ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
guy's i'm the actual worst and have managed to completely overwhelm myself between writing, work, and things at home. so i'm unfortunately dropping my asshole bab, sangmin, and also taking a 2 week haitus. i feel awful but my depression is really kicking my ass tbh. i love you all and i'll still be lurking so feel free to come talk to me.
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
somin was surprisingly excited about the masquerade ball. she didn’t expect to be as enthusiastic about it as hoetaek was, but somehow she found herself nearly reaching their level. she’s at the entrance of the building, waiting for hoetaek and jisoo to arrive. she had checked herself over fifteen-hundred times in the full length mirror in her dorm room, but she still felt the need to check again. her hair didn’t really matter. it was meant to look impossibly messy, but the full coverage mask wasn’t doing her makeup favors. it was also extremely hard to see anything that wasn’t directly in front of her and that didn’t please her. she was about to walk in without the other two until she felt a tap on her shoulder. the mask was covering her face so unless it was jisoo or hoetaek, this person had no idea who she was. this could be fun.
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
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introducing bellatrix lestrange
somin had seriously lucked out with her mask. hoetaek and herself had spent all day scouring the city in an attempt to find something that decently matched what she was looking for to complete her bellatrix costume until they came across a rundown thrift shop. somin’s hopes to find the mask had plummeted by that point, but she tried inside the store anyways. she nearly cried when they found exactly what she was looking for. the mask would cover her entire face and that was okay with her as she’d be taking it off anyways. she bought a few rings and a bird head necklace and called it a day. she was determined to be the baddest bitch at the ball and the baddest bitch she was.
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
ooc ; guys this upcoming week is going to be a little hectic so i won’t be around that much other than to do some plotting
sunday: work from 11am (i’m barely awake at that time please kill me) - 7:30 monday: my ass is leaving fOR NEW YORK tuesday: DAY6 CONCERT, I’M GONNA SHIT MYSELF wednesday: back home where life is desolate thursday: work from 1p-9p friday: [see thursday] saturday: [see friday]
so basically i want to die except for tuesday because i’m probably gonna cry. the point IS i won’t be around much >< you can always hit me up in IMs because i’ll check in regularly but yeah..
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
hyuksoo glared at the stoner in front of him, not at all liking the fact that she had no qualms for personal space and had placed her bag on his table when it was obvious that he was already there. god, people really do not have manners in this place. wasn’t it common courtesy to leave someone when it’s obvious that they didn’t want company? or maybe it was just this chick…then again, somin was friends with yongjoon so maybe it was highly likely still that it happened. feeling petty, he lined his books at the middle of the table and then nodded to the empty chairs. “keep to your side of the table and i’ll pretend you don’t exist.” it was childish and incredibly petty on his part, and he’s pretty sure he’s going to get berated on when tristan and daewon were with him, but someone was intruding in on his time and he just did not appreciate that at all.
somin tried to hold back a laugh when the other lined up his books across the middle of the table, but a scoff still made it’s way past her tightly sealed lips. “dude, try not to act so constipated all the time. i feel like you think you’re intimidating, but you mostly look like a petulant toddler,” somin said, taking a seat across from him, “it also helps that i know thirteen different ways to kill you, but we don’t really need to talk about that.” somin wouldn’t deny she was easy going, but she’ll be damned if anyone at this school thought they could push her around. she wouldn’t hesitate to kick his ass if he really wanted to try something, but at the point he just looked... pouty. it was a little pathetic and a lot amusing. she mostly holding back because daewon and herself had gotten closer and she knew he was extremely close with hyuksoo, so, no matter how much this man-child annoyed her, she’d lay low for his sake.
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
hoetaek doesn’t believe in god, but if they did, they would thank her for giving them the gift that is han somin. somin is hoetaek’s ride or die, their partner in crime, their platonic soulmate, their bestest friend in the entire godforsaken world, and hoetaek loves her to death. today they’re costume shopping, and hoetaek’s praying she can help them find something good to go as that’s not the same thing they’ve going as for the last fifteen halloweens in a row.
“hey somin-ah~” they greet her with a wide grin, leaning into the kiss happily. their expression quickly changes to an exaggerated pout, though, when somin threatens their favourite bong. “not lil’ petey! we better find something good then, I didn’t realise how hard this coming up with a different costume idea to the last year thing was, I feel sorry for all the normal people who usually do this.” hoetaek links an arm with one of somin’s, heading off in the direction of the shops and tugging her with them. “the most important thing is your mask though, we’ve gotta make sure it looks fucking awesome.”
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somin pinches hoetaek’s side and laughs. “we had better find something good. i can’t have my date looking anything less than flawless,” she says, falling in step with them as she gets pulled along, “and i’m not worried about my mask, honestly. if we’re speaking truthfully, how many of these assholes are gonna keep their mask on? i can grab a knock off or get a blank paper mask from a craft store and draw on it. i’ll take it off withing the first five minutes of being in the building anyways. what i’m worried about is the fucking dress and i need to dye my hair black before the ball. ah, i’m gonna need to do that, actually.” she smiles at them while they walk and rethinks how luck she is to have hoetaek. “speaking of costumes though, do you know what jisoo is doing about a costume? we should have asked him to come,” somin muses out loud, frowning.
she shuffles to a stop at the first shop they approach and peaks in the front window. “it’s the thrift shop. wanna take a peak?” she asks.
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
somin was genuinely excited to see jisoo that day. it had been a few days since she’d seen the boy and was glad they’d made plans because she missed him. hoetaek and jisoo were both the people closest to her and she loved them like she would her own family, so not seeing jisoo was like being away from the little brother she didn’t have and it made her heart hurt. she had four perfectly rolled joints settled on her desk already prepared for them and, as far as she knew, malee had gone out and wouldn’t be back for a few hours. she decided to watch a movie while she waited and played whatever was in their dvd player. the little mermaid. she remembered having it on while she was going to sleep. her normal go to disney movies were mulan and tangled, but she’d been on an ariel kick since she’d colored her hair bright orange.
she sat in anticipation as she waited for the other boy, but still got startled when there’s a knock at the door. “you can come in, jisoo,” she said, loud enough for her voice to carry to the door. when he walked in she did a double take. he didn’t look right. his face was pale—paler than usual—and his eyes looked distant. he got like this sometimes, she’d noticed, but had never once brought it up. “yah, jisoo,” she started softly, getting up from where she was sitting on her bed. she was worried about touching him at first; she knows first hand that sometimes the faintest touches could be overwhelming, so she beckoned him over with a hand. “come sit, bub. i put on a movie, do you wanna watch with me? or, i can shut it off and we can just chill,” she said, gaging his reaction.
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this is his first mistake: he wakes before sunlight with sweat beading at his forehead and ghostly hands that wrap tight around his lungs until he’s gasping for air. jisoo runs a shaky hand through damp pink locks because he needs to breathe, in, out, in, out but it’s just so hard when all he can think about are the nightmares, the memories of times he wishes he could just forget. but they run so frequent these days; a silent horror film imprinted on the back of his eyelids until they’re all he can see when he closes his eyes. ( breathe… you need to breathe… ) he counts—one, two, one, two—and clenched fists try to will himself calm. it works, if only barely, and the nail indents in his palm sting but all he can feel is relief. slowly, he curls his knees to his chest and tucks his head in between the space he’s made; he doesn’t yet feel safe, but then again, he’s never felt safe in the first place.
the second mistake is this; nightmares don’t usually rattle him as much as the one this morning, but he still goes about his day, trying to maintain his soft façade as best he can—if anyone notices that his sweet smile seems a little taut at the edges, they don’t comment—and besides, he can’t afford to be having a bad day; he has two essays to write and other plans he needs to attend to in the next week. besides, he’s on his way to meet somin, who always somehow manages to put him in a good mood and he doesn’t want to put her, or anyone, off with his issues. so he ignores the fire licking at the burns down his arms and how his chest feels heavysosoheavy with the lead weights of his past. he knocks on somin’s dorm door and hears her invitation inside. her reply is muffled by the ringing in his ears and the universe trying to grab his wrists and guide him away to safety; he slips his hand from her grasp, opens the door and enters. 
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
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yuri made her way out the dorm, as she pushed her way through guys lingering around the front of it. the thought made her squint and wonder why they were even there. last time she remembered, it wasn’t even the neutral building, so what was the point? clearly, the answer had to have been raging hormones. focusing back on her destination, she sped up her pace while looking at her phone at another message being sent. she started to reply.
( outgoing ⇨ somin ♕ ) : mhm i’m very aware, but so are you.
finally reaching the building, she shifted the bag on her body and glanced around the area, as she took a sip of her drink. failing to find somin in the area, she started to look around as another notification popped up on her phone. she read the text and responded quickly.
( outgoing ⇨ somin ♕ ) : ah, no wonder i don’t see you. heading back now.
she nodded as if she could see her and heading towards the back. she spotted the older woman and smiled she decided to walked up toward her quietly. almost practically on the tip of her toes, she reaches her side, and pokes her softly while attempting to sing out, “beautifuuuul!”
somin started pulling out all of her work as she waited. a book,  two folders, and three notebooks. she knew they were only going to be working on maths, but no reason she couldn’t do more work after. lord knows that she’ll be too lazy (read: high) to do it later.
she chuckled after reading yuri’s texts and, milliseconds later, feels a poke to her arm. it startled her, her head whipping around only to pin yuri with a glare. “yah! you could have given me a heart attack,” she complained, but pointed to a seat anyways. hanging out with yuri always put somin in a good mood, a smile already starting to form on the girl’s face. “do you have any clue what we’re doing because i honestly don’t. i’ve never been good at math, but i’ve put this class off for so long that i barely know how to add anymore,” she said, throwing her head back, “what am i going to doooo?”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
i'm back at work (kill me), but i have tomorrow off so i plan on doing replies tonight and tomorrow. in the mean time LIKE THIS if you want to plot for somin, jiwoon, and/or sangmin ^^
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
“hi, HyunA. you’re doing great and there are people who love you. i hope you always take care to never let them down, stay healthy, and be a person who can appreciate and be thankful for small things with a big smile. be nice to your fans!”         - hyuna about herself  
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
so do you operate on a stamp card system? buy 9 grams, get the 10th free?
“hell no. yo’ girl’s out here trying to make a living. what do you think this is?”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
tell us about how much you love hoetaek —definitely not hoetaek
“hoetaekie.. they’re pretty much my soulmate. i would die if it meant they got to be happy. is that a good enough answer, ‘definitely not hoetaek’?”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
favorite people in this hell hole?
“my hoetaekie. jisoo, my son. sora. i’m cool with yongjoon and daewon, too.”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
not a question but you're such a queen i aspire to be more like you
“as you, and everyone else, should. i am a great role model.”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
your hair reminds me of hot cheetos, im hungry now
“am i supposed to say sorry?”
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ksxsomin-blog · 7 years
what was your first impression of me 💖
“honestly, sor, you were such a brat. you’re still a brat, but i love you anyways.”
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