kyoshieru · 7 years
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Menggambar lagi setelah sekian lama. Rikues dari seorang teman, gak mirip seh. Tapi dia gak komplen, so I think it’s ok?
Sketching sama liningnya tradi, tapi coloring digi (I ruined the tradi with my poor waco skill (¯―¯٥))
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Loading nya FFn gak enak banget. Monyet ngetik. Entah kenapa saya ngerasa tertohok. XD Kek : "monyet aja nulis, masa kamu gak?" XD Njir lah. Btw, tumbenal sinyal lemot. Buka text doang pake loading, kere abis!
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Sekuelnya udah mau rilis, tapi saya malah baru nonton. Ayo ayo, yg kapalnya sempat karam.
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Looks legit. Guinness World Records Certificate "The most copies published for the same comic books series by a single author"
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Biasanya saya suka chara berkacamata, cuma satu ini yg agak gimana gitu. Tsukkyampret mulutnya comberan banget, minta disobek-sobek. XD
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Hades and Persephone by AlexandraVBach
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Aiza, your imagination is too high…
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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Even if in the depth of the darkest oceans, some light always pierces through.
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kyoshieru · 8 years
Hades x Persephone?! *salto*
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Review: The Star Touched Queen by Rouhani Chokshi
My Rating: 5/5 
I received an ARC of The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi from MacMillan. This does not affect my views on the book. All material quoted is subject to change.
“The weeks before, I had lost myself in the folktales of Bharata. Stories of elephants who spun clouds, shaking tremors loose from ancient trunks gnarled with the rime of lost cyclones, whirlwinds and thunderstorms. Myths of frank-eyed naga women, twisting serpentine, flashing smiles full of uncut gemstones. Legends of a world beneath, above, beside the one I knew―where trees bore edible gems and no one would think twice about a girl with dark skin and a darker horoscope.”
Holy mother of surrealism.
Not only are the characters in this story so compelling and original, and the writing so well composed, but the imagery in this book is truly something else. Fans of Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente can appreciate this otherworldly style of creativity, where creatures abound in all aspects of life and nature has a will of its own. The Star Touched Queen is written like a whimsical dream turned nightmare. When I feel as though the details and secondary characters alone are palpable enough to uphold background stories of their own, I know it’s a damn good book. In this case, Chokshi surpasses all my expectations and completely SLAYS the YA Lit game.
Princess Mayavati lives as an outcast amongst the royal court of Bharata, despite being of the blood of the Raja. Her horoscope proclaims a union of death and destruction, henceforth leaving her to walk in the shadows of the Harem wives and their mistrust of the young girl with the unfortunate fortune. But when the opportunity to grasp freedom from her world of glamoured captivity awakens, Maya is forced to enter a realm only believed to resonate within the stories of ancient folklore.
Maya is strong, and a noteworthy inspirational heroine. She is cunning and witty, able to pull apart the deception set before her and unravel riddles in a heartbeat. Her heart is full of passion, but her romance never sways her loyalty or her morals. Although the romance between Maya and her Raja of Akaran is ferociously beautiful, their love story doesn’t interfere with what matters the most: self acceptance and self discovery. Ultimately, this is a tale of reincarnation.
Oh, and did I mention that this is an adaption of Persephone and Hades told through an Indian setting? Because it is, and it’s freaking amazing. Although, I really should add that this isn’t your usual retelling because it’s merely a loosely fitted version of the original myth. Most of this book is completely original from the author herself, with just some bits and pieces hinting towards P & H. And don’t forget what I mentioned before about the world-building. What I’d do to take a vacation inside Chokshi’s mind…*shivers in delight*
I won’t say much about the romance in fear of getting ahead of myself and spoiling you guys, but believe me― it’s maddening in the best of ways.
The Star Touched Queen hits the shelves May 3rd! I once mentioned that any book I give a 5 star rating to will also receive a playlist compiled by yours truly. That being said…listen HERE! Also, don’t forget to preorder your copies now! You’re not going to want to miss this.
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kyoshieru · 8 years
Me want!
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It’s early 1945 and a group of people trek across Germany, bound together by their desperation to reach the ship that can take them away from the war-ravaged land. Four young people, each haunted by their own dark secret, narrate their unforgettable stories.
This was such a beautiful story. I stayed up at until 4am to finish reading because I literally could not put it down, which hasn’t happened to me in ages. This was told from the point-of-view of four characters, each from very different backgrounds but heading in the same direction (for the most part). Despite the simplicity of her prose, Sepetys brought these characters to life so unbelievably well. By the end of the book I felt like I knew them - even some of the characters who’s POV we didn’t see. I also enjoyed the fact that one of the main four characters is by no means likeable. Actually he was kind of repulsive. But he served well as a plot device, so I’ll give him that. 
I wound up giving this book five stars because emotionally, I was a complete wreck once I finished it. I mean it’s probably pretty rare that I read WWII fiction and don’t end up in tears, but this really got to me. One of the most harrowing things about reading WWII fiction, or fiction on any war for that matter, is how despite all the horror we experienced, such a sickening amount of violence is still accepted on this planet. I can’t understand it and I never will. 
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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On day 10 of Disability in Kidlit’s 2-week event about disability in SFF (details here!), co-founder Kody Keplinger reviews Kristin Cashore’s Graceling and Bitterblue:
Is Po a character I would recommend as a positive portrayal of blindness? No. Especially not of total blindness. Unfortunately, the rules established in Graceling prevent this. However, I do think Cashore’s response and attempts to work within the rules she’d established were admirable and created a much more interesting and complex portrayal of visual impairment.
Read the full review at Disability in Kidlit. →
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kyoshieru · 8 years
Kayaknya bagus. :/
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On day 13 of Disability in Kidlit’s 2-week event about disability in SFF (details here!), DiKL editor Natasha Razi reviews Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows:
Since I do not walk with a limp, I cannot speak to the accuracy of Kaz’s experience, but I appreciated the differences between his relationship to his limp and his relationship to his PTSD. A single person can react very differently to different disabilities: I have some disabilities I can barely talk about, and others that don’t bother me at all. Because it is incredibly rare for a book to depict multiple disabilities, much less in the same character, these nuances rarely appear in fiction. Kaz is deeply secretive about his trauma and the related symptoms. In sharp contrast, he treats his limp with pride. This tells the audience a dozen things about the character, his injuries, and the events that caused them—and as a delightful bonus, it reminds us that disability is not a homogenous experience, even in the same character.
Read the full review at Disability in Kidlit. →
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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When it comes to human nature, it’s true to say actions speak louder than words.
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kyoshieru · 8 years
Isn't it BPD?
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kyoshieru · 8 years
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