lgoodrowblog · 7 years
A Text From Cas (Grey Box) To Dean (Black Boxes)
Because I just see them having this convo 
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
So cute :)
@thanatosdementor asked for corgis, so here are some corgis
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Just trying to help with the chores
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This one hopes you feel better
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Gibson has a big smile for you
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
I was just sitting here thinking about Dean and Cas. Supernatural is one of my favorite shows. Another however is Sons Of Anarchy. I just love the grit and intensity. In case you are unfamiliar with the show, it’s about an MC called Sons of Anarchy. They are an outlaw biker gang that deal with gun running, drug smuggling, murder, prostitution, porno and money laundering. One of their most extreme members is Tig Trager. Tig has gone right up to someone and without a word drew his pistol and shot them in the head. He delights in death and chaos. He hangs loosely to the fringe of sanity dangerously teetering over the edge making him terrifying and maniacal. He has no fear as he rides that motorcycle along with his brothers down the rough road of life with guns blazing. He is the definition of a badass not unlike Dean Winchester. Until SOA introduced Venus Van Dam, a transgender of immense beauty, the definition of femininity oozed from her being, an absolute southern bell. She was gentle and wise. And she somehow reached Tig’s empty cavity in his chest unveiling an actual blood-pumping heart. Through all the death and chaos, Tig found love in the most unlikely of places, much like Dean found with his angel Cas. 
(sorry couldn’t find a clean cut of just that scene, Ignore everything and just watch their interaction). 
And as a side note I would like to add that while they don’t kiss or anything in this scene as it is about intimacy, they do share a sex scene (but this is FX) between two very straight actors/characters. 
Now if Tig Trager can do it, own up to his love regardless of consequence, why can’t Dean Winchester?
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Just curious
Reblog if you and your blog is:
A safe haven open for people of any gender
A safe haven open for people of any race
A safe haven open for people of any sexuality
A safe haven open for people to be themselves
A safe haven open for you to be yourself
Also reblog if you don’t like your safe haven being ruined by bad stuff- hate, discouraging comments, bullying, and other bad things.
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
I Feel The Need To Post Something Random
Only because I saw my time on Tumblr stats flatline lol
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Vote for Destiel!!! 
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Destiel has reached round 2 but we are nowhere near a safe spot in the third voting round. So please go to Zimbio and vote for Dean and Cas: http://www.zimbio.com/brackets/TV+Couples+March+Madness+2017 Please share this post with your fellow Destiel shippers.
Also, here are a few tweets to retweet:
https://twitter.com/octuse/status/838849162426863616 https://twitter.com/mishadmiration/status/838825497291276288 Let’s win this, guys! 
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
My Only Regret Regarding The Discovery Of THE Fandom
My smoke detector goes off every night while I’m making dinner... sorry neighbors, blame it on Cas and Dean!
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sastiel, Castiel/Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Summary:
Sam and Cas have been together for 8 years, have 3 beautiful children, they hunt and are philanthropists. They love each other but they don't exactly have "daddy and papa" time. It's been a while since they even kissed. Then there was Dmitri, someone's alter ego... who kisses and makes everything better.
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Gail (Supernatural: Sacrifice) Summary:
Love turns to hate in this tale of revenge from an old friend who was one of the many crossed when Cas sided with Metatron. The only one who might be able to stop the Destiel apocalypse, is Sam Winchester as Cas and Dean are fighting their own battle... with themselves. Will revenge have the last laugh?
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
SPN: Season 12 Just Some Random Thoughts
1) Is anyone else noticing a parallel between Mary and early Cas and their relationship with Dean?
Ok, so look at Mary, I mean really think about it: 
a) She just came back from Heaven and is trying to reconnect with herself and her place in this new world. Not that she hasn’t been on Earth, but when she left she didn’t expect to come back so yea... all new to her. 
b) She is making epic fails (working with the BMoL) with the purest intention, she REALLY believes she is doing this for the greater good.
c) She said to Dean “I’m doing this for you”, sound familiar?
d) Mary is truly and blissfully ignorant and completely innocent as to the ways of the predators in this world, not understanding how they’ve evolved over the world. They are are scheming and conniving now then back in her day because of the the advancements humanity has made on a whole. I really believe she’s not realizing the potential threats all around her even though she thinks she’s prepared because she holds the BMoL at arms length.
e) Mary is sneaky and kept things from Sam and Dean because 1) she was afraid to get caught because she knew Sam and Dean wouldn’t approve meaning 2) they would try to stop her and she couldn’t let them get in the way And just like Cas, Mary waited until the damage had been done to come clean knowing they couldn’t stop her now, almost just like a heads up. (Parallel IE Cas hid the whole drinking in all the souls of Purgatory for the reasons listed above).
f) Yes, it was shady that she didn’t give the colt up to save Cas, but again... greater good and all. She knew it would be better for it to not be in the hands of Ramiel, that in the hands of hunters it would be put to good use. (Parallel: IE Cas let Sam out of the panic room in Bobby’s house so he could go get more demon blood. This would have killed Dean to learn but... greater good. Can knew Sam had to strengthen himself to face Lucifer).  
Mary even went to Cas for his advice because she knows he would understand. I just think it’s interesting to see how Mary and Cas are connected in ways they themselves don't even realize. I think this is going to lead into a bond that when it comes down to brass tacks, if the rumors are confirmed and BMoL do abduct Cas Mary will either fight to save them OR as an inside woman give her cause and reason to break Cas out. Or even if that specific scenario doesn’t play out, I think the connection between Mary and Cas will ultimately lead to them defending each other.
2) Regarding Mr. Ketch: Now I have seen a lot of people who want to see Mr. Ketch dead and on the other flip of the coin saw a little spark between him and Dean. I think a good majority of Destiel shippers have wondered if Dean just doesn’t feel goo enough for Cas which is why he keeps his feelings way down deep. But now here comes Mr Ketch, he is charming, sarcastic, reasonably easy on the eyes, incredibly butch but with a hint of something beneath the surface that makes you wonder if butch doesn’t mean straight per say. Does this character sound familiar? I could have just as easily been describing Dean. The are actually a perfect match, Dean thinks he’s a scumbag, Mr. Ketch know he is. They are both killers and adrenaline junkies. This is a stark contrast to Cas who is so innocent and carries the weight of each kill with regret. He’s an angel and though he may not be textbook he is just a good example of everything right in the world, and a light in Dean’s life. This is another reason why Dean feels so unworthy, because Cas is practically perfect while Dean revels with pride in the lives he takes them. He gives in to that primal brain and gets off on the kill. He’s a murderer and he knows it and embraces it. Mr Ketch touched on that when they were drinking. Someone likened it to a dat which I thought was clever, drinks, chit-chat, a hotel. Everyone hates Mr. Ketch, but I see potential. I see another twisted, co-dependency liked to Deanmon and Crowley. A wild ride it will be, Dean awakened into the darkness. Mr. Ketch may be the only one who can make Destiel canon in one of two ways 1) Dean will admit an attraction to Mr. Ketch because they’re on the same “level” which opens Dean up to his attraction to Cas 2) See back to Cas is the light in Dean’s darkness. Every time Cas pulls Dean out of one hell or another, logistically or proverbial, they become closer. The last time round, when Dean came back from Amara look at how it evolved their relationship in season 12, this is the most domestic we have seen them.
Plus lets face it, jealous Cas is adorkable :)
I was inspired to write this about the two characters who seem to have the fandom on edge. I just thought it would be cool to put this out there, that there’s two sides to every coin, that there was equally potential for a positive resolution. 
3) I’m really excited to see how Crowley plays into all this, I actually really love to team of the Winchesters, Cas and Crowley and I hope Mark gets pulled off the bench. I think the humanity gained really tuck with him and I really wish everyone would give him a shot to be one of the guys. 
Now matter how you slice it though, Season 12 is turning into one of the best. 
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
You Might Be Addicted To FanFic IF...
You prefer going to bed with your laptop rather then your spouse 
So lucky to have an awesome partner who gets a kick out of these posts lol 
Love ya honey!
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Summary:
Just a short quip about how I can picture Dean admitting his feeling to Cas.
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lisa Braeden, Mary Winchester, Gabriel (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley Series: Part 1 of The Winchester Clan Chronicles Summary:
Sex, Love, Betrayal, Bondage... Sex. It's a story about falling apart and coming together. It's about losing each other and finding each other. It's about love amongst chaos and light amongst the darkness. It's about salvation, forgiveness, life, love, loss, death, discovery and redemption. It's a story about finding where you belong. It's about tragic endings and bright new beginnings. The Winchesters and friends have a rough journey ahead, a long and twisted road… only to find out how worth the trip was in the end.
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
So I Went To Confession Last Sunday And The Father Asks: have you searched for or took part in any “unnatural sex acts”?
Do you think reading and writing fanfics count?
(Yes this is a true story)
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Why My Husband Hates My OTP’s
Me: Reading Sastiel/Destiel fanfic
Husband: “Honey are you getting out of bed?”
Me: ...
Husband: “Honey are you making me dinner?
Me: ...
Husband: “Honey are you going to walk the dogs?”
Me: ...
Husband: “Honey are you going to do the laundry and straighten up?” 
Me: ...
Husband: “HONEY!!!!!!!”
Me: “I just got to the smutty part!”
Husband: ...
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
Not That It’s Surprising
I used morph thing to generate a realistic baby picture, the love child of Jensen/Dean Misha/Cas because who knows in an au they’re married and have kids. Misha I uploaded as the mom :) Anyways; just because:
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Not a bad looking kid. (It’s a boy by the way… the girls looked weird lol). 
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lgoodrowblog · 7 years
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SO BACK OFF!!! If you hate us so much, why are you trolling Destiel specific fan pages! Is there something you refuse to admit to yourselves? We don’t attack you do we? We’re not making your read fanfic by force are we? Just let us be!!! 
PS I really wish my word check would stop trying to change destiel into distill… so infuriating.
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