leyla-tehrani · 8 months
““I think I wait for people to hurt me,” she said quietly, “and when they do I feel a certain smugness at being right. And, after that, I just feel pain.”
— Sue Zhao (via blossomfully)
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
I don't think I'm meant for this world It wants me straight, but I huddle up and curl But I don't want to give up the fight It's black or white, it's wrong or right, and I am just a girl
Is it too late? For me? How will I be remembered when I leave?
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
Maybe it was the escapism from the harshness that was often her own reality, but Leyla had found solace, education, and a sense of belonging in books for as long as she could remember. A bookstore or library had an otherworldly sense to it at times, like the world could be shut out, an invisible sign on the door that read 'bad things, keep out.' "I've read a few of her others, My Sister's Keeper and Nineteen Minutes, but I'm sort of rediscovering at the moment. All I've read as of recently is business- or entrepreneur-related, so before my roommates stage a workaholic intervention, I thought I'd add in some pleasure reading. Have you read the Scarpetta series? It's American Crime from Patricia Cornwell. Or someone at the Beach Bash recommended the Bridgerton books to me, if you enjoy a bit of spice."
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Summer had always been picky when it came to her reading choices, usually wanting something more gripping to start off with but every once in a while she would pick up something outside of her scope and actually enjoy it; "I think I've read this, or maybe it was a movie that I saw" perhaps it was both; "Are you new to her work?" questioning the other before answering her question; "I have read her work before maybe only once with My Sisters Keeper but I am not quite sure exactly what is on my mind when it comes to a new book, what suggestions do you have?" / @leyla-tehrani
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
"Right. So you do remember?" She said with a warm smile. Good for him. As someone in the customer service business, she always found that to be a highly valuable trait. "I heard about that," she admitted, "I'm considering it actually. I've always wanted one, but I do share custody of my roommates' dogs and I work so much...I'm never sure if I'll have the time." She was really saying too much to the guy just trying to make her coffee. "I think there was worse things to be than a crazy cat lady," she replied with a small laugh, "oh, you definitely shouldn't have! So is the dog Blake Lively or Hugh Jackman?"
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Chandler nodded. "Still want that hot and medium, right?" He confirmed, keeping himself busy behind the bar as he continued to talk to her about the pets. "They actually have some adoption event coming up at the end of this week." He informed her and nodded as she commented it was hard not to adopt all of the cats. "Yeah, I also have a dog at home so I'm keeping my limit at one of each 'cause I'm not gonna turn into the crazy cat lady in my neighborhood. But his name is Ryan Reynolds - that was what the shelter named him and I couldn't possibly de-Reynolds him, you know?"
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
"Thanks," Leyla murmured, so maybe she didn't give him enough credit on the customer service front. As soon as the question left her mouth, though, she was sure it was a stupid question. Maybe she was more talking herself into it. There was a time in her life when she could barely keep herself alive, so the idea of caring for a living animal all on her own was daunting. However, she supposed she wasn't alone. Like with Darrius's dogs, they all cared for them. "I imagine it's hard to be here every day and not at least take one home with you. What's your cat's name?"
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Ever since Chandler's trip to Mock Tales, he noticed whenever the owner came into his cafe. This was only due to the fact he'd been watching her to make sure she didn't realize he was drinking at a sober bar, but she didn't need to know that detail. Honestly, he couldn't remember her name but he did remember her drink order and before she even approached him, he was already working the espresso machine. He nodded to her in greeting, but didn't say anything until she ordered. "I'm on it." He confirmed, then turned his attention more to her when she said she had a stupid question. There's no such thing as a stupid question was the customer service response, but he was too busy wondering just how idiotic her question would be. Pretty dumb, he decided. They did have the name of the shelter shown in a few places around the cafe, but when it came to someone being interested in adopting one of these kittens he wasn't going to be mean and possibly discourage them. "Yeah, all of them. We work with a local shelter to find homes for them. I adopted my cat from here, actually."
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
Giving him a little nod that he had it right, Leyla offered a little smile with the finished result. It was already making their home feel cozier, which wasn't something she was used to...but she was getting there. She'd never experienced home in this way before, and it was foreign but warm. The ice around her seemed to melt in this space, as strange as that sounded. Placing the sheet of seeds into the oven as instructed, she listened as he talked a bit about his childhood. It sounded a bit like a movie or 60's TV show. She could just imagine a tinier Dare running around with his siblings and a warm-hearted mother figure gathering them up for holiday festivities. "It felt very much like you," she mused, "what are some other traditions from your mom?"
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Seeing her gesture, Darrius stepped the tiniest bit to the side, glancing back up to see if he had it right, and then carefully securied it where it needed to be, stepping back to admire his handy work. Sure, it was a simple garland. Yes, it was probably laughable to most people who went all out for Halloween. But to Darrius, who liked the pumpkins and leaves and corn stalks and watching Casper and Hocus Pocus and The Great Pumpkin… it made him feel good. Turning back to the kitchen, he looked at the seeds that she spread out, and nodded his head, "looks great! I already set the oven, so we should just be able to pop 'em in and let them do their thing," and then they would have a tasty snack when their other housemates arrived home. "I do! My mom taught me how, she'd always make me and my siblings save our pumpkin guts just so we could make these."
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
"Exactly, I think it'd make the place cozier," Leyla said with a bit of a laugh. She had found it endearing. As an only child, she hadn't shared a lot of space before, except with lovers, so it had been...dare she say, a fun experience. "A therapist-mechanic, that's quite a career choice, well, if you're as good a mechanic as a therapist, I know where I'll take my car if I have trouble," she offered, only a light passing reference to the fact she knew he was a good one. "Well, that's true, some people overdue it. When people don't know what you're talking about, that's a problem. I like that name, is there a meaning behind it?" She always liked hearing people's stories behind why their animals were named certain things. "Wow, that is decent-sized. I guess they're probably somewhere around here today too?"
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"Nothing inspires trust among roommates quite like setting up cameras to catch them doing all of the things that they thought they were getting away with," he teased, broad smile on his face. He also couldn't see Leyla being too uptight about someone snacking during off hours… although people could be picky about their food. "When I'm not a therapist, I'm a mechanic -- in a garage full of men with big appetites. You learn how to get creative," especially if you didn't want your food to just up and disappear, and Josh didn't. His father, alone, wouldn't hesitate to eat his goodies. "Apparently we can be! I try not to be that kind of person, though -- I've already had conversations with people who are talking about 'my son' this or, 'my kid' that, and then it takes me far too long to realize they mean a dog. But mine's Toshiko. Toshi for short. And I hope, for your sake, you never have to part from the adopted dogs," he teased, letting out a laugh. "She has four kids, so a pretty decent sized family."
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
Leyla knew it. Though not the world's best judge of character, she was pretty confident in her guess this time. "I thought of making a Pumpkin Spice mocktail, but I worried I'd be too cliche, so I settled for Autumn Spice and Pumpkin Pie as separate beings. Maybe I should reconsider?" She smiled brightly at the woman's selections, "no drink minimums here. The only cutoff is closing time, and even then, I'm flexible." As she started on her drink, she asked, "did you enjoy Creek Fest? I've never seen people so invested in town activities like they are here. I mean, New York events were busy, of course, but it's just a different energy if that makes sense."
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Grinning widely at Leyla's assessment, Nari nodded her head eagerly. "I am a girl who loves a seasonal specialty. Which is me admitting to be one of those pumpkin spice latte people," first day that Cobblestone broke out the fall menu, Nari was in line. And if Maw Tales was going to have a good drink to make her think of falling leaves and jack-o-lanterns, golden sunsets and brisk walks in the morning, then she was going to tae it. "How about…" she licked her lips thoughtfully. "Let's go with the Autumn Spice first, and then I'll try the Pumpkin Pie Martini mocktail next? No rule that says I can't have the best of both worlds, right?"
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
All Leyla had been reading lately was business-related, and she thought it might be time to mix in something new again. Not like it would save her from being the workaholic she was, but she'd look a little less like her entire personality was entrepreneur. She was browsing one from Jodi Picoult when she heard a voice. "Hi," she sort of mumbled at first, before answering the question posed to her, "oh, it's called The Pact. One of Jodi Picoult's if you've ever read her before. What sort of genre are you looking for?"
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Location: Bookends
Status: Open
Context: It's after work on a Friday and your character is witnessing Summer winding down in a book store looking for a new recommendation
Tagging: @merrock
Books were something that Summer loved to indulge in and right now she was quite literally flying through them, then again the recommendations she had been given weren't exactly the thickest of books but it still excited her to even think about taking a trip to the store to find something new to read, the problem now was what exactly; "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you there but I was wondering if you could tell me what you're reading?" turning to the person beside rather invested in the book they were holding.
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
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Give me a number. What?
- Lady Bird (2017), dir: Greta Gerwig.
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
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alyssasutterstylist “@boosheri ➰ chic in @theory__”
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
Love you, definitely love you. As long as we're allowed to eat some of it. But I completely agree with you, I feel like all I want when the weather gets cold is soup. Have you ever made Adasi? It's a Persian lentil soup, and it's delicious. I have a recipe for it if you want to give it a try.
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The temperatures are dropping which means it is officially soup season at my place, which means I'm in the mode to make a ton of soups. So far I've already made Italian penicillin, chicken gnocchi, and now I've got bacon cheeseburger potato soup in the making. Nothing better than when the temperatures drop than having something comforting like soup. Pretty sure my roommates are either going to love me or hate me with the fridge full of it. Either way, give me more ideas, what's your must have soups during fall and winter? @merrock
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
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CINNAMON ROLL DAY! -- @aishathevar @emelineviolette @leyla-tehrani
Because you guys are the best adopted dog parents that Walter and Gale could ask for, and also because you deal with me being a man... and that makes you cinnamon rolls in my eyes.
xx Dare
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
WHO: Leyla & @chvndlr WHERE: Pause for Paws WHEN: September 29, at some point in the day
Leyla was starting to wonder if the guy who worked here was going to think she was aiming for his job for the amount of time she spent in here. She had seen him in her shop with his blonde friend, so they were sort of even. In a not at all way. He had a few more visits needed to catch up on work place visits. Her laptop bag slung over her shoulder, she gave him a little smile as she approached, offering a "me again." She also wondered if she said the usual if he'd even remember what that was or if he didn't pay that much attention to what guests ordered. He didn't exactly scream 'customer service is what I live for'. "Cinnamon latte," she said, looking around before asking, "hey, this is probably a stupid question, but are the cats here adoptable?"
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leyla-tehrani · 8 months
A laugh bubbled from her as her latest customer popped up, almost literally. It was like the sunshine coming in through the window was right in front of her. Besides, Leyla liked when people treated this the same as any bar, made her feel more like she was Sam Malone in Cheers. "You seem a girl who likes a seasonal specialty," she replied, a touch playfully, "so I would say our Pumpkin Pie Martini mocktail or my personal favorite at the moment, which is the Autumn Spice. But I'm a sucker for a cinnamon flavor, paired with the cloves and nutmeg, it's the season in a glass."
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WHO: Nari & @leyla-tehrani
WHERE: Mawk Tales
WHEN: September, 2023
"Alright, hit me," Nari swung onto one of the bar stools, tucking her legs underneath herself, feet finding perch on the run as she looked up at the menu behind the bar. There were far too many good drinks to choose from, something that she had learned a long time ago, but that was why it paid to have a bartender to help you out -- at least Leyla would know what to suggest. Hopefully. Or maybe she would just flounder her way through trying whatever looked good on the menu. "What's the best option for a girl like me?"
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