kriswashme · 4 years
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kriswashme · 4 years
Abandonment sucks. You lose faith in people, question your worth, lose trust in yourself, and so on. I find that the important thing to remember when this happens is that it’s not a reflection of you as a person. There is no such thing as rejection, only redirection. Nobody rejects you, they simply prioritize other things over you. That sounds harsh, but here’s why you shouldn’t take “rejection” personally. It’s not about you. It’s about their current needs and where they are in life. All this means is that as things are right now, you are not “for” them. If the two of you are not meant to be together in this moment, you will separate like oil and water. Their needs are not matching up with yours. This is a difference in philosophies, values, goals, common interests, current lessons being learned. You’re just not for them. They’re not for you. That doesn’t mean you’re worth any less, that there’s something wrong with you, or that you’re unloveable. It just means you aren’t compatible with them (or you were, but aren’t anymore.) It’s not a reflection of you, it’s an indication of where you’re both at in life, and right now, you’re on separate paths. They chose to leave for their own reasons. Even if they think it’s about you, it’s not. It’s about what they want, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We get to choose who we date. You’re a worthy and incredible person all on your own. You don’t exist to be liked or loved. Focus more on liking than on being liked, and learn not to take “rejection” personally. There is no rejection, only redirection. Your people will find you. In order to make room for the new, the old has got to go. To quote Eckhart Tolle, some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.
♡ Love Strong ☆
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kriswashme · 4 years
♡ Become Heavenly Involved with custom wedding keepsakes! ♡ Custom Couple Portrait, Custom Family Keepsake, Bride Illustration, Digital Bridal Print, Custom Couple Illustration, Custom Bride Portrait
#FamilyKeepsake #WeddingSign #WeddingParty #NewlywedGift #BridalShowerGift #BedroomPortrait #BrideAndGroom #WeddingPortrait #BridePortrait #CeremonySign #outfy #heavenlyinvolved
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kriswashme · 5 years
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Just got my first five star review. Check out my shop #heavenlyinvolved #etsy #creative
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kriswashme · 5 years
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/722686951/mommy-to-be-portrait-illustration
The perfect gift for a glowing friend. Sweet for baby shower invites and nursery wall art. Take a closer look! #heavenlyinvolved
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kriswashme · 8 years
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But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. – Matthew 6:33 In other words, prioritize, His commandments, His desires, His love, His work and His kingdom. Even if it means giving up something you love , doing things that you are not comfortable with and sacrificing your dreams and passions. He wants to open the windows of heaven and bless us in every way, more than you can ask or think, but in order for that to happen you need to seek Him above all else and follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
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kriswashme · 8 years
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“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7  Life does not always have a bump-free pathway for us to run on, but rather is packed full of obstacles, big and small. Hence we need to solely rely on Him for our confidence, even when we do not know what lies in front of us.  We rarely walk by faith regarding issues of great concern. It seems that when the burdens get heavy, we try to carry them on our own. We fret and worry. We try to determine what we can do to solve the problem. We waste time wishing things were different. When what we should be doing is giving God the opportunity to do His work. Worrying will not change a thing, but faith can change everything. Walking by faith and not by sight, does not mean we need to walk around with our physical eyes closed, but that we need to live with the eyes of our heart open. God wants us to put our faith in Him, believing with full confidence that He will take care of the obstacles, guide us around the problems, and carry us through to the end.  Smith Wigglesworth wrote, “I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved only by what I believe.”
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kriswashme · 8 years
When your baby ain't about that snapchat life! I can't get enough of him! #myashboogiescaredofthelenses 😂 🙈😍
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kriswashme · 8 years
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Here’s a little personal penguin trainer to motivate you to stay healthy (or start today)! It’s not my usual kind of drawing, but if it can inspire just one person to start being more active like taking a walk, it’s well worth it for me. :D
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kriswashme · 8 years
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A penguin of the week with a little gift for you each day~ Start off the week with some penguin positivity! :D
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kriswashme · 8 years
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kriswashme · 8 years
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