kylepfiedler · 7 months
We increasingly live a ‘just in time’ life because, at a systemic level, there’s pressure to pack in as much stuff as possible at both a consumption and production level. We’re just as dissatisfied, only busier.
Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster
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kylepfiedler · 7 months
Ever been on one that lasts hours only to determine "next time we need to communicate better"? I bet you have.
Look back less
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kylepfiedler · 8 months
“Read all the most recent threads, append that to your most recent knowledge, and see the semantic differences that an executive would care about to the status of this project and if it’s still on course, and send me that every day as a Slack message.”
Intercom on Product: Product strategy in the age of AI
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kylepfiedler · 9 months
The question to ask with all those things isn’t, “how do I make time for this?” The answer to that question always disappoints, because that view of time has it forever speeding away from you. The better question is, how does doing what I need make time for everything else?
Energy makes time | everything changes
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kylepfiedler · 10 months
There are many days when I get my work done, but I feel like I wasn't very present as a parent to my children. Not that I wasn't literally there, but I was just too tired to be there with them in the way I wanted to be—and that's a bad day.
Ezra Klein’s Formula for a Good Day Involves These Four Things
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kylepfiedler · 10 months
Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.
Letter from Birmingham Jail, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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kylepfiedler · 10 months
There are often debates on whether “designers should learn to code.” In reality, I think we all need to learn something of the language, skills, and priorities of the other people on our teams.
Working Together: How Designers And Developers Can Communicate To Create Better Projects — Smashing Magazine
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kylepfiedler · 10 months
The three most powerful motives are curiosity, delight, and the desire to do something impressive. Sometimes they converge, and that combination is the most powerful of all.
How to Do Great Work
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kylepfiedler · 1 year
“They make things worse while making it look like something’s actually changed.”
Doug Rushkoff Is Ready to Renounce the Digital Revolution
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kylepfiedler · 1 year
The main difference is that it's now clearer than ever before that these companies' interests are not the same as their customers', or their workers'. There's nothing universal about the technology revolution, no rising tide that lifts all boats. We have to give up that fiction in order to see things as they really are.
Two ways to think about decline
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kylepfiedler · 1 year
Building in accessibility from day one means beginning with a design system that’s accessible by default.
The future of design systems is accessible
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kylepfiedler · 1 year
Creating accessible products is more than just a box to check—it's a chance to pave the way for growth, establish credibility, and build trust with consumers.
The future of design systems is accessible
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kylepfiedler · 1 year
The researchers found that a “sufficient” wardrobe consists of 74 garments and 20 outfits in total. As an example, they’ve suggested six outfits for work, three outfits for home wear, three outfits for sports, two outfits for festive occasions, plus four outdoor jackets and trousers or skirts.
How Many Clothes Should We Own, Exactly?
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kylepfiedler · 2 years
Craft beer and avocado toast. Reclaimed wood. Industrial lighting. Cortados. Fast internet.
How Silicon Valley helps spread the same sterile aesthetic across the world
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kylepfiedler · 2 years
What makes it more likely that someone will be willing to trust you with their story? Presence. Deep listening. Empathy.
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kylepfiedler · 2 years
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kylepfiedler · 2 years
Binary thinking stunts innovation.
The art of experiments
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