lafilledusamourai · 3 years
A Beginner’s Guide to Dark Academia
tips for the baby aesthete’s out there
actually study! study the things you love, the things you like, the things you know nothing about — the pursuit of knowledge lasts a lifetime, and there is so much to learn
visit your professor’s office hours! it always helps to make yourself known to your teachers (i’ve been given grade bumps and had great conversations with my university lecturers)
avoid and check yourself for the pretension that can often accompany academia — it hurts no one to be kind and mindful
delve into the realm of philosophy (for starters: metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics) it will broaden your mind
stay late at your university library studying (if you can do so safely, preferably with a friend). university campuses feel magical in the evening
wear darker, muted colours
plaid coats, pants, or skirts
button-up shirts (Peter Pan collars are a bonus)
tie your hair with a bow
accessorise! a vintage watch adds sophistication to any outfit. try wearing it with a ring or three
practice good posture — standing tall creates an air of elegance, confidence, and if paired with the right amount of nonchalance, mystery
dead poets society
the dreamers
breathless (à bout de souffle)
cléo from 5 to 7 (cléo de 5 à 7)
handsome devil
tv shows
gilmore girls
chilling adventures of sabrina
black mirror
the good place
the politician
the secret history
the picture of dorian gray
the goldfinch
the line of beauty
the collected poems of oscar wilde 
ovid’s metamorphoses
listen to classical music as you sleep/read/study
you can check out this dark academia playlist for inspiration
aesthetic activities (think of this as a little checklist to get you underway as a fledgling aesthete)
make yourself tea in pretty teacups (you can find plenty in secondhand stores!)
light candles in your bedroom, and read by candlelight 
dry flowers for your room/desk
explore secondhand bookstores for old, pretty editions of novels you may or may not have heard of
give handwritten letters to your lovers/friends/yourself
wake up before the sun rises to watch dawn break
brood during a thunderstorm, and write extravagant, flowery poetry on parchment
join a secret society
exist in the real, with your books and art, and your turtlenecks and plaid coats, as a mystery. social media can give too much of you away
host an unceasing bacchanal for you and your pals
I hope this serves as a nice little guide for some of you wanting to get more into the aesthetic! There’s no real right or wrong way to go about it, these are just my suggestions from my own experience and perception of and within the community. 
Juniper x
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lafilledusamourai · 3 years
How to feel more DA from the comfort of your own home:
> Touch up any makeup or put on some of your finest red lipstick
> Light a candle & put it on a windowsil (or anywhere it won't catch something on fire)
> Read something challenging during the day (Shakespeare, James Joyce & my boi Edgar for example) & something easygoing in the evening (Agatha Christie, Huxley, Stevenson)
> Make a cup of coffee or tea either in a delicate teacup OR a real heavy duty mug (it's impossible to look even slightly suspicious if you're holding a normal sized mug ¯\_(ツ)_/)
> Listen to antique records on vinyl. If you don't have a player, there are some amazing Spotify playlists to use!
> If you're feeling uninspired, change up your outfit! I always feel my lowest when I'm in my pajamas all day, so I will usually put on a pair of corduroy trousers with braces & match it with a spiffingly hefty blouse
> Look at Instagram or other tumblr posts on DA and see what you find! create a mood board on Pinterest if you so wish!
> Learn to raise one eyebrow- if feeling like a pretentious scholar is your goal, this small action is a must!!
> Reach your daily goal on Duolingo- while you're doing it, it may not seem very DA, HOWEVER, when you're done you feel accomplished & smart, which is perfectly on brand. Plus, you get to learn a little more of your chosen language every day- & one of those days you'll be fluent!
> Style your hair- if you have longer (and straighter) hair, I recommend an updo such as a Gibson Tuck. Styling your hair makes you feel elegant & improves your mood heavily! Nowadays it's rare to see me without my hair up
> Reorganise/ decorate your space- even if it's just a little change, such as moving the plants around your room, it's still a breath of fresh air & allows you room to think about more permenant changes such as new paint or furniture
> Carry a book with you anywhere you go- even if it's just to the kitchen, this action will totally make you feel more book smart! A spiffing one to carry with you is "Schotts Original Miscellany" as you can read about almost anything, from identifying cloud types to commonplace Latin. Its super useful to have in your pocket- almost like a pre-written notebook just for you :)
> Practice a creative skill- like an instrument, writing or drawing. This improves your DA levels for sure
> Improve your humour to be witty & sarcastic! You can pick up tricks from basically any witty (or British) show like Sherlock or Doctor Who, & when you have sarcasm and wit up your sleeve, you aren't just unstoppable, you're also turning into that pretentious scholar you've dreamed of becoming! :,)
I hope this helps some people! Have an amazing weekend everyone & if you have any queries feel free to comment- happy Dark Academia-ing :)
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
hogwarts houses as types of students
slytherin: all-nighters, procrastination, accidental a’s, black coffee and caffeine jitters, “can’t talk, sorry, have four essays, three projects, and a 30 minute presentation due tomorrow and i’m gonna finish them all tonight,” actually finishes them all in one night, secret perfectionists, overworking themselves, secret parties on the weekend
ravenclaw: color-coded pens and highlighters, pretty notes with flower doodles, hot tea and biscuits, study schedule, functions under stressed, starts studying for the two weeks before the exam, “why do anything if you aren’t going to give your all,” takes mental health days, has their shit together, always busy 
hufflepuff: doodles instead of annotations, reading notes by the fireplace, breakfast study sessions, test anxiety, tries their best, talks to professors after class, tells everyone to drink water but is dehydrated, scented candles on their desk “you wanna have a picnic in my backyard and share notes after class?”
gryffindor: last minute studying, wings it, reads notes before class, impulse decisions, skips class to hang with friends, “grades aren’t everything you know, i’ve got looks and personality,” teacher’s pet, sugary coffee with tons of cream, gets shushed in the library, watches videos while “studying,” writes essays an hour before class
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
You are doing so great, my love. I know you may be doubting yourself; doubting your strength, doubting your worth and doubting whether you are on the right path or not. I am here to tell you, that you are strong, you are worthy and you are exactly where you are meant to be. If you feel overwhelmed and find yourself worrying about all of these things, take a step back, darling. Focus on the twenty-four hours in front of you. You only have to make it through this day. Do not think about every little thing you need to accomplish in the next few hours, days, weeks or months. Focus on now. Take care of yourself. You are so important. And I hope you will feel better soon. You deserve it so much.
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
Studying foreign language
Нашла способ в интернете,чтобы заучивать новые слова.Немного хлопотно,но мне действительно это помогло).
•Найти небольшой топик с незнакомой лексикой(в книге или в интернете).
•Поделить лист тетради на два столбца(один уже,другой шире).
•Переписать текст в широкую часть страницы.
•Выделить незнакомые слова маркером или ручкой другого цвета.
•Переписать новую лексику(с переводом) в узкую часть страницы.
Итак,спустя пять дней и пять написанных текстов,каждый из которых занимает лист А4,я выучила около 150 слов.Немного,но я не думаю,что забуду их через неделю,как обычно происходит,если учить слова отдельно от контекста)
Маленький советик:
Старайтесь писать в тетради красиво,аккуратно и ярко)Тогда,возможно,это занятие будет доставлять удовольствие)
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
strange day
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
все, чего хочу - лежать в объятиях человека, который будет слушать мои рассуждения с миской клубники тёплым летним вечером. я снова чувствую себя одиноко, да.
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
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Make your adjustments!
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
Why do I have a plastic hairbrush?
My friend was visiting me the other day and as she sat in my living room she noticed my plastic hairbrush on the table.
"Why do you have a plastic hairbrush I thought you care about nature and you try to avoid plastic!"
Why? Because I can still use it. I have had this brush for cca 12 years. It is not broken. It's fine. And I will have it for as long as it works and then buy a good alternative. We don't throw away things that work perfectly fine just to prove to other people, that we care. We use the things we have FIRST!
There is no need for buying a stainless steel lunch box if you can still use an old plastic one. It's fine.
USE WHAT YOU HAVE FIRST and when it no longer works like it should, dispose of it responsibly and then get a good alternative. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to Kise Ryouta! (18th June)
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
text au
kise: midorimacchi i'm having a horrible headache
midorima: try rubbing your nipples. i read that helps
kise: okayyy i'm rubbing them, but the teacher's looking at me funny
midorima: temples! i meant temples!
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
may february be good to all of us
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
Kise, explaining to Aomine why he should drink more water: Water can solve all problems! Wanna lose weight? Drink water. Clear skin? Drink water.
Akashi, from across the room: Tired of someone? Drown them.
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lafilledusamourai · 4 years
буквально каждый мой день:
Свой единственный выходной я потратила на кровати за чтением фанфика и просмотра тик тока. Самый бесполезный день в моей жизни.
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