kxramczov · 4 years
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//Okay so I have been kinda sorta thinking about this and even though I have honestly been apprehensive about this for the longest fucking time - because of reasons I will explain after I make the announcement.
Fyodor will probably be moved over to @alternxs​ just for the sake of my own convenience and maybe helping me just feel better in general about my blogs. Also so I can not have to keep two browsers up at one time and not have 30+ pages up on both things like a crazy person :’D
The rest is under a read more because it is long as hell because guess who still likes to ramble (me <3). And all you really need to know is right here.
Keep reading
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kxramczov · 4 years
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//Okay so I have been kinda sorta thinking about this and even though I have honestly been apprehensive about this for the longest fucking time - because of reasons I will explain after I make the announcement.
Fyodor will probably be moved over to @alternxs​ just for the sake of my own convenience and maybe helping me just feel better in general about my blogs. Also so I can not have to keep two browsers up at one time and not have 30+ pages up on both things like a crazy person :’D
The rest is under a read more because it is long as hell because guess who still likes to ramble (me <3). And all you really need to know is right here.
Keep reading
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kxramczov · 4 years
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//Okay so I have been kinda sorta thinking about this and even though I have honestly been apprehensive about this for the longest fucking time - because of reasons I will explain after I make the announcement.
Fyodor will probably be moved over to @alternxs​ just for the sake of my own convenience and maybe helping me just feel better in general about my blogs. Also so I can not have to keep two browsers up at one time and not have 30+ pages up on both things like a crazy person :’D
The rest is under a read more because it is long as hell because guess who still likes to ramble (me <3). And all you really need to know is right here.
Now in case anyone is wondering why I haven’t done it already it is honest to god a four fold answer;
First off, Fyodor is a muse I absolutely adore writing. I love him so fucking much in spite of his many many many flaws and I liked being able to joke that this toxic bastard needs to kept on his own blog.
Second I am stupidly attached to all the work I have done on this blog over the year that I have had it, in terms of my headcanons and what I’ve written on this blog. And moving him over there, I guess just felt like losing all that work even though I know full well that it does not work like that.
Third, I know honest to god I need to do alot of work to make my muse pages on that to make them more user friendly and honestly a big chunk of the reason being that... well I know part of the solution to fixing that would involve me making a lot of OOC posts and just linking them to the character pages instead but I am always afraid of putting people off by a whole slew of character related OOC posts but I know I have to do it because I want it to be easier for my fellow muns to find what they need to know instead of slogging through my bullshit and tiny text.
Lastly, honestly for the longest time I worried he would just be the only character I write on that blog because I just have some many ideas, headcanons and thoughts for him and when I made Gogol’s old blog people just seemed to like Fyodor more... but since I came back from hiatus I have honestly been paying more attention to that blog anyway so that whole reason is moot as shit at this point. Even though his muse has been strong as hell here lately... 
TL;DR If you are not already following me on my other blog and you still want to interact with Fyodor (for some reason) he will be over on that blog now.
He might come back to this blog if things just don’t pan out but for now that’s the drill.
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kxramczov · 4 years
Send a ‘🔪’ for a horror themed starter.
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kxramczov · 4 years
Imprisoned/Trapped Monster Starters
(requested by several users, and including non-verbal actions. Add pronouns/rephrase as needed!)
“Who locked you up in here?” “So you’re the beast they were talking about.” “Calm down, I’m not the one who put you in there!” “I’m going to try getting you out. Just hold still.” “Why would they put you in there?” “Hello? Can you understand me?” “No, I’m not letting you out.” “We’re going to make sure you rot in there.” “I’ll only let you out if you promise not to eat me alive.” “Are you in some kind of trouble?” “Stop struggling, I’m trying to help you!” “You’re staying in there until we find out what you are.” “You poor thing. Why would anyone do this to you?” “If you cooperate, we might just set you free.” “I can’t let you out. They’ll just come after you again.” “How long have you been in there?” “You weren’t born in that tank, were you?” “Your freedom is just the price to pay for our very important research.” “I’ll cut you down, just stop struggling!” “I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to cut these ropes.” “Stop howling, they can hear you a mile away!” *taps on the glass* *waves* “Can you hear me through the glass?” *holds up a note to the glass* [insert message]
“What do you want with me?” “You’re not here to poke me with anything, are you?” “Open the fucking door and let me out!” “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why am I in here?” “I know why you’re letting me out. You’re hoping I lead you to the others.” “I’m the only one of my kind.” “I was minding my own business. Next thing I know, I’m in here.” “They’ve been running tests on me.” “Please, let me out. Have some mercy.” “I just want to go home.” “I was born in this facility.” “It’s been so long, I don’t even remember how old I am.” “I haven’t been outside in years [months/weeks/etc].” “Just at least tell me why I can’t go home.” “Don’t come near me, I can get out on my own!” “I can free myself. Get that knife away from me.” *swipes claws* *hisses* *stares curiously through the glass* *points at the cage door* *places hands on the glass*
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kxramczov · 4 years
Cool motive. Still murder.
Porfiry Petrovich to Rodion Raskolnikov (via incorrectliteraryquotes)
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kxramczov · 4 years
@dcfygraviity​ liked for a starter. || Status: Accepting
He never much considered himself much of a romantic - well because he wasn’t most days. He found the whole idea of such softness silly, fake and tiresome. He made it a point of telling almost everyone that tries to assume otherwise, for reasons long beyond his desire to understand, that he was not simply cold on the surface he was an abyss of ice all the way down to his vile soul.
It was why he made a point to ensure no one knew there were moments when he wasn’t plotting the death or how to use of everyone around him to their fullest extent. Moments like this, when he wasn’t freezing, even dressed down in clothes so casual his mother would be furious to see him wearing even in the privacy of his own ‘home’.
Especially not when he was watching a romantic comedy of all things on the couch he kept most of the times just for the sake of appearing to have some normalcy in his life. And curled up beside another man he had actually come to realize was good company most nights.
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“Are these people truly so blind that they can’t see the obvious?” He asked quietly, more as a form of judgement than actually not knowing the answer.
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kxramczov · 4 years
//Okay so this is 95% for my own reference later, but just a list of Fyodor’s relatives;
His mother. 
What she does, nobody really knows. All anyone, even Fyodor, really knows is what ever she does she earns enough to sustain a very hedonistic life style and earns more than enough income from it to raise both of her sons comfortably.
She just also happens to be the person that taught everything Fyodor knows about toying with and manipulating people.
His little brother. He is baby. Fyodor would torture anyone that even thought of hurting him. Technically he is Fyodor’s younger half-brother but more often than not everyone just ignores that because both their fathers are dead anyway. He is probably the only person in the entire family that doesn’t have the slightest clue what Fyodor does and looks up to him in the interesting older sibling that is there only part of the time kind of way. 
That said Fyodor is fully aware that eventually his younger brother will catch on and probably hate Fyodor for all the horrible awful things he has done and will do. 
His paternal uncle. Works at a hospital somewhere in Japan, far from Yokohoma though where exactly Fyodor often refuses to disclose. His uncle often ends up traveling all over Japan for work and when his uncle is in Yokohoma often somehow convinces Fyodor to spend time with him.
He is probably one of the kinder members of Fyodor’s family, even though he is (like Fyodor) one of the quieter members of the family so he comes off as more intimidating than he really is. But for a seemingly kind man he knows alot more of the seedy side of medicine and the underground workings than a good doctor should.
He also likes to take Fyodor to fancy events and large scale social events that are related to his own work in hopes of convincing Fyodor to A) socialize with good people, B) in hopes of convincing Fyodor to go down a better path than Fyodor’s father did and C) in some weird way, Fyodor believes, that his uncle is unknowingly trying to fill the void Fyodor’s father left upon his death. 
Also probably the only person on his father’s side that is still civil with his mother.
His paternal uncle’s daughters/two of his cousins. They both live together somewhere near Yokohoma, the older of the two being a few years older than him and owns several high end restaurants (one of which is in Yokohoma) and while she denies otherwise he swears that she used unfavorable methods to get where she was so quickly. 
The younger in college double majoring in business and medicine. What she plans to do with that he never really cared enough to bother.
At least one maternal aunt and uncle that both work in some form of business. They aren’t important, just a plot device.
His maternal grandparents. The grandparents he associates with more, following his father’s death. If asked who has the most authority in his massive family he would say his maternal grandmother, even though his grandfather is the one with all the ties to just about everything you can think of and to outsiders seen as the most affluent man in the entire family.
His paternal grandparents. He doesn’t really talk to them as frequently outside of family gatherings with family from his father’s side specifically because after his father’s death his mother intentionally tried to keep him away from his father’s side of the family as much as possibly because they all know what she did.
His weird uncle everyone pretends doesn’t exist. He is literally the family disappointment. He is wierd, crazy and just so strange that no one talks to him outside of inviting him to family events. 
Fyodor thinks he is one of his maternal uncles but Fyodor isn’t sure because he always just appears out of nowhere when he is the least welcome to be there. 10/10 one of the biggest reasons Fyodor hates traveling home for the holidays... well beyond the fact Fyodor prefers to love his family from another country in general.
This wierdo seems to notice alot more than anyone realizes and only makes it known at the worst possible times and it just makes Fyodor hate him even more because he can’t figure out how his uncle knows what he does.
He may or may not also have an ability of some sort.
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kxramczov · 4 years
//Yo does anyone want a starter?
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kxramczov · 4 years
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“If bat turns into Dracula, please apply garlic?” He read aloud before promptly tossing the toy in the trash where it belonged. 
Now to figure out who left this at the front door of his hideout.
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kxramczov · 4 years
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Fyogol and Kunikidazai icons as promised!!! They were both super fun to draw omg
As usual, feel free to use ^^
Ranpoe | SKK and SSKK | Odazai (tutorial)
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kxramczov · 4 years
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@velocties​ asked “ All empires are created of blood and fire. ” from shibu
Red eyes watched him from across the table with a blank expression on his face. Beneath there was some degree of interest but not much, though when the smile eventually came to his face there was a great degree of force behind it.
It almost felt like being at one of the galas his family enjoyed dragging him to, only managing to actually be worth his time for a change.
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“Do excuse my rudeness but are you sure you do not have it wrong, after all few empires fall without the same thing. Blood, fire and warring are the trademarks of the fall of many monarchs and empires.” Tone polite but cold, he watched the other like a hawk in hopes of finding any form of reaction that would give him any clues as just how to become the man’s downfall. 
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kxramczov · 4 years
              THE CRIME BOOK ~ A SENTENCE MEME                      PART FOUR ~ ORGANISED CRIME.
“ The most hazardous of all trades, that of the smuggler. ”
“ They are so immensely rich that they bribe ye private men… who at this time harbour the outlawed persons in their houses and are the support of the whole affair. ”
“ In Sicily there is a sect of thieves. ”
“ My name is ____ and I will make people die! Crime must vanish just as this dust carried away by the wind vanishes! ”
“ We are at war… The Mafiosi are firing with machine guns and TNT. We can only hit back with words. There are thousands of them and only a few hundred of us. ”
“ No one should provide the police or judiciary with facts that help uncover any crime whatsoever. ”
“ They dare do anything. ”
“ I like to describe organised crime as the flu virus because they’re constantly mutating. ”
“ No more villainous, ruffianly band was ever organized. ”
“ Sheriffs and deputies he regards with pity and contempt. He / She is a power unto him / herself. ”
“ Prohibition has made nothing but trouble. ”
“ When I sell liquor, it’s called bootlegging. When my patrons serve it on Lake Shore Drive, it’s called hospitality. ”
“ If the boss says a passing crow is white, you must agree. ”
“ Once you make a pledge to the gang, the only way out is to cut off your fingers. ”
“ Mobs are legal entities here. Their fan magazines and comic books are sold in convenience stores, and bosses socialize with prime ministers and politicians. ”
“ To get your whole body tattooed, you need endurance. ”
“ When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets. ”
“ The association of motorcycles with LSD is no accident of publicity. They are both a means to an end, to the place of definitions. ”
“ In the sixties we got a lot of publicity. It was all fun and games. In the seventies we all became gangsters. ”
“ They were the best years of our lives. ”
“ He / She is evil… in the nicest possible way. Evil people sometimes are. ”
“ All empires are created of blood and fire. ”
“ Sometimes I am God, if I say a man dies, he dies that same day. ”
“ It was always about business, never about gangs. ”
“ If there was one outlaw capitalist most responsible for flooding Los Angeles streets with mass-marketed cocaine, their name was ___. ”
“ Good people do bad things when there are no options. ”
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kxramczov · 4 years
I hate it when people ask “do you trust me” like …don’t call me out like that ……..the answer is no
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kxramczov · 4 years
Akutagawa studies the man before him, thinking over the statement. He knew a fake smile when he saw one. It was obvious there was something more hidden. The hound was just unsure what.
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“ You’re saying one’s choices are a reflection of their inner self, and therefore can change how other’s perceive us,” he finally replies. “ I am aware of this. But the thing is - I don’t care. ”
It was yet again no surprise that it went over his head. Not that it mattered, for fixing behaviors that had, by what he could tell had simply become a habit were a beast in their own to break.
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Oh well. “I would be careful as to what you do and do not decide to care about. For one can never know when someone perceives you the wrong way.”
Or maybe the right way.
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kxramczov · 4 years
//When your going back through bioshock quotes and you remember why you liked bioshock in the first place AND THEN REMEMBER WHY YOU CAN’T MAKE AN AU FOR YOUR RAT BASTARD MUSE BASED OFF IT.
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kxramczov · 4 years
@demonic-chaotic​ liked for a starter.
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“A piece of advise, we all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.” Any hint of mockery at just how little Fyodor thought of what the other would make of such a statement was hidden behind a fake smile. 
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