lily1783-blog · 7 years
More of this please. 
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lily1783-blog · 7 years
The morning after
Yesterday morning I woke up to the same news that the rest of the world woke to; we have a new President-elect and it’s not the Mrs. I was hoping for. I felt what many felt, sadness, confusion, a sense of gloom. At 7:30 in the morning, while watching and listening to the latest breakdown on how the polls got it so wrong, I received a text from one of my clients. She’s in 7th grade. Her message was simple, but powerful:
“TRUMP WON” (followed by several weeping and weary emojis)
I struggled to push passed my own emotions to find the words that would bring comfort to her young mind. I grew angrier that I was put in a position where I had to respond to the legitimate fears of a child about her future and its leader. Regardless of how much she understands the intricacies of government right now, she shares in the same concern and sadness that millions around the world feel. I had to keep pushing these emotions aside until, suddenly, I realized I had a choice. I had an opportunity to empower this young mind to stand strong for herself and her future, or contribute to her fears by adding in my own. Selecting the former, I replied:
“I know. Now more than ever you have to grind more, work harder, and be smarter. We don’t know what kind of world lies ahead- you must be stronger than ever to make it.”
At that moment I felt compelled to push into the future with positivity and determination to make things better, regardless of the uncertainty that’s in front of us. We must remember the power of our human spirit. We can change things, defy odds (obviously), and make this world what we want it to be. Yes, it is going to be difficult, but, it’s not hopeless. In our own microcosms and everyday lives, we can choose be a beacon of light against whatever darkness that may come our way. Now more than ever, teach and exemplify love, kindness, tolerance, and respect. Our souls need it, our children seek it, and our future depends on it.
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lily1783-blog · 7 years
Why Not?
I have had this blog account for who-knows-how-long, and I have been waiting to make a post for some “ideal” time. Of course this ideal time changed every month- when I run my first race (did that), when I have this great business idea (had many of those), when I jump out of a plane (did that two months ago)- and yet here I am, writing my first blog two years after the day I initially said I would. 
I don’t want to go on a mental merry-go-round of excuses of why, prior to today, I didn’t take this step. I do want to focus on the fact that tonight, for a deep seeded-charge that I can’t quite describe, I am taking the first step of many to put my thoughts, dreams, critiques, and questions out there to be picked on, through, and apart... and you know what, I feel good about that. 
This step isn’t about the reaction of those who read it, it is about the response of my will while I type it. 
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