Plastic PRN prices set to rise
Plastic packaging recycling has now emerged as a problem area in the light of weaker demand from China for material and also because of the failure of some plastics recycling businesses in the UK. The provisional data showed that 197,249 tonnes of plastics packaging were recycled in third quarter. That equates to 61% being exported, while around 39% stayed in the UK for recycling.
Read more at: http://londoncitywasteclearance.co.uk/blog/plastic-prn-prices-set-to-rise/
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Recycling the bigger picture!
Why do we recycle? It’s a very frequently asked question. Some think it’s a waste of time while others understand the benefits. Recycling has many benefits, which is why local councils are encouraging all residents to recycle where possible. Many residents find recycling to be very stressful, whereas it really isn’t.
Read more at: http://londoncitywasteclearance.co.uk/blog/recycling-the-bigger-picture/
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EU Food wastage
According to the most recent Eurostat figures, the UK has wasted a total of 14.3 million tonnes of food per year, and is the most wasteful of the EU’s 27 member states. In total, the EU has wasted 89.2 million. Other EU members, Germany (10.3 million tonnes), the Netherlands (9.4 million), France (9 million) and Poland (8.9 million) make up the top five most profligate countries.
Read more at: http://londoncitywasteclearance.co.uk/blog/eu-food-wastage/
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Recycling the bigger picture!
Why do we recycle? It’s a very frequently asked question. Some think it’s a waste of time while others understand the benefits. Recycling has many benefits, which is why local councils are encouraging all residents to recycle where possible. Many residents find recycling to be very stressful, whereas it really isn’t.
Read more at: http://londoncitywasteclearance.co.uk/blog/recycling-the-bigger-picture/
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Cleaning your garden for winter
With winter fast approaching, your garden begins to lose its beautiful colour and life. Many decide to leave it as it is and clean up when the weather gets warmer but its best to clear the garden before winter kicks in. Clearing up before will mean you are ahead of when the weather starts to get warmer, so it is ready for you to just walk out and enjoy the sun.
Read more to find out a few tips at: http://londoncitywasteclearance.co.uk/blog/cleaning-your-garden-for-winter/
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Keeping on top of your mess!
When your office becomes your second home, it’s difficult not to bring the same habit of gathering clutter. Then, before you know it, you can’t find a clear space on your desk to place a document to sign. To avoid getting buried in unnecessary clutter, try to stay on top of everything and take simple steps on a daily basis rather than letting it accumulated.
Read 10 ways to keep an office tidy and keep on top of your junk!
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More than half of dumped white goods can be recycled!
Over the years, it has become a necessity to have white goods in a home. In the past most households didn't own any appliances, some were lucky to have a refrigerator or maybe a washing machine. White goods generally last a long time, so in addition to being conscious of your energy and water efficiency, it’s important to check if the appliance is recyclable.
With time, households want all things electrical but are we disposing of unwanted appliances responsibly?
Many unwanted white goods are being dumped with rubbish and sent to landfill. At least half of the white goods that are thrown away with household rubbish are usually still in working order or can be repaired and re-used.
Residents choose to throw away instead of recycling as organising a pick up around their lifestyle is hard but it doesn’t have to be.
In this modern age everything has become so simple, there are many white goods recycling London services available that collect according to you time. Simply call and make the arrangements for it to be picked up and disposed of the correct way. It is important to recycle as appliances are generally made of two-thirds steel, so white goods are stripped for scrap metal before they're sent to landfill, and since it's such a valuable material recycling centres make sure very little of it ends up in landfill.
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Waste Collection London
Seven million tonnes of food is thrown away in the UK every year, and million more tonnes of electrical goods. Even though many electrical items can be recycled, they are still being thrown away. Around two million TVs are thrown away in the UK, which is typically made up of 6% metal and 50% glass, both of which can be recycled.
Recycling is always the best way to get rid of waste, even when it is exported abroad. Recycling facilities have become very easily accessible for households yet many choose to throw everything in the bin. There are many waste collection in London services available yet there is rubbish that can be recycled being sent to landfill.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs conducted a report, where they analysed 200 reports covering seven different materials: paper and cardboard, plastics, biopolymers, food, garden cuttings, wood and textiles. They then looked at the evidence for seven methods of disposal, including recycling, composting, incineration and landfill, measured by four different criteria: energy use, water use, other resource use, and greenhouse gas emissions.
According to the report, recycling was the clear winner but there is still room to improve the amount being recycled each year. In the last few years, according to Defra, the total waste collected from the UK's 25m households dropped slightly to 24.3m tonnes, and of this 9.1m tonnes – 178kg per person – was recycled, a bit more than a third. Almost all of the remainder went to landfill.
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Furniture Removal London
A change in life is not always good, as moving house or office space can bring a mixture of emotions, as well as the stress of packing and unpacking.to ensure a smooth process of relocating, many are choosing to hire professional services to do all the stressful job of moving the large furniture from one location to another.
There are a few services offered for furniture removal by removal companies:
Furniture Assembling – there’s no need to worry about dismantling every item of your furniture and then trying to figure out how to put the pieces back once at the new place. This service will take all your items of furniture to pieces in order to move them and making sure that all the tiny screws and nails are kept together safely.
Packing Materials - The first and most important part of moving is making sure you have the right packing materials. With this service you can order tape, boxes, wrapping paper, bubble wrap, labels, padded envelopes and more…
House Removal – moving house is a new experience that can leave you pulling your hair out, even after weeks of planning. This services offers a tailor made removal package to suit you and your lifestyle.
Man and Van Service – this service comes with a skilled and experienced high-top van driver. The driver will help will help with the loading and unloading each end of the trip and will transport your items to any destination that you require.
Storage – some furniture removal companies offer safe and secure storage units to store items you may no longer need but want to keep.
So to enjoy your move and avoid any stress or headache that comes with, find a furniture removal London company and let them do all the work for you.
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House/Flat Clearance Step by Step Guide
Clearing a house when moving means stress, and nobody wants to be stressed when there’s so much to do. Sorting, packing and throwing away is a very long process, which is why many choose to pay others to do it.
London City Waste Clearance can do everything from sorting to disposing of rubbish the right way.
What to expect from a London house/flat clearance service:
1. Assessing the job After you contact London City Waste Clearance, a visit is arranged to see what is needed to be done. At the visit, a team member will see the size of the house or flat that needs to be cleared and the location of the property. They will also see the kind of contents involved, whether anything is valuable enough to need valuing or taking to auction and any potential risks, such as hazardous waste or tricky access points.
2. Getting started On the chosen date, the team will arrive with all the necessary equipment and transportation that is needed. Every team member treats the property and all the belongings with respect. The clearance team ensures they work with you or your chosen representative when sorting through everything. Once all the items are sorted into separate piles, the team will ensure that the ‘keep’ pile is stored away safely to avoid breakages or things getting muddled up.
3. Sorting through the contents Each clearance team member will go through each and every item with you to decide whether you want to keep it, throw it away or give it to charity. You may choose to sell some of the valuable items, in those cases, the team will advise you on auction houses and suitable avenues to try.
4. Disposing of the junk Once everything has been sorted, the rubbish is taken away and disposed of safely, ethically and legally. All recyclable items are sent to the correct recycling centre.
5. Moving on Having a clearance team doing all the clearing and heavy lifting means you can save your emotional energy for making important decisions about the contents that will allow you to move on practically and psychologically, as house clearance can be an emotional process for all kinds of reasons.
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EU Citizens produce 28.4KG of E Waste
Reports suggests that around 60% of the 41.8 million tonnes of electronic waste thrown away in 2014 are old kitchen, bathroom and laundry equipment. Other household items such as old microwaves, washing machines and dishwashers make up the bulk of the waste.
Within the 41.8 million tonnes of waste, there was said to be about 16,000 kilotonnes of iron, 1,900 kilotonnes of copper and 300 tonnes of gold as well as other precious metals such as palladium can represent a potential toxic stockpile as many of the devices used materials, such as lead, that were hazardous which needed to be disposed of carefully.
The items that are properly recycled and put into a re-use scheme counted for around 16% which is not good enough - the rest is just left piling up at landfill sites.
The top three nations which disposed most of their electronic waste was the US with 7,072 kilotonnes, then China with 6,032 kilotonnes and Japan with 2,200 kilotonnes generated in 2014.
European nations topped the rankings of how much waste each citizen generated. The growing popularity of domestic electronics raised the levels of discarding electronic equipment as many modern devices did not last as long as older versions of the same product.
Each EU citizen discarded about 28.4kg of electronic waste in Norway while across Africa levels of e-waste generated per inhabitant were lower at 1.7kg per person. The lack of E-Waste Recycling in London is a big problem, the London Assembly is working hard to encourage businesses to recycle their old electronic equipment rather than binning them.
David Malon who is the UN under-secretary-general, rector of the UN University said that far more should be done to increase the electronic waste and the valuable resources used to make such equipment. "Worldwide, e-waste constitutes a valuable 'urban mine' - a large potential reservoir of recyclable materials," he said.
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Office Clearance
Office Clearance is needed for many reasons, it could be that a business is relocating, refurbishing, upgrading old furniture or there’s not enough office space. Our office clearance team work closely with the clients’ landlords and building managers to prepare an office clearance plan that suits all parties
Read more at London Waste Clearance
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