kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
      lia wasn’t exactly dressed for the party. her jeans and black tshirt were pretty much standard, really - as fun as this all was, she wasn’t exactly the dressing up kind. playing along with the potter brothers’ party ideas was fun for a while, but outside of the apartment, well - back to normal it was. ‘ body paint, seriously? ‘ it seemed like a pretty steep price to pay for admission to a party, but she was trying to join in on the fun. that had to count for something. ‘ make it small, ‘ she said, figuring it was pointless to argue. if it made her look like a clown, she could always just wash it off. 
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Kat cocked her head to the side, sass starting to exude before she could even open her mouth to respond. “Welcome to Woodstock, baby. The paint’s just part of the fun— which by the way is a requirement here, so yea, try to have some.” Personally, Kat never understood that one song. How did it go? It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to? Nonsense. Parties were build for wild memories and bold choices, and a fair amount of alcohol. “Fine, fine. Take a seat,” she said, gesturing towards a stool by the door. “If you have a request speak now otherwise I’m just going to decide for myself. Paint roulette.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
"You!” Kat pointed across her crowded apartment, her sights set on a particular party-goer. Without offering any apologies, she shoved her way through the small crowd, only throwing an elbow or two in the process. Eventually, she found herself now stood in front of the other person. “Where do you think you’re going? Rule number one in Woodstock: no admission without body paint. Lucky for you...” Kat flourished a paint brush, tapping the other on the arm. Painted herself, decorated in colorful depictions for swirls and flowers, she was an advertisement to her abilities. 
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
Rose blinks at the other girl a little confused as to where all the hostility from the other girl had come from. She honestly hadn’t been paying attention to her surroundings so when she’d pushed her chair out just to collide with this stranger she’d honestly not meant to do it. “No I honestly didn’t.” Rose responded maintaining eye contact with the brunette hoping she could see in Rose’s eyes that she’d meant it. She could see hurt in the other girl’s eyes and despite herself Rose broke eye contact to look her over before spotting her scraped up knees. “Oh your knees! I’m so sorry about that… I think I have some cream that could help take the sting away… if you want it..”
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Kat stepped back, hand extended to keep the girl at a distance. The look in the redhead’s eyes had reiterated that it was an accident. And with some fight, Kat could believe it. But with time and effort— not with hands half-extended in her direction. “Stop.” Her hand was raised, palm out. “Look, you’re off the hook. You didn’t do it. I believe you. I don’t need your help right now. Didn’t ask for it.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
“Yeah. Shit.” Anna couldn’t get over how she hadn’t even recognized him at first. He’d grown so much since he’d last been a part of her life, and perhaps she had, too, because it took a mistaken Thai order to get them to realize who the other was. It made her feel sick at her stomach, knowing he was in the building. It was such bullshit! She’d been doing so well for so long, her emotions kept well at bay. Her relationship with her parents was shite, utter shite, but she’d made her own little family in the apartment complex. Gabe, Kat, The Potters, Rose, even bloody Cainan when she needed a drink and a good time. She didn’t want to spiral like the last time Aidan was in her life. She couldn’t handle that. “I know he doesn’t, it’s just–” Anna sighed, moving to run her fingers through her curls. “It’s just my shite luck at play again! You should’ve seen how he looked at me, Kat. I nearly burst into tears on the spot.”
Anna felt herself relax a little as Kat began to talk about her time, enjoying that someone in their flat was having a decent fucking time. “New guy?” she asked, her own voice a little more relaxes as she notices Kat’s wine and her own apparent lack any sort of drink. Walking to the fridge, she grabbed herself a random bottle, opening it without much care to see what she was drinking. “Okay, you can’t say you met a guy and not give me the deets, babes. Like, how hot are we talking?”
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“Assuming a bad look then,” Kat half-grimaced before diving in for another sip of her wine. And the way this conversation was headed, a long sip was needed. A nice, very long sip. She only knew part of the story, likely would only ever know that. She got the vibe though that it was intense, even more than she already sensed. It took everything in her not to let her big mouth open up and say something stupid like ‘big yikes.’ She chugged wine down in those words’ place.
Her lips curled, nodding. A new guy. A dreadfully beautiful fresh piece of man that just appeared in a window, cigarette between tempting lips. Kat gave a soft moan at the memory of him. Eyes closed, Kat nodded strongly. “Fucking devastating, Anna. Like dark hair, soft James Dean vibes. Ugh!” She flopped back against the couch cushion, wine glass raised to preserve what was left. “And those lips... FUCK.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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Keira Knightley for Harper’s Bazaar UK, December 2016.
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
weird how lighting a candle can make u feel marginally better like ur still feeling the same but at least there’s a candle burning… nice
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
“Oh shit. I didn’t mean to trip you I swear, I’m sorry.”
The ground had come out of nowhere. Before she even looked, Kat knew her knees were scraped up. It was a scene she’d experienced time and time again— her final year and a half at Chiasson unbearable. And it was her reaction then that spat out now, habitually. Prepared. Armed. “Sure, but you fucking did, didn’t you?” While making fierce eye contact, Kat rose to her feet. If she clenched her jaw tight enough she wouldn’t tear up. If she focused on the anger, she could bypass the hurt. “Watch where you’re going next time.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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CATHERINE “KAT” DIAH SOUCIER : ᵃᵉˢᵗʰᵉᵗᶤᶜ ⁽ ¹ / ˀ ⁾
if you think i’m 𝐍𝐎𝐓 interested — you’re right
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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look who just moved into 2C! is that BRIANNE TJU? no, that’s definitely CATHERINE “KAT” SOUCIER! rumour has it the TWENTY year old is a MUGGLEBORN and used to be a CHIASSON ACADEMIE student but now SHE/HER spends their time as a TATTOO APPRENTICE. i’m sure they’ll be a great addition to the apartments since they’re ARTISTIC and CANDID, despite being CRUDE and JUDGEMENTAL. take some time to settle in. just remember rent is due on the first!
unanswered texts from mom, an ocean keeping an old version of yourself at a distance, doodles in pen scribbled in the gaps of ripped jeans, the perfect imagine trapped in a mind, hateful words spoken in harsh whispers following your many steps, a snowglobe world, approaching that gorgeous strange in the bar, a childhood home vandalized with accusations, a hand forever shoved in the camera lens, outfits unfit for the chill weather, and the power of a single photograph.
SEXUAL ASSAULT TW: During her time at Chiasson Academie, Kat had always connected better with the students in the year just above her. And in a school divided by your class, it drove a wedge between her and her     classmates. It had been a hurdle that she hadn’t minded much. So what if she hadn’t been selected first as someone’s potion partner? Or that she     spent more time in the upperclassmen’s dorm than her own? Then came the party. She had been to parties. She’d gotten drunk. She’d kissed guys and girls. She had even passed out before, had too many drinks and fallen asleep on one of her classmates’ bed. She’d done all that, only that particular night some of the boys had taken pictures. Pictures she hadn’t consented to. Pictures that too quickly circulated around the school. And then the reputation of Soucier the Slut began.
One of the things that keeps her sane, aside from driving her mother mad is art. Nothing with paints or clay or anything intense. Kat stuck to pencil and pen mostly, doing quick rough sketches. Sketches and also her “collage” work. Magazine clipping and postcards and any odd image. Slap a few words on there with a sharpie or cut and paste some shit. It would never go in a museum but Kat was fine with that. People judge enough already. Since being in Britain, and getting a few tattoos for herself, an interest was sparked. She’s still learning the ropes and grabs one too many cups of coffee for the other artists, but Kat likes the idea of a positive permanence, turning the body (a confusing and complicated thing) into a canvas.
SLUT SHAMING TW: Kat’s mom was and remains a helicopter parent. As much as she can be with an ocean between them. Kat’s father, well, he’s mostly clocked out. There had always been tension between mother and daughter, but it grew worse after the rumors in her fifth year. Her mom wanted her to combat it by changing, by wearing turtlenecks and having a bare face free of makeup. Bullshit in Kat’s opinion. She reacted with cutting shorts shorter and making her eyeliner bolder, her words more crude. If her teacher was hot, she’s say it. The truth couldn’t be hidden. And she would not be filtered. In the end, she refuses to apologize for who she is. She had not done anything wrong that night. There was no shame in being blunt, in being harsh, in talking about sex or having sex. But even despite how bold her tongue was, that didn’t mean Kat was exactly lining up to let people in.
Kat disliked her real name. Catherine. So uninteresting. So when she was young she had shortened it, and changed it to a K. Cringey? Potentially. But fuck did it fit.
She chose to specialize in Legilimency and Occlumency in her final years. However, she doesn’t attempt to get into other’s minds willy-nilly. After what happened to her, consent matters beyond words. About the only time she’ll pull out her talents is in the shop. Sometimes a client will come in with an idea in mind and all the description in the world won’t amount to the image in their head. Permission granted, Kat can get a glimpse at what they truly envision.
PLAYED BY: ( vic, est, 26, she/her )
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
“–And then, he has the bloody nerve to show up at my favorite takeout place.” Anna had not shut up since she’d gotten back to their apartment, pad thai and dumplings forgotten on the counter. She was pacing in their living room, had been for possibly twenty minutes. “You know, that little Thai place that fries their tofu. So fucking good, and he has to show up? Why the fuck can’t he go to Azkebab like everyone else in this building.” She moaned, moving to sit down on her favorite chair in their living room, falling into it easily. There was no way she could get through the rest of the night sober, not after who she’d seen. Aidan was supposed to have disappeared, and there he’d better, better than ever, almost. It stung. She sighed, a good chunk of the fight leaving her. “Anyways, enough about me, babes. I’m tired of hearing myself. Tell me about your day, please distract me before I do something stupid.”
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Kat sat, curled up in her favorite corner of the couch. She’d abandoned her night-out clothing for an over-sized t-shirt stolen from a one-night stand and a pair of fuzzy socks. Without her personal, drunken go-to (a solid slice of Hawaiian pizza), there really wasn’t anything distracting her from her roommate’s vent session. “Shit. Like, that’s first of all. Shit,” she repeated, not sure what to say, no siblings she’d had to deal with herself. “So you know me. I’m going to be up front, and, like, I’m not going to pretend I know everything, like, even in the slightest. And... listen. Devil’s Advocate. Maybe he doesn’t either?” Kat shrugged, struggling only remembering half the story in the moment. She had, however experienced a life of accusations and assumptions. It was hard for her to get there without meeting this Aidan face to face herself.
Her roommate now wanting to be distracted, Kat couldn’t suppress a wicked smile. The last fourty-eight hours had been eventful to say the least. Kat licked her lips before biting into the lower one softly. “So, besides Sami completely boring me, I kinda met this dude. Full pause. Just hot. Like, looks like he could ruin my life in the best way, type?” Kat sighed against her wine glass. “Not a bad distraction if you ask me.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
The bench outside of Phoenix Circus Apartments was perhaps the least comfortable place that Cora had ever laid in her life. Still, green space was scarce in the city, and it was certainly more safe and sanitary than laying on the concrete. With the sun beating down on her, Cora could almost lose herself in the clouds drifting by, picturing shapes and watching as the sun slowly moved toward the horizon. She could comfortably close her eyes, bask in the sun. When she opened them again, it was gone, the sky painted in pinks and oranges and the tarot cards she had been clutching in her hand fanned out on the ground below the bench. Shit. Thank Merlin she had been wearing sunscreen. It was only as she sat up and reached to pick up the cards that she realized someone else was there, looking at her. “What?” Cora snapped at the other girl. “You’ve never taken a nap before?”
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Kat had paused to look at the girl, only meaning to give a moment or two of an inquisitive but that had transformed into a full segment when the redhead had stirred awake. “No, naps are a lifetime requirement. That’s not the part I find weird.” She shook her head, wrinkling her nose at the bench itself, not the girl in front of her. “I mean, like I’m new... but please tell me you know there’s at least a couch on the roof. Guaranteed at least 36% more comfy.”
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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tattoos exude ᴘᴀɪɴ & 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑒 — all at the same time.
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
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kxtsoucier ¡ 4 years
Rolling his eyes, Sami didn’t even bother to look up at Kat. “That, is none of your business. No matter how hard you try to make it your business.” He reached into the top drawer of the desk and pulled out a piece of paper, pushing it towards Kat. “I already made a list of things that you need to clean today. And I was even nice and preheated the autoclave for you.”
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Kat narrowed her eyes in friendly competition, lifting a hand to point a finger in his direction. “I will get it out of you eventually, Sami. I can be very persistent. And annoying. So, you know, just prepare yourself.” No one could accuse her of not being self aware. The girl had faults and she owned them. Most of them, at least. “Didn’t realize I should have packed my maid outfit today,” Kat joked dryly, eyebrows rising at the sight of the list. “And like... thank you... for this? Just, like, a quick question: will I get to pick up a tattoo gun at all in the foreseeable near future?”
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