The Curly Girl Method professional tips from Letscurlup. Learn Do's and Don't of curly hair care methods to know in detail Let’s break this down a little further and explore the steps now. read more
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Oh, Curly Hair! The love-hate relationship we have with our tresses is definitely relatable by curlies world-over. From sprightly on point curls on certain days to waking up looking like Hagrid at times, curly hair makes every day interesting! -LetsCurlUp 
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“Straighten your hair, and you might be happy for a day. Learn to love and care for your curls, and you’ll be happy for life!” – Lorraine Massey Chances are that you’ve come across the term, ‘Curly Girl Method’ on your Instagram feed, accompanied by a picture of a person with gorgeous, seemingly natural curls. Curious? And, wondering how to attain them yourself? Look no further as we decode the #CGMethod for you right now. The Curly Girl Movement -LetsCurlUp.
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Hey you girls with curls! Have you ever envied your friends with their perfect straight hair? Well, at least some of you must have gawked and felt a pang of jealousy deep down. With the amount of time and effort that you invest in maintaining your hair, it is quite natural for you to feel that way. -LetsCurlUp
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How do you purchase a shampoo or conditioner for your hair? Do you walk into the store and search for a product manufactured under a seemingly reliable brand or fetch the product that you find first? Most people would fit in the first category. Do you think falling in the first category is better than second? If so, sorry to burst your little bubble, because both of them are definitive self-destructive paths! -LetsCurlUp.
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Someone once said 'happiness is untameable, free-flowing curly hair!' Well if you ask us, we would dodge the untameable part, but the rest is true! Free-flowing curls define happiness! -LetsCurlUp
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‘Life is too short to have boring hair!’ And curls are anything but boring! It doesn’t matter if the curls are soft, coily or voluminous, they are absolutely gorgeous and unrivalled! -LetCurlUp
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Hi, Curlies! How is your CG journey coming along? And, now that you’ve found the path to achieving gorgeous, natural curls, we’ve jotted down a few pointers for you to maintain and handle your precious curls during the course of your daily lives! -LetsCurlUp
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Oh, Curly Hair! The love-hate relationship we have with our tresses is definitely relatable by curlies world-over. From sprightly on point curls on certain days to waking up looking like Hagrid at times, curly hair makes every day interesting! -LetsCurlUp
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Good Day, Curlies! How are your luscious ringlets doing? Have they been feeling particularly dry or lack-lustre lately? We’re here to help and dish the deets on a tried and tested recovery method – Deep Conditioning! What is Deep Conditioning? -LetsCurlUp
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Hi there, Wavies! Wavy hair is the envy of many yet it is sometimes left stranded between straight and curly hair with not as much care tips and methods. For the basic Dos and Don’ts, head to our original CG blog. Most Wavies who try the CG method are usually left disappointed and stumped as their results vary from what curly heads experience. Even though wavy hair may seem like just another variant of curly hair, it requires a routine that slightly different. Worry not, here’s a quick breakdown of the CG method to embrace and flaunt your luscious, natural waves -LetsCurlUp
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Hello, Curlies! Whether you’re a CG newbie or a veteran of the celebrated method, the one nemesis that binds curlies together is the usage of heat or chemicals to alter our hair! You’ve probably had a love-hate relationship with heat styling tools and wands over the years but the CG method, which is the universally accepted guide for maintaining naturally curly hair, has finally given you the closure needed to bid these nasties goodbye! However, if you’re still feeling the harsh souvenirs left behind by heat styling or bleach treatments of the past, read on to discover the best way to tackle it the CG way. -LetsCurlUp
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A natural hair blogger you follow posts about their day 3,4 hair on Instagram. You don't see much frizz. Their hair is still bouncy and shiny. You're almost envious at their results! Why doesn't your hair look like hers? Why is your day 2,3 results flat and hers look like they've been preserved so well? If you relate to this incredibly common dilemma in the world of natural hair, this article is for you. -LetsCurlUp
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Hola, Curlies! How are them curls feeling? Talking about curls, we thought we’d get some inspiration from celebrities who flaunt their curls natural and proud. In this world of poker straight hairdos and chemical-treated looks on the runway, it’s always refreshing to see celebrities embrace and strut their natural curls and waves. Here’s a roundup of our favourite stars, both domestic and global who have been giving us some major #CurlSpo! Beyoncé Knowles-Carter: Let’s start with Queen Bey herself! -LetsCurlUp
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Don’t try to get rid of it, just tame it. How do I do that, you ask? Well, curly hair needs a lot of moisture and hydration. Along with using deep conditioners, regular conditioners and leave-in conditioners, there are few other ways to keep your hair hydrated -LetsCurlUp
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Hello Curlies! You must have heard time and again that moisture is your curly hair’s best friend. While it’s true that you need ample moisture to quench your curls, one must remember that hair is also made up of 80-90% of a protein called Keratin. And, it’s this protein that gives the hair its strength and structure. Thus, striking a balance between moisture and protein is essential to having bouncy, defined curls. -LetsCurlUp
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Hi there, Wavies! Wavy hair is the envy of many yet it is sometimes left stranded between straight and curly hair with not as much care tips and methods. For the basic Dos and Don’ts, head to our original CG blog. Most Wavies who try the CG method are usually left disappointed and stumped as their results vary from what curly heads experience. Even though wavy hair may seem like just another variant of curly hair -LetsCurlUp
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