laughing-fiend · 9 years
ウタ-- He had followed the bleeding ghoul for a few blocks, curious gaze from the rooftop above contorting to a frown. 
[Hmm... looks like Noro-san is in a bit of trouble] 
The mask maker had met the rather silent Aogiri member a handful of times-- usually without a single word being exchanged between the pair. Even when he had a mask commissioned he had answered his questions via written word, disappearing after a conversation of roughly ten minutes. 
The times he’d come into the studio for a repair were few and far in between. Usually, he’d just drop off his alabaster mask with little fanfare, not giving Uta the chance to really look at his face. 
It was so interesting for the ‘no face’ to meet another who embodied the CCG’s tag-- though for a very different reason. Noro was interesting. Uta had never stumbled upon a ghoul quite like him in all his time as the resident mask maker. And it was on that interest that the Clown decided to have a little fun.
Perhaps the wounds were greater than the visage of calm let on-- Uta was able to jump rather gracefully to the ground, giving Noro a wide grin.It seemed that the male had not even sensed him. 
“Hello, Noro-san. What’s an Aogiri official such as yourself doing, wandering the 4th ward? Were you looking for a snack? I don’t mind sharing.” 
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The falling Raven
What was this feeling?
Crimson erupted from his stomach, his dim gaze trailing downwards as he merely kept walking,  ignoring this odd sensation. Months of experimentation, years of a numb washing of his brain had led him to feel nothing. For some odd reasoning, he was failing to heal, his lace of eating biting him since the missions had increased. .He had no time to eat. 
This would prove to be damaging, but not life threatening,  he would ache, though by no means of showing it. Steps would be even as he ventured through the ward of cannibals,  his masked and trenched body finding it’s way to a very certain alley. Digits were blood coated and yet he remained silent so as to remain sane. 
He would plop against the nearest trashcan, a single can of coffee within his grasp as he took it from his pocket. He opened it up,  moving his mask upwards as he drank it quietly.
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
Uta saving Mun from zombies because she would 'definitely not' survive the apocalypse ;) (ps~ rule #2: the double tap)
i got that reference. zombieland is perf
“It had been an honest mistake, really. There had been what appeared to be a sleeping man in his vehicle, just casually chilling in my usual parking spot and yeah– a ‘zombie’ apocalypse might be happening but there hadn’t been any reports over here– and uh, I may have woken him up when I parked next to him. He was slumped over his steering wheel but seemed harmless enough, until I saw that he was missing his jaw. He had a nice tie though. It was zebra-patterned.”  I rambled, finding myself thrown over the shoulder of my lovely muse. 
“Be quiet. You’re making it angry. And don’t think I didn’t catch that remark. The zebra-print suit looked good on me.” Uta bit back, giving a sigh as he sent his foot straight through the zombie’s moaning skull. He stomped on it one more time before walking away, unceremoniously dropping me to the pavement. 
“Oww, rude! You could be nicer.” I complained, rubbing at my head. I go through all this trouble for this crap– ugh, forget about calling him a ‘lovely’ muse. 
“I could… but that would be out of character.” He chided, pausing as he took in the scene of the now splattered remains of the unlucky zombie. 
“You know what, you’re right. At least you had the common sense to not poke it with a stick. I’m sorry for doubting your intelligence.” 
“H-hey, that was one time! And I had a cold! I could barely remember my own name!” 
“…Whatever you say, mun.” 
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
I never send these in but I enjoy the hell out of your work! Renji and Uta sleeping together the first time when they were young
//ooh nice idea anon//
Their relationship is far from conventional. They’ve come so far from the days of simple hatred and disdain for the other– distanced themselves from beliefs which had at one point fueled a burning desire to kill. They had gone from enemies to comrades to friends… and to something even more. 
With fingers laced in the lankier teen’s hair, Yomo kept his chin against the crown of Uta’s head, grey eyes catching flecks of gold in the dark from the dim illumination of the moon. Uta was a heavy sleeper– it seemed that all the bloodshed did nothing to stir his conscience. Not that the ghoul was too surprised. He’d be shocked to hear that the younger teen had ever felt guilty at any point in his life. 
Lost in his pondering, the Raven was unaware that a pale hand had snaked up to gently comb through his own silver locks. 
“Mmm… what are you thinking about, Renji?” The voice, as soft and fluid as ever questioned, red irises looking up at him. There was a heavy layer of sleep in his tone which was masked by his teasing grin. 
“Nothing. Go back to sleep.” Renji affirmed, giving a sigh as he brought the lithe teen closer, encircling his body with strong arms. 
“Liar,” The ghoul started, giving a soft bite to the wanderer’s shoulder. It didn’t break skin but a rumble passed through Yomo all the same at the dangerous pressure. It Uta wanted to, he could easily bite through the flesh and sinews-- he had heard of the ghoul’s cannibalistic tendencies, but all that followed was a gentle kiss to the slightly reddened area. 
“But it’s okay. You can tell me when you feel like it. ‘Night.” He affirmed, closing his eyes again and drifting easily into a dreamless sleep. 
The silver-haired ghoul did not respond, voice lost in the stages between wake and sleep. His final thought before he drifted into the peace that sleep provided was that he hoped he wouldn’t regret the decisions he had made. 
Though, he imagined, he could never regret meeting Uta. 
sorry i turned this into fluff instead haha ^^’
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
Hello! I saw you're doing scenario, now... Can they be crack scenarios as well?
//hehe of course! Crack scenarios are super okay as well! Send some in if u feel so obliged~
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
;; announcement
*whispers gently to my followers* as you can see, i haven’t had too much time to rp lately since finals week is coming up and i’m suffering under the weight of an existential crisis and the fear of failing  my bio II class oops but, i love this blog a lot and i hate that i’m so late w/ replies so as a sorta recompense for my absence i want to extend a little ‘gift’ per se, something that even my non-rp blog followers can participate in.  send in uta scenarios. that’s right, anything u can imagine, not barring smut. it can be as if uta has a s/o, angsty stuff, fluffy things, au plots etc. i will respond with a little ficlet of varying lengths (depending on my interest) and will use the tag ‘uta fics’ for anons who might miss me answering their question.  so yes. ask away. i’ll do any sort of request, except smut bc oops i’m piss poor at writing it. triggers will also be tagged for each request as well, so do not worry ^^’ if u have any questions pls message me and i’ll sort out any confusion you’re having :P heading to bed tho so hopefully when i wake up i’ll have some asks~ and, of course, u can have more than one prompt, just try to keep it to one prompt per ask-- you can send in as many asks as u see fit tho so it shouldn’t be a problem :3
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{{enjoy an almost uta smooch, lovelies!}}
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
mun ramblings under cut: 
//bio II exam went alright... still worried as usual bc golly gosh that class gives me migraines :/ but *fingers crossed* i don’t think i got worse than a C.  hehe, on the ridiculous side, the director of the honors program I’m in personally asked me to ‘assist’ during open house for the college. as in i’m gonna have to be social and talk to the freshman class of honors (which is anywhere from 100-200 ppl oh no) and their parents. yeah...i’m def gonna need to stop by his office bc umm i’m the last person u want as a public speaker. i have social anxiety and even if he asks me personally i don’t know if i can agree to it. i’ve known him since i was a kid and i owe him a lot since he’s been super helpful in my transition to college, but i don’t wanna disappoint him or the honors program. blegh.  on the plus side, i got a 90 on my last psych exam even tho i studied for like 5 minutes lol and was super stressed bc of my bio class. so that was a nice surprise~ anyway, replies will be late as usual as i’ve got wayyy too much hw ughh
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
I was tagged by: the lovely sanguinumlingua {vas is perfect please follow the bae} one song:  uhh i’m really digging uma thurman by fob rt now two movies:  *cries* Dead Poet’s Society and Interview with the Vampire  three shows:  I don’t watch a lot of tv crap… so uh gonna put NBC”s Hannibal, Criminal Minds, and Gotham four people: ? like friends? or actors/actresses? idk so i’ll respond w/ my 4 fave tg chars: Uta, Eto, Kaneki, and Tatara  five foods: pastaaaaa, potato soup, vanilla bean scones, veggie pizza, and stawberries six people to tag: nyx613 / humanity-pub / fxrestvixen / ninteixmokuteki / whxterabbxt / thebeautifulimmortal / and momoironingyouxoxo it’s 7 ppl but idc haha
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
4,7, 10, and 14 c:
4. What do you think about your mun’s friends?
“They’re alright, I suppose… many of them are artists so I can’t say she has bad taste.” 
7. Do you like your mun?
“She’s nice enough… but she’s a bit clingy and never helps me get food…” 
10. Do you get jealous if your mun has other muses?
yes “Ah, jealousy isn’t the right term, per se. I’m just more interesting so I get offended when she ambles off to other muses.”
14. Do you think your mun would survive a zombie apocalypse?
“…Definitely not. She’d be eaten in a second– she’d do something as ridiculous as poking a corpse with a stick to see if it would reanimate or not.” 
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ooc: ahh thanks for the ask anon
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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Make me choose :
seiijjuro asked Naki or Uta
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
Kaneki Ken is selfish (and I love him for it)
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So, at first glance, it may seem that Kaneki’s being your typical hero (albeit playing more for the “anti” side). After all, what animango mc hasn’t expressed a similar sentiment to “protect his friends!” at some point? And it’s usually presented as a positive thing, a sign of love, as one of the mc’s main strengths and what separates them from the villains.
But Kaneki’s desire to protect is actually is actually part of the fatal flaw in his character and the driving factor in his descent to madness. I go into a lot more (too much…) detail about this on this post. In some ways, Kaneki Ken is a deconstruction of your archetypical animanga mc who does everything to protect his friends taken to its extreme where it is very the cause of his downfall.
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 His desire to protect (and at great cost to himself) isn’t portrayed as noble or  good thing, but a selfish desire rooted in not love, but fear - his fear of being alone.
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Kaneki Ken isn’t some all-loving hero with only good intentions born of love, but a flawed, cowardly (half) human being. And isn’t that refreshing?
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
When you hear someone talking shit about you
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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log : 3 by 降島ツカサ Permission to repost given by artist.
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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Takizawa Seidou; now and then ;n;
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
Send a # and my muse will talk about the mun
What drink did the mun have last?
Does your mun drink too much?
What do you think about your mun’s significant other or their crush?
What do you think about your mun’s friends?
What do you think about your mun’s shopping habits?
Is your mun a nice person?
Do you like your mun?
What’s your favorite thing about your mun?
What’s your least favorite thing about your mun?
Do you get jealous if your mun has other muses?
What do you think of your mun’s style?
What do you think about your mun’s music?
What do you think about your mun’s favorite TV show?
Do you think your mun would survive a zombie apocalypse?
What was the last thing your mun lied about?
What’s your mun’s favorite thread?
What do you think of your mun’s family?
What was the last movie your mun watched and did you like it?
What do you think about your mun’s sense of humor?
What is something you think your mun could change about themselves?
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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☆ by ★ Posted with permission from the artist.
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laughing-fiend · 9 years
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the fandom after the last episode
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