legem-blog · 12 years
"Screw what she says." Richard looked to him as he took his hands out of his now messy, wild hair. "When did her words become law? This isn't fair -- this place is going to stop at nothing until we're all dead or at each other's throats. Hell,half of us should be insane at this point. Lord knows I'm being driven up the wall and I've only just come back." The former sheriff sighed, a load of exhaustion weighing heavily upon him. How could anyone deal with this sort of pressure? How could Scout? Well, that wasn't fair... Scout tried to escape and now he had this Admin woman right behind him. It really only was a matter of time. Richard shook his head and brought himself back up before he took in a deep breath of air. He needed to relax and keep sane, if not for his sake then for Scout's. The man always made it a priority of his to be the calm person as to not get anyone else more worried than they were. He had to return to that state. "Forget I said anything. We are gonna get outta here. If we never come back, families are gonna start callin' and complainin'. There's so many of us here: Me, you, Law... Wherever that bastard is, and the rest. It's enough to catch attention and sooner or later we're gonna bail out and I promise you that." With a small nod, he tapped his finger against the young man's chest. "I guarantee it."
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
"We are," he started weakly, running one hand down his face in frustration and disbelief. "We are alright. Us. You and me, sport, we're good." Richard gingerly pulled Scout to him, hands on his head and foreheads pressed together. Scout was the closest thing he had to a child... Everyone else he had lost even though he had wanted to desperately to hang on to them. They didn't matter anymore, not now. The only thing, the only person that could even warrant his attention was the young man in front of him. "There's just so much out there. So much." A shaky breath left him as he pulled away, fingers returning to smear his own blood against his face. "So much against us two, against you. Hell, against all of us. After death, what could be there? We gotta worry 'bout what's goin' on right here, right now!" the sniper let out before banging his back against the wall, letting himself fall to the ground. He should be strong for Scout, but the thought of seeing that ominous ticking clock over his head constantly reminding him of the blond's eminent end was constricting such a possibility. "You'll be safe, Scout, if it's the last bloody thing I can do. We'll clear this up. Ain't no one gonna lay a finger on you," he started, shaking his head and looking the other way as he hesitantly brought himself back on his own two feet, "or they're gonna seriously die. No more mercy left for the livin', that... I have to promise you that."
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
Of course that's why Scout would have left. Richard left him all alone in such a terribly hectic world. This fort, this mercenary war was enough to drive any sane man up the wall. Scout was young and he had his whole life to live, and yet he was wasting his precious time in the battleground without any hope of ever leaving. "I'm sorry." No. There had to be hope -- It was the only thing driving anyone here forward. "I know I shouldn't have and without a single word. God, I'm sorry I was bein' so dumb." If they were to part only through death, then no one would have been fighting. Everyone still had hope to leave this hellish pit, even if it was faint and nothing but a minuscule flicker in the distance. "If I stayed, I could have..." The man pounded his fist against the wall once more, a sound of splintering and a wave of extreme pain shooting up his arm. His knuckles bled, the blood dripping down his bone white skin, the crimson painting the walls with red drops splattered haphazardly. "I could have prevented this! This damn place... We've got to burn it all down to the ground. How could we have come down here?" And with those bloody fingers, he ran them through his brown locks, eyes trained on the tiled flooring beneath them. "Gotta end it before it ends us. You're too young to spend your life in this place -- Way too young, Scout. Now you're tellin' me that these damn walls are goin' to be the last things you see? What kinda crap are they pullin'!?" It was so unnatural to see the usually calm and still man so passionate in his anger,words coming through him in angry shouts and muffled swears.
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
Will? Didn't know much about him, but if Scout had mentioned him, then he must have been better than he would have thought. Shame that Lawrence wasn't heard of... Much more than a shame. His closest friend for years and now, bam, he was gone? Richard didn't know what to say to that, but he turned around halfway, hand running down his face as if tired, exhausted, though not without uttering a single word. So he felt distraught. He had a right to, but compared to Scout who had had this happen to him for three entire people? Richard's sorrow couldn't compare and he wouldn't try to act as if it could either. "I'm sorry I left. I really am, and for so long. Things really went down and horribly too. Got some positives out of it, but not much. Guess it don't mean a thing seein' as how I kinda left you hanging by yourself for a little too long. Shouldn't have left at all." And then rage suddenly hit him. Furious, the former sheriff slammed one fist to the steel table, a shattering clang sounding through the relatively empty room. "I shouldn't, but you know what could happen to you now? You told me 'bout what would happen if you tried to leave this place and you went and did it!" Richard jabbed at the air to something completely intangible, non-existent. All he could feel was fear, anxiety, sadness and volatile anger. "What's going to happen to you now, huh? Tell me-" and he approached the young man, hands coming down to his shoulders with a firm grip, "-tell me what's going to happen to you now."
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
A little curve at the end of his lips contrasted deeply with how he really felt. "Time's been rough back at home," he started, not at all interested in explaining the whole story. His ex-wife, the woman he always thought he loved even after their divorce, had brought in more legal matters that he had to take care of. Normally, that'd upset the sniper, but it had been worse considering the prospect of losing his daughter completely became a huge player in the legal battle. "I just had to take care of it. But, I promise, it's not going to happen again. I'm pretty sure it's settled through and through. I don't have a reason to go back home anymore." It was true and sad all the same, but damned if Richard showed how upset he was by it. A feigned smile still graced his features. "How's everyone else?" came the next question before he left to the sink, turning the faucet on and letting the blood wash off his hands, the water turning a rich, crimson red. "It's been forever since I've last been here. Gotta admit though, I can't really say I missed this place. Looks like your interior decorator is still slackin' on the job." Richard dried off his hands and chucked the paper towel into the waste bin, his hair a tint grayer than before. Seemed like he didn't have a stress-free time himself. "Anyone leave? Anyone come by? Heard a word from Law lately or what? How 'bout you... You doin' good?"
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
"Right, right," he let out in a staggered breath, rolling the young man over on his back only to holes through his shirt, gunpower thick in the air mingled with the iron taste of blood. "Look at you." The sniper ran his hand down the young man's torso, then putting pressure onto the wounds. "You look good, man," he lied, smiling weakly at him before finally gathering the young man into his arms. Initially, it had been fine. Scout was lighter than he anticipated, but the task of running back to the base carrying him was one met with immense challenge. Even with the adrenaline rushing through his system, it proved to be incredibly difficult, but the thought of Scout in pain seemed to be the only motivator strong enough to even allow Richard to endure the physical exertion. The sniper bustled through the doors, rushing to the medbay to find anything that could have helped the young man. "It's gotta be simple," he stated simply before letting Scout down on a bed with much care, rummaging through the supplies to find what he had been looking for. It was the medic's pack, switch and all, and it was a simple task to flip it to 'on' before letting the healing clouds whisk about Scout's beaten frame. "Just like magic," he stated, one hand pressed against his forehead, a warm smile on his face as a festering feeling of guilt began to run rampant through the hollow of his chest. "Now you feelin' any better? Don't like this time."
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
Personal Injury. {Scout and Richard}
Richard was fuming, his nerves on the verge of bursting, sensation bristling like mad under his skin. He shouldn't have left, he knew he shouldn't have, and he had so much explaining to do. But so long as Scout was still in this blasted territory, then there would be some spark of hope left in this dreaded place. Of course, that hope was absolutely dashed when the sound of sentries came roaring through the open fields, bursts of gun fire blaring loudly through the fort. Richard broke out in a sprint, sniper rifle slung over his shoulders and he scurried to observe what was going on. Was there a battle? Was Scout fighting by himself? Where was he? How was he? And then the image came to him -- The young man slumped over the ground as the bullets and shells came whizzing by his head. He was hugged closely to the ground, trying oh so hard to avoid getting pinged. Strange thing was was that it was their sentries. BLU sentries firing at a BLU Scout. That meant only one thing: Scout had tried to escape. Clenching his jaw hard, the sniper let out a desperate cry, screaming the name of the young man he had regretted ever leaving, snapping his rile up and firing well-aimed shots at the sentries. Squeezing his trigger a couple more times, the weapons fell apart, both collapsing to the ground into a heap of metal, screws and lord knew what else those Engineers used. "Scout," he panted breathlessly before rushing over to the side of the man, chest rising and falling in rapid succession. "Scout!" Even louder still, his legs moving faster, sprinting down the fields in record-making time. "Scout, are you hurt?!"
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legem-blog · 12 years
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legem-blog · 12 years
E.S. Posthumus - Mosane Pi
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