lietpolsecretsanta · 2 years
hello everybody! 😊 we hope that you're all enjoying a peaceful and happy holiday season!
as you know, we have been running the lietpol secret santa for quite a few years now! we began this ride in 2016, and every year since, we have had a blast with you and looked forward to it each season!
as the holidays roll around again, the LPSS crosses our hearts and minds. ♄ but this year, we have a very special announcement!
this 2022, the moderators of this long-running secret santa ...
are well on their way to being two happy parents! đŸ«ŁđŸ€­ whaaaat?!?
we have been undergoing fertility treatments for quite some time now -- and this may be our very lucky year! and rest assured, it has been well worth the nausea, tenderness and mood swings that come with those medications! đŸ€Ł
that being said, we just wanted to put out a personal message, to explain to everyone why the 2022 LPSS will need to be on hold. đŸ„ș with so much going on in our lives pertaining to our little bundle of joy, we've got quite a bit on our plate! and of course, the state of the world being as it is at present. duty calls, but it calls from 20 places at once!
we hope that you can bear with us, and we want you to know how grateful and happy we are that we have had such a turnout over nearly a decade! WOW 😼 !!
thank you all so much for your continued participation, and all your love for these wonderful boys. 💓 time really slips, and slips, and slips!
with much love and gratefulness, we wish you all a wonderful holiday, and a fun new year!
don't do anything we wouldn't do! 😉💕
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lietpolsecretsanta · 2 years
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merry lietpol!! đŸ„ș
FROM: @aph-lithuania ; TO: @bookworm555
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lietpolsecretsanta · 2 years
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FROM: @BOOKWORM555 ; TO: @APH-POLAND Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa! :D One of your prompts was BNHA/Superpowers AU; that sounded like so much fun, so I picked that one! (You also said you were fine with the Nyo versions of the characters, so I used them for this art!) They are sneaking some romance on a rooftop ;) (I know some buildings with a flat roof have a ledge to them with a wall surrounding it for safety, which is what I drew, here) For some background, I thought of two AUs with them: one being a general superhero AU, while the other was specifically for the BNHA universe. General superhero AU: Felka Ɓukasiewicz (aka ‘Phoenix’) and Viktorija Laurinaitytė (aka ‘Agent Iron’) are two solo heroes from the same agency who, at first, do not get along. Phoenix is showy and loves the limelight associated with hero work, while Agent Iron prefers to stay in the background. However, after the two end up working together on jobs too tough for one person, they eventually befriend each other, and later, fall in love. Their relationship is kept out of the public eye (much to Felka’s dismay), so while in costume, they rarely show any affection towards each other aside from friendship (though they do occasionally sneak some romantic moments in, like they are doing on the roof, here). They do know each others’ civilian identities. Viktorija is a university student who takes online classes while working part time in an archive, while Felka sews clothes and sells them. (Though her priority is hero work.) Both are nineteen, and were immigrants to America from their countries of birth (Poland for Felka and Lithuania for Viktorija) when they were children. Felka is amazed that Tori can basically hold down two jobs and still be a student. (Viktorija explains that she has to; hero work doesn’t pay enough, at least not for the work she does, and she has to provide for her two younger friends, Eevi and Milda, after they escaped from bad living situations, and now live with her. [Basically, those two are foster siblings in high school, and were kicked out of their home due to the parents discovering the two have powers. And in this universe, sometimes people don’t like metahumans.]) Powers: Felka/Phoenix has pyrokinesis, but with a twist: she can also absorb fire. The more she absorbs, the stronger she gets. But if she absorbs too much, she will burn herself out and will need time to get her energy back. Viktorija/Agent Iron has the power to absorb metal, and take on its properties. She tends to only use this power on her arms, since if her whole body becomes metallic, it makes her move slower and stiffer. She wanted the name ‘Iron Wolf’ as a nod to the Lithuanian legend, but her hero agency thought that the 'wolf’ part made no sense. The BNHA universe is basically the same, except hero work is Felka and Viktorija’s only job, since being a superhero is more of an accepted profession, there. (Though they are heroes in America, so they aren’t very familiar with the Japanese heroes, aside from All Might.) Their quirks would be the same as in the general hero AU, except that, like the other characters in BNHA, they have more of a fun name to them. Felka: Quirk: Phoenixfire Viktorija: Quirk: Metallurgy Also in this AU, Eevi and Milda are fine in their current foster home due to quirks being the norm, so Tori doesn’t have to worry so much about money to provide for them. A little note on Nyo!Poland’s name: Polish names ending with a consonant usually don’t have a female variant in modern day, which is why I kept her surname 'Ɓukasiewicz’. In the past, suffixes for names ending in consonants were used for married and unmarried women (’-owa’ for married women and ’-ówna’ for unmarried women), so in historical times, her surname would have been 'Ɓukasiewiczówna’. However, I read that this is considered very archaic now, and rarely used. Wow, this got long! Sorry about that; I am very wordy, XD.
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lietpolsecretsanta · 2 years
very sorry for the wait everyone and thank you for your patience - just some personal / hectic things in life going on that distracted from the exchange. 😔 everything will be posted after the weekend!
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lietpolsecretsanta · 2 years
Thanks for waiting everyone! :) All the forms have been distributed and gifts will start being posted December 25! As always, feel free to let us know if you need an extension! Much love.
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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Hello all you beautiful people! Our inbox is officially open for submissions - we are so touched that so many of you showed interest in having our yearly lietpol secret santa celebration! đŸ„ș Both at this trying time, and over the years in general. Thank you! From the bottom of our hearts.
Now let's have some fun!
about // faq // app
INBOX OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS 12/8 - 12/15 ; GIFT POSTING FROM 12/25 ONWARD (please inquire if an extension is needed! 💓)
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
Hello everyone! đŸ„° It's that special time of year again, so we're running an interest check, of sorts!! We're coming up on our sixth year here soon, which fills our hearts with joy đŸ„ș but we know the pandemic has been very hard on everyone and that the fandom's been a bit quiet as of late.
And so we humbly ask: anyone who'd be interested in doing our yearly secret santa this year, could you please interact ( like / reblog ) with this post? â˜ș
Thank you guys so much, as always! Talk soon! 💕
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
And that concludes LPSS 2020!
thank you all yet again for a wonderful year of our sweet boys!!! all works have been submitted and distributed -- beautiful and marvelous work as always, everybody!!!
have a happy 2021, and take care of yourselves - stay safe, wear a mask, and we’ll see you again real soon!
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
((tumblr said no to me trying to add the names to this post-- take 2!!!))
TO: @aph-poland​ || FROM: @magnemite​
My piece for the Secret Santa this year. With the prompts I was given I decided on something I never tried before. A cute, fluffy Hallmark Movie kind of direction.
Tolys works hard at the Christmas Store, but a special customer who loves decourating for Christmas may help bring some cheer to Christmas this year.
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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FROM: @norwegian-butterfly​ || TO: @spoonyliet92​
Here it is!
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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TO: @disaster-fruit || FROM: @aph-poland
Merry Christmas!
Sorry for the long wait! -0- it’s been a crazy end of the year right aksjdhfkjf. Anyways, I went with the “Roomates” prompt, where the two get caught under the mistletoe they forgot they hung up lmao.
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
LietPol Secret Santa 2020
I’m so sorry that I ended up being so late! This is for the prompt Christmas Shopping, although I expanded that quite a bit as the fic took over. Hopefully it's  a fun read even if I didn’t stick to the brief!
Fanfic Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/28499382
FROM: @spoonyliet92 || TO: @aph-lithuania
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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TO: @norwegian-butterfly​ || FROM: @aph-lithuania​
👉 👈  the prompt was “gift” and my first thought was, “now which one of them is going to say ‘i am the gift’ with love” 

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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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TO: @magnemite || FROM: @kyuhu
Happy Holidays! I really hope this is readable, I didn’t think about how tumblr only lets you submit one image so I had to combine everything in a huge file OTL
Ahh I’m a little nervous to post this! I tried to make them behave as closely to how I think they behave in the series since you stated that you didn’t like something headcanon related. I’m not good with creating content for historical hetalia so I went with the paperwork prompt! I hope that’s fine for you ;v;
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
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TO: @kyuhu​ || FROM: @disaster-fruit​ 
The special boys laughing is my gift this Christmas♄ 
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
Are signups also going to be starting on Dec 5th next year? I wanted to join this year but completely forgot ahhh
oh dear, we're so sorry we missed you this time!!
well, the date fluctuates slightly each year depending on days of the week--i think we usually try to start on saturdays! for next year, if i could suggest, try to keep an eye on the blog once december rolls around (or even turn notifications on for this blog!!) and i'm sure in no time you'll see it's about to begin! đŸ„ș i hope that helps!!!
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lietpolsecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas & happy holidays!!!
Our submission box is opened for turning in your gift starting today!! n__n
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