediwitch and she hadn't regretted it once. She loved the rush that she got when responding to calls. She enjoyed helping heal her patients and taking care of them when they were at their weakest.
Working in the middle of the night, however, was one of the things that she could do without. Lily had always been a morning person. She wasn't one that often stayed up during the late hours. So, she chose to drink coffee and she often walked the halls to keep herself awake if things were slow. The redhead walked slowly, stopping when a brunette came up to her.
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"I am Lily," she confirmed, a smile on her lips. "How can I help?"
where: st mungo's hospital who: @lionessevans
Alecto had been in to see Miray, though her attention seemed to drift to one she had been curious about for the last few months. She was growing restless and decided adding a few more toys to her collection would allow her more to play with. This muggleborn would become an addition.
Over time she learned about their work schedule, paying more attention to the times where she was off in the middle of the night, preferring to keep to the cover of the darkness. It was almost time to work on the next step in her plan, but right now, it was toying with them in another manner.
"Lily, right?" The petite brunette came up to her side. "I was wondering if I could get your help." It was always deadly when Alecto played nice.
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lionessevans · 2 days
It wasn't a surprise to anyone that Lily had a sweet tooth. She couldn't help herself. Her favorite was a toss up between sugar quills and pumpkin pasties. However, she also was partial to chocolate frogs. The first time that she'd been to a wizarding sweet shop, she'd been amazed. She still felt that every time. It never got old. She looked around as she pondered Aurora's question. "You could go simple with chocolate frogs or bertie bott's," Lily murmured, wondering what a toddler would like. "How about little licorice wands on top?"
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where: sugarplum's sweet shop who: @lionessevans
"I want to make cupcakes to take over to Ela for Oliver." Aurora liked to bake. Some might question why she would do it herself when a house elf could, but there was something relaxing about it, and Benjy had shown her muggle ways of doing it. It was always a nice treat. "I wanted to get something to decorate on top." She turns to face her friend. "What do you think I should do?"
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lionessevans · 3 days
Lily had always been one who fought for what she believed in. She didn't stop just because things were getting scary. It just meant things were getting real. She'd been teased in school. Bullied. Called various names. To think that she could be killed for her blood status made her blood boil. It was absolutely asinine. It was terrifying. However, it didn't mean that she would back down. Not a chance.
She arrived earlier than most; her punctuality had always been one of her favorite traits. Lily smiled at Edgar when she walked in and took a seat in one of the many empty seats. "I try my best. What's going on?" She asked, naturally curious.
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where: Order headquarters who: open (those who are in the order)
There had been whispers along the streets of Diagon Alley, about movement amongst the death eaters. It led him to believe that something might come soon and that they should be prepared. He had called them all to meet, to discuss what should be done.
Edgar sat in a chair beside the seat where Alastor would sit beside him, his eyes drifting up when the first person walked in.
"I could always respect those that were early." He smiled at them.
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lionessevans · 3 days
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— lily evans
“ lily evans. one of the brightest I ever taught. vivacious, you know. charming girl. i used to tell her she ought to have been in my house. very cheeky answers I used to get back too. ”
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lionessevans · 5 days
Things in the world were changing by the day and Lily could feel the tension in the air. The gala had been a nice distraction but it wasn't enough to cover up what was going on around them. She felt like she was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. For something to get worse. That was why she buried herself in her work; rarely coming up for anything else. She was distracted at first when Alice spoke, but she eventually looked up with a smile. "Help with what?" She asked curiously.
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location: anywhere status: order members, alice's friends, etc
"I need your help." Alice smiled as she saw her friend, planning to rope them in on her plans. She was throwing a surprise birthday party for Frank and there were many things on her to-do list. With a war raging outside, there were few moments of joy in their lives and she wanted to do her best and create another one. They needed to have a breather. The ministry party had been alright, but her gut instinct told her that the place was infested with death eaters, she was constantly on guard and didn't really have a chance to 'let go' and let loose. This party would be different. It would be epic.
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lionessevans · 7 days
Lily had ran late to the event and she hated running late. Her shift at the hospital had ran over and by the time that she'd gone home to change; she was a couple hours late to the gala. Truthfully, she probably could have skipped. She had a bottle of firewhiskey at home and a new pack of biscuits. At least then she could have stayed in her pajamas. Instead, she shoved herself into a gown and arrived after things had began to take off. She hoped she hadn't missed anything.
Watching the people around her with interest, she wondered what would be reported in the Prophet in the morning. Would they pat themselves on the back for all the money they had raised? Taking a glass of champagne from one of the trays that passed Lily searched for a familiar face.
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"Yes. It's quite the spectacle," Lily agreed with Bea, her green eyes scanning the room around them before settling upon Bea. "I hope that I haven't missed much. Although, I've found that most of the drama happens towards the end of the night and not the beginning."
who: open to all where: ministry of magic event: ministry spring gala 1979
It was during events such as this that the extrovert within her came out, shining through as though through an open window. The gala presented such an excellent opportunity to get away from the more serious side of things. A chance for them all to rest their minds and, for once, not speak of business or the daily life within the ministry itself. That was another added benefit, as no matter what, Beatrice couldn’t have dared to voice what happened behind the doors of her department; regardless of how much she may have wanted to at times. Secrets were safe with her, guarded within her mind to the extent that Gringott’s might be.
Her feet carried her, around the room as she allowed her eyes to drift and check who else was in attendance. About every pureblood or politician that felt the need to be represented had shown their face. Part of her wondered just how high a risk for drama this all left. Honestly, the witch couldn’t tell who would hold the bigger potential for the dramatics; the politicians or the purebloods that danced around in circles so foolish only they could believe them to be of any value beyond their limited imagination.
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“They’ve gone all out, haven’t they? Quite the turnout!” Bea had just reached for a drink from one of the trays floating around, turning toward the nearest person there. Once more, the extrovert within her did not care just which poor soul had ended up on the receiving end of her need to converse. It was all done with light-hearted fun in mind. After all, wasn’t an event such as this made to mingle, talk and enjoy themselves, even if only for the night?
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lionessevans · 7 days
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Is that LILY EVANS stepping out into Diagon Alley? Ministry records tell us that they were born on 30 JANUARY and are a 22 year old, MUGGLEBORN who works as a MEDIWITCH AT ST. MUNGO’S. Some have said that they can be described as being EMPATHETIC, KIND, & LOYAL, however, they also see themselves as being OPINIONATED, STUBBORN, & HOT-HEADED AT TIMES. Apparently, SHE look(s) a lot like KENNEDY MCMANN, whoever that is, and if they had to pick a side in the war, they would choose to JOIN THE ORDER.
BASIC INFORMATION FULL NAME: Lily Jane Evans NICKNAME: Lil, Lils, Lily-flower, Lilypad, Red, various others GENDER: Cisfemale SEXUALITY: Bisexual DATE OF BIRTH: 30 January AGE: 22 PLACE OF BIRTH: Cokeworth, England OCCUPATION: Mediwitch at St. Mungo's BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn LOYALTY: The Order HOGWARTS HOUSE: Gryffindor WAND TYPE: 10ÂĽ", Willow, unicorn hair core PATRONUS: Doe BOGGART: The death of her loved ones AMORTENTIA: Pine, old pages of a book, pumpkin pasties
FACE CLAIM: Kennedy McMann NOTABLE FEATURES: Bright red hair and temper to match it BODY MODIFICATIONS: Ears pierced HEIGHT: 5'7 BUILD: Petite PINTEREST: Here. RELATIONS PARENTS: David Evans (deceased), Katherine Evans (née Fischer) (alive) SIBLINGS: Petunia Evans-Dursley (estranged) CHILDREN: n/a RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
ZODIAC: Aquarius MBTI ALIGMENT: ESFJ MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral good CLASSICAL ELEMENT: Earth LOVE LANGUAGE: Acts of service POSITIVE TRAITS: Empathetic, kind, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, opinionated, hot-headed at times
BIOGRAPHY (bullet points while i get my life together)
Born to David and Katherine Evans, Lily is their youngest child. She was born in Cokeworth and lived a relatively normal childhood. Until things weren't so normal anymore…
Growing up, Lily's elder sister Petunia was her best friend. They did everything together until Lily discovered that she was different. Her sister grew to be jealous and ostracized her. Their relationship has never been the same and it's a bit of a sore subject for Lily.
When the sorting hat was placed upon her head, it was a toss up between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. However, the end result was Gryffindor and it happened to fit Lily to a tee.
She struggled at first with the change in environment at Hogwarts and all of the new things she needed to learn. However, with the help of her (former) best friend she took to it quickly and began to excel at most subjects. Her worst subject was transfiguration. Best subject was Potions
She enjoys the chaos of her job and helping people in need. She finds herself nervous about the world changing around her but is not afraid to voice her opinion even if she clashes with others
friends and confidants rivals (academic or personal, give me drama) a bad influence exes (flings, relationships, whatever) study buddies sibling-like friend childhood friends (still friends vs drifted apart) etc
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lionessevans · 8 days
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fandom fam edits lily evans for @raenclaw
one of the brightest i ever taught… she was a dab hand at potions, lily was!
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lionessevans · 8 days
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KENNEDY MCMANN photographed by Noah Asanias for Puss Puss Magazine 
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