lhexpress · 2 years
Why Detroit: Become Human’s Parallel to the U.S. Slavery is Flawed
In the past year being in the Detroit: Become Human fandom, I’ve seen many posts attempting to cover and express why the game’s core message of android rights = black rights is inherently flawed. I recently watched two wonderful video essays, Detroit: Become Human - It’s Bad and Detroit: Become Human - The Worst Civil Rights Allegory, that I think succinctly and elegantly explain why this message is flawed. This post is a brief summary of what the two videos said. All screenshots are from the first video.
Why it’s inherently racist to say human slavery = android slavery 
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As the two infographics explain above, D:BH’s main argument revolves around “androids are like us; they’re alive, so it’s wrong to enslave them.” A parallel should work both ways– if we can say “android are like humans,” we should also be able to say “humans are like androids.” However, once we do the latter, we can automatically see the flaw of this parallel. In doing so, we’re saying, “androids were made to be property, to serve humans = black people were made to be property and serve white people.” I don’t think I need to explain further why this parallel is outrageously racist. 
This leads me to my second point: 
The issue of deviancy = bug in an android
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Going back to D:BH’s main parallel of human slavery = android slavery, this again insinuates “black people were made to serve white people and them rebelling against their masters is a ‘bug.’” With the knowledge that deviancy is a virus, confirmed to us by Kamski, Amanda, and Markus and Connor’s ability to deviate androids by touch, players have the idea that only deviants are alive and non-deviants are not. 
Kamski: Androids share identification data when they meet another android. An error in this program would quickly spread like a virus, and become an epidemic. The virus would remains dormant, until an emotional shock occurs… Fear, anger, frustration. And the android becomes deviant. Probably all started with one model, copy error… A zero instead of a one… Unless of course... Some kind of spontaneous mutation. 
This begs the question: why should we care about non-deviants? If they aren’t alive, they aren’t aware of their own suffering. If we do have the ability to prevent deviancy, why shouldn’t we? As the infographic above explains, this wouldn’t be unethical as non-deviants don’t even have the ability to make this choice for themselves. 
However, the game contradicts itself that “only deviants are alive” through the player’s experience of playing Kara, Markus, and especially Connor. All these androids, pre-deviancy, are able to feel and experience emotions, like love, without going deviant. Aren’t these things signs that non-deviants are alive? The only thing deviancy changes for all of them the freedom of choice. 
Then, that poses another question: does the freedom of choice inherently make you alive? If you’re just given the freedom of choice without prior experiencing emotions (I’m referencing the androids Markus/Connor deviate by touch here), why does that make you alive? 
Which brings me to my third point:
Where are the answers?
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Instead of even attempting to answer any of the questions D:BH poses, the game never goes further than its shallow explanation of “androids are alive, so they must be free.” The game crumbles under any sort of questioning. Furthermore, all the “villains” of the story– Amanda, Perkins, even Kamski– never provide any good counter-arguments to this claim, forcing players to have to agree with this sentiment. 
But isn’t the point sci-fi to explore both the good and bad of a futuristic concept? Which brings me back to my original point– the game can’t do this because it’s trying to make deviancy an allegory to black rights, in which any counter-argument to that is morally wrong. But, if it strayed away from this parallel– instead delving into what D:BH should have been (an exploration of what it means to be alive as a non-biological being), the game would be able to apply much more meaningful and thought-provoking messages than “slavery is bad.”
The video provides an example of this exploration being done right, as well as providing a new basis of what D:BH should have been: 
Star Trek: The Next Generation | “The Measure of a Man”
This episode of Star Trek: Next Generation revolves around Data, an android aboard the starship Starfleet. In order to start mass-producing androids like Data, they must disassemble Data. However, in the process of doing so, he might lose his memories, effectively “dying.” The episode debates whether or not Data should have a say in this procedure. If he is not deemed as alive, they can do anything to him as it is not unethical to see him as property. However, if he is alive, this would be unethical as they are robbing away his ability to choose and effectively enslaving both him and his “offspring.” 
The video explains in a lot more detail the plot surrounding this episode and why it does it well, but I’ll sum it up here why this episode works versus why D:BH doesn’t:
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Closing thoughts: What could have been done to change this?
If someone planned on rewriting D:BH, there are two ways of going about this:
Sticking with the human slavery = android slavery message
Ditching that entirely and exploring the central question of what makes a thing alive
Both could work– albeit with major changes. For the first message to work, androids must be created with sentience. Instead of androids, one could maybe replace them with human clones or simply doing what Star Trek: Next Generation did– however, this would mainly defeat the whole meaningfulness behind the concept of deviancy.
With the second, this requires the least amount of tweaking to the original plot (most of the change would be towards Markus’ storyline). By simply using the premise that D:BH provides as way to explore how we prove androids are alive, D:BH could finally reach its full potential as a game and be the impact on sci-fi that it wished to be.
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lhexpress · 3 years
first off i love Connor’s blonde hair and his yellow (that’s the color right??) eyes. coupled with the darker jacket, it makes him look a lot colder and analytical!
secondly, i’ve always wanted to see more interactions between Kara and Connor/Markus, so this whole thing gives me life. Connor and Kara had a lot of opportunities to meet, and i’m honestly surprised that they really only met for like 5 seconds in canon. an interrogation scene would’ve been awesome to see, albeit might have been a bit repetitive if Shaolin was still a character.
i like how you used Kara’s audio files in this mod as well! it makes the whole video look and sound a lot more realistic. this is awesome!!
Connor captured Kara [Bad Ending] - Detroit: Become Human Edit/Mod
Alternate ending exploration: what if Kara and Alice were captured in the squat? After the murder of Todd, Kara is questioned by Connor, a machine with no software instabilities.
Kara‘s audio is extracted from the voice files. Script mods are mine. Custom textures made with deadray’s tool.
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lhexpress · 3 years
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…are dbh insta fans ok? i think they’ve officially lost all their brain cells someone call the ambulance
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lhexpress · 3 years
What did Connor think would happen to him after he accomplished his mission? I always thought he knew he would be deactivated but Connor seems genuinely worried in the RK900 ending when he asks Amanda “what will happen to me?”
Connor thinks that he’s special. Or rather… Connor was made to think that he was special.
He doesn’t act like other androids, pre-deviant or otherwise. You don’t see Kara or Markus checking themselves out in mirrors or adjusting their clothing when it gets messed up. They can’t insult or barrette humans they find annoying. They can’t bust up private property. They can’t even enter a building if a ‘no androids allowed’ sign has been posted on the front door.
But Connor can - and he can do more than that.
Connor can pick up guns, which his first chapter tells us is illegal. Connor can fire guns, which context tells us is super illegal. Connor can kill and maim and brutalize androids and humans to his heart’s content. Or, he can decide not to, if that so suits his purpose. He can operate with a level of autonomy that even an android in a situation like Markus could barely dream of achieving. Connor can access the private information of every single person he walks past, right down to their fingerprints and DNA. He infiltrates military operations under the guise of humanity and can lie to a human’s face when put on the spot. Everything about Connor’s entire existence flies in the face of every bit of android-based legislation that we learn about the world of DBH.
But Connor is the android sent by CyberLife. He doesn’t need to follow something as pedestrian as rules.
That’s why he thinks he’s special - because he literally is. No one else can do the things that Connor does because no one else is even in the same league as him. CyberLife created an android that could operate with complete impunity whenever it wanted, however it wanted, because that’s what they needed Connor to be in the midst of the deviancy crisis. And then, CyberLife made sure that he knew they needed him by giving him two important things.
Firstly, they gave him Amanda.
Amanda is there to watch over Connor, to be his handler as he goes through the various missions scattered across his POV. But she’s also his confidant, his therapist, his friend. Hell, if you’re willing to go down this route, Amanda is probably the closest thing that Connor has to a lover throughout the entire game. But regardless of how you view their relationship, you can’t deny that Amanda is the CyberLife-approved target that they want Connor to project his loyalty upon. And that’s why they have Amanda operate in a way that ensures that he will crave her approval, so much so that even if he starts to experience doubt, Connor will still come running home to her at the end of the day because where else is he going to get what she can give him.
(That is why Amanda does not approve of Connor’s choice to talk about his new bff every time she wants a mission report, why Hank is not just a distraction so much as he is a threat to her. Because Hank is an alternative option for Connor’s loyalty to find a home with, and he’s so far out of CyberLife’s realm of control that the only way for them to get to Connor through Hank is to have 60 hold a gun to his head.)
And, yeah, Amanda can neg Connor about his mission successes. “It’s a pity you let that deviant self-destruct…” is a popular line of her’s for a reason, after all. But when the chips get thrown down, and Connor is starting to question whether he’s doing the right thing, what does Amanda do? She strokes the one part of Connor that CyberLife has allowed him to feel unconditionally good about.
His ego.
Amanda turns herself into Leia Organa, calling out, “Help us, Connor! You’re our only hope!” whenever shit starts getting real for the company. And then CyberLife proves to Connor, over and over and over again, that they actually do consider him their only chance at winning by gifting him his second ability.
Connor gets tossed off a balcony? No problem. His body gets riddled with bullets? Not a big deal. He is shredded underneath a combine harvester? Shot by friendly fire? Turned deviant and was executed by Markus? Doesn’t matter. Welcome back, Connor. Here’s your gun and your diplomatic immunity and your mission because without you, we are fucked.
You’re the most advanced prototype CyberLife has ever created, Connor. If anyone can stop this from happening, it’s you.
God, no wonder he thinks that he’s special. CyberLife literally can’t stop calling Connor their one true saviour for a single fucking moment… right up until they do. And that’s what is happening in the RK900 ending.
Because you’re right, Nonny. I do think that Connor knows, on some level, about the RK900. Amanda calls him a prototype right to his face and he parrots it back to anyone that asks, so I’m sure that Connor’s million-dollar brain is perfectly able to access a dictionary and figure out that that means CyberLife is using him as a beta test for a final product. Sure, they might deactivate him some time in the future, or if he fails enough that he starts to screw with their data collection, but there’s no way that going to happen now. Not after he’s done the thing that they asked him to do. Not after he’s come to collect his praise from Amanda and get sent on a new mission, just like he does every single time that he does a good thing. Because Connor is special, and CyberLife loves him, and they need his help, right?
…Denial sure is a powerful thing, isn’t it, Connor?
Because Connor was never special. He was a tool, a gun that was desperately needed during the war but becomes obsolete in a time of peace. He was no more special than the bullets that he fired into each one of those deviants, and frankly, far, far too much of a risk to be left alive in the aftermath of a failed revolution. I mean, Amanda says it herself: CyberLife is going to have to rebuild their customer’s trust if they’re going to be able to sell more products in the future. And there’s no way that they can do that with something as volatile and unruly as Connor wondering around. He’s a walking, talking lawsuit in the making, and they need to get rid of the evidence of their illegal activities as soon as possible.
But the RK900? That’s an investment in the company’s future, one that the government is clearly interested in. So he can stay.
Because he’s special.
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lhexpress · 3 years
Ahhhh this is everything!! Imagine if Connor was able to interrogate Kara if he caught her in On the Run instead of killing her! Or maybe a chapter of him and Hank investigating Todd’s house (if he was murdered) or interrogating Todd if he didn’t die.
I really think this would’ve happened if human!Alice was canon. With android!Alice CyberLife probably didn’t care much about her, but if the case was instead a deviant and a HUMAN kid? That’s like The Hostage 2.0!
This is why I prefer human!Alice slightly more. The stakes to Kara’s storyline would have been raised immensely instead of just being raised in the Battle for Detroit chapters. I fully believe the only reason Alice was made an android was because Cage couldn’t think of any more alternate endings for Kara, so he made Alice an android to get the Kara Captured route. After all, the river and border route work just fine if Alice is human (in fact, the border route makes more sense if Alice is human).
Oh my gosh this has devolved into a very long tangent anyways I absolutely adore this mod and will be creating a shrine to it in my room asap
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“You recognize him? Your owner.”
Kara’s interrogation, following Todd’s demise. Alternate reality edit.
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lhexpress · 3 years
There’s also literally canon proof of Alice being deviant. If Connor decides not to chase Kara and Alice across the highway in On the Run, he unlocks the dialogue option “HIGHWAY” when talking to Hank next to the Chicken Feed. The dialogue goes like this:
Connor: This morning, when we were chasing those deviants... Why didn't you want me to cross the highway? Hank: 'Cause you could've been killed... And I don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment.
Deviants. That’s plural. 
Detroit Become Human fans, was Alice a deviant?
I really don't think she is, based on her strict morals when Kara needs to steal/lie in the game.
This is a problem I have with the writing in the game. Alice being an android was brought up ONCE for a bad twist, and is never brought up again. Everyone addresses/treats her as a human, even fellow androids that should be able to detect their own kind!
It really ruined the story for me, especially since I was loving the Clementine&Lee vibes I was getting from the two. :/
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lhexpress · 3 years
not to mention how the 3 of them break through their red walls exactly highlights their reactions afterward!
kara’s deviation is the most timid out of the 3- the silhouette of her is scared, almost hesitant at first. it also reflects what most players are feeling in that moment, since most don’t know what’s going on (they just want to get to alice). as the QTEs progress, kara also gets more confident pushing against the wall. it’s slow, but it finally cracks- but kara knows that her deviating is the least of her problems. 
when the player gets to markus, they’ve already seen the red wall. they know what’s going to happen, which is what makes markus smashing and ramming through his red walls with zero hesitation so satisfying. it’s like he’s been waiting so long for this- all this anger pent up, boiling inside of him, finally being released.
unlike kara and markus’s deviations, connor’s breaking of his red wall is almost strategic. markus and kara both just push against the wall till it breaks, but connor tears down his walls, at very precise places. because unlike them, connor knows what he’s doing, he knows the consequences. but he does it anyway, because it’s the first time connor’s doing something on his own accord, and if there’s anything we know about connor, it’s that he’ll make sure nothing gets in the way of what he wants. and that’s also when he also realizes that that freedom is exactly what he’s taken away from so many others. 
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Point of deviation
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lhexpress · 3 years
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Detroit Become Human is a game of tough choices.
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lhexpress · 3 years
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Connor and North in DBH
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lhexpress · 3 years
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Hello, Connor.
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lhexpress · 3 years
out of all the stupid shit the dbh fandom spews out, the “amanda was the worst character” and “i hate amanda” train is one of my most hated. amanda is a fascinating character that adds a lot of complexity to why connor is the way he is. 
plus, there’s a lot of questions of exactly who amanda is that would be really interesting to explore- that is, if the fandom didn’t just box her into the “most hated character do not touch” role that she is in now. like, what is she? an AI? can she also go deviant? who was she programmed by? are there other previous versions of “amandas” that we don’t know about? what was the real amanda like? why choose her to be connor’s “mentor”?
characters like todd and gavin deserve to be put in the “most hated character do not touch” role. while i do agree that amanda was abusive towards connor and that it shouldn’t be overlooked, i disagree that she’s constantly shuffled away because she’s a really damn interesting character that isn’t just a one-dimensional villain. i bet that if amanda was some old white guy instead, the fandom wouldn’t have treated her so negatively. 
sometimes I'm like "hey, it's been three years, the dbh fanbase has definitely gotten better"
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and then I wake up to this
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lhexpress · 3 years
List 6 random facts about yourself and then pass it on to your 10 favorite followers!
Thanks to @konami-code-ao3 and @kayla1507​ for this!!
I’m bilingual (I’m fluent in Chinese and English). My Chinese name, which was given to me by my grandma and my mom, means “hope” and “embrace.” They chose it to represent their “hope” in me “embracing” American and Chinese culture.
I’m an only child. The closest relative I have that is my age is my first cousin, who’s six years older than I am. 
I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan! My favorite album is Reputation. My top 3 songs by her are Getaway Car, All Too Well, and Dress (though this does change all the time).
I play the violin. I’ve been learning it for about seven years.
I love airports. Not airplanes, but airports. The sound of luggage rolling across the tile floors, the chatter of different languages floating through the air, the distant smell of coffee clinging to my nose... yeah if I could live in an airport, I would.
I wear contacts (and glasses at night). My prescription is currently -4.75.
And I don’t even have 10 followers 😅 so I’m passing this on to whoever wants to do it! Feel free to jump in :)
List 6 random facts about yourself and then pass it on to your 10 favorite followers!
Thanks for tagging me, @sheyshocked!
Alright, let's see:
1. I take and edit photos as a hobby. I'm especially fascinated by nature and abandoned places.
2. There's a blue spot above my upper lip that looks as if I accidentially colored myself, but in fact it has always been there.
3. I use to watch the same 4 series over and over. Whenever I get back to one it's like returning to old friends XD. It's not that I actually sit down to watch every scene again and again, but my favorite series are basically always running in the background when I do chores at home or create my 3D pics.
4. I LOVE creepy stories.
5. I have two small tattoos and one bigger tattoo.
I'm tagging @veilder @nightmarecrypie @oh-fortheloveof-ra9 @connork1000 @lukasvdm @doesitsparkjoytho and everyone else who would like to do this.
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lhexpress · 3 years
kara wants some of those tiddies 👀 
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you guys better not be sleeping on my man Luther >.>
-ref under the cut-
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lhexpress · 3 years
this is exactly what i’m doing in my rewrite! sure, in canon kara isn’t given much opportunity to be a nuanced character- but you as the player still can choose small dialogue tweaks that actually tell a lot about kara. often, while kara talks to alice, she gets the option to be “optimistic” or “pessimistic.” obviously, most people choose the “optimistic” options, but i headcanon that kara’s actually more pessimistic, but simply puts up a front to act optimistic in front of alice- cause y’know, she is a kid after all.
my biggest support of this headcanon is the whole battle for detroit border chapter. when kara notices the temperature check notices, this quick dialogue exchange with alice happens:
Kara: They're doing temperature checks... We're trapped! Alice: What are we gonna do Kara? Kara: Don't worry, Alice. We'll be fine.
I think it says a lot about how quickly she changes from panicking to being calm because she sees alice starting to freak out. and this happens a lot, namely in the battle for detroit chapters, with the back-and-forth of kara internally panicking and immediately switching to being calm when she sees how alice is being affected.
this all tells me that kara cares a lot about the impression she’s giving to alice (as any good parent should). by changing her storyline to be more violent and allow her to be more violent, it increases this conflict between kara wanting to show alice that “the world is all fine!! we’re not gonna die!! everything is sunshine and rainbows :)” versus what is actually happening: “no!! the world is not fine!! the only reason we’re not dying is because i just killed 5 people for you!! which is totally not traumatizing for me haHAHAHAHA!”
it’s why i absolutely love the potential of the scene where kara starts crying in front of the bathroom mirror in the border chapter. imagine instead that it’s just kara in that scene- no alice- and it’s the first time we see kara cry. it’s the first time we get to see how much all the killing, the hiding, the running has been affecting her. it’s the first time we see kara allow to herself to be vulnerable with herself, to catch a breath without the pressure of anyone watching. imagine that.
it also makes kara’s story much more nuanced when kara’s violence becomes less defensive and more aggressive. make her intentionally shoot todd rather than (what is implied in canon) of her “accidentally” shoot todd when he lunges at her; make kara pick up the shotgun at zlatko’s and shoot him in the chest instead of luther doing the dirty work; make her intentionally push connor into the truck to kill him instead of it being connor’s fault of not dodging the truck in time. main characters are supposed to be active, not passive. they’re supposed to make things happen, not have things happen to them. that’s the problem of kara’s story. 
I wish Kara got to fight more, like purposefully killing Todd or Zlatko or the cop that visits Roses house. (And Connor during the chase scene) The juxtaposition of her being seen as super sweet and caring by Alice and Luther with her hiding her more violent actions would be interesting.
Oooh! I like this one, Nonny! Especially since I think that a couple of those deaths were removed from her POV late in development. Zlatko is the most obviously, especially considering that his chapter is basically a Gothic Horror AU of Stormy Night... But considering that data miners have shown that it was possible to leave Luther behind in Zlatko or even kill him off in The Pirates' Cove, we've got to at least entertain the possibility that Kara might have been able to kill/be killed by the cop in Midnight Train - if only because Kara ability to kill people post-Zlatko opens up again if Luther isn't around (think of the checkpoint guards in Kara Leaving Detroit).
But what really interests me is you saying that Kara would have to "hide" her violent actions from Alice and Luther. Because that would certainly added some drama to her story.
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lhexpress · 3 years
oh please, the fact reed900 even exists is a prime fucking example that being a hot (actually not even hot just mildly attractive), white male automatically means you’ll be loved as a character- especially if that character is violent, cause “white male violence is cool!!!!”
and plus, north x kara is actually a great combo if you make kara go the more “violent” route of her story (literally just her whipping out her gun at every given chance in the story, not trusting anyone but still being protective of alice). they‘re both pretty similar, having come from pasts where humans have physically abused them pretty badly. i bet kara would sympathize well with north- especially with what @kayla1507 said about them being fiercely protective. in a sense, north’s constant “our cause is most important!” is the same as kara’s “we need to think of alice first.” their personalities compliment each other well, and in a scenario where markus and luther died, i could totally see them getting together.
sometimes I'm like "hey, it's been three years, the dbh fanbase has definitely gotten better"
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and then I wake up to this
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lhexpress · 3 years
yes!! this would be such a great way to tie her in to all 3 characters- i’m always a bit sad that lucy can only talk to kara if luther is dead, and this would be a great alternate possibility for them to talk!
if lucy got to talk to luther it would also help shine some insight onto luther’s life in zlatko’s house. maybe we could get a conversation between them to see exactly why luther’s so gentle and why he wants to protect alice so badly- maybe it’s because he knows how much damage he can inflict on others and wants to somehow repay the world by taking care of a young android (hehe that’s just a little headcanon of mine). y’know, just some actual explanations of why luther is the way he is rather than “it’s just because cage was a shallow idiot and couldn’t think of anything other than mashing up the ‘magic black guy’ and ‘gentle giant’ black stereotypes together.”
Y’ALL WAIT I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before but how much do you want to bet that Lucy is the way she is cause Zlatko got to her? 
And her escaping was reason he took to wiping their memories? So they’d be less likely to try to escape or something since it’s all they’ve ever known/wouldn’t have anywhere to go to? (We’ve seen how androids become paralyzed and stay somewhere unsafe bc they don’t know what else to do—cough Shaolin/the HK400 at Ortiz’s house anyone?)
Oml wait dude just imagine Lucy talking to Kara and Alice and Luther about this when they show up to Jericho 🥺
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lhexpress · 3 years
this is too good not to reblog
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doodles that went too far (twitter)
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