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a billdip moodboard!
rq’ed by: anon
(artist: @/elentori-art)
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This text post gave me major WillDip vibes:
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[Text:  why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had ur back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary.]
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I know I said I would post the next part of the Naga AU before I did more from this AU, but this comic barely needed any cleanup so here it is.
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I’m just gonna leave this here
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A scene from one of my friend's fanfic
Ford : Alright. Dipper, you are going to keep an eye on Bill, and to do so I’m going to put these bracelets on you that should keep him from getting out of sight.
Dipper : How do they work?
Ford : If he steps too far away from you, his bracelet will shock him.
Dipper : Wait what?
Bill’s masochist ass : … :)
Ford *oblivious* : Also, the shocks will intensify the further away he goes.
Dipper : …
Bill : … :D
Dipper : Bill?
Bill : *slowly steps away* 0:D
Dipper : Bill…!
Bill : *powerwalks away as the bracelet starts to buzz* 8D
Dipper : Bill!!
Bill : *runs away at full speed as the bracelet screams and spits sparks everywhere* MOUAHAHAHA!!!!
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At 5AM the next morning, Dipper rips the covers off the bed and yells RISE AND SHINE directly into Bill’s ear
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Parents AU
Basically, Dipper has enough of Bills bullshit and never acting as a responsible trustfull human. So he breaks up with him and tells him to leave right after. For next 5 years Dipper is living quite a good life. He found a date, got financialy stable and even thought about proposing to his gf.  But then, on their trip to Miami, Dipper bums into person he expected to see the less: Bill, with two 4 yo girls, looking too much like Dipper.. It turns out that Bill thanks to his lasting demon powers got pregnant with dipper but did not have a chance to tell him that until they broke up. Now twins, Marion (Mary for short) and Wilemena (Winnie for short), are 4 yo, and dying to get know Dipper better since he is their daddy.
Dipper isnt sure what exactly he cant exactly believe: the fact he is a father of adorable twins, or fact that Bill became a great responsible mom…
After that crazy meeting and learning about having two adorable daughters, Dipper keeps visiting them every week and twins are quickly attaching to him, seeing him as their daddy and Dipper falling in love with them. He actually is really surprised how Bill learned to be a good parent and eventually… He starts to get his feelings back.
Dippers girlfriend also notices that her boyfriend spends most of time with Bill and kids, knowing Dipper no longer needs her to have his happiness. She knew it from day one that Dipper couldnt get over Bill, so she just officially breaks up with Dipper in restaurant bc “his heart already belong to someone else and seeing him next to Bill and kids will be her happiness”. Sure, she cries once the dinner is over, but she really knows Dipper deserves it and kids need both parents, so she actually stays friends with Dipper…
After all of that, dating for some time and other stuff, one morning kids will have “are you gonna marry papa, daddy Dip?” question. Dipper chokes on his juice And Bill just giggles and with smirks say: “He sure would look cute in wedding dress. So would you like to, Pinetree? Get married?” Dipper having no idea if Bill just proposed to him or was just joking…
Then after they put the girls to bed and they return to the living room, Dipper gets his answer as Bill drops to one knee. Starting his sentence with, “I know I haven’t been the best person in the past….”
Girls next morning wake up and are surprised when Dipper and Bill have a “special present” for them. And as they open the box they see two bridesmaid dresses, with Dipper and Bill giggling, girls jump on them and hug them so much as they can, happy to have Dipper as their official member of the family and loving daddy they always wanted…
And about pics I made, here is a short idea (thank you @mystieris:
Dipper coming home to find Bill with pink ombre, makeup and fairy tutu costume with girls be like “Look papa, we have visitors! Sugarplum princess Billinie”. But little does he know that kids want Dipper to join them as “Pinetree princess” for their tea party too…. And Mabel during the party comes for surprise visit, seeing his brother in blue dress.
Mabel: Hey, bro bro! I…. What are you wearing? Dipper: What are you talking about? I always wear this for Fairy Princess Tea Time.
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Drunk Bill 2
I'm ahead of schedule on Principal's Pet, and enough people seemed to enjoy the first drunk Bill story. So here's some more Drunk Bill Cipher for you!
WHAM! The sound of Dipper’s door being slammed open jolted him awake.
“P-P-Pine Tree! Pine Treeeee!” Shouted a familiar, annoying voice.
Bill. Of course the dream demon would interrupt a perfectly good night’s sleep.
“Whadya want, Bill?” Dipper asked sleepily.
“P-Pine Treeeee!" Bill whined again. "I mis- I missed youuuu!"
Wait, why was Bill stumbling over his words? Fuck. Dipper shot up out of bed. "You got into the Mabel Juice again, didn't you?" The teenager accused.
"So- so wh- so what if I did?" The idiotic triangle replied, not even trying to deny it.
Dipper slapped his hand to his face in frustration. Fuck. This idiotic, chaos-loving triangle was drunk. Again.
"How many glasses did you have?" Asked Dipper, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Uh…" replied Bill, rubbing under his eye contemplatively. "L-less than Sh-Shooting Star."
Less than- what the-?
"Mabel challenged you to a drinking contest?" Dipper asked incredulously. And then left her brother to clean up the mess. Dipper was going to kill her.
"Y-yeah, she can really put it away!” Bill commented unhelpfully. He floated over to Dipper’s bed. “M-move over,” the demon demanded. “I-I wanna snuggle!”
Bill Cipher wanted to snuggle?? Fuck, Mabel Juice really messed this guy up. Well, at least Dipper would get some more sleep.
“Fine,” he said, scooting over in bed. “Just, try not to snore.”
“OK!” Bill replied happily. The triangle literally glowed with happiness.
Bill floated next to Dipper and wrapped the teen’s arms around him. Ouch!
“Bill, you’re pointy in this form,” Dipper complained. “Are you coherent enough to change into your human form?”
“I-I have in-inf-infinite power Pine Tree!” Bill replied. “O-of course, I can change into a m-m-meatsack!”
Bill snapped his fingers, and what he changed into was definitely not human.
It was some sort of triangular-shaped human thing, with one lazy eye, and one large yellow eye with a cat-shaped pupil. It was hideous.
Dipper couldn’t help it: he screamed, a high-pitched noise. “Change back! Change back!” He pleaded Bill, who had fallen to the floor with Dipper’s flailings.
“C-cool your jets, Pine Tree,” the thing slurred. He slowly snapped his fingers a couple of times, then finally was his normal triangular self again.
“What the hell was that?” Dipper asked, heart pounding in his chest.
“‘S my human form in some dimension. You-you didn’t say which human form I should take.” Bill responded unashamedly.
“Do the human form I’m used to, please,” Dipper begged. God, he was so tired.
“F-fine,” Bill responded petulantly. After a few fumbling snaps, he turned into the human form Dipper was used to: tall and lanky, with short blond hair and a black undercut. Yeah, this form was much more aesthetically pleasing.
Bill climbed back into the bed, pulling Dipper’s arms around him once again. Finally, he could get back to sleep.
WHAM! For the second time that night, Dipper’s door was busted open. This time by Grunkle Ford.
“Dipper!” the man cried. “I heard screaming and came as quickly as I could? Is everything all ri- oh, hi Bill.” Grunkle Ford’s voice went from rushed and concerned to flat and annoyed as soon as he saw the demon.
“H-hiya Fordsy!” Bill greeted his great uncle. “We-we’re snuggling!” God, was he going to announce it to the whole shack? Dipper wondered.
“Snuggling?” Grunkle Ford asked, one eyebrow raised. “You?”
“Yeah!” Bill replied enthusiastically. “W-wanna join us?” He asked, pushing Dipper further back on the bed.
“NO!” Both Dipper and Grunkle Ford cried at the same time, horror in their voices.
“Mm, more Pine Tree for me!” Bill replied, snuggling deeper into Dipper’s arms.
The asshole fell asleep right there.
“He’s drunk,” Dipper whispered to his grunkle. “He should be back to normal in the morning.”
“O-ok,” Grunkle Ford replied, dumbfounded. “I’ll just-I’ll let you snuggle, then.”
Dipper’s face flamed red. “Yeah, thanks,” he grumbled as Grunkle Ford quietly shut the door.
Now, Dipper could finally get some sleep. Bill heaved a sigh in his sleep as he rolled over to face Dipper.
Dipper looked fondly at the cute human face of the strange demon he was dating. He smiled to himself as he kissed Bill on his forehead.
“Sleep sweet, Bill,” he said. “I’m gonna have so much blackmail on you now!”
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bill cipher is such a good design hes just a little guy. hes just fuckin like
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I discovered this sitting around on my computer, almost completely finished.  Guess I should check my works in progress more often.  Oops. Well, I have a bunch of new art on the way, so there shouldn’t be a huge wait this time.
Also: I’m going to start using the tag #classic billdip for basic non-AU Billdip stuff like this. I’ve updated my older posts already.
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For a long, long time, Dipper doesn’t touch Ford’s hands. He doesn’t want to upset his mentor, or be the one to make him fold his hands behind his back, or make it weird by giddily rubbing the sixth finger. It’s only in hindsight that he realizes he should have, because when he finally is brave enough to ask to see Ford’s hand, and has it in his grip, his body goes hot, and tight. He slowly turns Ford’s hand over, and over, marveling at the size of it, the long fingers, and, of course, the extra finger, which should look unnatural but seems right on Ford. Slowly, Dipper slots their hands together, palm-to-palm, finger-to-finger. Ford’s pinky, without support, bends, brushing at the side of Dipper’s hand, and Dipper shivers.  Ford watches him patiently; he doesn’t seem bothered at all, more disinterested and indulgent than anything else.  If someone were to ask why he does it, Dipper would never be able to answer. It’s an impulse, something he hopes to never unpack. He cups Ford’s hand in both of his, and brings it to his face, and kisses his knuckles. Ford’s hand twitches, and he goes stiff. Dipper freezes, his lips still pressed to the warm, dry skin of his knuckles. He jerks his head back and lets go, ready to apologize, ready to leave and never talk to Ford again, because what was that –  But Ford says, in a voice that is distant, almost dreamy: “Don’t stop.”
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ford’s probably trying to teach dipper an important lesson here
… what was it
something.. abs.. chest hair?? what
it’s not important
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I really love the idea of Bill possessing Ford in spite of his metal plate, and messing with Dipper. Just imagine poor Dipper being held down while Bill kisses him and grinds into him. "Great Uncle Ford, what's gotten into you?" he asks, and "Ford" professes his love to Dipper, showering him in praise. Telling Dipper that he wants this, too, all while Ford is forced to watch in horror from the sidelines. Or maybe he's jealous.
Yes, I’m always into Bill-possessing-Ford-to-mess-with-Dipper shenanigans! That scene in canon where Dipper thought Ford was possessed was just too good as imagination fuel and yessss, Dipper would be so responsive to Bill’s manipulations through Ford.
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I'm still so in love with dipford time travel au ... Like imagine older!Dipper meeting Ford when he was younger (before the stuff with Stan getting kicked out happened but around that time) and he starts talking to Ford about Gravity falls and how much he loves the place and about all the mysterys there and that he never really found the biggest mystery itself, why Gravity falls is the way it is and how he thinks that Ford would find it out if he 'e er tried to'. He keeps talking and he finally understands why Ford used to love to show him all about that place. He would love to see Ford's reaction to all these wonders when he sees it all the first time. See how he feels like belongs there a feeling Ford may never had before
But then ... he realizes what the place does to Ford ... The portal, bill, the thirty years that he's stuck in other dimensions... He can't take back what he said and is so conflicted about telling him that the place is no good to him and will bring him so much pain. He knows Ford loves Gravity falls but he could stop whats going to happen. Hell he could go there with Ford himself to stop all the horrible things but can he ? And is it fair ? for Ford who doesn't even know who he is ? For himself ? But it's the thing he want right ? Living in the past with Ford ... so he at least has to try to make up for the damage he did
Anyways I'm so conflicted on the hole premise of "what if Dipper is the reason Ford choose to live in Gravity falls ?" but maybe this will be something I can convince myself to write it
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Title: an unfortunate affliction
Summary: Bill just wants to end the curse trapping him in this stupid human meatsuit. His new roommate Dipper keeps getting in his way.
Tags: Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, Bill Cipher, Dipper Pines, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Curses, Magic
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I’ve passed my midterms with neat grades, so let’s celebrate by drawing some sexy Bill~ “But Ma’am, that’s eldritch horror-” At what part of “sexy” have we lost you
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